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now what happens if you send a pair of genuine sneakers through to ebay and they just ship them back and tell you they're fake well that's happened to me on a pair of sean weatherspoon air max 97s and this is what i found out so long story short i decided not to take no for an answer i was convinced these air max 97s were genuine so i decided to take them to three other legit checking companies to get their opinion on whether or not they thought these shoes were genuine or fake and if they started with ebay or myself and the results are interesting so be sure to check out the rest of the video because i will be giving the reveal on whether or not these are actually real or not at the end so let's go back to the start of this story then because i purchased these shoes back in 2018 from a trusted reseller that i've used many many times in the past from yep you've guessed it from ebay back then i paid 520 pounds for these shoes which i guess was an okay price to pay definitely wasn't the most expensive but it wasn't the cheapest either and over the years the price has definitely grown up for these air max 97 sean weatherspoons they're now valued at i think dead stock nearly a thousand pounds so you can see that the value has increased a lot over that time now once i had the sneakers in hand obviously i did my own legit check process on them i looked at a number of different guides online i also looked at a ton of videos to look at the kind of different elements of the sneaker which would give away if these sneakers were actually real or fake and i was 99 sure that the sneakers were real i say 99 because i didn't pay for these directly from nike or a trusted outlet i paid for them through somebody else you're never gonna know 100 if they're real so i was 99 sure which in my view is good enough when you're looking at the resale market now fast forward to 2021 we are right here and i was looking to downsize my sneaker collection and i considered selling these shoes on ebay because that's the platform i do most of my selling on now because i wasn't 100 sure whether or not these sneakers were legitimate what i didn't want to have happen was for me to send them to ebay and for them to fail the authentication process and for them to send them back so i decided to get a legit check before sending them to ebay now i used a company called legit app it cost me about five pounds to send a bunch of photos to them and then they took about i think 24 hours to confirm whether or not these sneakers were real or fake they did the check and the results came back as being real and they gave me a certificate of authenticity just to prove that these sneakers had been checked beforehand which i thought was really important to have before sending them in because they are such a high value sneaker so once i'd done that check and i had a bit more confidence about these shoes i listed them on ebay i think i put them up for about 899 pounds originally but ended up selling them for 750 pounds on an offer which i was happy with 750 pounds is a good price for these shoes i think for the buyer and also for me i think i was quite happy with that amount and so a couple of days passed after that and i finally got an email from them notification on the app saying inspection had failed which as soon as i read that like literally my heart dropped so much because i was so confident that they were real and i just had to kind of eat a big slice of humble pie and just you know suck it up and just accept the fact i bought a pair of fakes many years ago and that i just tried to sell them and it had failed so i didn't really want to let it lie and i decided to dig a little bit deeper in terms of like who was actually legit checking these sneakers and you know could they have got it wrong so i looked at lots of pages through ebay and i eventually found an faqs page which did say that these sneakers were authenticated by sneakercon now that was quite interesting to me because i just genuinely thought ebay were doing it themselves but they actually outsourced this work to sneaker con which you will know through the events that they run and i think that applies to both the us and the uk so i thought that was really interesting now the reality is that you're most likely not going to have someone with a lot of experience checking your sneakers the people use guides and tools to help them authenticate the products quickly because of the volumes they have to work with so these people they may have some experience but they're not going to be absolute gurus or anything like that when it comes to authentication and you know what human error will occur you'll have fakes which go through as genuine and you'll have genuines that don't go through as fakes so that might happen and it's entirely possible that some human error has been made with this occasion with that in mind i decided to take the sneaker to two other legit checking companies to double check whether or not these sneakers were real or fake now the first company i decided to use is a company called legit mark it cost about 10 this time to authenticate the sneakers same process you send a whole series of images of the shoes inside and out and the box and after a set amount of time they will send you the results whether or not they're real or not but the benefit of using this company is that they do give you a little bit more explanation of what is actually real or if they're fake what specifically is fake which is the kind of answer that i wanted now the second company i decided to use was legitcheck.app these guys actually used by stockx and goats so i knew that they were the real deal and i was going to get a good answer from them either way so the first company that came back to me with legit mark they sent me their results pretty quickly i'd say within about six hours and they came back saying that these sneakers were real they were authentic and the good thing about these guys are that they actually gave me two different people's opinions as to the reasons why they were real so two different people they had a mat a and a brad h gave me five different reasons why they thought that these sneakers were actually genuine so that's a good start i think we've got kind of two legit companies saying that they're real and we've got you better saying they're fake and the final company to give me their verdict on these sneakers was legitcheck.app and i was a little bit more worried about these guys because they have a little more authority because they work with stockx and goats so i was more worried about these results but i got the results back about three or four hours after that and the results came back as being genuine yes these sneakers according to these guys are authentic and they also give me a whole host of reasons why they're authentic which i will put on the screen right now so you can have a read through if you want to pause it and have a a little read but yeah i've got the results and i'm really really happy that all three of the legit checking companies that i've used now with the sneaker with the exception of ebay have come back as these being real i mean even now with three different legit checking companies saying these are genuine i'm still not 100 that these are real but what i would like to do is i'll put up a load of photos right now in succession so you can like pause them and check them yourselves and i would love to get feedback from anyone that wants to give me their opinion on whether or not these are real or not i'm sure lots of people will say they're fake and side with ebay because they don't want me to have a nice pair of shoes like this and i'm sure lots of other people will tell me that these are genuine but either way i don't really mind i'm just looking for feedback and your thoughts at this time [Music] bye oh [Music] uh [Music] so i guess the final summary and thought of this video is that if you have a pair of sneakers which you believe to be genuine and they don't pass the authentication process through ebay don't worry use other companies out there to legit check your shoes because they might be wrong human error does happen and this might be one of those cases too so don't lose hope if you get worried about your sneakers not passing obviously it does limit what you can do with them but there are other options and on that note that's pretty much it for me today i've been matt rides out this has been kings down roots if you've enjoyed my video please drop me a comment and a like down below it really does mean the world to me you can also follow me up here on instagram i post a lot of content on there too thanks very much for watching take care bye bye
Channel: Kingsdown Roots
Views: 23,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ebay sneaker authentication, ebay sneaker authentication selling, ebay sneaker authentication fake, ebay sneaker authentication process, ebay sneaker authentication review, ebay sneaker authentication uk, testing ebay sneaker authentication, sneakers failed ebay authentication, ebay inspection failed, fake sneakers ebay, legit check, kingsdown roots, legit check app, legit app, legitmark app
Id: t7MkBr_nM6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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