Easy Everyday Sourdough Bread: Full Method and Parchment Paper Baking Trick

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hi everyone just making this video to  demonstrate my basic everyday sourdough   method this is a method that's a really easy  recipe it's really adaptable and this is also   the method that you can that I demonstrate how  you use non-stick baking paper to just to make   it easier to transfer the dough and bake it in  a Dutch oven to get really good results okay so   my basic recipe is three cups of flour I mix it up  all the time but today I'm going to do two cups of   plain flour so this is these are 1/2 cup measures  so that's one and that's 2 1 cup of whole wheat this is very finely ground whole wheat atta so  it's Australian grown Indian style whole wheat   flour strain ground I'm going to put a little  touch of rye just because I love rye just lay   low high sesame seeds because we love sesame seeds  basically bring all of the dry ingredients in I'm   using one teaspoon of salt I just um crush the  laughs okay now that's all of the dry ingredients   so this thing make sure that's everything is mixed  in really well actually we're gonna add psyllium   husk which increases the fibre but also does  wonders for the texture of his bread experimenting   with it lately and it's it's great so they would  go three cups of flour one teaspoon of salt a few   little additions sesame seeds a little bit of  psyllium husk that's all mixed in really really   well I generally make a little well in the center  then I put in my water filtered water that I just   had storing in the fridge because it's spring  here and it's coming on to summer and the days   are getting hot and I find that my ingredients are  cold to begin with it reduces the risk of my dome   over fermenting so this recipe generally takes  one two one of the quarter one in the third cups   of water and that makes a fairly high hydration  dough don't ask me what the actual hydration is   I gave up calculating that stuff years ago this  is my starter I just keep it in a mason jar just   put it in a clean jar this morning because it  I put it in the fridge last night so that's   cool that's probably at least a cup and a half I  don't measure it I just pour it in most of what   I have in my jar so probably at least a cup and I  leave about that much left in there so probably a   tablespoon two tablespoons so I'll show you what I  do with my starter - okay so I've got flour water   and starter I just use a spatula knife and just  loosen up the starter in the water once is really   easy I only have to use one bowl it's very kind  of mucking around and then I just use the knife   just I guess like a duck whew like a dough hook  I guess a little bit of spillage there never mind and just it really cuts through everything  really well so you're not you're getting your   starter really well distributed so yeah kind  of cuts that around I can already see that I   want that wetter because I like hydration  high hydration dough's I don't know why   I just find them easier to mix I guess  and they make really beautiful bread so I'm going to say goodbye to the knife now and  get my trusty spatula this plastic spatula I've   had for so long it cost me two dollars it  came out I wish I could find more because   it's so good for mixing the stone scraping  down the sides if you don't have one of   these you can use a plastic dough scraper  that works pretty well but as you can see   I'm kind of kneading that's still a little  too fun for me I like my dough to be quite squidgy so I'm probably up to about a cup and  a half or four now but that's okay that's quite   quite stiff but you can see there's lots of water  around the bottom so that's pretty much it that's   the initial mix I just leave that now for half  an hour or so while I get ready for work cover   it with a plate and I will give it another turn  before I go off to go to work for the day I'm   back I just realized I can show you all what I  do with my starter once I've mixed my dough so   the dough's mix but then I have a little bit of  starter left in its job all I do is and this is   a pint sized jar so I generally half fill a  jar usually about five teaspoons this is not   even bread flour this is just all-purpose  flour honestly it doesn't matter that much that was for think I have this  thing about putting a touch of   rye and everything it just adds a little  bit more off to your starter and then I find that I like to keep my starter pretty  wet because it stops it from overflowing if   it's quite a wet mix as it carbonates the carbon  dioxide generates a new star as it ferments if   it's very thick like a thick batter or a dough  it rises and it overflows but if you make it   quite wet the bubbles just run up through the  batter rather than actually raising it so I had   a fair bit more water but check and keep your  starter any way you like use a bigger job I'm   using and so really mix it in really well  I generally like to scrape the sides make   sure I get all of the original starter off  the bottom so that's pretty runny I think   much is gonna I don't think that's going to  open for see it's got to be really nice and   bubbly so this is a clean flop it might  not look it but if so I just clean that I also try to scrape down the sides with a  spatula to serve make the sides really clean   I think I think that helps to prevent any more  and then I just use a caning little half believe   without the screw top that way it's got some it  can just you know pop up so it just fits there   so I will now put the starter and the dough away  for the day I will come back before I go to work   and just give this another turn or two but then  it'll go away for the day I'll probably put it   in the cooler box because it's probably going  to be warm today so just like an esky cooler   box that you would normally put drinks or  something in I'll just put these in there   with with just one cooler brick and that will  keep the temperature to about 18 probably about   18 degrees by the end of the day by Tom it melts  and that will stop it from over fermenting okay okay hi everybody I'm back it is it's 6:30  at night um I've been at work all day the   dough has been fermenting during the day in my  cooler box in an esky it's pretty well risen   it's a little bit jiggly not too much some  nice air bubbles in there it's it's fairly   wet dough as you saw this morning so if I had a  left fat out at room temperature today it would   probably be a lot higher it would also be a lot  closer to being over fermented which we don't   want it's better to keep so I'm a really long  bob from it like that a little bit cooler so   that it doesn't go too far because if it goes  too far the gluten breaks down then you lose   the structure of the bread another alternative  to putting it in a cooler box for the day you   might not have the room to have the cooler box  in your house is you can just put your dough on   in its bowl its the lid and you can just put a  couple of cooler bricks on top water sometimes   I have also wrapped a towel around it that just  helps keep some of the cool in again start with   cold ingredients that helps as well I will say  though that this is my strategy in summer and in   the warmer days of spring obviously in winter I  do not do this I just leave it out I don't want   it to be slowed down in winter I want it to  be sped up a little bit if anything okay so   the dough is fermented to get it ready to bake  I'm going to bake this tonight the first thing   I do is just give it a quick sort of fold need  down I'm not going to fold it with my hands and   just this is the quick easy method so I'm just  going to use my trusty plastic spatula so I just   kind of um grab it from the sides and pull it up  it's a little bit like a stretch and fold method   I don't push it too much um I do kind of don't  want to knock all the air out of it the main   part about this is just kind of giving it a bit  of a need to really wait we have written okay   so I am pushing air out of it but that's okay  so just do that around sort of bringing it into   a uniform kind of a dough ball and I'll leave  that now just for five or ten minutes and then   I'll come back and do the next step okay so just  while we're waiting for the dome to just relax a   little bit before I do my final shape I just  wanted to show you my startup before I put it   back into the fridge so this is the data that I  took out of the fridge to snort this morning to   mix with the stove and refit it and then it has  been fermenting alongside the dough in the cooler   box all day today it was quite a runny cider as  you'll remember and you can see it's very very   bubbly very active quite runny really nice and  frothy so that's good to go so what I'll do now   with that is just put that in the fridge till next  time that's all I do very easy so good night Boris okay so it's only been about five minutes that  I'm impatient man it's a work night and I want   to get the bread done so I'm going to go to the  next stage so this dough I'm going to be baking   in this Dutch oven and sometimes plenty of times  I would shake this dough and put it into a floured   valeton and I would then use that to hold the  dough and then put it into the Dutch oven from   there in this video I want to show a really  quick and easy and clean way to do it without   the benetton so there's no flour involved it's  very neat easy no cleanup and it's a nice little   trick for just making a really good decent loaf  of sourdough midweek without any fuss so what I   do is I just get some non-stick baking paper in  Australia that's what we call it in the States   or in other places on pretty sure this refer to as  parchment paper so this is just non-stick baking   paper so I just grab a piece that is big enough  for the dough but another little ball that I'm   going to use to to put the dough in sometimes I  use my ballot on that doesn't have any flour in   it just any shape that is going to be a good  shape to hold the dough as it proves will be   fine so I'm just going to use this this time  now this is a really good trick if you spray   the paper with some water the dough is not  going to stick to it and I'll show you why   that's helpful in a second I'm just coming back  to the dough now I'm just going to do a final   shaping and you'll see I'm not going to even do  this on the bench I'm just going to draw it in   the bowl just because it's such an easy way to do  it so just giving it another round and you can see   I'm really just gently putting some tension into  the surface of the dough and pulling it together bringing it into a ball basically and then with  my wet baking paper I'm just going to tip it out   and that's it it's not perfect but I'm not a  baker so I don't care sometimes I might just   get my wet hands a bit and just sort of tuck it  under but look I'm happy with that that's going   to rise beautifully it's got enough tension in  there for me for it to get a good alban spring   so it just goes into its bowl or it's dry Balaton  or whatever you've got now see this this is where   the wet paper really comes in handy because  I sprayed that paper it's not sticking to the   dough very little anyway find a little bit so  I'm pulling that up I'm going to use my spatula   just to sort of smooth out or press those seams  this is much easier because the paper is wet so   it hasn't kind of stopped the dough so that's  it so I'll just let that prove now depending on   the weather sometimes on a really hot day and  especially if the dough hasn't been fermented   at a cool temperature and it's just I've just  done it in a shorter amount of time and a hot   day I will turn the oven on to preheat at this  stage because sometimes hot weather this will   be ready to go in the oven in half an hour that's  it because this dough is a bit cool that's been in   the cooler box all day I'm thinking that's going  to take maybe at least an hour so I'm just going   to cover it up at the plate again leave that and  just check on it maybe in half an hour's time and   at that point put the oven on to preheat and  we'll be ready to go okay come back in half an   hour so okay so it has been half an hour that  the dough has been doing its final proof it's   not quite there yet you can see it it is a little  bit larger and it's got a little bit of a wobble   to it so it's getting there I'm going to preheat  the oven now and set the timer for another half   an hour and I think that will be pretty much  perfect okay so see you in half an hour okay so it has been another 40 45 minutes so one  hour and 15 minutes total proving time the   oven Bennett the oven has been preheating to 230  degrees Celsius for 30 minutes or actually over   30 minutes like 45 minutes now so the dough is is  pretty well proved I would actually like it to be   a little bit bigger than that a little bit full of  proof but it's getting late and I really just want   to get it done now so what I'm going to do is get  it ready for the oven okay this is how I how I do   it I'm just going to get the Dutch oven out of the  oven and put the dough in and we'll be right to go so this is the hot Dutch oven it is very very hot  it's preheated to 230 degrees Celsius so a little   lift turn with its paper now this is where we wet  the dough and the paper again so the spatula and   just smooth out that paper one last time which  stops it from getting in the way of the dough   in making creases I'm using my lame nay sorry  wrong pronunciation which is just a razor blade   over a chopstick I'm going to put just a couple  of slashes in the dough yeah these aren't great   this is the worst lashing I've ever done if you  like to forgive me okay that will do it's fine   it will be what it will be okay put that in  the oven now to bake for 30 minutes with the   lid on and then I'll take the lid off and bake  it for about another 10 minutes or pull it off okay so bread has been in the oven for half an  hour and 30 minutes with the lid on let's see   oh pretty good okay so you can see it's risen  really beautifully um got a nice spring I'm   going to put it back in the oven now for probably  about 10-15 minutes just to brown up and finish   cooking but I'm really pleased with that it's a  nice nice nice result okay put back in the oven okay here we are for final video it's getting  really late now I know it's only quarter past   nine okay so the bread is done I'm going to get  it out of the oven and show you the final results   okay so there we have it a really beautiful  loaf of sourdough bread kind of a bit of a   no need method but a really easy method there's  no no mess it's pretty easy you don't have to   use any flour in better times or anything like  that I just grab the corners of the paper like   that and the paper is not hot even though that  pot is very very hot but out take my pot away grab mine right and not just generally like that  fill up the paper and there you go beautiful   sourdough bread absolutely Forge it's pretty  light so it's pretty area it's got a nice crispy   beautiful crust and that will just be gorgeous  to eat so there you go that's it easy good luck   good morning was the next morning and I thought  I'd cut a loaf of bread just to show you what   it looks like inside the bread has lost its crunch  it's been a bit of a humid night or not it's still   got a bit of crunch on the side but it's yeah it's  changed it the texture that social okay let's see   ok look the crumb is barely opened that's just  about how I like it I don't like really massively   holes because your honey falls through and  you know I really like a nice sort of soft   bread with a nice open crumb but if the holes are  really massive that's just not going to work for   me I want to be helping make a sandwich out of my  bread so I'm really happy without really nice who   is soft this smell is incredible and that's super  sesame seeds they just add all sorts of beautiful   loveliness to unsolder bread so they're you  know for life hope you enjoyed the video thanks you you
Channel: Elly's Everyday Soap Making
Views: 919,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy sourdough, no knead bread, dutch oven bread, everyday sourdough baking, easy sourdough method, elly's sourdough, elly's everyday sourdough, elly's everyday, elly savon, no fuss sourdough, how to make sourdough bread, easy sourdough bread recipe, sourdough bread, how to make bread
Id: KkA8JUmLT8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2016
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