Easy as Pie Charts - Adobe After Effects tutorial

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hey everybody I'm Evan Abrams and today we're gonna learn how to make pie charts in After Effects just by you're inside an oven so pie charts are great for showing things like what percentage of people enjoy what kinds of pie or what percentage of people enjoy putting cheddar cheese on their pie that's pretty gross but you know enjoy doing whatever you do with that but I'm just here to show you how to make charts so I'm going to close up this oven and you know sit for 350 and bake except some pie charts so fire up After Effects and let's get to it so in After Effects make a new composition and it doesn't really matter the size or anything just make a new one we're going to make the pie shapes first so those are just made out of circles so go up to your lips tool double click there and make some circles and pick our first color that's good enough color and now go into the ellipse and lips path and uncheck the linkage between the two size properties and put them down to like a 750 I should do and you can link them again if you want but that doesn't matter and we will rename this wedge 1 now we're going to make 5 wedges in total and each one will be controlled by a separate thing on a control layer so let's make that layer so we make a new null object call that object control and on the control we want to put in a slider control and this slider control will control site control enough times but this will determine how far along the completion of the pie wedge is from say 0 to upwards of 100 so I know type in 25 for now so when that's a 25 we want this wheel here to be 25% complete or 25% blue so go back to your wedge and we're going to give it the radial wipe and make sure you use the transform radial wipe and not the animation preset so just drag that on there and the transition completeness you can see goes from 0% up to a hundred which is kind of the reverse of what we so what we would like is to link this to the slider control and we'd like it also to go counterclockwise or I would if you'd rather go the other way do whatever it's not important to this lesson I'll click on that and I'll bring up its expression and we would like to link this to the control layer so I'm just going to lock the effects control there go down here to our enter line and then pick whip that to this so we're saying transition completeness you are now whatever slider control is but that's not totally what we want we want it to be 100 minus whatever that is meaning it'll be 100 minus the value here in this case 25 leaving 75% there so 100 less 25 is 75 and that shows 25% of the circle as being on perfect you're doing quite well so far so now the other thing is that we want the wedges when they come on each wedge to start where the other wedge stops so that means that we want basically the start angle of every other wedge to reference not only the transition completeness but also the start angle of this wedge so if this one moves its start point then so do the others so go to wedge one duplicate it and we've created wedge two and for wedge to set its color to let's say red that's a good red and then we're going to go into the effects going to its radial wipe and we are going to be altering its start angle so I'm going to be typing in an expression here and referencing things in wedge one so let me just fullscreen this for a minute just so we can look at what we're doing here and I do that by hitting the console button sets Wiggly under the Escape key now what we're going to be doing here is in this expression for the start angle we're going to be referencing the completeness here and the start angle so let me just put in some variables so I'm going to go P equals and P for percentage maybe that's not important P equals pick whip it down to ass good and then hit a semicolon to end that then we're going to a equals and then pick whip down to the start angle here good and send me : there now we're going to use these two variables to make something and we're going to say 360 because it's 360 degrees and then we will multiply that by and remember your bed mass from math class in brackets we're going to put P so whatever percentage of the completion it was divided by negative 100 which is going to make it point seven five and then minus that's what's going to be minus 0.75 and it's going to be 360 times negative point 75 will yield the start angle which will be the angle where this is it trust me this is math and then we're going to also add whatever a is so then offset it by however much a is hit return and then we look back at what we've got and so far so good so 6 both of these things are reference the same slider we can see that as we grow and shrink this then that changes but we need one for each of these so go to slider control and duplicate it so if slider control two we know that for wedge two we want it to look at slider two so I'm just going to hit the U button to bring up all the things we've changed on this layer so far so we've got this thing here that's saying reference the control layer and just change slider control there to slider control space to or whatever you've called that that's good and now we can change both of these independently now let's go ahead and also make these reference not the name of the layer but layer as relative to wedge two so what I mean by that is instead of referencing something called wedge one where I tell to reference index plus one and what that does is it means instead of looking at a layer that has a name just look at the reference number I'm translator - but I'd like to look at reference layer 3 so 2 plus 1 equals 3 and that's index of 2 plus 1 equals 3 and that will put you at referencing this layer so do the same for the other wedge 1 reference and that is index plus 1 hit enter our sorry return and then you're all good nothing's changed so when you duplicate wedge 2 it's going to create another wedge that has the same properties as wedge to accept wedge 3 is no referencing wedge 2 in the same way wedge to reference wedge 1 because of that index plus 1 thing now let's also change its color to like a yellow or something good and then we'll just make another slider control duplicate that make sure that this is now pointing at slider control 3 and then give this a value like that and now we're going to couple more so duplicate it change its color to be like green good make sure that it is looking for something that we're going to call slider control for I think you're getting the hang of it now right and duplicate this again and duplicate this again slider control 5 slider control 5 and give it a new color I don't really know I guess like a purple maybe good and that is super fantastic so now what you want to do is make sure all of these sort of add up to 100 so let's say this one's like 35 maybe this one here could be be like 20 and then 35 20 15 10 there we go so this kind of rounds out a complete graph and now we have to animate it one of the reasons that we used all of these sliders on the same control layer is because we've put a bunch of in here so if you want to quickly call up keyframes you're going to be calling up a whole lot of other nonsense that you don't necessarily want so we go into the control layer here and we set keyframes on all of those hit you and then you can bring them all up let's just take those try to go forward a bit in time and then to set all their starting values at zero as you can see they come on in this nice kind of rainbow II thing right so maybe we only want to take about 20 frames to bring this stuff on so pull that ahead take these key frames we're going - easy easy em we're going to go into there and just pull that like so so they have an interesting shape to their motion and then that kind of comes on like that and then an important step is to stagger the motion so you know slider control is the first one bring it on then two and then three four and I'm sure you'll do a better job at staggering these in a uniform way but ooh there you go so they kind of animate on in that kind of a way now I think you've pretty much done it so that's all you need to do but there's one more thing that I'm going to warn you about if you want to move this and when I say if you want to move this I mean if you want to put it anywhere but the center of the screen do not click and drag it because as you can see weird things start to happen that's because the radial wipe always references the center of the image or the center of wherever that thing is hanging out so if you can see here in the effects the radial wipe has a wipe center which you can move but you don't really want to now we could have just parented this to the position of the layer and you're totally fine to do that but usually what I do is I just precompose all of it and then move it around and then you can do things like you can go layer go layer styles you can add like a drop shadow to this if you so desire just kind of beef that up a little bit OOP kind of like that so you've got a drop shadow you could on each of these you go layer layer Styles had a stroke add a stroke to all of those make sure that the stroke is actually something cool maybe thicken it up a little bit make sure it's on the center that would be really helpful something like that maybe change that color of pure white so last year and then there we go so hey that looks pretty good and actually pretty stupid but nonetheless you've got a pie chart you can move it around you have all the tools you need to animate it in interesting ways play around with that have fun and hopefully this didn't take up too big of a percentage of your day and if it did want to make me a pie graph about it so I'm Evan Abrams if you enjoy this pie graph e tutorial you can use it for other things that aren't pie graphs if you really want but hopefully it's helpful if you have any questions put them in the comments if you have trouble with tutorial just let me know if you're interested in After Effects check out the Facebook page follow me on twitter at ec Abrams then subscribe to this channel if you want to see new stuff every week thank you so much for watching comment rate subscribe or whatever or don't it's totally up to you and I'll see you next week or somewhere around the internet thanks and have a nice day you
Channel: ECAbrams
Views: 147,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after, effects, adobe, cs6, how, to, hotto, tips, tricks, lessons, aftereffects, visual, fx, software, help, instructions, tutorials, editing, Tutorial (Literary Genre), How-to (Conference Subject), Adobe After Effects (Software), pie, chart, graph, aniamte, make, percent, degrees, data, infographics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2013
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