Easy Homemade Sourdough Bread | A Basic No Knead Recipe That Gives Amazing Results Every Time

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okay so a basic no need sourdough bread and at the end I'm going to show you two ways to cook it first way on a baking stone with a gloss over the top and the second way directly on the oven shelf using a spray water bottle okay and straight into it and if you've got any questions at all please leave them in the comments and I will get back to you so into our mixing bowl we've got two hundred and forty seven grams of water and 12 grams of sea salt now don't worry about adding the salt before we add our starter it's not gonna be a problem it's not gonna kill the starter you just want to make sure that that salt is well dissolved in the water now we've got 128 grams of starter going in I fed this last night so it's been sitting out on the counter for about 12 hours and it was fed a 1 to 1 to 1 ratio so we've got 100% hydrated starter going into the bowl so obviously this has been set out for some time in the gluten Network has had a chance to develop so it's going to take a bit of effort just keep stirring until you've managed to dissolve the starter all the way through the water and now I'm adding 375 grams of plain bulk standard off-the-shelf all-purpose white wheat flour this isn't organic it's not speciality grain no the purpose of this is to demonstrate that you can bake a basic loaf of bread using basic ingredients now you can use whatever flour you want but I want to take it back to its basic format just to demonstrate what's possible with easily accessible things and remember this is a no need bread so no kneading literally we're just going to use a hand like a claw and we're gonna bring the flour the water and the starter together into kind of a rough shaggy mess just try and clean the bowl around a little bit as you go but the purpose here isn't to knead it's just to bring the ingredients together and this is what you'll be left with a bit of a shaggy mess get that back into a bowl or cover it up with a plastic bag and then we'll just leave it out on the surface at room temperature for about an hour or two and he's the dough after that period doesn't really look any different does it it's only when you touch this that you're gonna realise changed and all of that flour has had time to be hydrated by the water we haven't had to do that by muscle power it's just happened over time which is what makes this a fantastic no need bread now you can just push it out into a rough rectangular rough Square and then just pull the sides in on each other and form it into kind of one mass and then don't add any flour resist the urge to use flour use that stickiness to your benefit to your favor and just gently turn that round and round and what that's going to do is as it sticks slightly to the bench it's going to build the surface tension of the dough and it's going to give us a really nice tight ball that's manageable and easy to work with and then we're just going to pop that into our Bowl we're going to cover it up again and we're going to leave this to bulk through now probably for about four or five hours but that's going to be dependent upon the temperature in your kitchen this is what the dough looked like after about five and a half hours sitting out on my work surface and the next stage is to get this into a shape to go into our proofing basket now we've just spent a lot of time that we've invested into adding gas to this dough so the key is to be really really gentle here we don't want to lose all of that air from this dough and again no flour on the bench whatsoever I've pushed this out into a rough rectangle and then I'm just gently folding over the sides it's really important to work with light fingers with light hands here you're gonna feel how springy the dough is and as you're doing it you just want to maintain that after you've folded all of the sides over we're gonna leave this sitting just for two or three minutes while we dust our Banat on I'm making sure that I get the flour in all of the gaps between the ridges on this basket it's really important that this is dusted well we don't want that dough to stick whatsoever so just go around use more flour than you need to we can brush it off afterwards and then I like to use my finger just to push all of the flour into the gaps and make sure that I've got every single base covered final shape now for this dough flip it over and we need to roll this into a rough shape that's going to match the shape of the basket so I'm just gently pulling it out again we don't lose any of that air and I'm gonna roll it up into a sausage and as I roll it I'm gently pushing forward to form a little bit of a seal and again however you get this done it doesn't matter there is no specific way which is basically looking for a long thick sausage shape that's gonna fit in that basket liberally dust the top of this because we're gonna turn it over and the top of this is going to become the bottom so again we're just adding some more flour just to make sure it doesn't stick and then using a bench scraper I'm just going to work around the outside again just to make sure it releases from the work surface easily and then just roll it over gently into the Banat on cover it up and then leave it to prove at room temperature for a couple of hours and this is what it's going to look like again it hasn't doubled in size we're not looking for that we're looking for something that's grown but still retains some energy so that when we put it into the oven we get some real oven spring so make sure you release the dough from the outside I like to give it a good dusting of flour and then a swift sharp tap onto the peel and then brush off any of that excess flour and here's the line I'm gonna take with the lame I'm going to cut into the dough confidently but not too deeply and that's going to allow it to expand in the oven to the shape we want the ovens been preheated to 250 degrees Celsius I'm going to put a crush on it it's gonna cook at that for the first 20 minutes and then I'm going to reduce the temperature to 220 Celsius I'm going to take off that clot and here you can see how much oven spring has happened here and that cut has allowed that bread to open beautifully this is now gonna bake for a further 20 minutes and here you can see the final result now the golden color for me is perfect some people like a darker exterior in that case just leave it in the oven for a little bit longer overall I'm really happy for this baked basic simple salad oat bread with great structure great shape it's lovely and crispy on the outside and a great crumb on the inside but what happens if you haven't got a baking stone or a cross to put over the top well you can fake it straight on the oven shelf and here it is I've just added some parchment paper I'm gonna give it a tap out again just clean off the flour I'm gonna mist it with some water from a spray bottle and then I've got a stainless steel bowl there that's about a third full of cold water and that's gonna go into the oven again at 250 degrees Celsius for the first 20 minutes and then I'm gonna remove the stainless steel bowl full of water turn the oven down to 220 and then I'm just gonna leave it to base for the additional 20 minutes and that's it with no specialist equipment just a basic oven and a spray bottle we have achieved a really really good basic bread again it's got fantastic colour loveling golden on the outside it's beautiful and crispy and look at that texture you can actually see the glue and network on the top of the bread this is a fantastic beginners basic recipe and again we've got a lovely open structure I just think this is a great all-round bread okay guys as you can see sourdough bread doesn't need to be that complicated get the first loaf nailed down and then the sky's the limit if you enjoyed the video please give it a big thumbs up subscribe click the little bell icon to get some notifications of my future stuff and I will see you again very soon
Channel: Culinary Exploration
Views: 1,663,374
Rating: 4.9544044 out of 5
Keywords: Basic sourdough bread recipe, No knead sourdough bread, Simple sourdough bread loaf recipe, No knead artisan bread, How to make easy no knead artisan sourdough bread, Easy sourdough bread recipe with no yeast, Sourdough bread recipe cultures for health, Easy sourdough bread recipe with starter, Sourdough bread recipe UK, Basic white sourdough bread recipe, Country loaf recipe, Sourdough bread without dutch oven, Baking sourdough bread with baking stone
Id: 4r8irdLuUtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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