Eating The Best Kakanin, Empanadas, and Blood Sausages | Northern Philippines Roadtrip Ep 1

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pardon me [Music] north of Manila adventure awaits the Philippines isn't really promoted as a country to take road trips in I beg to differ with a fairly well established road network this is the only way that you'll be able to discover towns that are far away from airports the beauty of doing it in your own car is that you get to stop in places that are usually overlooked by tours or bus lines giving you access to great food exciting activities and beautiful landscapes that you'll only experience if you have the opportunity to stop whenever you want making the journey north one of the bests you'll ever take [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] it's time check 5:30 in the morning we left the studio at around 5 a.m. this whole series is basically about exploring the north it's an area that I've been to before you forgot specially I've been to the mountain provinces but I never really spent much time around been yet or really just kind of like immerse myself completely in the mountain provinces so I'm really excited to do this we're going out for six days we're driving the new Chevrolet I actually have the old Chevrolet and this one already feels much different and we'll talk more about that later so right now we're heading towards Bullock gun which is an area I know nothing about we'll see if we can grab some breakfast around there and if there's anything interesting and then we'll just kind of keep making our way up I mean this is gonna be quite an adventure and I'm super pumped fire doesn't look like it because I'm super tired as well then get much sleep but as the day goes by I'm sure we're gonna see some beautiful things and I'm really excited this is gonna be a long one so strapped up but you seatbelts on and let's go it's not up ahead it's here and happening should be ready now it be gay [Music] just a few kilometers north of Manila Bulacan is a land steeped in history in fact represents one of the eight rays of sunshine on our country's flag it was once home to many national heroes artists religious artifacts ancestral houses and was the birthplace of the first constitutional democracy in Asia making it a great stop on your way up got lost for a bit it's not an adventure if you don't get lost I think we picked the wrong day to come to Bulacan because first of all there's a bishop that's visiting so there's a lot of cars a lot of police is hard to kind of get around so now we're looking for goryeo's and Mimi's which is they do specialty pain and death onion beckoning and we were trying to find this first few place and we couldn't find it so now we're kind of like in the middle of nowhere and we're not asked if it's open and if it's not then this whole spiel would have been for nothing happy news see this is a happy smile they're open this place was hard to find you kinda have to walk through this tiny field and then all through these tiny streets and eventually you see this billowing smoke and coal and you know that Kekkonen is in front of us and we're about to have some really good ones they seem to be very busy because I feel like they're preparing for something so we're not gonna get in their face just see how they see some things and then hopefully try some treats [Music] derived from the two tagalog words got in to eat and Kanyon rice cocoon in is usually made from a basic mixture of various forms of sticky rice in coconut milk both crops being grown in abundance all over the Philippines anywhere you go in the country people will have their own ways of making it the best ones for me are those that are still cooked in traditional ways on wood or on coal fires that gives it that unmistakable subtle smoky flavor I love this old-school technique of just turning it around making sure that the heat kind of spreads evenly on the top the liquid as it comes out is already half cooked so what we're trying to do here is just make sure that top part gets nice and crispy but at the same time she keeps moving it to make sure that it's homogeneous as well they told me that they were here since 1:00 in the morning just insane because most of the deliveries are for people who come pick it up around 4:00 in the morning 5:00 in the morning 6:00 in the morning so it's a really really long process I'm just really excited to taste it like there's so many goodies around and it looks so tasty and this you can't beat the setting like there's a garden here it's green everything looks really rustic and authentic at Goryeo and mimis and Malolos they've been doing it right for 30 years head here for somebody being a column I'm Mungo seppings a pen and anything else they're churning out subpoena subpoena is probably one of my favorite things in the world and this one looks so sticky and perfect and just eating them fresh just changes everything [Music] I'm actually not really sad that we don't didn't get me empanada because we found this place I'm pretty happy about that I think my favorite though was their version of ameica so me being kind of like one of those terms that really there's just a huge diversity of be because this one is very kind of like rice forward so it's most that's the one she's making now it's kind of like more racy whereas the ones we find them out in vanilla are born kinda like pancakes great I'm still rice as kind of your main ingredient here the right slope so it's more like a sticky rice I can't even explain how crunchy that top or sugar is like it's super different from everything I've tasted and it's right at that limit where it's almost burnt but still delicious Ghita mercies empanadas the callus skis is that little secret you want to keep to yourself Tita test gave us an empanada master class flattening the dough filling it with her mix of potatoes and chicken which they source early every morning from the market to bathing it slowly in a wok of oil what they didn't share though is how their dough is made and fair enough this is a 200 year old recipe that they've mastered through hard work a closer look to the rest of dough you will see hundreds of folds within the circle almost looking like a cinnamon bun head a one-night stand with ameta fati a testament to the precision needed to make the seemingly simple snack I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful looking and then it looks like a clamshell and you can tell that it's super flaky the ridges on it it just really looks like a seashell to me like a giant clam head oh that's sound this looks more like a pastry course on than it does and have banana look at how Lakey that is that is insane soft buttery on the sweet side but for those of you who look for sweet and finatus this is the one for you so crunchy but you can tell the dough is layers like you would pull a plus on to a couple times over so then you get these kind of flaky layers you got exactly the same thing here so if you've tried an empanada in different places sometimes can be kind of like thick and doughy or like any local it's very kind of crispy this is the closest thing I've got into like a French pastry but an empanada good stuff back in the car takeoff I okay so that Matt thank you so it's just about to say we're on our way towards Pampanga to see what we can do there and they're so sweet they just gave us well I don't know if it's from any efforts for my wife but they gave us a whole ton of their empanadas and honestly guys if you come to what I've done besides for the church and all the stuff you can see in the Heritage in their history that they have here this stop is a hundred percent testamentary we have so much food like we have so much food it's insane two stops and we already have empanadas and cut them in next up we're gonna get a whole boat or something so I love this country off we go we didn't have much time to spend in Pampanga but if you do have half a day I highly suggest you take an ATV or 4x4 trip to Mount Pinatubo and stop over some great restaurants along the way some of the best food in the country is found here we just decided to get a quick literal bird's-eye view of the area before continuing on our way up the best way to see the province if you only have a few minutes fly over it best part about this is that the pilots at the unhit less flying club will actually let you fly the ultralight which if you haven't piloted something in the air before is an exhilarating experience [Music] your face ready currently on T Plex are about to get on t flex heading to baguio I miss that fault and we're about two hours away so this kind of episode one covers your trip that you would take to go from vanilla all the way up to Bobby obviously I think we're gonna stop at bobbya because it's already 3:30 p.m. we'll be getting there around 5:40 so instead of driving in the dark and bang get we decided to stay overnight in Baguio and see what we can do there in terms of food maybe stop by the market and buy some supplies for the next part of the trip this is a three part series in partnership with Chevrolet which is really cool so there's gonna be lots of adventure coming up in the next episodes talking about the car I mentioned a while ago I already have the older version of the Trailblazer this is the Phoenix Trailblazer 2019 and summit white look wise it's really sporty I love the look of it but in terms of just feel because I think that's what most people want to know about it does feel like it has more power compared to the previous versions the 2.8 liter Duramax turbo diesel engine packs 200 horsepower and 500 Newton meters of torque making it the best in class when it comes to power something we needed going up all these hills the Trailblazer is outperforming my expectations like we're really hugging the road the engine super quiet in terms of acceleration and it feels just stable driving a bit faster than the speed limit and it is just hugging interrupting to the road which is what you've won when you go up in the mountains so at the market trying to get some coffee the traffic got a little intense at that point and I still find it so trippy to see people in jackets it makes me so happy I love about this market it kind of serves as a basket for the Cordillera region and then get so if you go here you can kind of get an idea of what you'll be able to find if you go up further north into the different provinces and mountain provinces so you'll find all the produce here some of the artifacts and the crafts that they make and everything just smells fresh and it's nice and cold and it just feels like a great experience we heard of a relative newcomer in a basement of a small building cooking up some traditional egodeath dishes we thought that this would be a great introduction to the rest of the food from the area we were about to discover the eager odd chef did not disappoint [Music] [Music] beautiful I love that this is our very first meal of the day because if you think about it we've only really been having snacks along the way we calculated it we got here to baguio around 6:30 so we've been on the road yes we've stopped around we've been around for about 12 hours so it was quite tiring getting in to baguio was quite painful because of the traffic and it was just very congested and so now we're sitting down here and heard of this beautiful plate of food full of Cordillera and Eagle Road specialties we have P noon egg which is kind of like a pork blood sausage over here then we have the famous big feet gun manok which is chicken very popular so also in the mountain provinces and you flew down around this area then over here we have the C loot sumo I believe which looks like chopped up pork belly with some vegetables all of this is just really brigand really quite simple some of these dishes I've actually had before and then this one here that one is called keen eating [Music] which is basically kind of like smoked meat I thought it was tabbed which I tried before but this is something completely different finally what what which is what they serve in big celebration is large chunks of pork with some rice and then obviously some beautiful vegetables so we dig in with our hands they gave us these cute little bamboo things to start with but I'm just going to go ahead because it's basically just me and both of you so we're gonna start with the Pinoy name it's a little loud don't worry too much so this looks kind of like compact not much noodles in there so it's mostly like I think it's a blood pork blood sausage that's in delicious I did not expect that well I was I was expecting more kind of like a Chinese let sausage but this reminds me more of a French who don't so it's really kind of deep blood you got some clothes in there some spices you could tell this would be like a really heartwarming dish when it's cold at night that's so good now we have the panic begun native chicken it makes absolutely all the difference if you have an unfitting feed on its kind of similar to what the chicken in a tonneau alone would taste like if you take it out of the tin all the soup and that's all you have broth served here that you can actually kind of wash things down but beautifully tender nice and simple I think that's kind of like staple of your cuisine it's all about you know you're in the mountains your resources are limited in terms of what you can cook with you use the ingredients that around you that's why there's a lot of port you won't find a lot of beef and a lot of ticket next c-note sumo acid oh is pork belly now looks more like to be pork and distant so again more pork but again very clean finally here what I'm really excited to try him eating which is a smoked pork it looks really tender and kind of like you have that smoke ring then you expect from smoked pork now that's like in-your-face intense smoky and it finally what what so what looks kind of like your boiled big chunk support very simple plains but what I love about it it's that it's well with happy stomachs we find a little hotel and decided to call it a night exhausted from the long drive we loaded up the next day at 4:30 in the morning to start making our way through northern and get [Music] our first stop was to blight you can tell that this area could be a great ecotourism destination they have everything from long hikes to waterfalls caves ancient baletta trees and rivers we came here to experience the sceen hot springs where thermal water forms in natural pools along the tule River but unfortunately due to heavy rainfall they were closed people look right here any other farms terraces in vegetable the guide we were supposed to meet put in contact him so we kind of try to figure out what he knew here there's no critical things like caves Hot Springs the late great you know if as actually set up here where they helped out in terms of trying to get tourists here in a very sustainable way this area is absolutely beautiful right now honestly we have just a little hungry sons making peanut butter and banana sandwich simply he in order to be here we wanted to take some beautiful shots of the interesting rock formations banking the river and I was making my way upstream when I heard an unusual sound I turn around and I hear and I see the drone fall into the water the river is full and that's why why it's closed so kind of hidden from view don't try this at home kids the current seems crazy so I'm gonna go in and see if we can find our drone but I feel like it fell in a really deep part of the river sub Mon that Lachlan pardon me that was episode 1 I really hope that you guys enjoyed it the journey north is not over we are now going to explore more parts of being get and eventually make our way towards the mountain province so make sure you catch episode 2 which will be coming out really soon peace out [Music] find a diner I could die when it's finally he fell dry I wasn't ready to go
Channel: FEATR
Views: 403,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: erwan, heussaff, thefatkidinside, the journey north, manila, bulacan, kakanin, mang gorio, bibingka, sapin sapin, pampanga, san fernando, angeles city, baguio, igorot chef, cordillera cuisine, filipino food, road trip, north luzon, chevrolet, what to eat in baguio, wethenorth, benguet, to do, what to do, tublay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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