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what's up guys today we're going to become the world's biggest fish by eating every fish with it being choiced by a shark oh no oh no oh no oh there's some really big fish over there look at that they're eating each other that's what we want to do as well if i can get away from that shark as you can see right now we are a level one dogfish super cute right so let's see if we can start by eating something small and level up a little bit we're gonna grow so i'm gonna bite right over here and then we're gonna eat this there you go get a little bit of experience and there we go we level up so now we're a little bit bigger we got a long ways to go to become the biggest fish in the world there we go we're gonna eat some more level three beautiful what's this over here is that food i mean i can eat it that means it's food right ah delicious now guys i wanna become a shark or a giant octopus or maybe a leech or something the point is we gotta upgrade right now guys leave a like on the video let's see if we can get a hundred thousand likes and let's see what's cooking over here i see some blue stuff all right that's probably not very healthy can i bite it no i cannot but yeah let's see if we can get a hundred thousand likes huh oh there's a fish here yeah what was that sound oh swim fast dog james swim fast oh boy is he still chasing us no i don't think so right oh my goodness there's so many fish chasing us oh boy oh boy that's not a shark coming there are so many sharks here oh and there's meat here you guys think we can eat that is that fish going to eat us then a lot of experience a lot of experience oh we're growing super fast oh boy level four uh uh whoa you know what let's just swim out of here we got a lot of food we got level six already now that we are bigger we can eat bigger fish oh look at this where did that fish come from ah really big fish oh my goodness yo yo yo we are battling this fish hey it's too big though we're gonna get out of here we really gotta get out of here oh thankfully he's not chasing us anymore guys we're gonna become one of those sharks i think we need level 10 for that and we are only level six oh yes small fishy come over here fishy chasing chasing come on find him come on no oh but now you are trapped in a corner fishy come over here ah we're blinding him we're biting him yes level oh big shark big shark holy mackerel there's a lot of sharks out here is that tiny shark finding the big one okay we're not going to participate in that we need to get level 10 so we can also be a shark let's see what fish have we not eaten yet oh that's another new fish come over here buddy oh he's too fast oh here's our fishy hello there wait that's just a piece of meat and another piece of meat and another piece of meat and level up again oh it has some big sharks out here look at all that food out there yo can we steal some of that can we steal some of it come over here i want to eat some of it yes big experience huh big shark big shark oh no oh no oh no oh there's so many sharks here level nine come on people we gotta turn around we gotta get some more food there is food around here but that's also a big shark why ain't a fish oh no y'all okay i don't want to become one of those fish hold on we gotta we gotta escape guys just gotta eat a few more small fish for level 10 then we should become a shark as well and then we can battle them we are on our way guys we have grown so much already all right the big shark is swimming right next to us we're gonna go in for this tiny shark i got him i got him no way we're biting him we're biting him come over here big damage look at that we're dealing 10 times more damage than we did in the beginning come on oh we got it we got it we got him we got him we're gonna eat everything we're gonna get everything guys come on we gotta eat everything and there it is level 10 oh yes guys check it out we have become a shark so let's see if now we can get to level 15 and then upgrade some more there's another shark there no we cannot eat that one guess we gotta grow a little bigger huh oh there's a lot of fish out here which one are we gonna eat we're gonna eat all of them oh is that a baby whale oh no i can't eat it okay that's actually a good thing let's go over here there are so many fish here guys look at that oh can we eat this one yo this is crazy let's go we got it we got him we got him okay we're gonna munch in all of this here we go level up beautiful gotta eat everything of course yes another fish what even is that one even is that tiny little fish come here man big time experience guys that's one we have already eaten though remember our mission is to eat every single fish in the ocean this is another one go over here kind of look like a zombie fish or something boom one boy didn't even level up from there all right guys level 12. we are getting closer to 15. we got to get that upgrade what's cooking over here though what's cooking over here what is that what is that for a fish come over here bang can we eat this one that looks like a prehistoric dinosaur fish oh my god no way guys like oh let's go let's go let's go let's go boom level 14. can't even talk anymore i'm so excited oh we got some more fishies over here also some sharks can we eat a fellow shark no way is this even real oh we gotta watch out for this one though that's a tough one it's two sharks versus one fish no way all right let's munch on this meat and eat all of it come on almost level 15 right almost level 50. there it is oh guys look at the fish we have become this looks like a dinosaur i can't even see my own face wait there's another one over here look at that he's attacking another fish no way i got to do the same thing i can't do the same thing what is this oh that looks like a crocodile fish or something look how much damage we're dealing 95 damage this is really good guys come on can we eat this one come on we gotta eat every single fish in the world grow nice and big he's not even doing anything what is going on dang come on eat this one can we even eat this thing wait there it goes no way oh that's so much food what there it is level 16. is this another fish wait that's a bone what is that doing here oh man oh it is very deep out here it's got to be some kind of secret fish hiding at the bottom right this is crazy that's my friend it's a lady i think look at that she's so pink and stuff oh hello ladies in the last video guys we actually made a baby fish which was pretty cool oh my goodness look at that is that another friend we gotta help him hey you're there stop eating my friend stop eating my friend stop eating my friend come over here bang come on take this guy down yeah we're helping other friend people this is awesome god help me out buddy there we go oh we got him yo we saved the life of a friend how great is that hey you don't want to you don't want to take out my food though man what's the matter with you i just saved you that is level 17. and we're going to find some new fish is this a new fish no i think we just ate that one already what are those lungs doing wait hold on we need oxygen let's go to the surface guys oh this is really pretty oh i can hear it okay so we got some uh some oxygen now oh and there's more fishes at the surface over here gotta eat all of them i want to eat every single species of fishes in the world look at that neck moving though oh man this is a bendy boy i'm gonna call you bendy boy from now on let's go baby boy come over here i'm not is that a new fish i think so oh yes oh very tasty yes another new fish very tiny times we're getting so big though guys i can barely see these fish oh here's another one that's a new one i'm not one bite guys can i eat my own species is that possible that is not possible thankfully all right we are growing people let's go to another location guess we gotta find some more fish of course oh boy we need some more oxygen oh no oh there's a new fish there that's a new fish that's definitely a new fish let's go ahead and uh breathe a little bit i'll ask that fish here is this a fish i i don't know there he is there he is come over here buddy come over here where do you think he's going yes we're gonna take this one down very satisfying very sad can we just eat all of this yes we can there it is oh that was two levels oh look at that is that an octopus he's so tiny oh wait we got some green dudes over here hello green dudes oh my goodness they just disappear they actually just disappear we are we are massive i want to get another upgrade right i want to get to that level 20. for that we're going to eat a big fish oh wait we're under attack we are under attack is that megalodon he's hitting me alive guys we are not big enough for this we are not big enough i can eat some other fish to heal up oh geez oh jeez oh this is bad we gotta fight back we gotta fight back uh oh this is bad this is bad turn around there we go there we go we're fighting back we're biting back guys you know what let's just run away we gotta escape we gotta escape i need oxygen oh my goodness oh there we go that's a little better oh and what is that over here that's a big dude that's a big dude if we eat this one surely we're gonna be level 20 right here we go now we are on the attack what is that though looks like a will or something huh that oh oh he's tough he's tough we gotta get out we gotta what is that that dude is actually coming for us oh boy he's on the chase how is he even more powerful than a megalodon shark oh man guess we just need one more level all right i don't want to die right now all right he's not chasing us anymore oh man he's back he's back look at that dude he's eating every fish so that's what i want to do maybe we gotta somehow evolve into him huh here we go we got another skeleton looking fish nice we got him little tiny yellow fishy come over here oh some baby shark we're not gonna eat the baby shot well actually we do have to eat all of the fish though yes big fishy in the house here we go i'm now i'm old man another prehistoric fish these these are crazy they're like dinosaurs kind of like us you know oh but we got to breathe we got to breathe guys we got to eat this stuff there we go level 20 there it is no way guys check this out i think we have become that shark that we couldn't eat instead of black we are green and that's not a shark we haven't eaten yet it's a hammerhead shark can we eat it though come over here buddy where do you think you're going i'm not with 2 000 damage wait did we just eat them in one bite no way guys this is our way of becoming the biggest dude in the world he's gonna find megalodon he was right here right oh there's a lot of fishes here you know what guys we are so big now those might actually be too small for us what does it look like when we bite whoa big boy mouth oh here's another shark i need guys to boom one shot no why what is going on over here oh man level up again oh oh my goodness again guys this is insane we're gonna be so big now i wonder if there's another evolve at like a level thousand you know yeah boom 5900 damage wait we still need oxygen hold on all right so let's go up again there we go beautiful lots of fish here oh yes easy busy come on here look at that leveling boom 6 000 damage wow level 31 people let's go well well well look who it is again if that isn't the megalodon shot come over here last time i ran away from you but now you are going to run away from me you hear me boom 8 000 damage and he survives boom oh but you're not gonna live through this one man guys we're gonna eat all of this stuff right big level up it just keeps on going what is going on over here um guys how much experience did we really get right now from 99 no way there's still a little bit left over here i'm not dead level 100. boom come on eat him 24 000 damage hello people oh wait we need some oxygen let's go back up and we are officially the big daddy of the oceans we gotta get to a thousand guys yeah boom 38 000 damage let's go we can eat every fish right 47 000 damage what in the world there's so many fish here guys we're eating all of them running into a problem though we are so big we barely fit in the ocean look at that it's crazy how small the ocean looks now oh what's that up there is that an orca oh it is oh my goodness we ate it no way oh what is that whoa what is that is that a is it a penguin why is he so big though okay hold on we gotta use some stuff over here nice leveled up can we eat him wait we're biting him we're biting him why is he so massive though oh my goodness oh my goodness what is going on over here guys yes i think we took him down look at all this food whoa oh my goodness no way oh my goodness no way look at this leveling up all the time we are just leveling up oh my goodness wait is this ever gonna stop level 200. and if you think this was possible guys what is going on oh boy oh boy there's more food over here eat all of it yes 290 300 whoa and we're above the surface that's not supposed to happen but i don't think that's any other way we are too big guys look at this no way i can't even see it anymore we are too big let's grab the last piece of food all right here we go oh my goodness guys we have evolved again can't really tell what we are because it's like broken wait are we a massive eel no wait let's see can we eat something it's so hard to see though we can bite and we are dealing damage to something well but it was so big that it's just like difficult to see whoa whoa but that's an even bigger fish over here can we eat him whoa we get even more food now no way guys can we eat all of it oh man oh we are leveling up and it's happening really fast oh man and how we are level 500. look at that guys now we can see that we're a giant eel that was crazy guys we ate every fish it became massive thank you for watching and check out these videos i screen right now [Music]
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 2,297,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: projectjamesify, jamesify, feed and grow, feed and grow fish, feed and grow: fish, game, gaming, gameplay, funny
Id: skhkrM1MyG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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