EASY Flywheel Puller... using ONLY industrial lathe and milling machine!!!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Hackerwithalacker 📅︎︎ May 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the first rule of wasting a whole morning to make stuff you could buy a lot cheaper for club is we don't talk about wasting a whole morning to make stuff you could buy a lot cheaper for club [Applause] not strictly necessary but I always like to do this I've glued up the part I'm gonna take a scratch pass just barely mark the surface to make sure the machine is set up for the correct thread pitch may not have set it but this is an M 30 by 1.5 here's my 1.5 millimeter gauge that looks like a match maybe you can see it better this way I don't usually use oil for carbide but this is turning pretty slow it won't hurt anything let's put it that way I'm cutting metric threads on an imperial leaf well on this lathe at any rate I can't disengage the half nuts so I have to run the lathe in Reverse to get to the start [Applause] every couple of passes I do a spring cut meaning I do the same exact cut without advancing the tool cutting steel the loads are usually pretty high so there's some tool or work deflection spring pass just helps clean that up threads are done those look passable it's probably time I rotate that threading insert I like to use thread wires it's for getting threads to the correct size we've seen these before I did have a couple of mini-strokes while taking measurements but I really like them use a little chart finding the wires for your thread lay them in the groove measure across them if you want to see these in action go back to the chuck backplate video I think or sign up for my four and a half week thread wire summer camp limited time offer only fifty bucks and five box tops from any this old Tony video before I can test fit I'm going to have to remove quite a bit of material from the inside to make clearance for the crank threads [Applause] [Applause] I don't know if you can see down in there there's a smaller threaded hole that's m10 by one and a half you saw me just run the tap in there to cut those threads and that female m10 has another m8 inside of it which in turn is tapped m6 which is bored and tapped for an m5 which is then countersunk for an m4 [Applause] [Applause] I should have mentioned this one we were at the lathe that last operation I set up the feed rate and the coolant flow rate on that parting tool such that when this part separated from the stock it would fall into my milling machine vise between some scrap aluminum to protect the threads so I can mill in some simple wrench flats in machining it pays to plan ahead you okay moment of truth if we did our maths right 24 millimeter wrench should drop right on this all right 24 millimeter seems to be a popular size on these bikes so this would be out anyway good Addie bird a bit just hit it with a file we'll go try it out all right fine I'll deeper this later I am anxious to try it out too but if I cut myself it's on you so if all goes well the large threads on the polar will thread into the flywheel and then I can come in through the back with this smaller bolt read that all the way in until it pushes off against that crankshaft that should pull the flywheel off the bike let me get some I feel like I'm gonna break something should I get the impact gun out Oh either it came off where we broke something why wheels are keyed onto tapered shafts so the inside of that is a taper looks like Morse taper too when these things are installed and that large nut is torqued down these tapers lock on pretty hard for smaller engines you can usually get away with pry bar or two behind the flywheel and like a soft mallet on the crank separating a flywheel like that is the equivalent of you slapping your tooling up against the side of your machine to get the tapers to come apart I wanted to get in here to screw with the timing of this engine just a little bit I hope you enjoyed following along building a simple tool now yes you can buy these for ten or fifteen or twenty dollars but I wanted it right now this puller also fits two or three other engines I have around so I don't feel as bad wasting time to make one that's it thanks for watching Oh [Music]
Channel: This Old Tony
Views: 547,377
Rating: 4.972434 out of 5
Keywords: flywheel puller, cutting threads, thread cutting, lathe, mill, milling machine, metalworking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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