Easy Blues Guitar Lesson - Basic Rhythm - BLG005

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hey everyone brian from active melody comm and what i'm going to do in this video is i'm going to show you how to play two different versions of a blues rhythm it's a very common scenario that you'll run into if you're in a jam session or even if you're just playing with another musician a lot of times you you play 12 bar blues and it'll be your turn to play rhythm and so anyway I got an email from someone saying hey you know I I know how to play a lot of lead stuff but I'm not really sure what to do when it comes to playing rhythm and I look through all of my lessons that I put up on the site and realize I haven't really done just a very basic 12 bar blues rhythm now I wanted to throw in a few extra licks to make it a little more interesting but basically that's what we're going to learn in this I'm going to give you two different variations of it now I'm going to play through it without the jam track and right now just so you can hear what we're going to learn but if you'd like to download the jam track you can get it for free and you can get the tablature for free and you can get the on-screen tab viewer so all of the lesson materials for this is a hundred percent free I just wanted to make that available to everyone just because I think it's a void that's sort of out there there's not a lot of sort of basic basic you know twelve bar blues stuff alright so let me play through it we're going to learn I'll play through the first version then we'll do the second and then we'll get into the lesson material so here's the first one pretty basic to some of you that might be elementary but to a lot of you that can change your world if you just learn how to play that rhythm so that's the first thing we're going to learn let me just real quickly I'll go through the second version now this will make a lot more sense if you hear it with the jam track but anyway here's what here's it here it is on its own now what's nice about these two are that you can mix and match parts of it so if you like them you can take that and combine it with what you learn in the first part but this just gives you some different variables to work with so that you can kind of spice up your rhythm plane so let's go ahead and start the video and we'll start talking about our start the lesson I should say the video is started and now we'll break that down and then we'll take it from there alright so this is in the key of E and it's just 12 bar blues it's a 1 4 5 chord progressions first chords a the one chords at E there's an a chord there's a B chord and then back to the e ok and so the way that I'm doing this and and this is a common scenario you'll hear this kind of a blues played like this there's a little bit of shuffle to it so it's not 1 and 2 and it's not like this it's play like this kind of thing you can Bob your head to now what I'm doing is I've got my pointer finger here on the 2nd fret fifth string and I'm playing string six and five just those two strings those are the bottom strings out of the e or just those two it's called a power chord and I'm using this part of my palm back here to kind of rest on the strings to mute it a little bit gives it's called palm muting and that gives you a little bit of a chunky sound and I use my pinky some you may want to use your ring finger to come back up here to the fourth fret fifth string and you're just alternating you're rocking back and forth like this so you have one two one two and that's how you playing the e part okay now once it now that you've got that what this isn't that nice it's like a little bit of a lead thrown in there just to sort of mix it up but all I'm doing is I'm going after I do one two three four five I take my ring finger you come to the second fret sixth string and I slide up to the fourth fret and then I go to the fifth frame fifth fifth frame fifth string on the second fret there's the fourth fret on the 5th string and then that last note which is an e note one octave higher is on the second fret fourth string and you can see what I've made they're two little box now that box is important because if you're playing rhythm or lead for that matter you can play any of these notes if you're playing the key of E you have that little box to play with and you're you're in the major scale or the major pentatonic scale when you're in that little box and so if you're ever wanting to throw in a little lead leg you have that space to play with so that's where this look comes from now you may want to at this point you may just want to practice doing that over and over again this would be where you'd want to get out the jam track now here's another thing once I get to this note that knee I quickly come back down to play the open sixth string or the lower e you're it and then we're back to the shuffle now the second okay so that's the first time through the second time throw one is that cool that's kind of a gosh it's just it's been used a million times and what I'm doing there is I'm playing an a chord and I'm using my middle finger to bar that and you'll see why I'm using my middle finger instead of this one but so when I'm playing is strings four three two out of that a chord and then watch this and then I just build the e chord just the top really there those two strings is the string two and three that's what I'm doing and I'm hammering on to the first fret third string in those two notes that's one and it gives it a real bluesy feeling when you do that so let's back up so we have now after I do that we got you got to get you keep your timing going so and this is why that jam track is important so you can come right back down this time you've got your pinkie or your ring finger on the fourth fret fifth string into that position so alright and then I played the little lead part again which we've already learned and watch this is a little walk up to the a now that may be something some of you know but some of you may have never thought about transitioning to the a just like the way a bass player would do that's kind of what you're doing so you're going back to this e power chord and then you're going to play an f-sharp power chord so that's your pointer finger on the second fret sixth string your pinkie ring finger is on the fourth fret fifth string now we're going to play AG power chord so we're just taking that same shape sliding it up one sliding it up one more to G sharp so we have another way I've seen people do this is to play the full Barre chord you know if you wanted to really get fancy but that's all I do now we're into the a position and the what I do instead of playing the a up here which I could do you could just keep going I came and played in here it's the same notes but you're playing them in a different position so now I'm playing the open fifth string which is an egg and I'm fretting on the second fret 4th string and I'm now I'm going to do just like I did on the E chord but I'm going to use my pinky or ring finger here on the 4th fret this time on the 4th string and then watch this I slid it up that time that's a little different so when is the 4th fret up to the 5th fret now I did this same little bluesy thing like we did there but now I'm doing it up here and the reason that it works or it's really played the same way remember I showed you to use your ring finger or well a pyramidal finger I guess up here I use my ring finger to play the seventh fret in play strings 4 3 & 2 and now we're going to bar the first three strings on the fifth fret we're only going to play strings two and three and then we're going to hammer onto the sixth fret third string it's the same thing down here if you think about it look at how that plays around the e chord well think about the a chord we were to make an a barre chord it'd be here so hopefully you can see how those that little lick plays off the chord and that's that's a key to play in any lead is just knowing what the chord shape is how you can play notes that are in that chord okay so back to that and now we're gonna play that the lead part again to get us back to the e and here's there's a little little bluesy thing now we go to the B and for that for that it's our pointer finger on the fifth string second fret our ring finger is on the fourth fret fifth string our fourth fret fourth string that's a power chords of B power chord and then you used your pinkie to come up here to the sixth fret on the fourth string and that's the chuck bear you see Chuck Berry do that if you're watching videos of him doing Johnny be good or any of that that's the shape that he uses so we're we're going to play that so then what we're going to do is we're going to take our ring finger and come to the fourth fret fifth string we're going to slide up like that we're going to slide from the fourth fret to the sixth fret on the 5th string then I'm going to bar and if you look at what I'm doing I'm making that B chord we made the B chord remember our pinkie was here now I've just replaced it with this finger and I'm hammered on up to this position which is the sixth fret fourth string I'm playing those two strings strings four and three and that's a powerful little lick that you can use anytime your plan a chord no matter what chord so if you're playing G or well any anything let's say we're playing an E chord up here it just gives you another variation of something you can do so now we're back to the a and then we're back to be using that leg and then the turnaround chord is the B 7:57 I'll assume you know how to make the B 7th and all I did once I made the B 7th was away and there's a million things I could have done there but I just wanted to keep it very basic with chords then it repeats at that one so that's all of the first first variation let me go ahead and play through it one more time and then you can always look at the slow or at the on screen tab viewer if you want to view this as well so here we go you
Channel: Active Melody
Views: 548,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: basic, easy, blues, guitar, lesson, rhythm, Rhythm Guitar (Musical Performance Role), blues guitar, easy blues guitar lesson, guitar lesson, Guitar (Musical Instrument), Music Education (Field Of Study), learn, simple, simple guitar lesson, basic guitar lesson, rhythm guitar lesson
Id: vv0VgConxJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2015
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