Easy History Quiz | Americans testing their knowledge (5)

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I don't want to live on this planet anymore who fought in the Vietnam War the United States and Korea who found the Korean War I don't know who fought in the Revolutionary War Russia which city has the largest Chinatown in the United States yes bluffed in New York City that is incorrect lipstick you want to try yes San Francisco that is correct who fought in World War one George Washington who fought in World War one England against the United States nope who fought in World War one well we found the Korean War alone who found the Korean War uh Korea in the u.s. of course are you currently going to school just got here I'm at Suffolk University oh yeah what are you studying what is the fourth of July olivella it is about our independent Ramu in what year oh my god I'm so bad at this I'm not gonna use I'm not good at this stuff what is the significance of 1776 independence day do you know who the current vice president we will take your word for it by the dawn's early light thought it was next don't you know this anybody sorry in the back Francis Scott Key nice [Music] what is the star-spangled banner' the national anthem how many states are in America 50 50 states 52 how many states are in America 48 50 48 how many countries are in Africa 54 a smart what part of Africa is like Kenya I don't know Kenya I'm I think is worse Africa Oh what do you think I'm gonna go with him East yeah he's right what do you know about Turkey the country nothing I know about America that's about it I have white parents they didn't teach us about Turkey of the country they taught me about Martin Luther King and all the other stuff that's about all I honestly don't know very much at all I don't know very much I just know people live there and that there's really good food that's what I know I really there's a lot of people that say that Americans are gonna be bad at geography because we see all these people on the Jimmy Kimmel show or whatever like on the streets there's millions of people there's gonna be a percentage of them that will like geography and that will like travel do you know what countries are around turkey the Bahamas India Nigeria Sweden are you out of your mind which United States state has the most Lakes yes Bluffton Minnesota Minnesota is incorrect lipstick you want to try this Alaska Alaska is the answer count the king [Applause] you gotta lock in what did you do I didn't see the little numbers at the bottom and I was gonna go boop boop and hit the tooth you know Kings here and as soon as I hit his face I saw the number two and I realized I had screwed it up you did not get it correct I know is there a timer oh by those points for time Oh God glass guy oh this is embarrassing [Music] okay we're here oh great Budapest Hungary oh now it gets awkward about here level one down count the keys we gotta lock in what did you press and why I press three why I thought I was wrong but I might be right I got Larry King I got Stephen King yep he's a prince there are no King pieces right there though they're only two kings Ecuador oh listen you're real embarrassing cool I passed I passed level two yeah oh it's gonna be embarrassing okay level three level three who fought in the Vietnam War the United States and Korea who fought in the cold war cold world oh god I do not know who fought in the Cold War not sure who fought in the Civil War not sure who fought in the Revolutionary War not sure name the only southern town to stay in Union hands all through the Civil War Pandora Washington DC that is incorrect so Shani you've got a chance Baltimore that is also incorrect the answer here is Key West Florida touch the name of the country where this sign could be accurate gotta lock in tell me what you pressed away I pressed Russia because of a russia is located I think that got signed could be accurate pointing to the United States that is not correct do you know where the Philippines is located no I don't I have no idea Asia you buddy Catriona grey Nicole ladies and gentlemen it is my honor to introduce the reigning Miss Universe Catriona brain [Applause] touch the name of the country where this sign can be accurate gotta lock in I pressed the signs that said the United States the only way every direction would be pointing to United States as if you're standing in the middle of the United States you've got it right okay level three level three actually I feel like I did pretty well in level two except for apparently not having any concept of where India is is here it's vague antic not bad that Africa is a South America I'm gonna guess it's Africa how many guesses it's in West Africa or used to Africa East Africa here who found the Civil War Civil War would be the North versus South who found the Revolutionary War I don't know was the country we fought in the Revolutionary War Revolution war all French know who fought in the Revolutionary War Russia who found the Revolutionary War that was against the US and the British and also France what was unique about General Motors 1960s Corvair yes Bluffton it was convertible that is incorrect lipstick you want to try it the answer is the engine was mounted in the rear I don't know where else no authority thank you okay north korea koreas here north of asistir john yang is the capital I feel like it's close to London England Dresden Germany okay Germany that sounds like parmesan believe you okay I know where that is believe is here I think I'm killing it what letter comes next in this sequence WLC and I T I'm just gonna say 15 seconds I honestly I feel like an idiot great I think it's time to bring out ray and see what the good minister can do [Applause] I think Italy is I guarantee you no one will do better than me nice Anthony [Music] oh the Buddha does watch over me I thought I was out Wow I'm very excited I managed to level for granted I didn't exactly crush it on the way here we've got 14 seconds left I don't even think I need that much time really what letter comes next to this sequence 10 seconds 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 okay South Korea obviously the South here you know what it's harder when it's a giant country oh that's not Derby Australia it's great that wasn't so bad either San Antonio like Texas there's a San Antonio alright Germany like over here right Brants not sure I press D cuz you were counting down way too fast fell seconds ago that's how seconds go it was the closest ladder so I went Boop okay I touched F same thing lots of pressure I saw the texts of a seconds ticking down and ss4 snaps Argentina this is Brazil this is urgent Romania is right here all right Iceland which ones I sling here nope I feel like I was closed until Iceland the question was what letter comes next in the sequence the first letter of each word is what W letter L sequence is China or wheelchair this here which I'm gonna guess that's the toilet in China Oh game over level four I don't know where right okay then I get it okay cool I got it I got it I got it I was this close to not making it I'm pumped they got the level five who fought in World War two is that like that Vietnam who fought in World War two I have no idea [Music] [Music] Finders Keepers [Music]
Channel: myworldisgettingdumber
Views: 210,932
Rating: 4.8193746 out of 5
Keywords: myworldisgettingdumber, are you smarter than a 5th grader, funny videos, ignorant american test, myworldisgettingdumber history, history quiz, humor 2020, trivia quizzes, trivia quizzez and answers, dumb people answering questions, Easy History Quiz | Americans testing their knowledge (5), history quiz questions, general knowledge quiz, world history quiz, quiz questions and answers, mark dice, ignorance, ignorant americans, americans are ignorant, history, funny, comedy
Id: m8bu-UD2RNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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