Easy Retro Lemon Pie Recipe | Sliced Lemon Pie 🍋

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have you ever had a lemon pie that wasn't a lemon meringue pie welcome back to Vintage recipe hero this week we are making a sliced lemon pie which is as the name suggests a pie with slices of lemon inside of it I've never had a lemon pie personally that wasn't a lemon meringue pie or a lemon curd pie or some sort of lemony custard filling and I don't even know if I've had that third type of pie before now this week I did things a little differently because I actually made the final product before filming the first shot which usually if I'm the first shot with all the ingredients but you are gonna have to wait until the end of the video to see how the sliced lemons did in this pie and what it's going to taste like because I've never tried this pie before either I do recommend baking this pie on a sheet tray you can see I had lots of Dripping going on the filling for this pie is quite liquid so bake it on a sheet tray use whatever pastry you want I've provided a recipe for just a basic pastry that you can use for sweet pies or quiche but you could even use a frozen crust if you wanted to if you got a frozen crust lying around you can make this pie tonight let's get started start with the pie dough add your flour salt and sugar to a large bowl and whisk to mix [Music] next cut up your chilled unsalted butter into cubes and place inside your flour bowl foreign [Music] process with the shortening [Music] now your goal is to pinch and break the butter and shortening cubes into little pea-sized pieces working it into the flower without melting into the flour the reason your butter and shortening must be cold is so that it can maintain these P shapes throughout the dough which will give us flaky pastry when baked back two eggs into a bowl or measuring cup and add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mix gently [Music] make a well in your flour bowl and pour in the egg mixture get a cup of ice water and adding a little bit at a time gently work it into the flour mixture until your dough comes together when pressed I personally would add about two to three tablespoons each time I need to add more water to the dough [Music] now your hands are going to get messy and sticky during this part but try not to rub them and clean them off until the end the more we rub our fingers and put those bits back into the dough the more that gluten gets developed and creates a tough dough which we don't want when you think you're finished you may then scrub your hands and get all the dough bits off [Music] it's off when your dough starts to push together like this that's a good indication that it might be done however be careful and look out for some flower Pockets at the bottom [Music] we want to make sure the dough just comes together but that it's not too crumbly or else it won't hold the shape of a crust now we're going to divide this into two because actually we only need half of this dough recipe for this pie so we're going to ball and Puck this half of the dough and we're going to put this into the fridge to use for our crust with the other half of the dough we can either make another pie today or tomorrow if that's the case we'll also put it in the fridge or if you're not planning to make another pie in the near future you can put the other half of this dough recipe into your freezer for one to two months just check it for freezer burn before using it [Music] thank you [Music] why I flatten my dough balls into pucks before refrigerating them to chill is so that they chill quicker less thick that your dough is the quicker it will chill [Music] all right next we're going to add our sugar our flour our little pinch of salt and whisk that together in a medium sized Bowl this is going to be the pie filling and we also have to add our boiling water and mix that in foreign [Music] the lemon part of the lemon pie we're going to zest one lemon I've noticed in retro recipes that they often only zest one of the fruit that they're using we're going to add this zest into our filling mixture though I'm not sure why we don't zest all of the lemons because in my opinion that would make it taste even better but I'm following the recipe for beta so next we're going to cut the skin off of this lemon or any bits that are bad this is how I recommend cutting it off you don't want that white pith in your pie because it's quite bitter [Music] oh and we're going to slice these lemons as thinly as possible as close to paper thin or bristol board thin as you can get [Music] these are going to melt down in the pie and make it really really delicious just make sure to check for seeds before you add them into the filling you find any seeds or if you find big membrane bits just pull them off and throw them out and we have to repeat this with lemon two and three which we are not zesting for no discernible reason oh this one was really seedy and let's get over with number three so we can get back to the pie okay all these slices are going into our lemon sugar mixture mix that up and we are ready to get our chilled crust out of the fridge and start rolling it out make sure to flour your counter now the other half of my pie dough I put in the freezer so you're going to take your one half of pie dough and you're gonna have that for top crust and bottom crust I normally like to pre-shape my dough into a round shape before I roll it into a rounder shape I think that it gives you a good Head Start try your best to create a circular piece of dough but if you can't get it that circular that's fine because we will be trimming off the edges anyways foreign your rolling pin it is easier to flower your rolling pin an extra time to pick up your pie dough and move it around as I'm doing right now than it is to try and unstick stuck dough [Music] we want this shell to be a little bit bigger than the circumference of our pie dish because it needs to not only lay flat but also go up on the edges oh [Music] that looks about the right size so a handy tip for this is to actually roll it into your rolling pin dusting off any excess flour because that's not very tasty [Music] and then you can just unroll it into your pie plate [Music] now it does not say to prick the bottom of this crust so we're not going to do that we are going to instead just move on to Rolling our top crust out [Music] all right set your top crust aside it's time to pour the filling into this bottom crust and I was not kidding at the beginning of this video when I told you it is liquid this is a liquid pipe though [Music] soon's worth over the top of this pie this is going to make it extra delicious [Music] I think I put a little more than two tablespoons on mine okay now we're going to roll the top crust over and be careful very liquidy I am personally gonna push all around here just to stick the top and bottom together and then I'm going to take my scissors and cut off the excess dough but don't throw out the excess dough what I always do with excess dough like this is I then rolled this into a ball I put a tablespoon of brown sugar in it folded it over like an empanada and I baked that at the same time never throw your excess dough a little brown sugar a little piece of fruit or a tablespoon of jam and you have another alternate dessert and then they did not say this in the recipe but I'm also going to push the edges of this with a fork because the filling is so liquidy that I don't want it to pop out of my pie plus I I think and again they didn't say to do this this is just me being careful I'm cutting some steam holes in the top of my pie [Music] and again they didn't say to do this but I am rushing the top of my pastry with some milk you can also use egg this is just going to make it nice and brown I'm doing this just because I know that this dough personally does need a little extra help to make it nice and dark and I'm placing this on a sheet tray which is also not mentioned in the book but did you see this feeling look at that it's waving we need this on a sheet tray this is going to spill this is the finished Masterpiece gorgeous golden lemon pie [Music] okay either you've waited long enough or you just skipped ahead to the end to see how it tastes but I'm gonna slice this pie now okay let's slice this pie it says serve warm and this pie is still warm so it's perfect I don't have a a pie syrup or cake server thing so we are just going to try and get it out with my handy knife oh my oh wow what the top this is like magic oh hello folks this is like magic oh my goodness I put this pie on that sheet tray you saw earlier to bake because it was literally liquid when I was putting the pie in the oven you can see through the top crust it was like waving was Liquid now look that's crazy oh my gosh I am excited to try this pie heat test oh my God that is the most lemony pie I've ever had in my whole life I can't even describe how good this is because I thought it was going to be crap to be honest I thought oh just those slices of lemon with a bit of sugar and water and flour that's either going to be like stodgy or the lemons are going to be way too tart and you're just gonna be chewing on you know little membranes but this is like the elevated version of that packet lemon pie fill you can get with real little soft bits of lemon in it I think that this crust not to toot my own horn was a good choice because this pie while quite tart is also quite sweet I mean it's lemons and sugar The Filling so to have a crust that's more neutral I think is a nice choice but you do you I probably rate eight out of ten slice them in five my new favorite lemon pie don't forget to subscribe if you want to see a new retro recipe made each week or if you want to see my fiance trying all these recipes when he has no idea what is in them thanks see you next week bye
Channel: Vintage Recipe Hero
Views: 13,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Retro recipes, lemon pie recipes, easy lemon pie, lemon dessert ideas, baking with lemons, easy pie recipe, pie ideas, fruit pie ideas, what to do with lemons, easy baking, easy to bake pie, beginner pie recipe, citrus pie ideas, baking, recipe testing, use up old lemons, pie crust recipe, easy pie crust, vintage cook book recipes, 1960s pie, 1960s food, retro pie recipe, vintage recipe hero, what did people eat in the 1960s, lemon pie crust recipe, lemon pie filling
Id: d3xR3QRmovQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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