Eckhart Tolle on Racism, Ego, and Awareness

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a good starting point is perhaps the famous statement by martin luther king who said that he was looking forward to the day when people would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character and if we take that as a starting point we need to ask ourselves what is the content of a person's character what does that mean he's pointing to [Music] that in each human being that is actually invisible to the senses the most important part of every human being is invisible to the senses that begins with simple things like the thoughts that go through your mind uh the emotions that you feel those things already the invisible part of who you are you might be able to see uh certain ways in which you the invisible manifests externally it can manifest through words through a facial expressions it manifests through actions but the very important realization is that what martin luther king got their character is the invisible dimension of who the human being is and to the uh perhaps the most important realization for any human being and which is a spiritual realization is the realization that they are essentially invisible what you see on the surface is a relatively superficial phenomenon we see the physical body so if you are able to sense this is a perhaps a good starting point sense within yourself that invisible being that you are which ultimately is a consciousness and the various ways in which the consciousness takes on form as thought and emotion but essentially you are the consciousness and the consciousness is invisible you can open up the brain and examine every cell of the human brain and you will still not find open up my brain you won't find me you will not find that who that human being is you will not find the character of that human being so he refers to the inner being you can only get a glimpse of that inner being that you are beyond even the conditioned entity that is yes also the conditioned entity which is the ego is invisible [Music] but beyond the conditioned entity there is the unconditioned being or consciousness that you are and the starting point as a very foundation for what what i'm going to talk about is it might even be a glimpse to sense within yourself that invisible presence even beyond thoughts and emotions or the thoughts and emotions are the manifestation of that also they are formations of the consciousness takes on form as an emotion or as a thought but before it takes on form it is the unconditioned consciousness you are essentially that so let's if you can even just get a glimpse of what it is that i'm talking about and sense this essential this essence within yourself this this presence this aware presence then you step beyond ego within yourself and it's only then that you can look at another human being and look beyond the external appearance of that human being and sense also their innermost essence now most humans are not able yet to do that anybody who has not yet awakened spiritually or even had even had a glimpse of spiritual awakening that human being will have certain mind forms certain thoughts in their mind with which they judge other human beings they are not able to truly relate to other human beings because they are one could almost say possessed by their conditioned mind by the thoughts that go through their mind so you cannot meet another human being you're meeting the judgments that your mind has formed about the other human being so there is a complete sense of separation and that is how the ego works the ego is a mind made sense of self and this mind made sense of self that consists of identifications with externals with your body with possessions with abilities with knowledge with things that have happened to you things that you have achieved failures also all these things become part of the human ego and you are not able to sense anything deeper within yourself than the human than the ego of who you are which is the conditioned entity the conditioned self then every human you meet is immediately labeled in some way you attach certain labels to human beings and you need to realize that the ego in humans in order to assert its sense of identity is always looking for some kind of superiority so the ego is comparative when you meet another human being the egoic sense of self will feel it's seeking superiority and it fears inferiority so when you meet another there's an unconscious attempt by the ego to feel superior to another human being but the other human being you're not actually meeting the other human being you're meeting a mental veil now in the case of race your mind may have been conditioned by the surrounding culture to have certain thoughts about another race especially in the case where the other race is a minority so if there's a majority that is one in in our western world it's the wide race in the majority then the most obvious thing for the egoic sense of self is to judge another human who is different whose external appearance is different whose skin color is different just to seek that as in and to seek that out in an attempt to assert their superiority and it's an egoic fallacy but it's a very uh common thing to happen that you would lose the ability to actually connect with to actually see truly that human being because all you see is the the judgments on the labels that your mind has formed partly due to the conditioning of the culture and ultimately the conditioning of the egoic mind so when martin luther king talks about a character that's already you're not not able to meet this human being because this human being for you as an ego is completely obscured by the uh the mind form that is the veil the the mental conditioning it's the you are judging this human being as the ego is judging this human being as inferior in an attempt to assert its superiority and one of the most obvious things when there is minorities in the culture is to latch on to that for the ego which might have had to have much else to identify with perhaps you haven't achieved anything uh you don't you don't possess much that it's more more than others you might be actually of very low intelligence in conventional times but then you can seek out the one thing that would uh make the ego feel superior and then you go on you see there's another race and i'm superior to that race it's it's satisfying to the ego and there are people in who whose main in whom as a substantial part of their sense of identity is built around their race and the superiority of their race and that is the definition of racist is someone whose sense of identity is predominantly based on race as opposed to another and it's perceived as superior in the search the egoic search to assert its superiority to critique in order to feel a stronger sense of self so it's a complete inability you meet a human of another race but you're not really meeting that other human all you're meeting is your own mental conditioning as a veil and this complete sense of separation and this is how the ego operates the ego actually likes to emphasize that sense of separation it likes to emphasize the otherness of other humans the this is and the other is usually but when the ego emphasizes the otherness of others the other must be inferior so that it works so that the ego can feel strengthened in its sense of identity it's of course a fictitious sense of identity uh so when martin luther king talks about character of course at first he's talking about the unseen part that when you react to the color of a person's skin through the veil of your conditioning you cannot see the invisible human being that is behind the external appearance you're completely disconnected from the human being and character of course in the first instance means who that person is on a psychological level the person might be a wonderful enlightened human being might be or a human being that has certain forms of conditioning which may be good or bad characterize all the various things in which the human being becomes conditioned and you can't even see that because you've already formulated a mental image a conceptual sense of self for the other and character of course is deeper than that i would beyond character i would define character is the way in which a human being has been conditioned to function in this world the mental emotional conditioning beyond character in every human being there's a deeper essence and that deeper essence of course is or totally invisible to you you have you cannot sense the humanity of the other be beyond their conditioning because you have already dehumanized the other by imposing a conceptual identity on the other and enormous amount of um suffering is inflicted by humans on others because they have they they have dehumanized the other they have completely conceptualized the other and then you you you attach labels to the other person once you've done that you're very unconscious you can even inflict violence because you've already dehumanized the other so it's a an inability to go beyond the way in which your mind has been conditioned to look into even have a glimpse of the other of the human being that you're meeting it's a yeah it's a veil you move that and now imagine that well you don't need to imagine it's the case if a majority of humans in a particular culture if a significant percentage of humans are trapped in that egoic dysfunction then this will get translated into externals it will become translated into institutions all the structures that humans create economic structures social structures political structures those will become contaminated by the basic egoic dysfunction in humans and this to some extent has happened in in the western world and in the united states um the it's it's very important to see that the the root of racism is in the human mind at the root of racism ultimately yes you can i differentiate between the unconsciousness that is in humans that is the egoic sense of self and the effects of that unconsciousness in the external world so the that state of unconsciousness creates certain structures in the external world and you can to some extent undo the injustices and discriminatory practices and so on in the external world you can't and we should to some extent attempt to undo as much as possible those structures which are the effect of an underlying dysfunction in the collective mind so it's important that to realize yes we can we can and sure to as much as possible to undo the effects of that unconsciousness in the world but realize that the ultimate liberation from racism is in the human mind so my work concerns primarily the what i consider to be the foundation for everything else which is the human consciousness no human individual being and no human society can ultimately act beyond their level of consciousness you cannot expect an unconscious person here but you should be more conscious he or she cannot he or she is trapped in the unconscious patterns and so while it is very important to be active in this world in order to undo as much as possible the effects of human unconsciousness i still i consider it of primary importance to realize that the ultimate what we could call transcendence of the ego is inseparable from the awakening of human consciousness so that people are able to go beyond the egoic sense of self so that they do not perpetuate those patterns because even if you dissolve one if you undo one of the create the pat institutions or whatever it is that the unconscious pattern have created they will create something else so it is obvious that in this world there are some certain glaring glaring injustices for example in america even to me as an outsider it is obvious that the glaring injustices of the incarceration of hundreds of thousands of humans in many cases black men who are incarcerated for non-violent offences often simply for the possession of a dried leaves of a plant that they carry it in their pockets it makes them feel good when they ingest it and they go and this they've been in prison for years that whole lives destroyed incarcerated i believe 45 percent are almost half are in prison for drug offenses and trapped in there for years terribly misguided deeply misguided policies so if that of course anybody to become active this is something that many many people should be aware of and whatever steps they take they should undo that particular effect of human unconsciousness there's and then there are many others i rarely tell people i almost never tell people what to do because that's not my function i because all doing arises out of a certain state of consciousness so my main focus is always the state of consciousness out of which any activity or doing arises my main focus is i call that the causal realm the realm of course everything else is the realm of effect now we need to emphasize the realm of effect we we cannot say i'm not going to do anything about the the external things because i'm only concerned with awakening spiritual awakening but there's nothing we can do until humans have awakened spiritually that's not that is not quite true the there are many things you can do without having fully awakened you don't need to wait for some kind of awakening in order to for the world to change so for example we have our foundation agatholi foundation we i got together with the both members of the board we talked about what action can we take now if we can't wait until everybody's enlightened to take some action now so we selected some organizations that do great work with black people in the united states to help them on various levels and so we've donated a quarter million dollars to those foundations in order to alleviate the effects of human as i call it the effects of human unconsciousness so action uh it is taken and we are here to interact with the world to take action to bring about a better world but we need to be careful that the action would take does not become so to speak hijacked by the ego in ourselves so as we take action to remedy certain situations to change certain structures that's very important we're actually acting uh against unconsciousness uh we're acting against the effects of human unconsciousness and yes action is necessary but we need to have some awareness while we act we need don't mean to be fully enlightened but in order not to see our actions reflect the unconsciousness that we are fighting we need to be aware we need to have some degree of awareness in our actions because it's a famous saying by nietzsche he said if you're fighting monsters beware that you do not become a monster that you do not turn into a monster so whenever you fight human unconsciousness you need to stay aware you need to have some awareness uh because then if you're if without the awareness uh the if you address the unconsciousness in other human beings it's very easy for this to draw you into unconsciousness yourself i've been saying for years not with reference to this particular topic racism but more generally i've been saying for years you cannot fight the ego you cannot fight the ego in yourself and you cannot fight the ego in others that's you can you can as i said you can to some extent alleviate the negative effects of of what the ego has created but you cannot fight the ego itself neither in yourself nor in others if you fight the ego in yourself you create an enormous amount of inattention and you you create a split within yourself you have you they don't have an inner enemy that you're fighting against that would keep you trapped in in terrible state of dysfunction so as anybody who takes action in order to change things in the externals needs to have some awareness so that they do not you take you can take effective action without increasing the divisiveness and antagonism in this world so that's that is very important the you always need to see what is your contribution even on a simple level of interacting many people on social media what is your how do you what is your contribution to the discourse the that people are engaged in are you attacking other human beings and call them evil uh or are you actually addressing something and pointing certain things out disseminate information uh so that you can help people to become more aware and to awaken so you need every it's in any action that you take stay aware so that your action does not become contaminated with ego because if otherwise that which you are fighting you will amplify many things when we fight things the fight against drugs we haven't addressed the root cause of taking drugs we've said we need to fight we're talking about the war against drugs the fight against drugs now where has that led us the flight has it been successful not at all if anything it's made things worse if so it's a it requires a certain amount of wisdom to be an effective agent for change in this world and that wisdom is can only arise in you if you have a little bit of access within yourself to the the unconditioned being the the unconditioned consciousness the these are very uh very huge challenge for humans to stay conscious at this time but that is your challenge to to take action but stay conscious while you take action it's vitally important then the action actually much more empowered so it's very easy when you fight unconsciousness as i said unconsciousness in other humans to be drawn into unconsciousness yourself um very subtle thing need to add it when he said be careful when you fight monsters one just means as i interpret it egoic dysfunction human unconsciousness which creates all kinds of dreadful evils in this world uh if you find that that you're not careful because he said be careful it doesn't mean necessarily you if you're if you're not aware that's my addition you yourself become unconscious and he added if you gaze for long enough into the abyss you will find that the abyss the abyss gazes back into you so this is the the abyss of human unconsciousness um it's for example to take an example of policing in the united states it's a big subject the choice in time and obviously changes are necessary in the way policing is done it's a at the moment there's a lot of brutality especially directed towards uh black people not every policeman of course but some and those are the ones that stand out and the entire system needs to be to be changed it needs to be looked at it's understandable to feel anger when you look at what's been happening there it's totally understandable to feel that and there's nothing wrong with that it is a normal human reaction the but when there's lack of awareness the danger is that the anger takes possession of you then you lose consciousness when anger takes complete possession of you it leads you to do things that are not ultimately not helpful it's completely understandable to feel the anger but there's a huge difference between feeling the anger and being aware of it and real and accept it at a norm that is a normal human reaction all not to be aware of the anger so that the the force of the anger takes complete possession of you that means awareness disappears and you and you then become the anger that means that is a that means the anger has become incorporated into your egoic sense of self and so and then the ego once this has happened so ego is always when you identify with something complete identification with something becomes part of your ego egoic sense of self identify you derive your identity from so in the absence of awareness it's very easy for this to happen that the anger which is a natural thing that many humans feel when they contemplate what's happening but in the absence of awareness the anger can easily possess you take you over and completely control your thinking in other words as i said it becomes incorporated into your it becomes part of your ego than your and the actions that you then take are no longer ultimately not helpful you are in eastern terms you create more karma for yourself and others karma is action and reaction action and reaction so anger the the energy of anger can actually be transmuted and transformed when awareness is there the energy of anger can actually in instead of taking possession of you and becoming you the energy of ad can be transmuted and it can become conscious action that you take it's a it's a transmutation of uh anger into conscious action the energy of it becomes transmuted when when awareness is there the anger is accepted it's allowed to be there but it does not take possession of you you remain aware that there is anger then there is a possibility of for the anger to be transformed into action but then it will be action that is not that does not amplify the human unconsciousness in this world very different kind of action so if you take action that amplifies human unconsciousness and this there's just no end then the the abyss is gazing back into you and draws you in so this i hope can be helpful it requires certain vigilance in you there's no need to say i shouldn't be angry of course you should be angry be angry but don't be possessed by the anger know that the anger is arising nobody in in the face of injustice you feel it and that's fine you allow it to be there and you can feel the energy of it but awareness remains and then it can actually empower action the energy becomes transformed that can be um i highly recommend that so that i cannot emphasize enough to be careful so that you are not taken over by something like that because if you are if you are used you strengthen not only that which you are fighting against you amplify the unconsciousness out there you also strengthen your own unconsciousness you're really trapped so it's a very very subtle subtle difference the the key remains is awareness awareness awareness presence what go what's going on inside me right now what's to to be aware of that and uh the uh the picture is not entirely uh negative when i look at the united states there's a lot still that needs to happen but quite a lot i'm an external observer but it does seem to me i have spent time in the united states since martin luther king since the 60s we have already come a long way not to even to mention the time period before that needs to acknowledge there is also there is a lot of good will in the country of all there's a lot of good will and the willingness to change that is certainly there so that is that is the the positive aspect the the awareness of race that we have now would have been unthinkable in the 50s just completely impossible so there is a gradual a gradual growth of awareness at the gradual transformation happening [Music] but it needs to continue the and it seems to be continuing the one obstacle i need to mention again be be be careful that you're not being taken over by certain forms of reactivity like anger and lose yourself in that that's the then uh what is now a great possibility for increasing awareness that we have now we can go either way now the the awareness ahead of reason is is great there's possible possibility of further awakening gradually also collective awakening of consciousness and if but if we don't if we are not careful it could lead to a regressive movement what was so promising at first to see that happening can lead to a regressive movement if if we are not careful uh but even if it were the case ultimately every regression uh when it results in a further step forward eventually human consciousness evolves not in a straight upward line but in cycles regressive cycles and step forward back forward back it's a it's a it the whole it's a great huge subject but ultimately um comes down to very simple uh very simple very simple foundation it is stay conscious and so so that you are a force for good in this world and continue to realize that your state of consciousness is the primordial reality everything comes out of that there was an inch a 19th or 18th century french philosopher who said every nation has the government it deserves interesting saying so what that means the way i see it is whatever nation as the governor is not only the government or the in all the institutions and so on that are created by this particular nation it has the government it deserves which means is this a collective consciousness produces the external structures so if the collective consciousness is deeply trapped in egoic collective ego it creates structures that reflect the ego the collective ego and if there's some awakening in the collective then the tractors will become transformed either they they dissolve because they know that people realize they don't function anymore or they whatever happens to them people take action in order to say this we don't want that anymore but there's a deep truth in saying that every nation is a government you have to think oh what do we have and it's not just the government it's other institutions too so this again what i said at the beginning no human being can manifest beyond their level of consciousness whatever action they manifest is a reflection of their level of consciousness it applies to the collective also so there is a change in the collective here so let's let's i feel there's a good chance that it will lead to and a change in the externals because more and more humans are awakening i sometimes i sometimes get the wrong impression because most people that i i'm in contact with are awakening so i and sometimes when i turn on the well not look at the news and i say oh no there's so many are not awakening yet i'm sometimes shocked all the the people i'm in contact with all seem to be awakening so it's a slightly distorted view but i do know that more and more people are are in the process of awakening now the important thing is it's not to confuse the dysfunction that many humans still manifest egoic dysfunction to recognize it as egoic dysfunction but not to confuse that with who these human beings ultimately are because if you confuse that that which the dysfunction which is just these humans are meant our manifestation of a particular stage in the evolution of consciousness on the planet and they are not yet at a very advanced stage in the evolution of consciousness on the planet so what they manifest is the egoic part the egoic phase of the evolution of consciousness on the planet these these are patterns that operate in these humans the uh the the danger is and the fallacy is to to take that to be the ultimate identity of these humans and not recognize that these humans are in the grip of unconsciousness or of egoic dysfunction that's that's important because and that's all expressed for example in jesus on the cross the final words forgive them for they know not what they do if they had if he had spoken in in the present age he probably would have said forgive them for they are completely unconscious now forgive then means the way i interpret it do not confuse their unconsciousness with who they actually are in the essence of their being because if you confuse that you create enemies and this means the moment you do that you get trapped in egoic unconsciousness yourself so the the forgiveness is to look beyond to recognize it for what it is it's like that one could almost say they are ill they are it's a mental illness there's there's a huge amount of mental illness still in in human beings in the collective and yes of course if if a mentally ill person comes running towards you to kill you you might have to do something you you obviously you would take action in those extreme cases yes but the important thing is not to confuse the the unconscious patterns that operate in those humans not to construct an identity for them out of that that is also by the way you can also do it for yourself because sometimes people come and say i've often heard people say i've done something very bad in the past when i was young i did this or that i did and i feel i just i have this terrible burden of guilt in myself and i can't get rid of it and again my answer is at that time these patterns operated in you you you are less you were not conscious at that time now you can see that what you did was bad but if you had seen it then you wouldn't have done it but you were unconscious then so sometimes you have to forgive yourself when you date something sometimes it's parents they say how i brought up my children was i can see now i was so unconscious when i had my children what have i done but again not to make that into your identity and see that's i am this bad person no there was unconsciousness in me that operated because i cannot i never separate from the totality of humanity and humanity is an evolving organism humanities humanity is slowly going through an awakening process it takes time it's accelerating now because in the past it took just small transformations could take a thousand years but now there is an acceleration of awakening but it's still we're at a problematic stage the awakening process is happening so just remember not to transform other people's unconsciousness into an identity and that's in that really is a deeper meaning of forgiveness because then you recognize that's not ultimately who they are there have been people in prison some people uh did the most dreadful committed the most dreadful crimes and i've seen of cases of people in prison who completely went through a complete spiritual awakening having had this past of very very dreadful crimes and there was a complete awakening suddenly where the sense of identity completely shifted and came from a much deeper place and they recognized their past self was like somebody else when they awakened somebody else was that wasn't that was me can't even it wasn't it was certain patterns operating using me the one could you could look at the ego almost as a as an entity yes an entity that inhabits you and it it it doesn't want to go away it wants to strengthen itself it can use anything strengthen you and racism is a great oh yeah be a racist that to feel stronger in my fictitious sense of self uh so again important thing transcendence refers to the egoic unconsciousness and the awakening it does not mean that you cannot take action but be careful so that you stay conscious while you act which means not be taken over by some dark reactive mode that then operates through you and then you that you notice you can notice this when you see a particular rule of being on your the enemies you need to attack these enemies and the enemies this jesus said love your enemies that might be going a bit too far for many people but there's a there's a deeper meaning behind that in if you see that in isolation it's hard to say well christians have tried to do that but not too successfully over 2000 years but some perhaps managed but ultimately because loving your enemies means have no enemies because if you love your enemy who is your enemy but that was that cannot that statement love your enemies can cannot be looked at in isolation it was related to discovering the deeper dimension of who you are which is the kingdom of heaven within you and when you do that then you can see every every human being in their essentials not see but sense every human being in the essential identity and then you you don't have enemies anymore but you can still see yes he or she or they are in the grip of egoic unconsciousness they are crazy ultimately i've for a long time i've been saying i often say normal means crazy if and if you look at human history this you can verify that just read the history of the 20th century and what humans have done to other humans the millions upon millions killed not only in warfare but also in in killed by their own governments holocaust mass exterminations commit russia china europe the most dreadful this is obviously and these are normal human perpetrated by so-called normal human beings not not criminals so or something criminals have done relatively little compared to what normal humans in the grip of unconsciousness are capable of doing is nothing compared to what so-called criminals are doing this is why i often say normal equals on equals insane but we are awakening so there is light at the end of the tunnel of course the light is within you so the in the meantime um it's the question of race or the the problem of race is connected with our it's an aspect of our awakening something that we need to overcome and it's also something that we're at a crossroads now as i mentioned earlier [Music] we could go one way towards increasing awareness and increasing transcendence of ego and the undoing of the external structures that reflect racism or if the other way would be if the um it could increase the divisions in society and divisiveness so in other words unconsciousness could take over again and that would lead to a regressive period in human evolution and there have been already many regressive periods is this this is not impossible that this might happen um although there's a good chance it will not happen and can't predict the future but even if it were to happen if we went to regressive period even leading to internal conflict even civil war is not impossible if we are not if we are drawn into unconsciousness all kinds of even war between nations is still possible i'm a long-term optimist as far as human evolution is concerned i believe even if we did have to go through a regressive period eventually that also will become part of the human awakening and ultimately the moment will come and race will become completely unimportant and and that is uh we are moving towards that um some people may still love their race and that's fine because race is to do with your farm i call it your farm identity your form identity as opposed to your essence identity you have the two dimensions your form identity is the physical body and your form form identity is also your the makeup of your mind mental emotional feel the conditioning of your mental emotional field this is the person that you are the person that you are is your body and the conditioned mind that's your form identity and the your form identity is not to be totally dismissed you say you don't need to say i'm not my body i don't want to have anything to do with my body or this all illusion it's not good that's not quite it it has its place your form identity at its place so while your body let's say is a particular has a particular color you might even say i like it i like that color it's fine but you don't derive your out your sense of identity from it it's just something that you honor you can also honor your cultural traditions whatever it may be [Music] you if you're if you're african-american you might honor your ancestors the suffering of your ancestors the cultural traditions of your ancestors and so this the suffering of your ancestors have led you to this point of awakening so do not do not often say don't waste your suffering in this life but also don't waste the suffering of your ancestors so its suffering ultimately brings about awakening of human consciousness for a long time it is awakened suffering because your spiritual teacher for a long time and a lot of suffering inflicted by humans on other humans a lot of suffering and don't waste the suffering use it honor honor that you can honor your ancestors and still realize that's part of your form identity then there's a timeless being there's a timeless self the unconditioned consciousness that is the essence of who you are and that's your ultimately you derive your sense of being your sense of beingness your sense of who you are from that dimension that buddha called it which is translated as emptiness it just means formless spacious consciousness emptiness is a traditional term in buddhism but it really means formless spacious consciousness in christian terms jesus said the kingdom of heaven that is within you heaven is the vast expanse of the sky the kingdom is the dimension so the kingdom of heaven is a dimension of vast spaciousness so he's pointing he's using that analogy to point to an inner reality same as the buddha the buddha said spacious consciousness which is emptiness jesus said the kingdom of heaven that is within you which what is the kingdom of heaven it's an analogy for an inner dimension of consciousness heaven is is pure consciousness spacious awareness like now this moment you don't need to think you don't need to affirm your form identity but you can sense that within yourself there is an essence that is we could call presence we could call awareness we could call the realization of being we could call the primordial i am the i am and that presence of beingness isn't it's an alive it's a life it's it can't be defined or explained it has no age no gender no color none of that but become aware of yourself as an underlying quiet presence your historical self becomes unimportant but something that's left there is more vital and more essential this underlying quiet alert calm presence we could call it stillness too inner stillness and that you might also notice that your thinking subsides and you don't have to affirm through thinking who you are anymore and that spacious awareness can be there even in everyday life to add little spaces between thoughts moments of to adjust aware presence while you listen to listen to somebody looking at the sky looking at a tree a flower breathing [Music] moments of spacious awareness and then you use your mind again and then you beware again and after a while the awareness remains even while you're using your mind ah so liberating thank you so much for your presence which is also my presence there's only one presence this mind-made sense of self is also much more focused on the negative than the positive to be free you awaken to who you are beyond your history and your life situation you
Channel: Eckhart Tolle
Views: 226,171
Rating: 4.8860717 out of 5
Keywords: eckhart tolle, eckhart tolle meditation, eckhart tolle 2020, eckhart tolle life challenges, life practices, Racism, Ego, Awareness, awareness, eckhart tolle teachings, Journey of Awakening, spiritual teacher, eckhart tolle youtube, eckhart tolle presence
Id: U3QMiPr8B2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 39sec (3699 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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