Easy way to setup Java SDK/JDK in IntelliJ #java #intellij #jdk

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hello everyone welcome to this video so in this video we are going to see how you can set up a jdk version to your project and IntelliJ IDE so let's get started let's open the IntelliJ IDE so you can select the project that you want and then open the IDE so once you have opened your project all you have to do is right click on the project and you can see an option called open module settings so you have to get in there and under open module settings you have various options which which have various settings so under platform settings you have sdks so you can see these are the downloader sdks that I have so if I want some other version to be used for this project I want to run it in Java 8. so all I have to do is click on download gtk and select the version and it'll show me what are all available jdks that it can download from the public forum for us so we can do a download on that and once uh we have that jdk downloaded all we have to do is go to Project settings uh under the project settings you have to go to project and the SDK of the project you have to select the required jdk and and you also have an option to add the SDK or download the jdk from the uh project settings module itself you can click on ADD and select the option that you want and do it from here as well yeah so once this is done click on apply and okay and then you can run your project as required there you go thanks for watching this video happy programming
Channel: Right shift with Pavan
Views: 52,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Java, java8, intellij, IntelliJ, ask, jdk, programming, learning, java setup, jdk setup, sdk setup, java learning, java beginner, beginner
Id: XJ5EjZmOwsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 18sec (138 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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