Easy No-Knead Dutch Oven Bread Recipe

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everyone it's Anja here I will gabled home and in today's video I want to share with you how you can bake a super nice sourdough bread that comes out fluffy and perfect every single time I have baked a lot of sourdough breads and it was always a little bit frustrated by the recipes where you have to fold the dough and then you have to sit it and then you have to spend another half hour waiting and then you have to do another stretch and fold and I wanted something that was a little less hands-on that would still give me perfect results every single time so I experimented with some recipes and I tweaked them and I'm super happy to share my new recipe with you that gives you that perfect result every single time with minimal hands on time and I am Telling You about two secret ingredients that I'm using to create that result so stay tuned [Music] [Music] when I said that this is a sourdough bread it is a sourdough bread because we are using a ripe sourdough starter however I'm adding two more ingredients and one is just regular commercial yeast dry yeast and then another ingredient is the diastatic malt it is made from barley flour it's pretty easily available and it increases the activity of the yeast so it gives you a better result and professional Baker's use that all the time it creates a really nice texture and chewiness and I've been loving it I'm just adding a little bit to my recipe and I couldn't be happier with how the bread turns out every single time [Music] I'd like to stop my sourdough bread the night before by adding about 2 cups of lukewarm water to a bowl and then I add a good cup of ripe sourdough starter to my warm water I'm getting the last bits of the sourdough out and then I just stir it all up makes it well do you get the sourdough starter activate it I'm giving a really good stir as you can tell then I'm adding about five and a half cups of flour I have some whole wheat flour in there about maybe thirty percent and the rest is regular all-purpose flour and I'm adding about one teaspoon of dry yeast 1 teaspoon of the diastatic barley malt flour about 1 tablespoon of salt and again mixing it up I'm just mixing it with a spoon incorporating all the ingredients going slow [Music] and this will be a very shaggy dough this is not going to be a dough that you can mix with your hands it's gonna be very sticky and wet that's why I'm using this spoon and just again mixing up until all the dry ingredients are mixed up with the water and the sourdough starter [Music] if you do this and you find that your dough for some reason is too dry or too wet like it's not coming together like mine is starting to do here you can always adjust the ingredients you can always add a little bit more water and you can always add a little bit more flour but this is basically here's the consistency that I'm looking for really shaggy wet dough I'm just scraping down the sides because they like to get a little bit dry overnight so here's my dough shortly before I go to bed and then I'm just gonna cover it with some plastic and let it sit overnight which is typically about 8 or 9 hours so this is the dough what it looks like in the morning and I'm just gonna take my hands to bring it together I'm dipping them in some flour so that this sticky dough doesn't stick that much to my hands and I'm just gonna take it off the sides of the bowl to work it into a ball just scraping it down getting some more flour on my fingers so that the dough won't stick as much and can see how much is sticking to the bolt so it really is a wet sticky shaggy dough that's exactly how we wanted a little bit more I might stretch a little bit just using a little bit more flour with those hands take it out and I'm just gonna form a ball that looks a little bit more a little nicer on the outside so just folding it under stretching it on the top side and folding it underneath so that the top side is a little bit more smooth and flattened yes there's a little bit more in the bowl that I'm scraping together and sticking just underneath [Music] I had lined a cast-iron Dutch oven with some parchment paper and I'll put the dough ball in there you can see it's very sticky [Music] I'll put the lid on and let that rise here's I added some flour on top what it looks like after three hours maybe four hours and now I'm gonna score the top of the crust you don't have to do that but it gives it just a nice pattern and just looks a little bit more finished and this is a scoring blade you can use a very sharp knife and there's so many different patterns that you can use I'm using a very simple one here and as you can tell the dough is very soft so it's moving while I'm cutting it and that's okay you just go slow and maybe you'll go back into some other cuts and repeat that to get a little bit deeper in it but just makes it look a little bit nicer cutting it all the way down to the end you can go very fancy here or just a very simple basic design again like I'm going back into those cuts [Music] I'm setting my oven to bake at 450 degrees [Music] I put the lid on the cast iron and put it in the cold oven for about 40 minutes after 40 minutes I take the lid off and bake it for another 20 minutes and this is what the crust looks like of a total of one hour of baking and here's the finished bread it is perfect it rose it's when you tap on it at the bottom it sounds very hollow and it has a nice crust that I scored a few times and we're gonna cut it and look at it what it looks like if you found this video helpful give me a thumbs up if you new here on my channel please hit the subscribe button I upload new videos every week you can also hop on over to my blog at our gabled home.com where i have more tips and recipes thank you so much for watching and see you here next time [Music] you
Channel: Our Gabled Home
Views: 65,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sourdough, sourdough bread, bread recipe, sourdough bread recipe, sourdough starter, sourdough baking, baking, bread baking, no-knead bread, minimal hands-on, homemade, from scratch, easy recipe, artisan bread, dutch oven, dutch oven bread, cast iron, Sauerteigbrot, Landbrot, Graubrot, no-knead sourdough bread, no knead sourdough bread recipe, no knead sourdough bread, best no knead sourdough bread recipe, sourdough recipe, how to make sourdough bread, homemade sourdough bread
Id: s1wpHMEhc08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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