EBC Kids Corner | Episode 6 (Year 4 to Year 6)

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[Music] [Applause] hi boys and girls welcome to the ebc kids corner i'm mrs mel and i'm so glad that you could join us today we have a fun lesson ready for you we have a craft a great song a memory verse and another visit from adventure andrew and ranger ryan it's going to be so exciting today we are continuing our series in the life of christ and our story is looking at who is the messiah who has god appointed to be the savior of the world do you already know also we have added something new to the ebc kids corner can you guess what it is well i hope you can figure it out let's get started hi boys and girls my name is mrs jen and i'm here today with mr joe and mr dan and today we're gonna sing a song together and that song is called i am a christian i am a c i am a ch i am a c-h-r-i-s-t-i-a-n and i have c-h-r-i-s-d-in my h-e-a-r-t and i-well l-i-v-e-e-t-e-r-n-a-l-l-y that was great okay now that you know it a bit better let's go a bit faster this time [Music] i am a c i am a ch i am a c-h-r-a-s-t-i-a-n and i have c-h-r-i-s-e-m-h-e-a-r-t and i will [Music] very good all right as fast as we can i am a c i am a ch i am a c-h-i-s-e-i-a-n and i have c-h-r yes wow that was great hello boys and girls today we're doing another verse from matthew chapter 3 verse 17. when jesus was baptized behold a voice came from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased okay let's try to do it again but this time we'll take some words out when jesus was baptized behold a voice came from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased matthew chapter 3 verse 17 okay try again this time we'll take even more words out when jesus was baptized behold a voice came from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased very good job but we'll try it one more time when jesus was baptized behold a voice came from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased very good job boys and girls i'll see you next time g'day boys and girls i'm adventure andrew man oh no ranger wrong something's happened what's wrong with you oh man adventure andrew i am in big trouble oh no what did you do well i think i did something really bad yesterday i went out for a ride on my horse and i thought to myself wouldn't it be cool if i rode my horse on the motorway except i was only going five kilometers per hour five five k that's not very fast well it is if you're on a horse but apparently it's not fast enough to drive on the motorway and a policeman pulled me over and gave me a ticket oh no yeah i'm in big trouble ranger ryan it does sound like you have broken the law yeah i think i have and do you know how much the ticket has how much it was for a thousand dollars a thousand dollars that's a lot of money well you have to pay it but i checked in my wallet and my bank account oh i don't have any money the the police officer said i could go and work off the fine which maybe is what i'm going to have to do ranger ryan i don't want you to do that i want to give you a thousand dollars whoa really yeah that's for you you are you're giving this to me to pay my fine ranger ryan i'm giving this to you because you are a very good friend of mine and i want to pay the price for you wow that is amazing thank you so much adventure andrew that means a lot to me you are welcome but ranger ryan that reminds me of a story a story about john the baptist and jesus you remember last time john the baptist was preaching that people should repent he told the people to repent because they broke god's law and a way of showing that they repented was by being baptized but one day he baptized jesus really yeah jesus didn't sin did he no he never sinned jesus did not break god's law but you know why jesus got baptized he got baptized to show us that he is taking our place he is paying the price so that we don't have to be punished wow so just like you've paid the price for my fine jesus has paid the price for all the bad things i've done that's exactly right but what jesus did was far better than what i did jesus christ can take away our sins wow that is amazing thank you so much adventure and you're welcome would you come with me and we could pay my fine together yes let's go let's go g'day boys and girls it's great to see you again so far you've had some wonderful time we have had a song to begin with and you also had some visitors adventure andrew and ranger ryan well it's time for our lesson today i wonder if you remember last week we learnt about john the baptist remember john the baptist was preparing the way for jesus john was doing that by preaching in the wilderness and he was telling people to repent do you remember what the word repent means the word repent means to turn around it means with our head we agree that we have broken god's law with our heart we feel bad that we've broken god's law and with our hands we let go of our sin and we follow god well john was preparing the way for the messiah and the messiah of course is jesus now as john prepared the way john was doing something amazing he was baptizing people now by baptizing someone dipping them into the water and bringing them out again that didn't take away people's sin but it was a picture that the people had repented it was an outward sign that showed an inward change now in today's story we're going to learn about something that is really incredible it was the time john baptized jesus now why did john baptize jesus and why did jesus need to get baptized well that's what we're going to learn about in the passage that we're going to look at together so please turn with me in your bible to the book of matthew matthew chapter 3 and i want to read for you verses 13 through to 17 you ready let's begin with our reading then jesus came from galilee to john at the jordan to be baptized by him and john tried to prevent him saying i need to be baptized by you and are you coming to me but jesus answered and said to him permit it to be so now for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness then he allowed him when he had been baptized jesus came up immediately from the water and behold the heavens were opened to him and he saw the spirit of god descending like a dove and a lighting upon him and suddenly a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased remember john was preparing the way for the messiah now i want to ask you a question what do we mean when i say messiah the word messiah means one who has been anointed with oil i'm not sure if you know this but in the old testament there were a number of people who had oil anointed on their head now putting oil on their head wasn't anything magical but it was a very special way to say this person is being used by god in a particular way and the three great positions in the old testament that were anointed with oil were prophets priests and kings each of them were anointed with oil and the messiah is the one who is also anointed with oil but he is going to be all three in one the greatest prophet the greatest priest and the greatest king who is the messiah it's jesus the old testament told us that he was going to come and the day has now come where the messiah has arrived now boys and girls what i want you to see in this passage that we're going to learn about today is two things number one jesus accepted his mission to be the messiah and number two heaven confirmed the mission for jesus to be the messiah let's begin with that first point jesus accepted his mission now jesus came to the place where john was preaching and baptizing we read in john 3 and verse 13 then jesus came from galilee to john at the jordan to be baptized by him but something really surprising happened you know what it is jesus went to john to be baptized now what do you think john did when he saw jesus wanting to be baptized john may not have understood everything about jesus being the messiah but john knew that jesus shouldn't be baptized why well baptism was for those who have sinned it's for those who've repented jesus does not need to repent jesus has done nothing wrong jesus is not a sinner and that's why john said to jesus i can't baptize you you should be baptizing me but jesus still said i must be baptized the reason why jesus wanted to be baptized was not because jesus sinned he didn't sin we need to remember that but the reason why jesus did get baptized was because of this jesus said to john in matthew 3 and verse 15 permit it to be so now for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness what jesus is saying there is john i must be baptized because if i get baptized i am fulfilling all righteousness that means john i am accepting the plan to be the messiah i have to come into this world and fulfill my mission and one part of that mission is the messiah is going to take the place of sinners jesus hasn't sinned but he is going to take the place of sinners so when jesus was willing to be baptized and then got baptized that was jesus saying i am going to take the place of sinners i have come to save sinners they've broken god's law and i am going to take their place so that i can be punished in their place but i can also take their place by obeying the law when they have broken god's law so first of all in this story about john baptizing jesus we learn that jesus accepts the plan to be the messiah he accepts the plan by taking the place of sinners that's an amazing thing boys and girls as we learn all about jesus in the next few lessons remember jesus came into the world to take the place of sinners so that he would save sinners jesus was willing to do this so that's the first part of this story jesus was baptized so that he would take our place this now brings me to the next point and that is heaven confirmed his mission [Music] jesus then goes into the water and what does john do john dips jesus into the water and lifts him up and jesus is now being baptized and after that happens something really exciting takes place are you ready for it let's have a look at the next part of the story we read this in matthew 3 and verse 16. when he had been baptized jesus came up immediately from the water and behold the heavens were opened to him and he saw the spirit of god descending like a dove upon him and suddenly a voice from heaven spoke saying this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased wow that there is heaven shouting saying jesus is the messiah jesus has come to fulfill a mission and heaven approves but what we learned there boys and girls is also something else very interesting are you ready for a word that i'm sure you've heard before but it's a word that we need to understand the word is trinity in this story we have the trinity the word trinity means that we believe there is one god in three persons father son and holy spirit one god three persons now it's a little bit hard to understand the trinity and this is why i want you to have another look at matthew 3 verses 16 and 17. this story is actually the best way for us to understand the meaning of the trinity because what you have here is when we say there is one god the bible teaches us in deuteronomy chapter 6 and verse 5 there is only one god but notice in this passage this one god is seen in three separate persons the father's voice speaks he says this is my beloved son you have the son there and that's jesus but you also have the holy spirit who comes upon jesus all three are there at the same time three different persons but one god now what does this teach us about jesus and his mission first of all i want you to see that the holy spirit comes upon him it's described as like a dove that doesn't mean the holy spirit's a dove but what this is saying is when he came upon jesus it was like he landed upon him as a dove and what this is meaning is the holy spirit is going to be upon jesus he is going to work through jesus as jesus carries out his mission as the messiah now i need to read to you a few verses from the book of isaiah that predicted this in isaiah chapter 11 verses 1 and 2 listen to what the bible said about the messiah this was around 700 years before the baptism took place this was always god's plan it says and this is talking about the messiah there shall come forth a rod from the stem of jesse and a branch shall grow out of its roots the spirit of the lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the lord and again in isaiah chapter 61 we read these words the spirit of the lord god is upon me because the lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord that's the messiah talking and he's saying that the spirit of god will come upon me so what happened when jesus got baptized the spirit of god came upon him that means he is the messiah and he's going to do amazing things and we're going to learn about them in weeks to come but there's one last thing that happened have a look at verse 17. after the spirit of god came upon the messiah we read that there was a loud voice from heaven who was that loud voice it wasn't the son it wasn't the holy spirit it was the father fantastic this is what the father said this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased that reminds us that god the father loves his son but he calls him his son and that reminds us of something we read in psalm 2 verses 7 and 8 and in psalm 2 we learn that the son is going to be a king and this king is going to rule this of course is talking about jesus so boys and girls as we learn in this lesson today about the time when john the baptist baptized jesus that story of john baptizing jesus actually teaches us that jesus is the promised messiah and only jesus can save us and rescue us from our sins john prepared the way for jesus and jesus came and jesus accepted the plan of god the mission to be the messiah and heaven confirmed that jesus is the messiah i am really looking forward to learning more about what jesus did after he was baptized as he went on his mission to be the messiah boys and girls i want you to know that jesus is the only one who can rescue us from our sins and that's why we must trust in him thanks for listening today and i hope you are excited about the next lesson and for our activity we have a word search and we have a see what you know we're going to see if you were listening to the message you put your name up here and we're gonna answer all these questions the first one why did jesus come to john to be worshiped to find disciples to be baptized or to help his cousin hmm i think it was the to be baptized well you can do the rest by yourselves good job boys and girls that's it for today boys and girls we've got our craft which you can put some pencils in and we've got our worksheet good job see ya well boys and girls we had a great lesson today we had a craft a verse how fast and fun was that song and our visit from adventure andrew and ranger ryan now boys and girls one of the most important things that i want you to remember from our lesson today is that jesus is the messiah jesus is the appointed one by god to be the savior of this world that's what i want you to remember well until next week i'll see you later bye [Music] you
Channel: Emmanuel Baptist Church
Views: 91
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 9V0XZv_hJs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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