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good morning we are some happy monkeys we are back in Mor's Inlet and it is so beautiful today we have been like itching to get in some beach time so we're going to go get breakfast at one of our favorite places I know we've taken you guys there before it's called Benjamin's and they just have such good like Bagel breakfast sandwiches and coffee we love it and it's right near the beach so we're going to get that take it out to the beach and have like breakfast by the ocean which is going to be so nice and then we're going to make a really good dinner night and kind of have like a date night at home so I'm excited for that I ordered some like just a few things from Home Depot to kind of spruce up this house and I am so excited for it to get here we're like waiting on penss and needles for like the delivery driver to get here so that's coming today I cannot wait to show you guys what we got so it's going to be a really fun day [Music] h [Music] looking good looking ready to go get a little breakfast action breakfast by the beach oh nothing better no need to add salt to our food because we got it in a natural sense that's right [Music] y'all our little breakfast on the beach was so good that is one of the best bagels if you are in this area you should really go there I get the cheddar bagel I think it's called The Rise and Shine breakfast and you get like either sausage bacon or something else and then you get to choose what Bagel you want it on and it comes with a little cup of coffee and it's just like the best little deal so it was amazing beach was beautiful so good to just like giv some sunshine I braved the beaches with a hot cup of coffee this morning yeah I was like byy we should have gotten you an iced coffee but you know I got an iced coffee and the ice melt in like 30 seconds so you know it's always so nice in RS Inlet because we always have a great Breeze and where our house is is like really close to the water so even like sitting in our yard we always have like this natural Breeze which is really nice in the summertime but it is humid like you don't even understand it's probably 100% humidity and they're saying today the heat index makes it feel like 112 and it's like you walk outside and you're just wet are you are you serious that's what I heard someone say oh my gosh it's really hot today so anyway my eyes melted so fast okay I'm jumping in here because our Decor from the Home Depot was delivered yesterday and funy and I just got it all set up and so I will take you guys back to yesterday but I wanted to jump ahead and show you this because I'm so sicking excited I could literally cry because of this tree behind me ever since bony and I have lived in this house I have always told him that I wanted a little tree on this wall because it's kind of big and bare and I just felt like a tree would kind of fill out some of the space well we had never bought one and I don't know why we waited so long because it literally transformed this room and I can not get over the quality and how beautiful this Olive Tree is I feel like it matches the the wall color and then that con like console table right that's it's right beside it looks like perfection in this room y'all I'm so stinking excited about it so this one is 82 in so it's like a really good height I got it on sale great price and how I was telling y'all that like the quality is so good look at the actual like branches of this thing it looks so realistic let me tell you why I'm so impressed by the Home Depot first of all it's so easy to order online and get it shipped to your door but I feel like their best kept secret is their home decor they actually have so many amazing little Hidden Treasures that are like perfect and beautiful for your home and it's funny because you know we always think of the Home Depot as like going to get wood or gardening stuff but they actually have an incredible home decor selection and whenever Mony and I were looking for rugs one of you guys told me to look at Home Depot and so I did and I was like wow they actually have so many other things for a great price they had such a good sale going on they still do and um I was like I can get some things to spruce up our Mor's Inlet house and with the Home Depot I feel like you can DIY a a lot of things DIY in a lot of ways because you can do it yourself or you can decorate it yourself and you can find it all at Home Depot gosh this is look so good I am surprised these are actually um the perfect size yeah did you did you plan that I knew that it had like Square pillows but I honestly did not even think about those wow that's awesome that just worked out really good and if you want to go all Stripes you can go all Stripes how awesome is this it's reversible you can do it on the stripe side or you can do this this other like Floral Pattern but I love the mix of the two together y'all we are shook to our core at what a difference just changing out our bedding made in here it looks phenomenal I feel like we actually have um an adult bedroom now doesn't it feel so adultish yes it does wow it looks so beautiful now you talk about another m that I have waited for since we moved into this house y'all the chairs that used to be here you probably remember them they did not match they were so bad we could not stand them we never used to sit here and I was like monkey we need to just get two matching chairs that are beautiful that we love and of course we found these on sale as well such a good deal they're stunning and I was a little bit nervous about the legs matching the color of the table and it looks perfect this little space now is so inviting and I'm like I want to have coffee here I want to work from here during the day we can have like dinners together at this table now it just feels so much better okay and the last thing that we got is this beautiful arched mirror I love the detail around the edge of it it's like gold but has almost like this antique wash I think they called it here you go you can see it better now it is so beautiful so this is our like downstairs Main bathroom and this is the mirror that was here whenever we moved in and I loved it cuz it's kind of like nautical and has the rope and it's kind of like Rusty but I just feel like it's served its purpose and I have like a better vision for this bathroom so I wanted to get one that was going to kind of like update and Elevate I'm telling y'all the Home Depot's home decor online section is amazing and like I said they are having a big sale right now so you can head down to my description box and Shop their red white and blue sale it's happening now until July 10th and I'll have all of this linked plus more down below we St at the grocery store on the way home and just grabbed some things for like the week and then also for our little date night dinner we're going to do like steak kebabs with little cherry tomatoes and potatoes on it so I think it's going to be really good we're going to make them on the BGE and then I saw this recipe for like oven roasted parmesan green beans did we get Parmesan we did not we forgot I hope we have some in the refrigerator oh no doubt that we do though if not we'll go back and get some um but that's going to be really good so I cannot wait for dinner they had so many like good deals I get one free so we got watermelon that was half off and that's a bunch of watermelon right there yes the chibani creamers were buy one get one free the sour cream was all of the kin's dressings so I feel like we my blackberries right over there 99 Cents y'all such a good deal the poppies were on sale till book was buy and get one for so we seriously oh chicken the chicken half off I got some cookies so we like really looked out at the grocery store today I'm glad we went and like stocked up we're going to be here for probably I don't know 5 or 6 days and then we're going to go back um home and spend the week with our families and my brothers coming to town for the 4th of July so it's going to be really fun next week but we are excited happy joyful so just like beside ourselves to be here and just spend some time in our little happy place this week you know my mindset if you're going to be hot you might as well be hot somewhere pretty that is the truth I agree I've been on a quest lately I think I thought that I knew but it has been confirmed after this shopping trip we have the chips aoy Candy Blast cookies these are your favorite do you see the texture on this thing wow it's like the perfect thickness they look softer I recently had the chips aoy Hershey's I don't really love the chips aoy chunkies I don't love the chewwy ones I had the Reesey ones but this one right here that's your Fai is the tried and true for me it is the best cookie like it is the best packaged cookie I think that is out there this come from a guy who like does his research and loves some cookies now I do love the Trader Joe's teeny tiny little chocolate chip cookies oh yeah but those are like a whole different animal that's when you want to eat like 40 cookies cuz it equat to like five cookies okay I'm going to go ahead and get started on dinner and kind of prep some things um we're going to let our steak marinade for about 20 to 30 minutes just to give it like a lot of really good flavor and it takes about that long I feel like usually to get the Big Green Egg like up to the right temperature so that'll be perfect timing and with our potatoes CU we're going to do little skewers of like steak um baby potatoes and then like little baby tomatoes and so for the potatoes I'm going to like do you call it par boil yes is that the right word yeah I think so that was good right getting into your culinary cabinet over there I'm going to like basically just like bring them to a boil until they are just barely soft because they're going to finish cooking on the grill but to ensure like the inside is tender we need to just like parle them okay so for our steak I'm going to make us this little marinade which sounds so good it's going to be delicious Now the recipe calls for balsamic vinegar I have a balsamic glaze here instead of buying a whole another container of like balsamic vinegar I'm just going to use this and I'll show you how I'm going to doctor it up so we'll do kind of like a good amount and to kind of bring the acid and a little bit of vinegar I have this rice Farm vinegar I know this is crazy but I actually think it's going to be so good on there I I conceptually I'm following here yeah so just a little bit to kind of like bring the acidity and then we're going to use some whole grain mustard which y'all know is my absolute favorite it's your jam it's my jam add your mustard in yum and then the recipe calls yeah so then the recipe calls for honey but I just had this really good idea because Mony and I love a little bit of spice and I was like wait we have hot honey you're getting into your bag of tricks tell me this is not going to be so good hot honey balsamic a little bit of vinegar mustard like those flavors to me oh wow I like mouth watering this steak is going to be singing it's going to be so good y'all so I'll add in good amount of honey and then of course all GL marinades have some garlic in there plenty of garlic so like a big tablespoon of that and then last but not least is just some salt and pepper I cannot even talk because I'm mouth watering so bad it's like almost embarrassing um but these flavors the way that they smell oh my gosh I'm going to use B's favorite kitchen gadget oh baby whisk I got baby whisk I'm whisk this together I think I will add just one more tiny please see right there one more tiny drizzle of vinegar mhm that that's exactly what we needed right there it's Perfection y'all this marinade I just cannot [Music] now we're also going to marinate our little tomatoes so I'm just going to drizzle some olive oil over top of these and then I'm going to do a little crack of black pepper and then I just kind of like rough chopped some Rosemary and we're going to add that right on in here too just going to TOS it with my fingers buy said that our steak actually looks like tuna which it really does but all those little like mustard seeds and garlic on there I just canot wait for this and I was going to tell y'all since we're going to use these wooden skewers I've had them soaking in this water for probably like an hour or two just to make sure that they do not catch fire whenever we put them on the grill so if you also have W skewers don't forget to soak them [Music] okay so like I told y'all we're going to do some oven roasted parmesan green beans to go along with our Kebab so I'm going to wash these and like trim off the tips of them on each side and then I'm going to get a little egg wash going and then we're going to just coat them with like all kinds of Parmesan and put some seasoning in there and then bake them so it could not be more simple but I think they're going to be like a summertime staple for us [Music] now for this parmesan you're going to use a really good amount like a cup of Parmesan so I'm just going to like take the lid off and throw a ton of it in here and then to season this up I'm just going to use some of the blend so the salt pepper garlic if you want to add like onion powder in here you can or whatever seasonings you want can I jush that around I could honestly just take a spoon to this and be happy as can be don't be stingy with that farm girl buky now that is good Old Faithful there I know we have gone through countless bottles of the blend cuz it just is the easiest best little what would you say shortcut best little shortcut in the kitchen so we are going to just dunk our green beans in our egg I'm going to kind of like let them dangle to get off like that excess egg and then just throw them on in this palm and we'll toss them around and just like coat them like you literally want them to be coated in the Palm cuz it's almost going to act like a breading y'all this would be the best little dinner yeah I'm really looking forward to these green beans you just want it to look just like [Music] that okay these look so good so they are going into the oven at 350 for like 15 to 20 minutes and I will take them out about halfway through and just like toss them so we can make sure they cook really good on all sides all right so I'm going to let bony assemble our skewers but basically we want to try and get at least two to three pieces of steak on each one you can load mine up with more potato than tomato I thought that might be the case and you can have more tomato than potato so it works out great so do you want cuz I think there's I just counted I think there's about 16 pieces of steak so do you want to do like three per let's just do four per 4 12 16 just do four skewers oh perfect let's do that if you're making mine then yes let's go let's go to oh you know what hang on before you put potatoes on there I want to just put those in a little bowl let me just toss them and like season them okay I just want to give the potatoes like a little love as well so I'm going to dle them with olive oil excuse us Daisy M and then I really want to carry that Rosemary flavor throughout so I'm going to do a little Rosemary and I'm going to hit these with the blend as [Music] well wow wow this is heavy this thing's getting serious bu it's pretty we've got that looks so good thank you I feel like the the potatoes are like our little uh like security measure you know they are they're like they're like little uh like caps keeping everything in place yeah [Music] buy skewer bunky skewer both of us skewer I'll take this yeah all the marinade oil stuff just like dump all that in there and then all that goodness in that little bowl is being drizzled throughout the cooking process yes that sounds so good [Music] we just take a second for like the grill marks oh my gosh little Char as we bunk at that tomato these look incredible fire roasted wow they look so good everybody's favorite part is actually the removal of the Kebab contents monkey asked me if I was going to just like eat it off the Kebab or like take everything off the Kebab I was like I'm just going to eat off this sck he was like I don't think that's the right etiquette the green beans delicious I love the parmesan exterior don't add too much salt because the parmesan already is like kind of salty and the way that you cook them in the oven they're not going to have the same like crunch texture that they would have if you did them like on the stove top but it's still like such a fun way to eat them and I was reading the recipe and they said like dip these in your favorite dipping sauce so like if you dip these in ranch that'll be really good mhm girl that bomic and vinegar y'all the flavor on this steak the balsamic but with that mustard and then I keep getting like little Flex of Rosemary which just like gives it this freshness oh my gosh all right that is going to do it for this video I love you guys so much thank you for hanging out with us I'll have the recipes link down below for you also do not forget to check out the Home Depot down below I'll have all of those links as well definitely shop their sumers sale as always if you are new we'd love for you to join our family so hit that subscribe button before you leave give this one a thumbs up and I will see you guys in the next one bye y'all I [Music]
Channel: Jessica O'Donohue
Views: 35,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jessica O'Donohue, easy recipes, summer grilling, steak kabobs, Parmesan green beans, summer side dish recipes, summer recipes, summer cooking, day in the life at the beach, day at the beach, summer day
Id: n-21jSUoXEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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