[Easy Korean Recipe in Tagalog] BEEF BULGOGI

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Hi! Welcome to DeliciousLee with Ara today we're gonna make one of the famous Korean recipe beef bulgogi are you ready? let's go! so this channel was prepare because I want to introduce to you the Korean dishes that are easy to make and affordable that for sure your whole family and friends will enjoy and of course we prepared the beef bulgogi one of the most famous dish in Korea which is "bul" basically means fire and "gogi" means meat so basically this is sweet and salty dish and for sure you will enjoy so first of course we have our main ingredients which is our beef what I get today is sukiyaki cut or shabu shabu cut that you can get it from your favorite meat stores or grocery store any parts is okay as long as its thin like this and first will marinate our beef the most important tip before we start our bulgogi when we marinade it use first the sweet ingredients for example like we have our sugar this is 3 tablespoons  of sugar actually when we use sugar or any sweet ingredients to marinade it boosts up you the flavor of beef so lets proceed later with other sauce sugar first this is 3 tablespoons I will just sprinkle it and we have our blended onion actually one whole onion white I cut it in half I blender the other one this is around  3 tablespoons they're actually the onions brings some sweetness and it remove some kind of smell that comes from the beef so it has 2 options it boost optional flavor of sweetness or and also remove some of the meat scent and this is syrup what i used today is rice syrup you can get some in Korean grocery stores but actually if you dont have corn syrup and rice syrup you can use any kind of syrup you have like agave or honey even the importance to have syrup and the sugar is it give a different level layer of sweetness it gives in the menu so I have 1 tablespoon of syrup will add to our meat all of the sweet flavor of our ingredients we will mix it and we will just blend it in we will mix it in our meat I will marinate it around 10 minutes using our sugar Olli try in your home to use some sweetness when you a meat this is my insider tip use first some sweet ingredients to marinate so we have here sugar syrup and our onions we leave it here atleast 10 minutes so while waiting to marinade our beef we use some sweet ingredients so we prepare our ingredients for our stir fry so first the half of onion we will cut into strips half strips let's aside and our carrots for color cut it in small strips you can option a potato anything any vegetable in your house that is orange can be carrots or red bell pepper or anything you want I just want orange color to add color so we just cut in strips that are thinly so there we have our onions and our carrots just set aside one of the important also aside from the beef is our leeks so or spring onions as you can see pop when you buy spring onion there are white part and the head part and then the leaves actually the white part has this special scent aroma that can be sweet which can be very mild if you put it in the fire and I could put in bulgogi so I will separate it cause I want the other parts i will just topping it after we cook to boost up the dish we will make our dish beautiful the half we cut it half an inch to an inch too long just like this now and then on the edge of the leaks we'll sliced it i want it to be the decoration to boost up our bulgogi I will not put along with stir fry but i will set aside this forr toppings and then get a mushroom actually you can use any mushroom in the house so this is shiitake mushroom I soaked it in water around 20 to 30 minutes and then my stem because it hard and then i will slice head to add flavor but actually all kinds of mushroom whatever you have in your house is okay so this is a soak shitake mushroom and after this is a enoki mushrooms its easy to get in the grocery store I did remove roots and do the same because this give a good textures in our bulgogi after so lets tore them apart it's really easy to prepare and set aside after we prepare all the ingredients we will marinate our beef earlier we put all the sweet ingredients and noow the other ones so first we have our soy sauce these are on 6 tablespoons and also our garlic into around 1 tablespoon we'll just mix it here and our sesame oil actually the sesame oil this adds a special layer a nutty and aromatic flavor I will not put it all this around 3 tbsp I will just use 2 tablespoon for the marinade and the other one I'll leave it there we're gonna stir fried and we add this after so we leave our sesame oil for later and then we'll mix our meat with the other sauce also I think we'll add our pepper to taste these around 1/2 tablespoon or pinch to taste or whatever you want just a special bite to our meat because the pepper boost up the flavor of the meat I will not add salt maybe the sooysauce is enough but of course depending on your taste buds you can add salt but for me I think its enough the 6 tablespoons soy sauce and I will add our shitake mushroom that I soaked earlier just here here only for marinade and also our onions and our sliced carrot we will add into marinade and mix it well then just leave around couple minutes before I cook just to blend all of the ingredients but all of this are all thin and tiny so its gonna be ookay so now I will heat up the pan to prepare to stir pry just a couple minutes to heat up and actually I can smell the bulgogi the smell is very good it's also because we add sesame oil and then you know the onion it's very yummy already as a scent for sure your family will like it if they smell the bulgogi in your house I think our pot is ready and because it have sesame oil already I wont add oil in our styr fry so now we'll just put our mixture we'll just gonna add it now just stir it until the meat and vegetables gets cooked   we used a thin slice beef so while you are cooking mix it well so it wont stick with each other because the meat especially the  beef it has the tendency to stick because of the protein so lets loosen up the meat while cooking so mix it up and I can smell that our bulgogi is so fragrant and im pretty sure your whole family will enjoy here we just mix up and when the meat gets half cooked we will add spring onions or the leek that we sliced up then we will later the enoki mushroom because it's really thin its very quick to cook so well add it later because if we put it now it can be over cooked there we just cook it and just stir fry until all the meat gets cooked and the the bulgogi has a juice because of the vegetables that we add we can add our enoki mushrooms the one that we tore earlier put it little by little to not stick and then mix it again the inoki mushroom is quick to cook around couple oof minutes then its done until all the juice dry up that came from the vegetables just stir fry and mix well so again you can use any mushroom that you like if you dont want a shiitake   you can remove it or any kinds that you want and if you want more shitake its okay actually you can add here instead of carrots just to add color you can use red bell pepper as i said before   just to boost up the contrast and colors to make it looks  more appetizing as it is there I think we're already done cooking because the mean is thin so its quick  so its done we can turn of the fire add 1 tablespoon sesame oil I will drizzle it on top there just to give more aroma to our bulgogi and this is sesame seed it has a mix of black sesame seed but if you dont have black all you have is the gold that you can buy into supermarket it's ok they're just for added texture is around 1tablespoon I will just it there then we'll toss our bulgogi and then later I will just sprinke later when I serve it our beef bulgogi there our bulgogi is done and it smells good so now we serve it there we go and the leeks leaves earlier I will sprinkle it on top there we go in our sesame seed just for color so today we completed our bulgogi but this is very delicious and im sure you can do it so try this at your home taste of Korea in your own  homes DeliciousLee by yours truly Ara
Channel: deliciousLee with Ara
Views: 98,710
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Keywords: beef bulgogi recipe, bulgogi beef recipe maangchi, bulgogi beef recipe easy, deliciouslee with ara, easy korean recipes, easy korean recipes to make at home, healthy korean recipes, how to cook, korean food cuisine, korean recipe in tagalog, korean recipes, korean recipes easy to cook, korean recipes healthy, korean recipes tasty, how to make bulgogi, deliciously, asian home cook meal, easy asian recipes, korean food, bulgogi beef recipe, easy korean recipe, korean beef
Id: 64Jr0LVhzvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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