teamLab Planets vs teamLab Borderless Tokyo Japan (2024 UPDATE) - Which one should you go to?

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teamlab borderless and teamlab planets  are two of Tokyo Japan's most popular   attraction spots but if you've clicked on  this video you obviously already know that Both venues combine Arts, Science and Technology  to create immersive experiences that challenges   all four of your senses and is truly unlike  anything you've ever seen in your life which   makes these two places quintessential  additions to your upcoming Japan trip I mean a simple search for things  you must do in Tokyo Japan would   tell you that and obviously if you  can you should do both but let's say   you only have the time and budget  to do one which one shall you do? There are also other factors at play  like for example did you know that one   of these teamlab experiences are more  physically demanding than the other? You see, whilst there are similarities between  two of these venues there are also notable   differences between them that may influence  your decision on whether you would include   both teamlab Borderless and Planets in your  itinerary or may only be doing one or the other Lucky for you I went to both during  my recent trip to Tokyo and so in   this video I will be comparing both  places to help you make a decision Additionally I will also be talking about some  things that you might like to know, bring or even   wear in preparation for these experiences and so  without further Ado let's jump straight into it In this next section I'm going to dive into   similarities between teamlab  borderless and teamlab planets I will also list out a quick checklist  of things you need to be aware of at   both venues so that you are prepared  to make the most of your experience Both team lab locations are best  described as digital art museums   but it is unlike any Museum you've ever been to! For one they encourage you to touch and interact  with a lot of the installations at both venues In a lot of these spaces how the art ends up   looking really depends on  you and your participation Both teamlab experiences uniquely combined Visual  and auditory art with science and technology to   essentially dissolve the boundaries between the  visitors and the art that they are observing This also allows us as visitors  to experience and thus appreciate   the installations in a way that is truly  unlike anything else you've ever been to So whether you visit teamlab borderless or teamlab  planets you will be getting essentially the same   immersive interactive and Hyper realistic  experiences with the Museum's installations Secondly unlike some traditional museums you are  allowed to take as many pictures and videos as you   like at both venues you can bring your phone  or camera into the venue but do note that you   will need to be extra careful about taking care of  your devices due to the interactive nature of both   spaces I personally waded past Waters and some  really dark spaces at both exhibits and it would   have been easy to drop my phone into the water  or bump into a wall if I wasn't paying attention Also whilst recording devices are allowed  selfie sticks, tripods and monopods are   strictly prohibited which is something I can  totally understand as there is a lot of foot   traffic in all the spaces at both venues and  some of these spaces can also be quite dark! You will also be doing quite a bit of  walking at both venues so I strongly   recommend wearing comfortable clothing you  will also be asked to check in your bag into   a locker before heading into either venue  not to worry the lockers are located very   close to the exit point at both venues is so  you can easily retrieve them when you're done There is also no food inside either venue  and both would take at least 2 to 3 hours   to complete so I do recommend you  eat something before heading in Now that we've got the similarities out of  the way let's talk about the differences   because the differences between the venues  is ultimately what's going to help you decide   which one of these teamlab experiences you're  going to end up going to if you had to choose so let's get into it First let's talk Price Point - tickets  for both venues open 2 months prior on   their official website by the way so definitely  recommend you book ahead before you go to avoid   disappointment anyway I purchased my tickets  via Klook my teamlab borderless tickets cost   $28 whereas my team lab Planet ticket cost  $50 DO NOTE though that I bought the skip   the queue tickets for teamlab planets  the normal tickets for planets are much   cheaper at $26 but let me just say that I'm  so glad I bought the skip the queue tickets I mean just look at this queue! Taking aside the fact that I bought  the skip to queue tickets though the   prices for the normal tickets are very similar BUT for me though the biggest and MOST noticeable  difference between the two venues is that   the teamlab Planet's experience is a lot more  structured than the teamlab Borderless experience At Teamlab Borderless you are basically led  into a space and allowed to go anywhere you want There are over 50 exhibits, some will  take more effort to locate than others   as a result you can end up missing  out on some of the smaller rooms Also as the name suggests the art  at borderless is not confined to a   space so something you saw in one room  could again appear in a different room Not to mention as the artwork changes  according to the visitors interaction   you could even walk into the same room  twice and see something entirely different   and that's why I call borderless a pick  your own adventure kind of experience In comparison the teamlab planets  experience is very organized and guided You will be instructed to  enter the next space and so   on and in some sections you will even be briefed You will be led through the entire  teamlab planet's experience in orderly   fashion so that you can be assured you will see  everything there is to see at Teamlab planets The second notable difference between borderless  and planets is the type of interaction required   whilst borderless comprises spaces with different  immersive artworks it is dry throughout whereas   the first thing you will have to do at Team  lab planets is to walk up an inclined River! This is because they will ask you to take off your  shoes before you enter the planet's experience and   the river contains disinfectant to clean and  prep your feet for the rest of the exhibit There are also some spaces that are equally as  interactive for example this huge room that is   essentially a jumping castle called the soft  black hole and also this absolutely stunning   Pond full of colorful light Kois that you  will have to wade through and so if you are   traveling with very young kids or even elderly  folk I honestly think Teamlab Borderless is more   suitable but that is not to say that there is no  interaction required at Borderless it is just a   different kind of interaction whilst the physical  requirements is higher at Planets not everything   is touchable for example you are absolutely not  allowed to touch this absolutely stunning floating   water garden but the Kois in this Pond move  around in response to the people walking in it At Teamlab Borderless however  absolutely everything is touchable In fact the artwork in this space requires your  participation in order to form its next iteration! But let's also talk outfits you may have recalled   me talking about the river  and pond at TeamLab planets Due to this they will also ask you to change  out of your pants or skirts into a pair of   shorts that they provide there are also areas  with mirrored floors at Teamlab planets and   so if you do not opt for their shorts  please please please do not wear skirts! And also whilst you are bare feet  for teamLab planets I'd recommend   for you to wear a comfortable pair of  walking shoes for teamLab Borderless In this next section of the video I'm  going to show you some of my personal   highlights at both teamLab planets and  teamlab borderless which are unique to   either location and could help sway you  closer to your decision and so if you   don't want any spoilers feel free to skip  ahead to the last chapter for my overall   thoughts but if you're still here in 3 2 and  1 I assume you like spoilers so let's go! Let's start with my highlights at Borderless  I had seen the Crystal World space all over   TikTok and Instagram before I went and was already  all hyped up and even then it did not disappoint if you are going with kids or kids at  heart I strongly recommend the Future   Park sketch aquarium where you can draw  your art and have it displayed live within   the room pretty cute and you can even get the  artwork printed out on a shirt for keep's sake The En tea house was another highlight  for me watching flowers bloom out of a   teacup magically into the room  was honestly so mesmerizing I also am absolutely obsessed with the Flower  Forest which is literally swirls of flowers   of many types making their way across a  huge space and I also really enjoyed this   space full of animals and Samurais made  out of smoke a dancing away to a chant   BUT I I have to say that the space that  hands down blew me away so much so that   I was absolutely speechless was the lamp  Forest I mean guys come on just look this! In terms of Teamlab Planets I absolutely adore  the floating flower garden I honestly could not   believe my eyes that this could even be  real the flowers were not only stunning   to look at but you could also smell  fragrant floral Aromas in the space Another one of my faves here  was the dance of koi pond and   I could go on and on about it but it  is perhaps better for you to just see This next space at Planets though was  so trippy and it's another one of my   highlights it's called the falling Universe  of flowers and you feel like you're in the   globe with spinning walls of flowers it  is best experienced lying down and much   like the koi pond I think this exhibit  speaks for itself I mean if these alone   don't convince you teamLab planets is  worth going to I don't know what will With these differences in mind let's tackle the   big question of this video which of  these two museums should you go to? Well for me I went to both TeamLab Borderless  and teamLab Planets as I felt both had unique   selling points moreover the price to see both  grow was also not exorbitant at around $50 US I mean it is impossible for anything to ever  top these experiences for me and there is no   way you can convince me that there are better  immersive experiences elsewhere in this world   these have to be the absolute best there is so  I cannot choose but if I was physically limited   or traveling with kids or elderly folks I would  choose to do Borderless instead of planets for   the reasons I mentioned earlier but if you  do not fall into these categories and are   traveling for the first time to Tokyo Japan  then my advice would be for you to make time   to do both why limit yourself? As a famous  commercial once told me porque no los dos! I have previously done a full Lowdown on  teamlab borderless and have included that   video right here so that you can  go ahead and dive into that next I will also be uploading plenty of Tokyo Japan  content over the next few weeks and so if you   don't want to miss out be sure to click on  that subscribe button and also turn on post   notifications so that you can be the first to  know when a video drops and also please do like   this video if you found it helpful and informative  for you it really does help the algorithm and me! Also do feel free to drop me a comment to say  hi as I love love love hearing from you and if   you got to this point of the video I want to  thank you so much for watching it really does   mean absolutely everything to me as always  I hope that you have a fantastic day ahead   or that you've already had a good day I  will see you very soon in the next video ciao!
Channel: PhatLife Project
Views: 25,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teamlab planets vs teamlab borderless, teamlab borderless tokyo 2024, teamlab borderless tokyo new, teamlab planets tokyo vs borderless, teamlab planets tokyo, teamlab planets vs borderless, teamlab planets japan, teamlab borderless vs planets, teamlab borderless vs teamlab planets, teamlab, teamlab tokyo, teamlab borderless review, teamlab japan, teamlab borderless japan, teamlab tokyo museum, which is better teamlab borderless or planets, teamlab tokyo digital museum
Id: RzUFtZRk1vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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