Easy Mining & How I Do It in Star Citizen

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did I did I scare you getting onto your ship no I knew it was you that's all I was recording and I was like there's that oh oh I'm in a video hi Mom yo yo yo my star citizens and new Gamers welcome back to another episode of Star Citizen with me mens and in today's episode I'm going to be doing some Min name I'm going to do a guide uh loose guide should I say for new players that are looking into Mining and explaining my mining method and what I call point and click mining I spoke to somebody the other day on our Discord Channel and he was talking about looking for quantanium and whether that's what he wanted to specifically do I don't know but my advice to him was if you're new to Min in don't worry too much about the science of mining just get your shap if you can and with this guide change your mining head and add some modules which I'll show you to do but then just go out the space station and just point and click mine and don't look too much into the science of it so we hope you like this video guys if you do like this video don't forget to H that point the like button for us don't forget to hit Bell And subscribe notification as always for more videos and uh we've just hit 4,000 Subs absolutely loving every single one of you guys you've actually made it really really really uh good for us on this channel the community is amazing so yeah also I'm going to do a quick Shameless plug for my new channel um as many of you probably might know I don't just do YouTube it's not my living my living is I own a recording studio and I have a channel for my recording studio that which I'm trying to build but I've also started a new one called No Nonsense music tips which is just tips for for PE for people in the music business mixing mastering production stuff like that I've been doing it for 30 years and I thought it it's time to put a channel together to get some knowledge so any of you guys out there that are into making music mixing mastering stuff like that go and check it out there's going to be a link in the description and um if you look at our other Pages it's in there as well so yeah quickly Shameless plug guys um but uh I want YouTube to be one of my main things that I do and and having to plug these things so yeah so we ought you like the page as well guys for those of you that are interested in that stuff so let's get into this one guys so what you got to do guys you got to go down to the refiner make sure you've called your prospector but you've not retrieved it it's so it's still in the hang of it's still um put away but you've actually done the first call the the the one where there's the arrow pointing down not the arrow pointing to the left and then you can access it then for it upgrades and what we're going to do is go down to the refinery up there is where we're going to refine the materials but here's where you can buy your mining heads and stuff like that so what we're going to do is we're going to what you'll do is I've already bought mine so I don't need to buy another one but you're going to come here go to categories you go to utilities we got to mining um module um mining laser heads here and there's a few different ones so have a look at what you might like but the for me for a new player look at this Helix one here it's it's a lot of money so if you can't afford it um you will have to do smaller rocks to begin with with your normal one normal one that you've got but what you if you got try and get to the 100 Grand to get this and this will then give you um an Optimum range of 15 maximum range of 45 it's laser power is 630 to 3,150 and um1 1850 for the extraction power and you can have two slots so you can have two modules on this it's going to give you minus 30 resistance so minus 30 on resistance on the Rock percent and the inert materials minus 30% inert materials going to come through and the optimal charge size window is going to shrink by 40% but we're going to counter that with the modules we put on it what we're looking at here is the power of the laser so if we've got a a a a 630 to a 1350 and then you have something like the M1 lanet you see the difference massive difference there and then the optimal charge window shrinks by 60% on that but the charge rate is faster so have a look at what you what you would like um over time but don't worry about it too much as a new player if you can afford this one i' said this one's going to be the better one to to for you until you understand more about powers and stuff like that in my personal opinion this one is the better one you get two slots for and I'll show you that in a minute so you get that and then I'll show you how to put that on and then what we're going to go to is modules and there's two types of modules you've got passive and aggress U passive and aggressive you got passive and active a passive one means that it will always be on and an active one be something like um La a let's have a look have we got any active ones here oh no didn't want to buy that but there we go 60 Grand spent I'll sell that off there to R so this Ryme one here so it's a an active one and it's going to give you shatter damage minus 10% mining laser power 85% up it lasts 20 seconds and you're going to get 10 uses of it once you 10 uses are done you have to get another one so and they're a lot cheaper you see 1.9k rather than the um the ones the the other ones are like the passive ones are like 18K 12K 4K and this Brent one again I think is um this Brent one here is an active one yeah and this one will uh push up your power by 135% so it depends on what you want what I bought is I bought the filter module which filters out inert materials by 23% and the extraction laser power is up by 90% I think I've got the I don't know if I've got the extra large one and I've also got the focus 2 module I think it is I'll have a look in a minute and that brings the optimal charge window back up by 37% so where it was shrunk with the mining head is it's up with this and the laser power is up as well by 90% so your laser power is going up to like nearly 6,000 almost with that and then you've got this Focus 3 again so this is passive 95% laser an optimal charge window 40% I don't know if I've got the three uh if not I'm going to buy that now so let me just check that see what I've got so to put them on you got go to your ship here down in here I'm going to pick the ship from the side here if it has the red lock on it it's either you've got it in the garage you've already called it or it's not on this planet or wherever you're at so we got to utilities so I've got the Sub Focus so I've got the focus 3 and I've got the this one the XLR thing and so the XLR one is 25% Plus on your optimal charge window size minus 6% on inert materials and extraction layers is 95% so extra power and so I've just gone for Passive ones rather than active ones I'd prefer just the passive ones I'm not a big mining person so I'm not too um up on most like I've not earned my skills improper just yet to be looking at other stuff but as a as a as a beginner this is perfect um the way we can work this and I'll show you that and just to show you the just in case you don't know how to change them back to that once we got here on the utilities when you want to change something you'll click it say if I was going to change that one to that one I would click it and then click the save changes here but I don't want to do that so that's I want this one on and I'll show you where they are on the ship when we um when we what's it called now the ones that you can buy the active ones that you can buy if you bring a a tractor beam along with you um on your on your side I don't know if I've got one if not if you haven't got one buy one from here and with the tractor beam on your side let me just grab a bottle of drink you can um change the mod modules out so you could take a couple of modules with you so if you know you're going to be on a long call then you could take the the the modules with you take a drink and one thing they don't sell here is the bags and I'll I'll explain the bags with with you in a minute so they don't do the bags let they do the external fuel tanks but they don't do the bags bigger bags also the other thing I'll talk about is gadgets so you have these gadgets here and these are handheld things that you'll put on the back of you or in your ship and then grab it and what you do is you can attach these to the Rock and they will give you extra bonuses as well so the laser instability is down by minus 35 optimal charge window is up by 100% so doubling your charge window and minus 30% on the rate so it's a bit slower on your rate but you've got a bigger window to keep it in and you you can grab these and put them on the Rock and then you've got to adjust them as a as a learner if you are watching this and you're a learner I wouldn't worry about them too much there is videos on them and I will do a more um a a guide where where we use one of them but for now what I'm looking at or concentrating on here is new players and getting into Mining and the reason I want you to change your mining head is because the mining head that you comes with the prospect is not that good it's so it's unstable so it's very unstable so let's go and get our ship out and when I say instable I'll show you what I mean with the way that the M the way that the charge bounces around too much so if you've got a charge window that's small it'll bounce too much in and out of it and you won't be able to focus on it let's do this welcome to the asop vehicle retrieval system Prospect vehicle your vehicle has been deliv and so this is what I would suggest for new players don't worry about too much about the the rocks and and places and and the science behind it all what you need to do is just go for the tier two uh the tier one and the tier 2 stuff some people don't even go for the tier 2 stuff but I do because more stuff will have a lot of it in so it's just better to refine it because it's still decent money you can get so you can get 25 grand for your quantanium if you get that but that's unstable and you need to get it back fast you're looking at 7 Grand for the tier one top uh for the three top tier one ones and you're looking at around three grand to two grand for the tier two stuff and then 300 for each unit of the tier three stuff so I don't concentrate on the tier three stuff even though we collect it I don't refine it and we'll talk about that in a second so when you want to change your mining heads uh mining lasers and stuff like that let me show you that quick what you would do is you would have your tractor beam on you and you would pull this laser out and you can use your tractor beam to pull the laser off and pull out the modules and then change them modules so that's how you do that basically I know can't show you cuz I don't have a tractor beam and I'm not changing my layers ahead but that's where you would change your modules there and when I mean change I mean the modules the active modules once you've used them and they they no use left then that's what I'm on about changing the other ones you would change in your um F1 if you two F1 and you ship that way turn ship on starting free flight protocols request all systems operation clear so for new players this here is your volatile cargo light when you've got quantanium in your thing this you got a timer that will come up on your screen and it used to be 15 minutes I think it's gone up to 20 now and this will start be um changing color and beeping the closer you get to that time being done and once it it gets to that time your material becomes in inert material and useless so for new players this is what I suggest even for intermediate players this is what I suggest is to come out here be careful coming out because you have spaced every line around and then straight away we'll just look around and we'll just scan keep all the V and then let go we'll just scan and what we're going to do is we're going to look for where the rocks are and then just start pushing up to the Rocks basically thank you and please with it again so we got to get out of the noise and start heading over there I think so let's do that and as we start pushing out we'll start getting some hits on boxes like this here this one here if you don't see the boxes there seems to be a bug at the moment where you don't see the boxes you just see these like dots clusters of dots like that like this one and what we'll do is we'll just head towards them just keep scanning so we got this no I won't go back to them ones see we can push into more rocks down here maybe so there's one there 13 we'll start heading towards that one so we put our marker over it that's a signature of 1870 and you can see that here so there's different signatures I'll put a link in the site I'll put a link in the description sorry of different signatures and what you could be looking out for if I can find it but there is some sort of science to that but if it's whole numbers generally it's going to be scrap um I say scrap I mean in Salvage that youed to use a salvage ship for so let's keep going forward and you see that little triangle that's just come up we we're aiming at that cuz that's going to be the Rock and you'll get multiple rocks so what we're going to do is come off that now and just pull out the mining laser by pressing M and as we get closer we'll we'll discuss the the stuff so we're just going to look for this rock now if we have to we'll just press roll our Mouse down to get a a more accurate scan in and there there's the rock there that it's not the big one it's there's a small one just in front of the big one there so watch your speed coming in I've definitely done that a many a times smashed into one and so you have different colors on these rocks this one's a purple if it's not if it's purple it means you can hoover it up straight away if it's not purple and it's got yellow around it you have to break it up so we're going to this one and we're going to get the mining laser out and this will tell us what it is the competition and all that also is a yellow one actually and it's got 45% Len I and uh 48% titanium let me look at the prices of that so what we're looking at here is it's got some titanium in which we don't really to we don't really care about and it's got some lonite in so the lonite is 3,000 per unit so that's what we're going to be that's what we're going to be looking at concentrating on and we'll go through I'll show you this as we go along so the L so there's 24 seu so 10 seu of that is going to be linai and 10 is going to be um uh titanium and the titanium is worth but 500 so we could we could if you wanted to you could it's still five grand but that's up to you if you want to take the time cuz when you refine it it's going to take more time and is that time worth it so and when you you know do you want to be moving that stuff along so first things first let's have a quick look at this so we've got all this and this is your modules the passive ones we've got which is going to in green is going to give you a bigger window so this is your optimal charge window so that's gone up by 40% because of this and then the laser power is going to be down by 5% and then we've got the extraction rate is going to be down by 5% but the optimal charge window on this one is up 25% so another 25% makes that bigger and in in hurt materials filtering is up 6% so where we've got inert materials it's going to filter out the inert materials and then the mining head we've got is going to give us 7 plus 7 on- 78 on the resistance so the resistance goes down and it's going to put the window size up by 105 40% and then 25% so there's your modules there 40% and then 105% on this so this window has gone up big and but the fracture power has gone down because of this Helix one mining head so what we want to do then is keep ourselves in this range here and then what we're going to do is push up the power here by using alt and rolling our Mouse wheel and then we'll get a green bar that comes up here and we got to keep it in this section here and when this starts charging it goes green it will break the rock if you've got any red in it and when This Ss The Rock will explode and could cause damage to your ship so be careful if you've got red in this section back away from it when this is about to blow or or just try and wait for the move of your mind off it and hopefully then this the thing drops back down here and this then takes off and then this will slowly go off but you can bring it back up and into it make sure you've got no red on there because it will damage the Rock and you'll lose some of the materials or if you got a lot of red it will blow up and blow you up this here means where we was talking about that minimum power I think it was 650 or something was the minimum power that's this it's always on that minimum power so you might find rock where you're not putting any power in and this is going up and what you'll have to do then is back up away from the rock until we get a stability in this once this is stable and it's not moving then we can roll up that to bring this up here and then once it's in here we roll it all back down to the minimum and it should stay there that's how we work this out so let's do this and you press your right Mouse button to change the mining head from fracture to collection so let's do that so let's start rolling so we're going to use our alt left alt and start rolling you'll see that intensity goes up there now for see it's started going up now once we get into that green we won't want it to go into that red so we're going to scroll back and find the point where it just stays stable if this lag on the servers which I think there may be it may jump up in big chunks and that's what we're talking about the instability the way it bounces up and down that green that green um charge level that's your instability the way that bounces up and down so when you've got high instability on a mining head or something that's what you that's what he's talking about the way that bounces around so the rock breaks up and then we'll just have ch some purple chunks here thene and and what we'll do is we'll scan once you've scanned it then it this then it stays scanned why is that pink I've never had a pink one before so that's 42% lenite so one seu of lenite there and I'm no it's the seu there because of this here it tells me how many seu it is and then I work it out so that's four seu titanium which we don't want 65% lenite there so we're probably talking about three lonite there so it's about nine grand in that rock oh and then 100% Lite there four four Lite there so with that one straight away just take it out the equation right click and just Oh wrong one that one and just that extracting it so that's that one let's start scanning some more of them so that's two two Lite in that one and 100% titanium in that one so we don't want that one so we'll take the T we'll take the Lite from this cuz it's two you can't obviously you're still going to get the titanium with it but we won't we won't think of that that there's no point in taking the 100% that's that so we are about half full we keep an eye here this is the materials we've now got so we've got 10 nearly 11 lenite so we're talking 33 Grand there in lonite and then this stuff we won't M we won't refine we'll just get rid of that so that'll be waste and so we've got 32 seu and we're 15 full nearly 16 so halfway now if I do this we have these bags on the side here these two there and two this side for some reason they don't sell them the bigger ones in the shop but there is bigger ones you can get on a mall bigger bags and you can change them bags so the ones we've got there you can use your tractor beam and change them you can land in a hanger I don't know if you guys know but thanks for that for telling me yesterday when you're at in a hanger as long as you don't go past the line to the lifs and you're in the hanger bit you can actually use your tractor beam inside the hanger itself um I they they took it away because people was was misusing it and then they' brought it back in so people can actually change stuff in the hangers and take stuff out and that so just to for you guys to know that you can actually use your things in the hanger so we've got some more hits let's have a look again press V so that's a 1720 so that's definitely going to be rocks there 1720 should be rocks um see if we can get some more signatures for use to show you that one is so that one would be junk not junk as in I mean Salvage you can salvage the stuff so it's good to come out here with a salvage [ __ ] basically so there's the rock there so that's M on that get closer and let's read it remember to watch your speed cuz many times I've gone smashing into rocks as you'll see here getting class ah not that close that's that's probably just just a tad too close a a little a little bit you might want to pull back a little bit oh my so that's me smashing into a rock and so what we got here is Taran I so the 16 seu and titanium so we don't want the titanium obviously we know that and we don't want the inats but the T I if I bring my thing across again tanite is worth 75,000 per unit so definitely want to pick up some of this this tanite and so if the 16 seu of tanite that means and um 16 seu of cargo in this rock half of it or just under half of it is terranite so you're going to get eight lots of terranite or probably seven lots of tanite so seven lots of Seven Grand is going to be a big hole but hopefully we break up the rock so that we can get chunks of tanite rather than chunks of tanite and titanium let's do it so we're going to get close again we're going to get up to this Optimum here where this will turn green not too far not don't going past that unless you really need to try and keep it in the Green Works Optimum and change our back to fraile mode and then fire and you'll see now that green Mark is going up and so for me that green marker is stable at this point where we the the distance we are that green marker is stable so what we can do now is roll up and as this starts rolling going up faster you'll see it starts going up faster the faster we go up we don't want all that so we want to bring it straight back down to make it stable so we found the distance up where it's stable first and then we'll bring it back down to that cuz that's the minimum and it will stay stable there because we found that stability early on so like now I'll bring that down and that should stay stable there now if it does get too close to that we'll pull back a little bit and start letting it drop like it's doing now so just be aware if you get too close to that red The Rock will blow up if if you've got red when it when it actually finishes the charge but we are good there we did good let's change our laser so we don't end up blowing up a rock by mining it ruring it should I say and let's start scanning so what we're going to be looking at is the high Teran knite that's got one tanite in that and the reason I scan all first is just in case we get 100% tanit we'd rather pick them up first before um committing to picking up T Titanium or anything like that so we don't want the titanium and it's good when you get big chunks of that because I mean there's going to be less in the other rocks so 95% tanite so there's going to be over two tanite in that one definitely going to be taking that 51% tanite so there's half a tanite in that one and then there's two so there's one tanite in that one and this may be a full 100% tanite 11% tanite so we'll take that one uh this big one here first which is 3 seu and it's pretty much all time I and then we'll pick the next one that's titanium we don't want that one that's got one tanite in it so we'll take that and then t one tanite in that and then there's one toite in that and then there's half a tanite in there so we've got seven Teran knes so it's close to the eight like I was saying so 7 time 7 and a half Grand was what we just picked up there now we've got so that's all titanium we don't want that we've only got four SCU space so for me there's no point in keep looking for rocks we might as well just go and take this and cash it in not cash it in but do what we need to do and this is the beauty about doing it near the space station to class something just be careful with the rocks and stuff use your scan to see them let's call for whoa and what we're what I'm going to do is you don't have to do this you can land and and do whatever you need to do but I'm just going to go and look for the the outer um Bears I think there's one here so I can land outside basically got our landing gear downar that's where we're going don't know if we're underneath it I think we might be's got a vulture there looks like and I'll just land here and this is the beauty about doing it near the space station is you're close to it so in an emergency if you're getting attacked you can get back quick into the armor system and then the guns here will protect you or once you follow up you don't these big trips to go back to turn engines off powering down system and so basically we're back at base real quick so this is why I think this is best and what we're going to be looking at is once we refine this as well you got also remember you're going to lose some when you refine it and that's what we're going to go through now oh I didn't realize I didn't have my helmet on don't do what I did make sure you have an helmet on that's one of the main things I used to do when I was uh for starting out yeah I'm s silly sometimes me if you haven't got an helmet on going to an Ang you won't get that when I just had there I was lucky I was very lucky though and what I will suggest I will suggest you do now so you when you land on a padic cat put your ship away so don't worry about that but what I would suggest you do here now is going into your hospital I'm going to get a room because I need it now room four what but I would come here and set your regen Point as here so that if you do die at least you would have come back to this place you would have another one of these boxes which says uh transfer in print and um at least that way then you would have spawned back here if you did die so we're looking for four it's going to be in here I don't know if you guys know this but there's also storage here here or there was storage here don't know what they've done with it now um but there's different storages uh you have a storage in here uh as well as in the um normal where the other other places are but for some reason it's not showing it here I don't know if they're working on that but they would there's two separate storages one here in the hospital area and one in the where you get your ships and all the rest of the station there we go there's some sort of desyncing going on or some sort of lag because I can tell with like the way things are not happening proper it's not smooth it's not been smooth same with the mining it's not been smooth so what we got to do is come down here now to the refinery and while we're here I'm going to bring over my other screen again as you see there and what I'm going to look at I I'll put this cheat I'll put this cheat sheet thing in the in the in the in the description section but it's the mining cheat sheet and you can it looks at the different lasers and what they do and uh the you know the good and bad of the lasers and where you can buy them so if you want to buy the one I've got the Helix one this is all the stuff about it and where you can buy it and then the mining modules the same so if you want certain mining modules what they do and where you can buy them the gadgets I was talking about that you put on the Rocks I don't do that much I know there is some people that do then you've got the the different types of what you'll get price-wise when you sell it and then this is hand Mining and then locations of of where you might likely but this is more into the science of it and I think when you start getting into this stuff you you end up losing time because you're trying to search out certain things and I think there's one down here I was thinking there was one that tells you maybe it's not in here maybe it's I'll find it and put the link in the description and what it is is it tells you the good and the bad of the different refining that we're going to go to now further but to be honest take a look at them all yourself and and Gage at that there's there's two that I use mainly and one of them is it gives you the best yield cuz it takes away some of it when you sell it you see when you refine it it so it gives you the best shield and then um but it and not as much time or best shield in a lot of time but then you're paying a little bit more for the service now so this is where you go if you want to just sell the or so we've got the what I got on there what what I can sell oh I can sell my conium fuel oo that's good so I've got 1 million quum oh no I've got one Conan F and 10 ammonia and not Commodities on my my uh Taurus right so I've got my prospector here and then obviously this tells me what I've got in the different things so I've got Titanium Ore lanite or tanite or an iner materials now I could sell these if I wanted I could sell some of these if I wanted if I click sell to refiner you can't like choose separate ones you have to sell the whole lot you have to sell the whole lot you can't just sell individual ones so if you wanted to do that you just didn't want to have to wait and refine it we're looking at for our whole 36,000 for our whole so it's not too bad but like a 15minute journey but the best thing to do is to actually refine it so you see I've got four complete work orders here CU I've been doing this and what we're going to do is we're going to select our location which is the prospector and we're not full because there's no point just in doing fun and then we got almost three is in her materals that we don't want and then this stuff is refinable so what we're going to do is we're going to set up a work order and we're not going to take the iner materials and we're not going to take the titanium but we've got eight titanium and we've got 10 lanite and seven tanite so we're going to do the the Lin and then tanite and like I said if I get caught here and the first quart is on this coric method it's going to be 30 minutes but if I add in the titanium and get a quart it's going to be 32 minutes so it's up to you if you want to do that because you're going to get about five grand if you're lucky from that so it's up to you whether you want to do that because it's going to take space upon on your ship now if you got something like a caterpillar then it's all right doing that stuff but like I say it's just taking extra time so you've got these different methods here and go through them and I'll put the link in the description for the page that that describes all these and what you have is you have three factors on it you've got time yield and money cost so the time it takes the yield and then how much it's going to cost you so if I go back to the car one and get a call it's going to it's saying here from this 10 lonite here it's going to give me six back on nearly 11 Lite it's going to give me six of them back this tanite is going to give me four of them back it's going to it's going to be 30 minutes so it's very very quick quick and it's going to cost me 8,400 so you try all the different methods we'll get a quot on that one that's going to give me a real good yield uh of both almost full uh but it's going to cost me 25 Grand and so if you're thinking this tanite is going to give us 7,000 per unit and we're going to get six units back that's 7 7,000 * 6 is going to be 1421 uh 14 24 24 time 2 so 48 we're going to get 48 from that so it's more than going to pay for itself and then the lenite on top of that which is I think 3,000 or close to 3,000 so we're going to get close to 30 grand from that so the lonite itself will pay the cost of that and then we get the profit from that so it depends on whether the time you want the cost you want and the yield you want and so the two that I go for is either the feron or the DX the DX is the most yield like like this the same as the other one but it cost a lot less it's going to cost a 20 grand less but it's going to take 24 hours so it's 20 hours more so is that 20 hours worth the extra um 20 grand or whatever it was that's what you got to look at on that and oh let's go back it does that when you spend too long back to the prospector and then we're go um no we're not looking at that what we're doing we're going to start work order and again we're going to do the lonite and the terranite and so that's the the denx one I either do the D or the feren so the fen we we'll look at should give us a good yield again but it's going to cost us 8,000 and it's going to take 8 hours now for me that's not bad that's not bad because it's the DX one was 4,000 for the same yield but it's going to take 12 what 18 hours more something like that um for the sake of for the sake of four grand it's definitely not worth the extra time on that so um for me unless you're going to go away for 20 hours or whatever that's fine but for me if you you just working around and you're going to be on for a few hours then definitely looky at maybe the ferum cuz it's going to cost you eight grand which is going to be basically one one of your Taran I and then the rest of it profit also the other thing to look at here is when you're doing these is different space stations have different specializations and I think that might actually be in the the list let me have a look Manor modules refine oil prices is no it's not there so again I'll that'll be in the other link where it will show you the pros and cons of each space station or is it here oh yeah there is the bonus is here so you've got the different bonuses and we're at I think we're at crew L1 or something like that so there's your bonuses and your thingies of that and so that's up here so if we have any beex tail is going to be minus 6% any iron is going to be up any corundum is going to be up 6% down on the Gold Titanium 1% down Lite is down 8% so you're getting less yield basically on it and then the barrel and the heest tonight so just keep an eye on that as well and your bonuses but for me like I said as a new player there's no point in worrying too much about that stuff get into Mining and the the mechanics of mining first and then start looking at the science of it more because I think it's just going to be overwhelming if you're trying to apply science to it whereas with me I just point and click I go out the space station find a rock Mine The Rock if it's got any of the top the top four tiers in like I was talking about top two teing sorry the um let me bring that again no the top two tiers so the so the um the um any of top uh the top two tiers so quantanium obviously is a given if you get that but any of the top three tier uh top two tiers is if if the Rocks got any of these in it in the top two TI top two tiers in quantanium I'll mine it if it doesn't have any of if it only has a lot of this in it I want mine it so that's how I Work It basically so let's get into getting this job done spent a lot of time talking about it and prospector start work harder and I will do the Veron and I'm going to do the lonite and the tyrite get the qu it's going to cost me 8,400 is going to take eight hours and we'll do that we'll do that boom and that now will be working away here and any time you can end that you can just select a storage option like your Taurus whatever take whatever it's done here and you can keep an eye on here how much has been done so we're going to get six uh Teran and eight Lite and then here I've got um almost four gold here five gold with that added in I've got some more tanite here some more five five tanite here as well and some boss here and or some more gold here and some more titanium here and some see I did the titanium though I don't know why I did the titanium and some heest night here 16 heest tonight that's worth like three grand per unit of that and I've got corundum which is 300 so I shouldn't really have done that I didn't need that one and I've got the lonite here again which is 3,000 per unit so the kondom and the titanium I shouldn't have done um I didn't need to and what you would do then is You' pick like the Taurus ship here and you'd say right I'm going to we've got 174 um and this is going to take seven units here so we'll collect that collect collect that collect and then that's the one that's being done at the moment and then we go to that one storage collect that collect and then we got the last one collect that and collect so we're just left with this one which is going to take eight hours to do and on this one I say like we're going to have six lots of um let me just quickly sort that out so we're going to have 6 * 7.5 plus which is 45 Grand and then we're going to have 8 * 8 * 24 so we're going to have about 60 70 units uh 70,000 sorry 60 70,000 from this load here so we'll leave that doing and what I'll do is I'm going to go and grab my [ __ ] and I'm going to head down and sell this now what you can do is just wait around and sell it but I'm going to go and sell it and just show you that side of it and I'll come back and get that another another time back welcome to the asop vehicle retrieval system so there's the Taurus you have to make sure that you have your ship here has been delivered to the following location by the way for these ones if you're trying to get on there it won't let you on so you see lot of people then end up jumping over running over all you do is just walk onto this side and it walks on just for those people that maybe didn't realize it so I'm turn my torch on because I'm going to go look at this cargo and there's all the cargo there doesn't fill it up but there we are there it is there's all our cargo that's all what we've mined uh what I mined yesterday I did a couple of runs yesterday and so that's the jobs I did so the the the job we've got on currently is going to get about 60 to 70,000 and we paid 8,000 for the job so we're going to earn about 60 Grand round about 60 Grand profit turn engines on turn ship on turn ship on starting brief flight protocols all systems operational request take off requesting clear stand power Shields maximizing [Music] Shields TR on GE trting Landing our Shields Maxim Shields I'm letting my Shields get up system is off some wrong with my weapons for some reason I don't know it's just a bug that seems to happen now and then let's [Music] go please prepare to disembark so let's go and sell this stuff guys over at the tdd over the the Strauss building so that's the uh Hospital over there this is the Habs where you normally start when you start on this bom and then you've got a shop over there which has got clothes and guns and stuff like that and then that's the hospital and then over there is where you can go and rent and buy ships like the se2 and stuff like that and there's the shop over there yeah so let's see what we've got with the runs that I did yesterday Cho the Taurus and so we've got 56 load basically so tanite and gold are going to be the two big ones so we I think we had four Lords so we' probably spent about four 40 but probably about 30k on the refine so we definitely made our money back so 79 or it's 79 for [Music] that and then the tanai 46 so we're at 10 123 120 123 yeah something like that titanium and and corundum we didn't really need to do 123 so 169 108 here 208 and then the two that we didn't really need to [Music] sell 210 it's up to you if you want to do these ones if you've got ship and you're not going to fill it up then so we made about 20 21 212 Grand Al together on that and then we've got the stuff up at the top that's that's refining now which is probably about another 60 70 grand so we probably made close to 300 Grand and it probably cost us about 40,000 so made about 250,000 profit on that so that's a quick guide for new players on what I call point and click mining having your miner going out just pointing in any direction finding some rocks as long as it's got some of the top tier the top two tier stuff in mining it going back refining it and just doing that rinse and repeat and you saw there I made 300 Grand it was easy to do so yeah so that's my advice to new players don't worry too much about the science of it don't try and go and search in for spefic spefic things like gold and Len you know gold and terranite and and beex stale whatever it is and then quantanium cuz it's just hard to to you're just going to be spending an hour to find one rock and the profit is not going to be any better than like obviously if you get Quant you spent an hour getting a full loot of planium then obviously you're going to earn some really good money but you're going to be very very lucky to find that whereas doing the point and clicking you will just come across it at some point like you saw there I had tanite and gold I had a lot of tan gold which made you know the chunk of the money that I earned so yeah so we like that video guys if you do like that video don't forget to take that point and tickle that like button for us don't forget to hit the bell and subscribe notification for more videos we've just hit over 4,000 subs and we are ecstatic about that and um yeah absolutely amazing guys the community that you guys have got absolutely amazing and also um check check out that uh No Nonsense music tips page that I've got going I've just started if you're into music and into music production should I say Music Creation and mixing mastering any of that stuff then I'm working on that that channel to um give some really good tips out I've I've got 30 years in in music business and definitely putting some of my knowledge there would help some people out especially new people so yes so go and take a look at that you'll see a link in the description or if you look at our other pages in in our profile you'll see that as well so yeah so we all like that one guys and um we'll see you guys out in the verse
Channel: Noobs Gaming
Views: 3,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star citizen, star citizen gameplay, star citizen 3.21, star citizen game, star citizen news, star citizen guide, star citizen 2023, star citizen update, exploring star citizen, 3.21 gameplay, noobs gaming, star citizen trading, star citizen trade route, trading routes in star citizen, auec, the best trade routes in star citizen, star citizen trading guide, star citizen updates, realistic space sim, mining, star citizen mining guide, star citizen mining tutorial, squadron 42
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 22sec (3682 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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