Easy Product Lighting in Blender (Tutorial)

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in this video I will show you how to do a super easy Studio lighting for your model or your product you don't need anything beside a model and a plane with a camera in your scene and I got my spider looking robot from the kit Library so go with whatever you have and let's see this through now since I have zero lights in the scene the render view will go dark as under the bed so let's start adding a matter daddy the idea here is to LIT this model from many angles using different area lights so we need to add one and it should appear in the center after that we can move it around and rotate it to cast light from the right area so where is this right area know that this light we added should be the main source of lighting the key light in the scene and this one usually goes with an angle between 30 and 60 from the camera depending on the side you want the shadow to cast so from our camera view the Shadow we need is to the left side so the light should cast from the right I will go with 45° angle and you can adjust it as you see fit the lamp seems to need more power so let's go with 40 on this main light or 50 depending on how big it is the model you have and just make sure not to fry them colors you can adjust the colors on this one for a warm light or go with something bluish however we will stay on white for this one once you're done with the main light we need another one to shed some settle soft Lighting on the opposite side since it's still dark so let's add another area light this new lamp will go on the opposite side of the camera so you can copy the first one and rot rot it around the cursor then adjust the position as you see fit this will go low on power something around five should be enough I will also double its size to make it less sharp just like you do with your burritos we do this to keep the light soft while litting the left side of the model at last we need a light that cast from the back this is what we called a rim light you can see many examp examp of it online to get the idea of what we need it for and it's mainly those highlighted edges on the model you have some freedom in placing it around the back area so play with it around while the other lights off to see what fits something around half the main light power should be a good balance for the rim light you can also focus more on the rim light alone if you want to do cool renders by lowering the spread value the results are just amazing this lighting set with three directions will be more than than enough for most cases however you can sometimes add a top light something like the soft fill lamp with a similar power value to lit the top area you can as we said before go with warm versus cold colors on those lights usually orange with blue works best you can go hard or soft on the shades and it will present nicely you can do this easy set once along with the cam and the background then save it to your blender assets to use it again and that's it subscribe cuz your grandma already did and see you in another video Stay sharp goodbye
Channel: Architecture Topics
Views: 4,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CFLWcx5u4Vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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