EATING ART at the BEST Dessert Store in Sydney | 🍰 Reynold Poernomo 's KOI Dessert Bar Review 2023

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Hi I'm Steve from the phatlifeproject and today's   video is specially dedicated  to all you sweet tooth lovers In today's food tour we're  going to be checking out   MasterChef Australia Reynold Poernomo's Restaurant Wait Reynold Poernomo's Flagship restaurant KOI which   is located at 6 Central Park  Avenue in Chippendale Sydney But a lot of longtime fans of Reynold and  of the KOI dessert bar will be aware that   this location is actually quite new as they  just opened up their doors in July 2022. In fact the original Flagship KOI dessert  bar used to be located along the Spice   Alley this new venue is also divided  into three distinct dining experiences Section one is the original  koi desert bar featuring   desserts that honestly look like works of art Section 2 is Monkey's Corner which is a  small hip asian bar focusing on Japanese   inspired dishes that look like this as  well as some very quirky cocktails and Section 3 is KOI experiential which  is a 12-seater degustation experience In fact there is just so much information to cover   such as when to go, what to expect  and what to order etc etc that I've decided to make this a three-part Series In this part one here we are going to be  starting specifically with the KOI Dessert Bar I will give you a little tour of the  dessert bar, order some of their best   sellers and try them out so that you know  exactly what to get when you do visit And so if that sounds good to  you well then just sit back,   relax and let me take you on a  little tour to the KOI dessert bar! Did you know that koi stands for kids  of Ike Ike being Reynolds Poernomo's   mother Ike Malada and the kids being  Reynold and his brothers Ronald and Arnold Reynold's mother Ike started the art  plate from their family Garage in   2012 that supplied to a chocolate cafe in Sydney In 2015 all four came together to establish KOI   dessert bar that focuses on high-end  handcrafted pastries and desserts Reynold the youngest sibling made his  debut on MasterChef Australia back in 2015. He finished fourth in season seven and actually  returned in season 12 where he placed third While he didn't win on either season  he definitely won over many people   who were watching the show closely with  his attention to detail, creativity and   passion for creation which almost instantly  made him the nation's beloved dessert king All these amazing qualities and his  constant drive to ever improve is   exactly what sets KOI dessert bar  apart from the other dessert shops Every dessert you get here is  unique and carefully crafted The shops menu is constantly evolving with new  and exciting desserts being added all the time it's no wonder that KOI dessert bar has become a   popular destination for both  locals and tourists alike There is certainly no doubt that  the desserts at KOI are visually   stunning I mean guys and just look at these The real question is are they  as delicious as they look? Well that's exactly what we're here  today to answer and so in this next   section we are going to be  checking them out together! I went right when the store opened  at 11AM on a weekday even though   they're open till 10 pm to avoid  crowds because well I was filming   and also because I didn't want to miss  out on any of their popular items but HOT TIP the girl at the counter said that   additional dessert items do  arrive closer to its midday anyway I kind of wanted the venue to drive  the experience, Russian Roulette style so I   simply went up to the cashier and asked them  for five of their best-selling dessert items and in this next section we are  going to check them out together Starting with the super instagrammable dessert  that comes in a mason jar this style of presenting   desserts in a mason jar can be considered one  of their signatures the clever thing about   presenting it this way is that you get to see all  the layers of the desserts from the side this one   in particular is called the apple crumble and  it comprises of choux pastry, caramelized Apple   pieces, mascarpone, dulce caramel and speculas  crumble and GOSH look at how pretty it is! also notice how the jar is just  small enough so that when you   scoop down like so you get a bit  of the Choux pastry and all the   good bits under the pastry in one scoop  I think it's such a thoughtful design taste wise the pastry was Fluffy but  with a crunchy outer layer the Apple   mascarpone and dulce caramel combined  together was also such a treat in case   it wasn't clear enough these mason jar  style desserts are an absolute must try I absolutely love Mont blancs so when  the girl at the counter recommended it   I didn't think twice the dessert is super  popular in Japan and comprises of chestnut   vanilla coffee chocolate and almond  creating a complex and tasty experience the chestnut layer is rich and creamy  the vanilla and coffee notes provide a   subtle balance and depth of flavors while  the chocolate serves up the sweet element I also like the Special Touch of the  rum raisin with gold foil at the top   overall The Mont block at koi dessert bar  is definitely on par with what's out there The next thing I'm going to say is a little  bit controversial I know but I absolutely   do not like cheesecakes cheesecakes in  general would never be on my order but   I decided to get this because one this  review is for you and not about me two   it was recommended by the lovely girl at the  counter and three look at how pretty it is! This Berry cheesecake is a baked  lemon cheesecake with a lemon cream   cheese mousse and blueberry myrtle  coulis with an almond Sable base And I KNOW if you're a cheesecake lover  you'll be drooling by now but because   I'm not I'm still not too convinced by this  stage so it's time for that taste test! First off I love that you get the  creaminess of the cheese without   the intense cheese Aromas add in the lemon  and blueberry elements and we have a winner I also like that it wasn't overtly sweet choosing   to let the fruit elements of the  cheesecake dominate instead I mean   I can even taste the Almond used in the  base guys this was surprisingly good! And I'm SO glad it was because this basque  cheesecake was the other dessert that was   recommended to me honestly I felt  like the berry cheesecake earlier   prepped me for this as I was actually  looking forward to taste testing this I mean how bad can something  that looks like this be? It is a decadent basque cheesecake topped  off with lychee cream and raspberries As with any work of art it's all about the  attention to details you see this white pearl   inside the raspberry it is a popping pull  you know the type that you get in boba teas? And when you bite into it  it contains lychee juice! And the cheesecake was so well done! it   provided a creamy base for one  to experience the other flavors I mean I can clearly taste the lychee  and raspberry flavors which would   usually be completely overpowered  by something as intense as cheese guys I definitely recommend both of  these cheesecakes and that's saying   a lot for someone who doesn't usually eat them! But this next one was undoubtedly hands down the  favorite thing I ate at koi dessert bar I honestly   thought that I was getting a very pretty lamington  which is why I was so surprised that this happened   when I tried to scoop up a slice of it the filling  has a light custard texture made out of Mirabelle   Plum mango green tea rose and sudachi before  coated in a chocolate spray that looks black   but is actually dark blue and topped off with  edible gold I finished this in two bites it was   that good I mean as you've seen so far in this  video you will be absolutely spoilt for Choice   when you do visit but if you could only order  one thing this is what I would recommend you get If watching this has made you gain even more  respect and adoration for Reynold well wait   till you see what's in store in part two when  I check out monkey's corner but make sure you   subscribe and turn on that Bell notification  so that you can be notified the moment part   2 drops also if you've enjoyed this little  tour of the koi dessert bar I would really   appreciate a little thumbs up it is absolutely  free to do but it really helps my channel out   if you want to see more Sydney based content  feel free to check out the Sydney playlist   which I've also included in my description  box if you got to this point of the video I   want to thank you so much for your support I  do hope that you have a fantastic day ahead   or that you've already had a fantastic day as  always I will see you soon in the next video
Channel: PhatLife Project
Views: 11,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best dessert sydney, koi dessert, koi dessert bar, koi dessert bar australia, koi dessert bar masterchef, koi dessert bar review, koi dessert bar reynold, koi dessert bar sydney, reynold koi dessert, reynold poernomo, reynold poernomo dessert, reynold poernomo masterchef, reynold poernomo masterchef australia, reynold poernomo restaurant, sydney restaurant reviews, arnold poernomo, ronald poernomo, koi dessert bar 2023, what to eat in sydney, sydney food guide, sydney
Id: hlomcETg75I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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