How to Build An Arched Trellis for 30 Dollars | Vertical Gardening

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just about any time I share anything from my garden I get asked the same question hey how do you make those arched trellises so today we're going to show you [Music] when we first started planning our garden I knew that we were going to be doing raised beds and in that I wanted to make sure that we were able to utilize the space as much as possible I've seen a thing on Pinterest where someone built an arch out of some fencing but I knew I wanted to be able to plant some heavy stuff like melons and I got to thinking about what we had around our farm and I knew we had some cattle panels which led to this so how much does it rellis like this cost first you need a cattle panel which they are 18 feet long they are around 20 to 25 dollars you can call around to find the best deal we found one particular place here in town that has them for $19.99 which is about six dollars cheaper than some of the other local feed stores and if you're gonna be buying several of them that adds up the other thing you're going to need is two t-posts also something that very store by store but you know on the high end you're looking at about five dollars each we use six-foot t-posts for these but you could do you know a little you could use a 7-footer of five but it would probably work just about the same and the last thing you need is some zip ties you could also probably use some sort of fastener the zip ties are cheap and easy and we've had these on here for two seasons now and they haven't failed us yet another benefit of zip ties is that they're very easy to take down so if you want to move the arch you can do that so all in all what you're looking at for one of these arch arch trellises is something around the range of 30 to 35 dollars pretty affordable really also you'll notice that our cattle panels are in raised beds which mean that means that they're about a foot off the ground to start with so as you can see our arches are a lot higher up based on my lovely models here these are six foot plus men and there's plenty head space for them however if you had these trellises on the ground they would not be nearly as tall though I think they they would still be tall enough for full-size people to walk so far I've grown a lot of things on these trellises I really like the option of vertical gardening because it really expands this space you have it's easy to pick things when they're up and it's beautiful to grow things this way just real quick we're gonna take a look at our trellises and I'm just going to show you some of the things that I currently have growing in my garden or on the trellises that I'm showing you how to build these are scarlet runner beans lima beans here are some pole green beans and yellow beans down here we have some pickling cucumbers as well as some slicer cucumbers right here is a large winter squash called warded Incan creampuff and this is actually one seed planted and it's going all over this trellis here are some dried pole beans you can see them on this trellis we have two different kinds of melons here on this side is a banana knowin and if you grow large melons such as this one on a trellis you just have to offer some sort of support some people use produce bags some people use pantyhose and then this side is a much smaller melon collective farm woman on this is another small personal sized melon called kajari as you can see it's got quite a lot and they're doing really well just hang in here we have noodle beans down here I've got a tomato variety called climbing triple crop that is said to vine up to 14 feet so I went ahead and tried it on one of these trellises so far it's only the end of June and it's already a good ways up I think it will probably make it to the top of the trellis this year and it's offering it the perfect support because this is very these are very heavy laden plants and again on this trellis I've got a couple different kinds of cucumbers as you can see there's some pickling cucumbers and over here some Armenian white and my last arch trellis right here has some beans on this side which are kind of a pole runner type bean and then on this side I've got some really young Keuka melons but they will grow like wild and cover cover this side as well we actually already have 13 arch trellises in our very large garden now but we went and got one more cattle panel for the last space that we could put one because I really wanted to do a video to show you guys how we put these together because we get asked about it so much so my handy homesteading husband has incurred an injury got to go catching a goat so he is on the mend we're waiting to hear some results back on that and we're hoping that it's not a big deal so we have asked Daniel to come over from next door to drop these T posts so I can take this video and we can show you guys how to do this you guys ready teamwork makes the dream work right so this is going to be the same whether you're doing this in raised beds or it's the same process so you're going to go ahead and drop your first key post in the ground with the notches facing you you want to leave a little bit of space here with a raised bed because we're going to pull the panel down and you want to have room to plant it on the inside a little tip do not go too far up with this because if you do it will come down and bust you in the hay so we've got one t-posts driven into the ground and we've just butted this cattle panel up into it and this is this is typically a two-person job and you begin bending it down and we're going to put it in place on the other side at this point one person holds this cattle panel in place while the other person puts the t-post end but sit upright against it now remember we are leaving space here between the panel and the bed because we want to be able to plant our plant on the inside of that panel and now we're gonna drive this post in right there and secure okay so now it's secured between here and now we just want to line it up and make sure that the T post is pretty much in the middle of the panel and at this point we'll just go ahead and secure that cattle panel to the T post on both sides with zip ties it's not really an exact science for this say you want to talk about what classes appetizers are I think I just made that up Fabio class beö - 72 yeah you're good at improvising that probably is like some kind of grade on them but I don't care they're boys at pies IBAMA Depot we got a thousand for 20 bucks and we probably used like 500 of them and our cars are but you can't you zip ties instead of bullets I just use like twelve lip ties at this point we could plan it I'm gonna wait for fall planting obviously I have enough stuff growing already for this summer but these are super easy to do at the end of the year whenever you are done with your growing season if you are planning on reconfiguring your garden you know trading out where things are planted these are super easy to take down you can lay the cattle plant panels flat and set them back up the next year or if you want to leave them up they do fine we've had a couple of ours that have been standing for a couple of seasons now and some of them we took down and then put back up this year that's really just preference and however you plant your garden whatever works for you and really briefly I'm just going to show you just a couple of the other ways we use cattle panels here we've taken some cattle panels and we've cut them into thirds put two of the pieces together fastened at the top with a zip tie and stuck in here's another teepee use is built the exact same way with Keuka melons on one side and tomatoes on the other here we have taken just one long cattle panel and use three t posts to attach it we've grown peas on this right now it's got a couple of beans and down on the end a Q come some more cattle panel pieces here these are just some smaller posts these have tomato plants on them and this is just a piece that is actually 1/3 of a panel that we put up right it we groupies on it a couple months ago and here are the trellises we did for our Tomatoes this year which I did another video showing how these are made these are cattle panels and there are long ways but they have about 18 inches underneath so they are attached to these t post about 18 inches up so that they have more vertical space for tomatoes to climb upwards there you go this is a really great way to add functionality to your garden by vertical gardening you eliminate sickness you make it easier to harvest things because they're right there in front of you and just altogether add a lot of beauty to the garden and with cattle panels it's relatively easy to do and quite affordable so I hope that helps somebody and we will see you guys next time happy gardening [Music]
Channel: Roots and Refuge Farm
Views: 1,860,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cattle panel trellis, vertical gardening, vertical garden, arched trellis, garden trellis, gardening, gardening tips, homesteading, homesteading vlog, growing food, vegetable gardening, potager garden, budget garden tips
Id: wXOX1nzCnaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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