Easy DIY Trellis For Summer Squash

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hey everyone tammy here with you gardens and today i am talking to you all about trellising your squash plants now if you're like me whenever i heard about this i my mind was completely blown because i had no idea that you could trellis your squash or your zucchini um absolutely no clue and all you're going to need is a bamboo steak something like this try to get something a little thicker some pruning snips because we're going to be cutting away some of these leaves and either some garden string or some twisty ties this is what i'm using today but you can definitely use garden string if that's what you have available oh and you'll need some scissors to cut the twisty tie so let's get into this video all right so i'm first just going to start by trimming back some of these leaves um we really don't need all of these leaves and they do grow so quickly i mean you know i come out here within a couple days and i have this whole thing full of leaves again after i've trimmed them all back um so we really don't need them they're just taking i mean don't cut all of them back but you can cut some of them so these leaves are really just taking this plant's energy and so what happens is it sends all of its energy into producing these massive leaves and not as much energy into producing the fruit of the plant and that's what's really important right so we really just want to get rid of these leaves so that we can prevent that and also so this creates a lot more air flow when you get rid of these huge leaves like this which is just all around beneficial for the plant and we especially want to cut along the bottom here because you know i find that a lot of times the bottom leaf is what starts to introduce diseases zucchini plants struggle with powdery mildew things like that so you really want to get some of this out of the way and we do want to use sterilized snips they also will often get you know discolored and leaves will sometimes turn yellow or start to just completely rot especially when they're not in the sun like this one you can see discolored not a happy leaf so we want to toss them away all right so now that i can actually see what's going on here we're gonna start to lift this up and attach them to the trellis all right so i'm just gonna trim this guy off didn't even see him from all of the leaves get my twister tie i want it to be a pretty long piece because this is already growing big so now i'm going to do is i'm going to come in here and cut back some of these leaves again we don't need them they're just kind of in the way and they're weighing down the plant and i want this plant to grow up um nice and cutting some of this back will also take away from just all the added weight so we want to cut most of the leaves on the bottom of wherever your flowers are growing and leave the leaves towards the top so here we have one that is completely on the ground as you can see and it's just it'll just keep growing out here and if we can actually vine him up to sit up like this this is just gonna be a whole lot better it's easier to take care of um and then a lot of times what will happen is i can't ever see the fruit underneath these things because the leaves are so big all right so first i'm gonna place my bamboo steak in here so that it can trellis on and then i'm just gonna tie him up like so super simple i'm just gonna tie it in a knot back here and we're just going to cut come in here and cut some of these leaves out [Music] so as you can see there's already some ties here that i've been training this to grow up on um but i still need to get him up here more i'm just going to use the zip tie and kind of pull them up non-zip tie twisty tie that should hold them up and then we'll come in here and maybe cut a couple more of these leaves [Music] so i actually planted these so close together by complete mistake um usually when you want to you know plant your squash plants or zucchini plants you want to space them out pretty far and the only reason why i ended up having them so close together to begin with is simply because i planted a bunch of seeds indoors thought i'd get a jump start think that i left them too long in their little seed cells and so once i came to plant them outside they just kind of got diseased and died we also had a couple cold spells so that could have had something to do with it but either way they all freaking died and i was so agitated that i'm like you know what i am just going to plant a bazillion of these and one of them is surely to succeed while all of them succeeded that time so then i ended up with a ton of zucchini plants planted all really close together and trying to figure out what i could do and i stumbled across a couple videos of trellising this up some kind of steak and i did have a bunch of bamboo steaks so i was like i'll just use that and hope for the best and um you know i've been trimming back a lot of the leaves and it's it's really seemed to work so far very very well a lot of these leaves in the past i've noticed especially the ones at the bottom will get diseased and rot and die because they're just they're not getting any sun and then they're just sitting on wet ground and what happens is those diseases and the decay it starts to creep up to the rest of your plant um and these are also known for powdery mildew as well um and and what happens is you know when these huge i mean they're these leaves are huge and and you can tell i mean the ones that i'm cutting off they're just they're ginormous so and and these grow within a couple days and you can already see there's a bunch of weird little spots on this leaf and this was only after a few days of being planted here so you know um i highly recommend this way it is definitely been successful for me thus far it's also helped to keep pests away which is pretty freaking cool because um you know usually they're munching all over the leaves and since i'm trimming most of the leaves back i haven't had to deal with many pests um so that's also a great thing about this method um but this was a total mistake completely did this on accident and that's kind of how gardening is you know sometimes we do something and we're like oh crap what what are we gonna what are we gonna do now and then we learn and we experiment and it's it's all learning and growing right so i hope you enjoyed this video and i hope that um you know you've learned something and that maybe you've tried this and also have success with it so if you have any questions or comments leave them in the comments below thank you all so much for watching and as always happy gardening i'm going to trim a bunch more of these leaves off um but i won't bore you with that [Music] so [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Yogi Gardens
Views: 19,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ldvPgky_5fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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