[EB01] Japan Nationals One Piece TCG Championships - Yamato vs. Sakazuki (Round Four)

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hello and welcome to the channel my name is atrocious you can also call me Jake and today we've got round four of the Japan national championships of eb1 this is the fourth round of Swiss in this one for anyone who doesn't know in this tournament they have I think it's like top 29 players or something like that 29 players invited they do some Swiss rounds and then they go into a top eight cut so still working through through that the yam player and the sakazuki keeping these hands the matchup that we've seen before on the channel but now with E1 updates one thing before we get into this game is that this is not my official content here I am watching the actual live stream if you do want to watch the official live stream and not hear my silly commentary you can go check out the link in the description below as always but for now now let's look at sakazuki looking at their hand not looking too bad have two Searchers in the tashigi and brand new have a Hina and Rebecca Hina probably going to be used off that leader effect and then a T-bone as well one of the new eb1 cards we've seen a lot of t- bone in these lists and then looking at the yam Yamato has an ISO two howdy Jones and then two starter deck 13 Rush Aces so pretty decent hand for both players I feel like at this point Yamato doesn't necessarily need lowend stuff in terms of the cost because of the double attack and also several other things with the leader usually the first couple turns you're just attaching all Dawn to leader and then swinging for the double attack so we may though see later we may see the isor rest Rebecca um especially if there's only one Blocker on field because the iso does get to rest a Rebecca or borino so looks like the Yamato players going first just going to be a draw and pass going into sakazuki turn they've now got two brand new in hand so pitching that Hena off of the leader effect drawing a great eruption great eruption is going to be pretty good to get rid of those pesky howdy Jones and such so using the ton to hit the brandu going to look at Ice Age Hina and hel Meo this is an interesting call I feel like I think you take maybe Ice Age potentially in here but they're going to opt for the hel Meo so I would have been interested in Ice Age just because you know stuff like howdy Jones is going to come down but could be perceived a little differently after top decking the shur they will swing the eight and the double attack it will hit it's going to get a brand new and also a Rob Luchi so getting a couple cards there and some cards that provide some value especially that Rob Luchi going to top deck another starter deck Hina and only four Dawn to work with so wouldn't surprise me if this next turn you know they play down this Rebecca and then the Yamato player plays down the iso and then attaches to Dawn and swings again wouldn't surprise me in the slightest so after swinging that five going to hit a life and use leader effect to get another Rebecca so two Rebeccas you're loving all of the Rebeccas that are coming down on the field you're going to play that Rebecca probably yeah just grabbing that started Aina because you already got three of them in the bin and then just playing that one because it's kind of the best option and then passing the turn just building up your board getting a little bit of pressure going in this game and the yam player draws an oh so now is an interesting choice I think before you were going to play the iso but do you just play the M now at this point because the M will allow you to potentially get a Holly and put two characters down on the field or is the sakazuki board State built enough with the like Rebeccas and you know having tons of options to draw could those just be taken out by a Rob Luchi because they would be a 4-3 combo if you did find a Holly this is a very interesting choice I don't know which one I would really lean towards um maybe the iso potentially so they're going to start off swinging six and I bet leaving this for Dawn open they're probably just going to go for the own play so the uh the sakazuki player going to potentially think about getting rid of this T-Bone they are T-Bone the new 2k counter in the deck and going to be playing that um looks like they did find a holly there alongside a couple other Sky Island cards so they will put those two characters down and pass the turn and we'll see if sakazuki can get those two out they do have a great eruption in hand and a leader swing so all they need is one more minus Dawn effect to be able or minus cost effect I'm sorry to be able to get this combo out and so thinking about what they want to do I they well they do have the Helo right because they're at six Dawn so they could actually get there with the Helo and great eruption combo so going to start off by swinging five first at the Yamato to see if they can get either a counter card or a life and not a lot of counter in their hand to be honest so they're going to take this life a second you're the one that should disappear and so now swinging the five again and minusing that Holly by one it looks like they're thinking about comboing out of the shur here and so they're going to pitch that shur not letting another life get taken I think they maybe know what's coming at them at this point and so thinking about how they want to do this if you play the Helo and the great eruption though actually you don't have enough Dawn to do the Rob Luchi play so going to start off with a brand new going to see what they get an eight drop Moria so think maybe one of the aenue that you could go at this point what are some of the Avenues that you could go you rest two right here you go into the Alo you minus the M by two and so then you play Rob Luchi and you're just going to get one right I think if my math is correct you're just going to only get one so putting back the Hina the uh Ice Age and thinking about the third card that they want to put back I think brand new is a good option to put back not a lot of discarding stuff going on with sakazuki right now definitely not as aggressive with the discard as something like the gecko Moria leader so going to be putting those back and taking out the holly oh and the omen Holly wait so where did the cost come from so sakazuki oh I'm sorry helppo is minus three holy smokes I'm sorry sorry for everybody watching I have not played a i the Navy deck is the only starter deck that I don't have yet so I don't have any hel OS so I always forget he's a 23 in terms of cost and then minusing cost so that makes way more sense okay there was an Avenue I was correct kind of the first time that I talked about it a little bit so anyways moving on into the yam's turn now that the board is cleared you're at the seven Dawn turn you could play that howdy Jones as they're showcasing but going to play the iso there's only one blocker and it wouldn't surprise me if all four of this Dawn yep goes to the yam swings nine at the leader and so with a nine I don't think they're going to be able to counter out of this with only 8K counter in hand so with no blockers they're going to have to take those two swings going to be an eight8 cost Moria and also a Rebecca they've got a couple blockers and so especially if you play Down another Rebecca this turn you could like maybe swing with the brand new um like get yourself into a Hound Blaze range swing with the brand new play a Rebecca over helppo and then over the branu that you swung with play the um Hena so that would be able to just kind of beef up your board a little bit because you do have a full board right here so starting off with the leader effect pitching the eight cost one of the two in hand and you're going to get an amino Muma so this is a really interesting spot and why I would again prioritize a lot of the blockers so you don't have very much in hand in terms of stuff that you can uh use for counter on another big attack if they have another ISO in hand and so after that is countered with the O Nami and you have zero life left you really got to think about what you want to put down if you do have a second blocker it's going to be way harder for the yam to be able to go for gam so going to grab another ISO off of that life after that Rob Luchi swing that's a huge card to get at this point you're really hoping as well for a Sabo or at least you were looking for one overall but not going to see it and so now with this five swing right here there's a couple different options still on swing so not the easiest for the yam player but they're going to take it and get a sugar so the sugar is an interesting card that is going to be very helpful in resting the Rebeccas as well and so thinking about where they want to go the the sugar is actually kind of like a tech for the um Sabo so very interesting so going to after that minus one on the leader swing going to be doing double Hound blad to boost up the Helo by a ton and then go ahead so boosted up six on a I think 3K body plus 4 so that's going to be 9 10 11 12 13 and so tossing away the two you should be the ones to disappear there's 6K counter overall 78 9 10 going up to 15 and so the upside on that is you basically emptied their hand and also the rest cards that they have so the thing about it though is they do have howdy Jones howdy Jones are really really good card resting characters and Dawn and being a rusher so you can start off Swinging with the yam here and then using leader effect to boost two rested dawn of the howdy Jones and then attach the two so then it would be 12 overall in this one so it looks like the yam is going to take this game I don't think they can get out of a 12,000 power swing and it looks like they will not be able to so yam will go 40 now in the tournament I think this is the shortest game that we've had so far we've had some short games with some of these green decks but a super strong performance by yam really really good job playing out the hand and using the double attack on the leader and recognizing especially with the lack of blockers what you could actually rest I almost forgot that the howdy Jones rests either characters or Dawn when it's on play so that was just very very good insight and very very excellent play by the Yamato very very strong sakazuki we've seen now go down a couple times in this if you haven't checked out the other videos of the tournament I recommend going to the playlist that I have and uh yeah thank you so much for checking out this video I hope that you enjoyed this one and I hope that you check out the other videos in the future we will get more going on the channel throughout the day or two and we'll get the whole thing to you as always with these tournaments so thank you again hope you enjoyed it and uh yeah bye
Channel: Atrocious TCG
Views: 7,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, one piece tcg, one piece trading card game, optcg championships, op05, twin champions, one piece twin champions, one piece awakening of a new era, awakening of a new era, japan nationals optcg, japan nationals, one piece japan nationals, sakazuki deck, eb01 sakazuki, eb01 sakazuki deck, how to beat sakazuki, sakazuki, one piece tcg japan nationals, op06 yamato, eb01 yamato, eb01 yamato deck, op06 yamato deck, yamato deck, yamato deck profile, eb01 gy yamato
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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