Easy Apple Fritter Pancakes - Food Wishes

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[Music] hello this is Chef John from foodwishes.com with apple fritter pancakes that's right we're making pancakes that taste like apple fritter style Donuts which by the way is not the same thing as making an Apple Fritter in the shape of a pancake all right that would just be a poorly made apple fritter okay what we want here is the same taste but in the form of a very light very fluffy perfectly made pancake and you know what I think we did it so with that let's go ahead and get started with this very very simple batter which begins with one large whole egg to which we will add a little touch of white sugar followed by some classic apple fritter donut spices including cinnamon of course as well as some ground ginger plus some freshly grated nutmeg that I freshly grated ahead of time and we're also going to need a little pinch of salt as well as a little touch of vanilla extract and please use the pure and the real and that's it once all that's in there we will take a whisk and we will start mixing and we will keep mixing until we stop mixing and don't worry you'll know when that should be and that's it once that's been completed we'll move on to the start of the show one large beautiful sweet Apple which we will grade in using the large holes of our cheese grater and yes I am grading in the skin which is fine and works great but we don't want to grade in the seeds so as you get in close to that core be careful and one of the keys here is to be using a sharp grater okay if your blades are sharp you're going to get beautiful shreds that have the peel with apple attached but if you used a doll grater or one that's too small basically all you're going to get is Apple skins and a lot of juice and you'll still be able to make a batter but I don't think it's going to be as good and in case you're keeping score at home I'm using a Honeycrisp which is not a typical cooking Apple like a Granny Smith but for these pancakes I do prefer a nice sweet eating apple like the honey crisp or maybe a Fuji but having said that you use any Apple you want I mean you guys are after all the Jakes of your Apple Fritter pancakes and once that's set we'll go ahead and toss in a little bit of fresh lemon juice which we'll do for a little bit of flavor but also so our shredded Apple doesn't start turning brown from oxidation and then what we'll do once all that's been mixed together is we'll finish this up with our dry ingredients which will be some all-purpose flour some baking powder and a little bit of its good friend and drinking buddy baking soda and that's it we will simply take our spatula and mix this until that flour disappears and we formed a thick but still very spoonable batter and I know we are supposed to mix those three dry ingredients together first but for something like this it's really not going to matter unless you're very bad at stirring and the next person I meet that's bad at stirring will be the first anyway we'll go ahead mix that up until we end up with something that looks like this at which point we can head to the stove where we're going to cook these over medium heat and a few tablespoons of melted butter in this one apple recipe is going to make two portions of two pancakes each but obviously you can scale this yield up as big as you want and yes I did say medium heat since we don't want the surface to cook too fast and get too browned before the batter and those shreds of raw apple have time to cook in the center and if these things do seem to be Browning too fast simply turn your heat down a little bit all right that is just you cooking and you should never be afraid to make little adjustments like that along the way and once we have our pancakes portioned out we will let those cook for about three minutes per side although that's really just a guess all right that's all you get around here you have to figure out the exact time they're done but one way you can kind of tell you're getting close is if the pancakes brings back to the touch all right if it feels kind of mushy and holds a finger Mark it's probably not cooked inside and we'll want to give that another minute or two oh and it probably does nothing but after I flip pancakes sometimes I'll give them a little turn like this so that the part of the surface of the pancake that was in the middle of the pan is now on the outside of the pan which might help these cook more evenly although I certainly can prove it and really don't have the time or resources to try but anyway like I said we'll give those about three minutes per side until our pancakes are springing back to the touch and the other side is nicely Brown as well and that's it once those are done we'll go ahead and pull them off the heat and serve those up hopefully next to some beautiful breakfast meat with a nice breakfast sausage being my preferred pairing and then I went ahead and finished mine up with some warm maple syrup which I think works on all pancakes but especially ones that taste like apple fritter Donuts and that's it I grabbed a fork and dug in to what was a truly outstanding pancake right that my friends really does taste like an apple fritter donut but the texture is completely different all right an Apple Fritter donut is heavy and dense with a much higher fat content whereas these are very very light and Airy and delicate and not nearly as rich and heavy although that doesn't mean these aren't comforting and satisfying in filling right they really are which if I'm being honest is a little bit surprising since these don't have any butter or oil in the batter and about half the volume of the batter was actually grated fresh Apple which makes these fairly nutritious and relatively healthy which makes how incredible these are even more shocking oh and even though I love these with maple syrup if you did want to go with pure apple goodness you could reduce some apple cider down until it gets a little bit syrupy and use that to top these with and I think that would also be very nice and I'm not exactly sure how but all that apple skin really does disappear into the pancake right if we're looking at the cross section it kind of looks like a regular pancake and they really do have an almost identical texture to a regular pancake so if you're a little hesitant about adding those skins in don't be and they really do add a lot of beneficial fiber and don't even get me started on the vitamins and minerals but anyway that's it what we're calling apple fritter pancakes if you love apple fritter style Donuts but also want an easy to make relatively healthy and nutritious pancake then I really do hope you give these a try soon so please follow the links below for the ingredient amounts a printable written recipe and much more info as usual and as always enjoy foreign
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 152,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pancakes, Apple, Fritter, doughnuts, donuts, breakfast, brunch, easy, recipe, chef, john, food, wishes
Id: xhC7_CzMWpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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