Easy Weight Loss Dinner For Volume Eaters...Plant Based / Low Calorie

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] no it's here guys it's here I'm so excited my newest book to hit shelves is plantifully simple you guys have been waiting a long time this is now available for pre-order I'm so excited I'm going to be showing you a recipe today out of my new cookbook and I know a lot of you had already figured out that this has been available for pre-order for I think a few months now but I had to wait for my publisher official press release date which is today to announce that yes you can go and pre-order your copy I have the link below for you guys I am so so excited to share this book with you guys and so proud of it all the recipes in here are just so delicious and still simple you guys are going to see today I was so honored to have Dr Uma nidu write the forward for my book she's an incredible doctor I just feel so grateful for her and on the back I have rip elston's endorsement and Dr William Lee which is just I feel so blessed thank you guys so much so what is the new in this book from plant a fly lean is that I'm really addressing what to do when you are just not seeing the scale budge I'm introducing a new plate which I call the lean plate for those that like to Plate build for weight loss but then I'm giving you a whole another track so there's two tracks to weight loss the plate building way and then I'm going to give you a very targeted simple way for another option if you are just not seeing your weight budge with the plate building I also included two 28 Day meal plans in in this cookbook I made a regular meal plan that is for those that like a little bit more variety but then I heard you guys you guys have been telling me you also want you know a simplified repetitive meal plan so I did a simplified version in here as well so you get the option to pick between both of those so you get two 28-day meal plans which is really exciting I'm also addressing movement and habit building so I'm so thrilled really I'm most thrilled about the food in this one so I will have the link below for you guys where you can go and pre-order my book thank you guys so much I am so excited I just I can't believe like I'm going to have another book in stores I am just over the moon thank you guys all right so today we're going to be making the cilantro lime stuffed bell peppers out of my book these are so delicious and if you don't love cilantro the way I love cilantro then just leave it out swap it out for parsley if you still want that bright fresh Herby flavor and even though this recipe is out of my weight loss cookbook my whole family loves it if you have teenage boys that eat so much food I have two teenage boys in my house and a little girl which she doesn't eat anywhere near what the teenage boys eat and then I have a husband they love this food and they get enough calories by adding lots of avocado and adding chips in so you can totally make this meal to meet your weight loss need and then bulk it up for the hungry teenagers and spouses in your life and guys don't you like how I did my hair and put on a shirt that isn't a sweatshirt today for you guys cuz it's a special day all right so we are going to start with three large bell peppers you can get red whatever you like these were on sale so we got orange and yellow and we're just going to cut the tops off okay so we're just going to cut the top off like so and then we have the inside here that we've got to scoop out so I just cut these sides here or like today this one's just going to fall out and then you have some ridges so I just kind of tear those out and then you have a nice empty bell pepper for us to put all of our stuffing in okay so now that they're all cut we're just going to place them on a parchment Lin baking sheet and we're going to set them aside and we're going to whip together our filling get these stuffed and get them in the oven okay so for the filling it's going to be really simple we're going to add a cup of rice 1/4 cup of black beans 1/4 cup of corn about 3 tablespoons or 1/4 cup of salsa it can be store-bought homemade whatever you want some lime juice cilantro if you love it and then I'm going to be a little extra today and add some pickled jalapenos to mine so I'm going to add my 1 cup of rice now you can make it fresh at home it can come from the freezer section I'm not going to tell anybody just don't tell the internet cuz the internet will tell you all 1,000 opinions they have about how you make your rice so one cup of rice then 1/4 cup of black beans corn same/ qu Cup this is paste pecante medium again I'm not going to tell anybody then I'm going to add a squeeze of lime I couldn't find my Citrus squeezer I saw my children with it this morning I don't know then I'm going to chop up my cilantro I like a lot of cilantro so I add more than my recipe calls for my recipe is like you know two tablespoons I want half a cup my editor thought that maybe not everybody would enjoy a half a cup of cilantro so I chose a more moderate amount I'm going to add my pickled jalapenos these are so good guys if you haven't tried them they're really so good and you can get them in mild I'm going to mix that up we are ready to stuff our peppers I forgot garlic salt guys we cannot forget garlic salt so season that to taste with whatever makes your heart happy and now we are going to fill our bell peppers they're gorgeous and ready now these are like extra large bell peppers so I cut them down so don't get like see look how big I cut a significant amount off of them cuz they were so big these are still large bell peppers but we're going to get these on a baking sheet and in the oven at$ 425 for about 25 [Music] minutes okay so I make my PO blon cheese sauce from boiled potatoes roasted poblano pepper onion powder and garlic powder salt some lemon juice some cashews and if you're allergic to cashews you can swap them out for some hemp seeds and then lastly we're going to add the Hot Potato water m then you have this creamy delicious poblano cheese sauce yum now we're going to add the creamy poblano cheese sauce you can add 3/4 of a cup to this some more cilantro look at that just beautiful and you can eat all three of these for just 556 calories all right guys here it is and what I love about this is that you can eat all three of these for just 500 and 56 calories now if your spouse or teenagers need more calories then you just stuff theirs with more rice and more cheese sauce load them up with avocado and they'll be good to go but being able to eat these high volume low calorie meals is how I was able to lose 70 pounds and keep it off I am a volume eater so I like to eat these high volume meals to stay full and satisfied they're full of nutrition it's good for you and it'll help you lose weight that poblano sauce guys is so good it's like we at a restaurant it's so good all right I have to show you guys how the sharks in my house Circle whenever I'm filming a food video there is my son we're just waiting for me to finish that weren't you he is putting it down Nacho's like where's mine where is yours huh you I'm cutie a little bean a got a little bean dad gets upset when we feed him from the table and remember you don't have to eat tiny portions to lose weight you really can be eating these enormous portions if that's what you like again I'm a volume eater I eat more than my husband does but I wasn't going to survive without high volume foods you can totally lose weight I lost 70 lbs I'm keeping it off eating high volume foods like these all right guys that is it for me I hope you enjoyed seeing how simple and easy eating this way can be you could totally make this meal ahead of time and then pop them back in the oven to heat them up further down the week you can prep all the things separately and just throw them together you guys saw how easy it is make the poblano Chee sauce to use ahead of time at the beginning of the week and you will be good to go again this recipe and the poano cheese sauce are in my newest cookbook plantifully simple and again I will have everything linked below for you guys if you want to pre-order my book all right guys remember to keep this journey about health and not just about the skinny I love you guys and I'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] but
Channel: Plantiful Kiki
Views: 41,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: High Carb, low fat vegan, Plant based recipes, The Starch Solution, vegan weight loss, Plant Based weight loss, Nutritarian, Eat to live, Whole Food Plant Based
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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