Eating At The BEST Reviewed HOT DOG Stands in New York City

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today we're eating one of america's favorite  street foods the hot dog we'll be visiting   three of the best rated hot dog stands in new  york city hope you brought your appetites billy's   hot dogs this place is really intriguing 105  star reviews on google the best hot dog i've   ever had cooked just right all the reviews are  totally true good hot dogs but especially such   a friendly owner this spot has no social media  no phone number just a schedule off of google   i don't even know if this is going to be here come  on all right so simple it's so new york we heard   you were the best hot dog cart in new york you  seem very popular around here i'm seeing the line i'm going to send people to you i'm afraid okay  i have so many customers i can't even handle it   we can do is just put over  here help we want no experience we're about to eat hot dogs on a bench  next to central park does it get much   more new york than that so excited  that was my dream when i came here   was it it's one of those things you want  to do because you see it in the movies   this looks fantastic look at this thing this  is the og street food of new york city if you   think about it before halal before anything  else hot dog ready let's go let's try it i think of a hot dog experience in new  york city i'm thinking of this right here   like nice snap to the dog when you take that bite  onion sauce adds another layer to the flavor i   think this is what you go for this is what all  the reviews said to get is the onion sauce what   about you how you feeling simple but perfect you  don't need much you like the bone great sausage   and the fantastic onion sauce i almost never see  long lines at hot dog stands in new york we even   saw billy running to a car somebody just pulled  up ordered a hot dog that's how much of like a   neighborhood celebrity this guy is i saw people  running over real quick everyone has a chat with   a guy they even have like like holiday cars from  families probably around the area that's so cool   having that neighborhood guy get a hot dog be it  coffee be it anything where he knows what you want   and he's got absolutely no attention he could be  the first ones to ever film him as far as i know   this is a milestone moment our baby boy who's not  born yet just had his first new york city hot dog   is he kicking no mckee will soon he'll be  happy only locals know about it i think i   think if a tourist walks by they're gonna think  it's just one more vendor thank you it was   it was that was honestly one of the best  hot dogs i've had my entire life was so good   thank you keep up the good work i did  not know this was a thing in new york   i had no clue that you could charge your  tesla here learn something new every day santa salsa we're gonna get some venezuelan street  hot dogs or we'll call them hipster hot dogs this   is the hipster capital of brooklyn bushwick  also the street art capital vintage stores   a lot of good food a lot of good bars yummy  venezuelan hot dogs hip atmosphere friendly staff   i love santa salsa almost as much as myself  okay let's see so santa salsa started as a   push cart and rockaway beach here is to enjoy  the artwork on the walls with the food the   music you can find almost in every corner hot  dog carts where they have this super crazy   version of hot dogs and burgers  and sandwiches bacon onions cabbage and carrots fresh potato chips ketchup mustard special sauce the  santa salsa and the guacamole this looks like a hot dog it's about to go to some   kind of awards show that we're  presenting it for the judges this is the pero contodo five dollars  this one best hot dog in new york city   by the village voice and it has like  every ingredient you could possibly   imagine on this like an american hot dog  on steroids this is a kosher beef frank   onions cabbage chips cheese ketchup mustard santa  salsa i don't even know where to begin with this   salivating like this this looks  fantastic i'm gonna take a big bite it's really hard to describe how many flavors i  just experienced in one bite but i see a lot of   them and something i love about latin hot dogs  are the chips potato chips cut up inside of them   it takes me back to my time in puerto rico i mean  he said they stayed true to the roots of venezuela   and these hot dogs this is just taking something  simple bringing it to south america and going   absolutely wild with it and i'm just such a huge  fan of it this is so interesting you always ask   us about vegan food you have great options here  just look at this one it looks delicious there's   a sweet plantain inside with beans and wasa kaka  venezuela and green sauce it looks delicious guys   oh my god this is so good these held up fantastic  like i thought this would be a complete mess but   somehow the way they're created they actually  hold up as a latin sweet plantain and hot dog is   a great idea for a vegan hot dog this is delicious  coming from a concert that doesn't have like   non-vegan options probably at all you know  so and you have a lot of vegans in bushwick   too right that's a smart move whole menu is  like almost 50 vegan people come in here and   feel like absolutely comfortable you know  not just like oh we have one two items for   you you know it's like oh no like the men is  created for both my goodness this is so gorgeous and do i just it's so savory it almost tastes like a high  quality taco it's almost illegal this should   be a hot dog it's like this is more than just  a hot dog this is good this is really good   want something unique i don't know if it gets much  more unique for hot dog in new york city than this   i love meat guys i love my meat i love my beef  i love my turkey i love my pork i love this one   so much when she's pregnant she knows all  about cravings so trust trust her opinion   so ben you just bought a 15 used  suitcase from the thrift store next door   samsomite i was gonna go to chinatown to  grab one of these but 15 is better than 50.   dog day afternoon named after an al pacino  bank heist movie which was actually shot   right on this block chicago style hot dogs  in new york city hands down the best chicago   dogs in nyc ashamed to say i never tried a  chicago hot dog until i came here and they   gave me the best possible first time experience  all right i'm pumped 4.9 let's go i love in the   vintage vibes in here it feels like i'm going  somewhere after school if i was from chicago   i have high hopes low expectations high hopes but  i was selling pop-up hot dogs all around brooklyn   and new york like with a hot dog hocker and just  like make hot dogs for like people in like bars   like late at night and everything like that but  this was always just a dream of mine to have a   brick and mortar have like a place that reminded  me of when i was a kid like you know video games   eventually comics records and all that stuff just  by chance we happened upon this spot and it's a   dream come true i love hot dogs anywhere i go  i'll always eat a hot dog i even eat a water dog   you know penn station everything is just just  has to be ripe like we have like fresh pickles   neon relish that's very specific for the  chicago dog and all the hot dogs are steamed   instead of grilled so that way they don't lose any  of the juice they don't dry out they don't get too   salty and they plump when you cook them then it  goes to the neon rails pretty much what happens   after that is you put the tomatoes in there  too then you have a fresh pickle dill pickle we use a little bit of a half sours so that  has a little bit more freshness to it a little   bit more crunch just add some peppers right  on time for the spice and some celery salt   how spicy are those peppers they're not too spicy  at all they're gonna be like the best way to   describe them are like small pickled jalapenos  and this is a chicago dog i think a good rule   of thumb is you should always watch your hot  dog being made you should eat it by yourself   as quickly as possible good old vienna beef  from chicago i actually liked how he said that   they make the poppy seed buns here like they  don't even want to ship them in from chicago got that big snap and they keep the flavor inside  and i definitely noticed that of all the hot dogs   we had today i have to say that this actual hot  dog had the most flavor to it in chicago you   don't have hot dog like carts and stuff like that  you go to yeah there's places they're like this   they're counter service places and there's there's  a lot of them a lot of really famous ones it's not   really a street food in chicago like it is in new  york it's not a street food no imagine trying to   eat this on the street that's a good point this is  this is tough enough to eat just sitting like this   we are transporting you back to the midwest here  you go no thank you i'm looking forward to it eating something like this it's like a special  occasion thing it doesn't have to be but there's   just so much stuff going on and the celery salt  for me is what does it i don't know if you've   tasted the celery salt when you're eating  it yeah i think my baby's happy right now   you're not her baby anymore john i know i lost  that right we had a hot dog cart on the side of   central park then we had a venezuelan hot dog  spot in a bar that stays open till 4am and then   we have this spot which i think kids would love  if you didn't find something that you could eat   in this video i'd be surprised if this video  got you hungry check out our midtown manhattan   budget bites guide some of the best spots you've  probably never heard of right near times square
Channel: Here Be Barr
Views: 463,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nyc, new york city, nyc food, nyc hot dog, Eating At The BEST Reviewed HOT DOG Stands in New York City, here be barr, chicago hot dog, nyc street food, cheap eats, hot dog, street food, best hot dog, food review, new york, food challenge, best nyc food, Eating at the best reviewed restuarant, nyc cheap eats, best vs worst, buzzfeed, hot dogs, hot dog review, venezuelan hot dogs, ny vlog, nathans
Id: NCOR96Kc3qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2022
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