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[Music] hi beautiful people how are you all doing today my name is Mark and I love making things sweep and in style if you are new to my channel please don't forget to subscribe like and share and this is where I do anything and everything creative so for today I'll be sharing with you the long long time requested video of one of my very loyal subscriber hello there You Larry how are you doing so this is very long time requested video on phone Don so what I'm going to share with you is a very easy fun Don that you can use in decorating your cakes so there's a lot of different types of fondant so we'll go through that on our journey together and take the greeting so they're like marshmallow fondant there is milk fondant which is made out of milk it's also called hostilius fondant so I'll be showing you those in a few days that's going to come so for today I'll be sharing with you a very easy fondant that you can make with very very easy to find ingredients and actually did you know that this fondant can actually last for 1 years if you made it for a dummy cake ok and then you can also use these to make flowers the only difference is it's not gonna be that hard same as the gum paste recipe ok and then the good thing is once you made this fondant it does not require any resting at all so once you make it you can already use it to cover your cakes so are you waiting for it let's start ok so right now I'll be sharing with you one of my fondant recipe so this is our old fondant because I actually use other different kinds of fondant depending on the weather ok so I'll be sharing with you my rolled fondant because this is one of the easiest and easiest to source ok in terms of materials because it has very limited materials that can be bought actually almost anywhere okay so further materials are ingredients that you need basically you first need confectioners sugar so this is 5 cups of sifted confectionery sugar okay so this is around 600 grams and then what I have here is glucose so I have near 1/4 cup of glucose this is seventy seven point five to 80 grams okay and you have to put it on a microwavable container because you'll be using a microwave but if you don't have a microwave you can also use a double boiler method okay and then what I have here is a microwavable container so this is Pyrex so you need to add 1/4 cup of cold water okay okay so I added 1/4 cup of cold water and then what I have here is gelatin okay so we need to add in 1 tablespoon of gelatin okay so I just need to sprinkle that around just like so and then sometimes not all the gelatin will be incorporated to the cold water so what you need to do is to get a stick or a G's juice theory ok and then just mix everything together and we set this aside to bloom okay we have to wait for that to bloom and then we'll be working with our dry ingredients so for the dry ingredients this is confectioners sugar and then we'll be adding tylose powder so the tylose powder is 1/2 tablespoon to 1 tablespoon okay um because it left pans on how hard or how soft you want your fondant to be but for today we will be using 1 tablespoon of tylose powder if you don't have tylose powder you can also use CMC powder this is a gum a gum powder okay so after that you need to mix it with your whisk okay to fully distribute the gum powder which is tylose okay just like that okay so once everything is well mixed you need to create a hook a well on the center okay just like that see that and then you see here that this is already bloom or gelatin you see that so it's already thick and it's not moving so we have to pop this inside the microwave or put this in a microwave for about 30 to 45 seconds until it's fully melted same with our glucose okay and then after that we'll mix the two together if you don't have microwave you can do this on a double boiler method okay okay so right now we already had our gelatin melted you see that it's very clear and also our glucose is heated up so we have to mix the two together be careful because this is really hot okay so after that you need to steer it with a stick so what I'm using here is an ordinary juice steer here that you can buy in local supermarkets you have to mix the two together okay so if you're using a double boiler method so you just do the same you melt the two together or separately and then you need to mix them together okay the reason why we heated up the glucose because you will not be able to mix in the two ingredients if the glucose is not heated okay so you see that it's well mixed so you have to continue steering and mixing until it cools down a little bit okay because if it's too hot it's going to melt all the confectioners sugar okay so you have to pull this down a little bit so as you see I'm just stirring continuously just to bring the heat a little low okay so this is okay it's no longer that hot so I'll be pouring this on the center where we created a well or a hole okay so make sure you get all those glucose and gelatin mix okay you have to maximize it okay so after that I'm going to stare using a rubber spatula or if you have a wooden spoon you can use that also I'll be steering from the center okay see that so if you have seen my gum paste recipe so I'll put the description box below the link it's a little bit similar the only difference is the amount of glucose is way too much that's what will make it more stretchy and more pliable okay so to see here I'm gently incorporating from the center and then once it's well mixed I'll get from the sides okay and then I'll mix again you have to do this step by step okay because if you've just mix everything else together it's not gonna come up really really nice okay you can also do this on a stand mixer if you have a stand mixer but what I'm showing you now is the manual method okay if you're using the stand mixer you have to use a dough hook and then once you see that the pace it's starting to form you have to stop of course to protect your machine also just like that okay forget from the sides and then I'll mix did you know that this space you can also use or mean I mean this fondant okay you can also use this to make flowers okay the only difference is it does not dry as hard as gum paste so if you're worried about flowers that are going to break if you're on a travel so you can actually use this fondant to make flowers okay so it will come to a point where in it's really hard to mix just like that you see that it's starting to fight and it's giving me a lot of muscles okay so when you're at this point what you need to do you need to change the course of things okay you need to take your bowl and then gently we will fold okay until you mix everything else and then of course there will come a time where and it's gonna be super hard to fold so that's an indication that you have to take it out and start kneading okay especially for this one we use one tablespoon of Pylos if you don't want it to be as hard this day you can actually reduce it to 1/2 tablespoon okay but I like my fondant harder because you know I'm a man and I have you need to have muscles so yeah ok so you see that it's a little bit hard to fold so I have to take this out and start kneading so before you need what you need to do is to make sure that the area is super clean okay there's no dirt there's no pigments and then your hand should be really clean also okay there's no color there's no pigment so what I'll do now I'll use my spatula or if you have a scraper or a wooden spoon to actually hold onto the piece just like that and pop out all the excess sugar okay this will start kneading and then what you want to do is actually put the paste on top of the sugar the reason why I do it like this so that the paste won't stick to your working space or the table okay and then of course you need to take out all those sugar because of course you want things to be sweet so we have to maximize your ingredients make sure nothing is going to waste okay and then after that you need to coat your hands with shortening so fritter shortening you need to use the vegetable shortening for the brand I'm using barratto's but you can also use Crisco or any other brands available at your market these so just a tiny amount put on your hands just like that and then gently spread okay just like Knowshon and then start pressing okay and incorporating all the sugar onto your fondant dough okay the reason why we added some shortening so that it will actually make the fondant moist and also it will help for the fondant not to stick on your hands okay so right here we just continue kneading and leaving so yours you'll start to see that this is becoming more pliable with regards to the storage this needs to be stored in an airtight container okay so usually I you wrap it with cling wrap and then I put it on a ziplock bag and then I put it on the fridge or the chiller and then this will last for about three to four months okay so just spread some he's so you have to continue kneading this until all the shoe guard is combined okay kept this also just put it just inside like that and then fold me to fully incorporate everything so I also have another SCP of fondant I actually have four so what I'm sharing you now is the first because this is actually one of the basic this is a rolled fondant but I also have a marshmallow fondant I also have a fastidious fondant passed Ilyas fondant is made from milk so that is the kind of fondant that you want to use if it's super you mid or rainy okay because it does not melt so I'll be sharing it with you guys as we go on with this cake decorating journey okay so yeah I'm just mixing all the confectioners sugar so this is a little bit harder because I like my fondant this way because the pylos that we actually placed s 1 tablespoon but if you want it to be a little bit softer you have to change that into 1/2 tablespoon okay the reason why it's a need to have silos because it actually helps the paste to be binded together aside from the glucose we are getting closer so if you don't want to do it manually again you can use a stand mixer if you have a spiral mixer the one that is used for breads let's say you want to double batches you can definitely use that okay but I like it this way so you have to get so you'll see that this is already very very stretchy you see that it's a very very nice fondant you can use to cover your kicks with so I'll just add some more shortening on my hands he and knead it last me before we store on our ziplock so normally what I do I get all the sugar so that the sugar is maximized and the tape the table is clean okay you guys okay so we're done with our fondant so I'm just gonna give it last one coat of shortening just to moisturize and soften everything up before I store it sometimes what I do I actually add some shortening here okay on your working space and then this is where you need okay so there you have it this is your easier rolled fondant see that SuperDuper stretchy and super nice of using this when I'm making figures for my cake is he that it's super stretchy okay so I hope you learned a lot again to store this okay I'll be showing you how to store this in a bit okay so this time I'm going to show you how I store my rolled fondant okay so basically you just need on layer of cling wrap okay so we can't cling it up just like that whoops and then you take your fondant I actually forgot to mention you can also use flavoring for this one so again if you're using liquid flavoring or let's say an oil-based flavoring you can add it on the wet ingredients once we are done heating them but if you're using powdered Leiria you need to mix it with your confectionary so very okay make sure that it's really sealed just like so and then cut okay and then this is what you'll have so for the storage life this should be stored inside the chiller or the fridge it lasts for about three to four months okay and then if you will use it you need to let it go for about thirty minutes to one hour on room temperature before you use it because if you take it out straight from the fridge it's gonna be really really hard okay if you're in a hurry you can use a microwave so you can pop it inside the microwave for about five to eight seconds and then need with shortening on your hands okay so there you have it that's how you make a very easy rolled fondant perfect four figures for wrapping your cakes and of course making cool designs okay thank you bye [Music]
Views: 32,216
Rating: 4.9356813 out of 5
Id: L6D7u4e1E54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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