Easy learning, the beginners guide to CNC router & Mach3 setting up a job

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hello live and welcome to my workshop I wrote your web and today we're going to do a 3d relief cut beautiful piece of laminated open pine so we'll jump over to the CNC router and I'll show you how to put it into Mach 3 and set Mac 3 up and start the machine cutting so this is the setup that I have this is a CNC router and I run it with a Windows 7 laptop and I've got a larger screen up there so you can see what's going on in Mac 3 I would encourage you to go back about a month ago I put a video up that Ickes I described everything about this CNC router and what you probably should be looking at in a good unit because you know there's a lot of CNC routers out there on the market but quite frankly you probably be throwing your money away so going up if you're interested in buying it around to go back and have a look at that video where I show you what to look for ok so I'm going to load the program the roughing cut program the g-code into the laptop but I'm going to put the camera up on the big screen so you can see what's going on okay so this is oh let's get rid of this okay so this is Mac 3 and when you start Mac 3 up this is the screen they'll be opening screen the running screen window and you will have this reset flashing while this is flushing nothing will go through to the CNC router so you cannot operate it it's a safety measure as you can see here emergency mode active so what we're going to do now is we're going to load up the roughing tool path which I carried a geometric aspire and you'll find that entire video on my second channel so we will press reset come up here to this top left hand corner press file and press load G code and use the G code that I require just double-click it and it goes into Mac 3 now at the moment Mac 3 has just put this program this G code program which is represented here in the last zero zero point that I had the machine running or I made in Mac 3 for the machine so we're going to turn the machine on now and reposition this or make the new zero zero point or what is known as the work offset I will explain about work offset and machine home next this is the spindle this is a 2.2 kilowatts gendell so this is the rotor itself you have a chuck and this is where the cutters go so this rotor head will move up and down in the z-axis then this carriage will move across the machine back and forth in the X direction and of course the gantry itself will move up and down the machine in the y axis so the position that this writer Haidee at the moment which is all the way up anyway over all the way forward this is called the Machine home okay so this is where the wrench head lives them and it's the easiest place for you to change tools very comfortable easy here to change at all so we have to now tell the computer program where the work is okay now in the program I wrote the program in metric aspire I wrote the program with the zero zero point all right so it's the X Y zero coordinate of the program which is the start of the program in the middle of the material and a map that with an X so know what we're going to do is we're going to move the hay or the rotor over a tool here over to the x position and register that work position or what is commonly known as the work offset another word it's quite simply this is the holding position and that piece of wood that work the stack of that work is offset from the home position okay so this is commonly known as the work offset or the standard program is so I'm going to set that up now but first let me show you in Mac 3 on the screen there the machine home position of a machine coordinate okay so okay we have the Mac 3 screen here now this is the g-code itself and as the program is running this will scroll through fairly quickly now this section here this is called the D arrows okay so or digital readers this gives you the coordinates of exactly where the tool is and we're going to alter this now at the moment see this this button here it's highlighted red that's highlighted to show that this reading is the Machine coordinate but if I move that it'll machine coordinate if you press the black button so this now is showing you well where the computer thinks the start of the workers or the work off settings but we haven't set it yet this button here this is soft limits it's green always have the soft limits on so then your greater head will not of the rotor tool will not go outside the envelope of where it's supposed to machine so we will set this now correctly I'll move the reticle over to the work offset position and we'll set the new work offset okay now there are several different ways in which you can move this head around or move the machine around now I use a pendant okay this is a radio-controlled pendant where I can operate the machine just by selecting a particular axes and moving it thus but you can use the arrow keys and the upper page up and down on your computer board on your computer keyboard or your you know your laptop keyboard which is simply this just the right arrow that's the forward arrow and page there okay so you can you can operate a CNC router by using the arrow keys on the page up page down on your keyboard simply like this this motion actually is called jogging when you you move the the rotor head around the machine to find a particular location using either pendant or the the key keys on your computer this operation is called jogging I don't actually know where that comes from but that's the common terminology for it okay so I'm gonna use my pendant now so I'm going to select a low second very precise X so what we're doing I'll zoom you in a bit so what were you doing we're finding the precise location of the center of this material we'll take it down slightly [Music] very close to the material welcome back slightly remember take it over it's pretty well the center is the material I'm just gonna get a little piece of paper and I'll show you what we're gonna do with that okay so we're gonna get a little piece of paper and we're gonna put it underneath the tool there and we're gonna fetch the tool down very quietly we're gonna move the piece of paper okay what we're gonna do we're gonna fetch a tool down so just traps that piece of paper so then we know that the end of that tool is absolutely on the surface of the material [Music] [Music] that's it just trapped it there so now we can set the work offset in mark 3 and I'll take you up to the screen for that so what you do to set the new 0 0 location is you simply go to these buttons here just off from the the D arrows and you just press notes it goes to 0 so it's X 0 y 0 Z 0 I think the camera wandered a little bit there so I think you saw what I was in with the dr.oz I'll just press the region again okay so just regions the program and what I was saying then was that you know the representation diagram of the work jumps in the correct position gives the crosshairs that shows the 0 0 position and the Machine home position is here in this corner so this now is the work offset and this is actually in technical terms called the g54 the other CBG 54 written anywhere this is what they're talking about that where the start of the program is or the work offset a little bit of explanation before we go any further I will the first half of this year I will be showing you what a lot about Mac 3 because I've had a lot of people email me and message me in the comment section that they require more information about Mac three Mac 3 was a program that was written back in the early 2000s for originally XP but over the years it's been upgraded all the way up to windows 7 I believe will operate to on Vista and also Windows H and possibly early versions of Windows 10 if it's a 32-bit ok it's not written for a 64 bit so it won't work with the modern Windows 10 computers so I just buy second-hand Windows 7 computers whether it's a laptop or you know a mainframe computer doesn't matter you don't have to put any card or anything like that into the computer you just download Mac 3 program from at soft it is still current a lot of people out there you will see that oh it's not supported yes it is so you can go along to out soft and download this free of charge for the demo version and it will give you I think 500 lines of code that you can use you can use that program for free until you what really want to do some work on it then you have to pay for the license okay and it is that in I regard Mac 3 as the best bang for the buck it really is the program has been used for 15 years or more it is web sorted and you will see a lot of people out there saying oh you should use this program that program well I can tell you now if you're starting off on CNC or a professor you know sort of a professional with CNC look no further okay it works with standard computers okay so I will be doing some tutorials on how to use Mac 3 in relation to your CFC rotor and CNC mill and also CNC or lathe and if you look back through my channel you will also see quite a few videos on Mac 3 so we will get on though and the next job I need to do is to raise this up and change this tool to a half-inch of twelve point seven 12.7 millimeter cutter which is one of these it's a it's a standard 1/2 inch rotor cutter ok so that's what we're gonna put in this Chuck and use now this type of rotor comes with a special type of Chuck it's called a collet Chuck now this is the Chuck nut then and inside there it's got a taper that meets up with this taper here and of course inside the shaft in here there's a taper that coincides with this taper so the action is that you put you put the this into clip this into there put your shank of your tool in there like so and screw it up and one taper goes inside the other and crushes down on this shaft as a very secure way of holding at all and it will hold it very square is very important so we're gonna put this in here now and reset the Zen again because we changed the tool [Music] say hold the shaft will get a piece of paper and yes bring it in quietly that's it just grab it and we can reset now the z0 for this new tool so before we actually start what i do so it allows me time if i see anything going wrong to actually stop you know hit the panic button to stop the programmer you can either hit reset you can hit stop you can eat it we can press feed hold any one of these three will stop the program and stop the machine running but don't have to say hit this one here all the emergency stop on your machine if it has one so what I do is I come across to here this is minus button here and this is the feed rate and I bring this feed rate all the way down all the way down to our 20% is fine because that gives you time if you see say anything going wrong to stop the machine in its tracks before he does any damage and now so to start the program running just simply come up here to cycle stat and press that [Music]
Channel: Roger Webb
Views: 15,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mach 3, turn, Mach 4, Sieg, X2, Harbor Freight, Grizzly, Grand Tour, Top Gear, 3D printing, NC Studio, Wood-turning, Workshop, Wood, shop, turning, tools, bowl, Bob Ross, Art, Roger, Clyde, Webb, CNC, Router, Laser, Lathe, Carveco, Maker, Maker +, ArtCAM, CAD, CAM, Autodesk, Fusion 360, Patreon, 6012, 6090, 6040, 3040, Vectric Aspire, VCarve Pro, 2000 year old, pen, Matthias Wandel, WWMM, Frank Howarth, Barnacules, Perks, game of thrones, Bobby Duke Arts, colinfurze, NYC, USA, UK, Fortnight, 100, watt, CO2, RECI
Id: l1fv0iYKCKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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