Easy pocket journal from old maps Tutorial

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hello everybody welcome to my channel it's eva from bohemian crafting and today we will create something uh because we can travel again already yay i decided to do some quick travel travelers journal and for that look what i found in our charity shop beautiful old atlas book and i would like to somehow altered that book for that i need to take few pages off so i'm gonna start with small projects always will take some few pages off and once i will have this book quite empty just with few leftovers inside i will alter it so today i will start with some quick travelers journal and i hope you will join me i've got here a box from oatmeals we like them by the way they are very tasty and i do have here amazon shopping back and i hope i will somehow use it so first i'm gonna grab some pages and i will create my base so i choose four pages that will be good start uh these pages are quite big if you wanna know the size of my pages i need to take this ruler and i'm gonna measure it so the size is fourteen and three quarter by eleven fourteen and thick water by eleven is the size of that atlas book and i've got four pages and i will start with one of them maybe this one you could hear this beautiful lace and on this sides i'm gonna put one strip of that lace here and the one strip of that lace on that opposite side so i did two of these pages exactly same i uh glued and then stitched with the zigzag stitching my lace trim on the sides on those long sides now i'm gonna fold them on the half and i will use that zigzag stitching like this so i do have zigzag stitching on the top and we have created the sleeve like this i'm gonna take those two other pages and the first before i will do anything with them i'm gonna cut this uh strip this white strip so those two pages will be not that wide they will be a little bit smaller so from both of them i'm gonna cut this strip where you mostly have those numbers so i do have my side strips and i've got two pages which are a little bit more narrow than those first ones and i'm gonna do exactly the same put that lace trim on those long sides on both of them and fold it exactly same way i do have four sleeves done i'm gonna take another page and i'm gonna fold it half and kind of rip it off on two pieces and i'm gonna take my amazon shopping bag [Applause] um i think i'm gonna destroy it to make one big piece of brown paper so i took off all labels opened that back and now i'm gonna glue my maps on the brown paper and i will leave kind of frame around so i do have backed my papers and i also made that zigzag stitching all around from other page i'm gonna fold it half first i'm gonna cut again that strip on the side to make it a little bit uh narrow than those address then i will fold it on half one i will back with that amazon shopping shopping back paper and i have also added that stitching zigzag stitching all around and the other one i'm gonna uh cut on pieces on strips two and a half inches wide my ruler is two and two and a half inches wide so i'm gonna use my ruler and cut these strips from my left over from that page using a knife i'm gonna take my shopping bag and i'm gonna glue these papers oh on my shopping bag and again i will keep the brown paper around so i do have those three strips uh i also same like before made that sewing around with the zigzag stitching so now i do have four sleeves three those sheets and three of these strips and that last strip when i cut these strips that last uh the narrow one i glued also on that amazon amazon shopping bag and i left i think it's half inch around that we will use a little bit later right now we gonna do some kind of layout so need first i need to have a look which are the biggest one and the smallest one yeah i do have it the right way so those bigger sleeves i do have here and these are those smaller sleeves so i'm gonna start with bigger one and i do have here also one smaller page this is a smaller page so i've got big sleeve and big sheet i'm gonna take another big sleeve and another big sheet now one small sleeve small sheet and small sleeve i'm gonna place them to a nice position like pyramid not on one side but like pyramid so all these sides will be kind of even evenly put together like this i'm gonna take my uh paperclips the large ones and i'm gonna clip these pages together on the sides to make sure they will hold nicely in the position i just place them i'm gonna take my ruler and i'm gonna make a mark where it's a middle of my papers it's actually between those two images are making my my middle of my book so here is the middle of my book and i'm gonna make a marks i think one quarter of inch on the sides here is one quarter of inch and here is one quarter of inch i'm gonna slide down and do exactly the same is it it is yes it is this way this way so i'm gonna do exactly the same it's actually this it's my middle which is brilliant i'm glad it went this way so i'm gonna take these edges of that image like my navigator i'm gonna make uh make i'm gonna take my poking thing poking tool take my ruler and i'm gonna poke the holes i think in the one inch apart from the bottom to the top one inch apart here and on that other side as well one inch apart from the bottom to the top i'm gonna make sure that it's poked properly here and here i'm gonna take needle and thread so i do have poked holes i've got one two three four five six seven seven holes on each side and i'm gonna start from inside and i'm gonna go from one side i think this one i'm gonna just clip here do i have some paper clip to make sure it will don't fly somewhere so i'm just gonna clip that end here so i'm starting from one side and i'm gonna go kind of like across to that next one on the opposite side and at the same position on the opposite side and a little bit up that next one up and again to that right next to it and one up across right next to it one up right next to it one up oh i'm sorry i just hit my camera stand right next to it one up and right next to it right next to it and we're gonna go down so one down across and right next to it again and one down across so from here to that one one down across and this right next to it and again one down across right next to it one down across right next to it one down across and right next to it oh right next to it not not down right next to it and the last one where we are oh yeah okay and here i'm gonna make a knot and tie it nicely i'm gonna take my crocodile and punch the holes one here on the bottom i will try to punch it in the middle of my uh between those marks i made like this and one on the top again i will try to punch it in the middle like this i'm gonna fix the eyelets like this to make sure it's nice and flat i'm gonna take my hammer and a little bit smash it down i'm gonna take a elastic elastic ribbon or elastic band and i'm gonna go from outside to the inside of my journal up around the edge of my journal and here i'm gonna cut this elastic the elastic ribbon or how you call that elastic string and make a knot so we just created holder for some small travelers journal or signature yeah okay tied it this way good so i can slide some papers behind those elastic bands i'm gonna fold my papers right behind that stitching and press it nicely i'm gonna fold the other side as well right behind that stitching [Applause] and press it nicely so we have this right now you could hear these three kind of like strips so i need to choose where i will place them i would like to keep this plain maybe for some writing so i'm gonna take my strips and i will find the spot where i want to place them i think one because you know that colors they can be visible visible if i will place it here and i'm gonna glue that strip on the bottom so i'm gonna glue that strip on the bottom and i'm gonna go a little bit closer to the spine of my journal not exactly on the on the edge of this page but a little bit closer to the spine of my journal here i will try to keep it straight i'm gonna let it dry before i will do anything else i'm gonna take another one and i will do uh same i will put a glue on the bottom of my strips i think this way i want it here so on the bottom of my strip i will put a glue and this time i will go far from from the spine so i will go more on this side okay i'm gonna flip this and fold my paper here i can see the edge of my journal so i think about half inch above the edge of my journal yeah i think this way yep yeah that will be enough i'm gonna have a look if if it's straight it looks that way i will put glue oops my glue i will put glue here under the big piece and just a little bit on the edge here just a little bit here and at rest here i didn't put any glue so that rest can be like attack spot and i'm gonna let it dry same i'm gonna do with this so here i can see how much i did folded this first one i'm gonna fold the other one exactly same make sure it's straight i'm gonna check it yeah it looks looks kind of narrow [Music] and a little bit this way yes that way okay and i'm gonna do same so i do have it glued here on the bottom now i'm gonna flip that page i'm gonna put glue on my next one look at that glue okay i'm gonna put glue here my crazy glue a little bit of glue i'm gonna put here on the edge of my page and glue it so this will be like backspot in the next one one two and maybe somewhere here i'm gonna glue the bottom of my strip and here i will go totally right next to that um or maybe a little bit even even a little bit over that uh lace live stream yeah why not i can slide the things this way in there so that way i will secure it from here i'm going to put a little bit of glue on my trim here and i'm gonna let it dry before i will do any folding meanwhile i'm gonna take this last strip i'm gonna take my lace string and i'm gonna grab some of these some of these maybe some book page one or two and i do have many of these strips okay so first i'm gonna use my leaking glue and i'm gonna put glue here and i will use book pages to kind of add them there and maybe some of them on opposite sides right here i'm gonna take these paper strips and glue them over it kind of reinforce it or decorate it with that and on that opposite side as well of course and i'm gonna take my crazy leaking glue and i'm gonna add it on the edge of that book page i'm gonna take my lace stream i'm gonna glue it there right here and i will do same on that opposite side and i'm gonna wait a little bit and once it's dry i will add that zigzag stitching probably somewhere here to stitch that that lace to make sure it's holding i think this is dry so i'm gonna fold this kind of help myself to fold that last one padami to make it straight i'm gonna flip it over and do exactly same like before i'm gonna add the glue here and on the edge of that paper sleeve fold it over and let it dry so i will have three tops here on the top now i think i may can use my sewing machine and do that zigzag stitching so i do have their zigzag stitching i'm gonna fold it half punch the sides with my envelope punch board on one side another side and here i'm gonna decide how big how many it is seven it's ten ten inches look at me i've got ten inches which means three and three eighths probably so three and three eight somewhere here and i'm gonna punch and again three and three eight or have i move it on three and yeah yeah three and three eight somewhere here and punch i'm gonna take my scissors and cut it between that's one fold it cut it that's other one and i'm gonna open it and put my side stops somewhere so maybe one here can be nice yeah i think i actually like it there so i'm gonna put the glue on the in the middle of my top and a little bit about a half halfway in that top and i'm gonna fold put my tab on my page and fold it so that way it's glued together it's glued to the page but it's not glued all the way so even that tap will be like my slight spot or tack spot one here one somewhere in the middle yep i guess somewhere here and again i'm gonna put a glue in the middle and a little bit kind of like on half of these tops from the middle from the fold and i'm gonna place it in the middle of my page like this and glue it this way yeah and the last one i think i need to pull it a little bit up because it's too in the book and it's not that much visible yeah this way the last one i will place on this page on the bottom so i do have that base we've got pocket sleeve we've got page with tax spot page with tax spot pocket sleeve page pocket sleeve tech support tech spot here attack spot and pocket sleeve with belly band belly bend pocket sleeve page pocket sleeve dark spot here tack spot here belly band and the pocket page and the pocket and of course in the middle we do have the elastic band for the pages for some some signature what i'm gonna do now i'm gonna use two cheap board pieces and i cut pieces so i'm gonna tell you how big oops sorry for that ones i do have two pieces uh eight inches by four and three quarter and i'm gonna wrap them to some decorative paper so i have two these two images they are from my uh large collection of journal covers i did share with my patreons i think it's their 54 already now which i shared journal covers this is one of them which we created together and you can use them this way to create just simple book cover these are also one of the 53 or 54 journal covers which i already shared this is another of them and you can use it this way or as i showed you you can create just simple journal cover like this and i do have already 50 i think it's 53 of them already there there is als always designed for front and from back of the journal and they are all kind of different uh book covers and this will be just on my patreon because it's really huge huge collection if you will imagine it's a hundred eight images full size images and i don't wanna split it off so it's impossible to download it on on for me i don't wanna just to be overloaded with some kind of you know zipping on the pink so it's on my patreon because it's 108 images already now because there is always front cover and back cover and i do have already prepared a second row second running of the different journal covers so this is just showing you what you can get there if you will join my patreon there is lots of images i do believe that there is already over 1000 images i shared with my patreons all kind of different different vintage images and this is second row which i will share with my patreons very soon i hope there is a mix of them but i do have second row with different types of journal covers so if you wanna join my patreon this is uh in the tier four five dollars per month it's where you can get any kind of downloads so that is in that tier and there is really a lot this is not there yet all that all that second row there is that first row with those 54 so from from that collection i've got these and i glued them on that chipboard one will be for front and another will be for back of my journal and i'm gonna have a look if i need some book page between um yeah maybe it will be good so i'm gonna put a book page from the opposite side of my covers so i do have book page from the other side and i also protected the coverage with wax i just melted wax over that image to make protection of my covers and it's nice smelling wax it duct it's that frag fragrance wax for you know home refreshing and i'm gonna glue it my book cover right on the top i'm gonna that's why i folded those pages right next to that stitching now i'm gonna put the glue here on my front of my book on the lace here on that stream on the bottom of my book and there i will be very generous with glue and here around the spine and i will put my book cover right on the top make a nice coat and as you can see i didn't put the glue here on the top because there will be pocket from the top so now i'm gonna place my book cover on the position i wanna see on my journal right here i'm gonna flip it over and do same with that back cover yes like this now i'm gonna put some heavy book on the top and i'm gonna let it dry so once it's all dry you do have your base where there is pocket here pocket here do have that spot and all these pockets and then it's pocket here from the top and pocket here so you do have your beautiful base you can up small journal in the middle and you can add many beautiful decorations to your journal and in the and it can looks like this i just added just a few things just a few pockets i created few tags and [Music] few decorative envelopes with some writing spots i have used my uh all kind of stamps these are not just uh from one designers they are uh there is a collins there is a collins uh don't remember this one so you can create your magics on this on these pages i've got flip out here i've got pocket here and pocket behind and enter all these pockets here you can add something and this is a very uh easy creative book and it's perfect for those who want to try to date it first book with many pockets i also created this one because i really like that hanging truck inside and these are also tereza collins stamps so you will have many pockets for your epimeras photos maybe some writing spots writing tags i also created a handmade paper clips for this journal so many beautiful places spaces stuck spots for editing things mini pocket on belly bend with tickets i showed you the journal again mini pockets for tickets and we do have lots of space for writing for storing things and here again there is a coins and also tim holtz stamps and few tickets as embellishment and pocket here and pocket here tuck spot which we created another tech spot here we've got the belly pen pocket with tacks and epimeras and another envelope the corruptive so this way you can create very easy way some decorative journal so this is my sharing for today i hope you did enjoy it i hope you took some inspiration this is a easy way multi-pocket travel journal you can store their your passports anything you want thank you so much for visiting me today thank you so much for spending your time with me i hope you took some inspiration have a beautiful day take care about yourself and i will see you soon bye
Channel: Bohemian Crafting
Views: 47,818
Rating: 4.9456224 out of 5
Id: gCPlAu7Y6d8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 12sec (2412 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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