Easy and Quick 4-Jaw Set-Up

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all right this is this gonna be a quick video and setting up the four jaw Chuck quick and easy I know John Mills double boost he's going to do a whole video series of this but I've showed this off in a couple other videos people seem to like it so we're basically pulling that little nugget out of the videos and putting it in this and this is just gonna be a quick and easy way to set the full jar up to be almost dead nuts right out of the gate and then you can just tweak it from there now four jaw Chuck as you know is well they can be for jaws Scrolls but most wardrobe Chuck's are independent jaw Chuck's meaning of each jaw moves independently of the other which means that you have to dial in your pot but it's a very versatile Chuck it'll allow you to turn eccentric so it will also allow you to turn square stock in or allow you to remove a piece do some sort of other operation on there and put that piece back in and dial it in pretty much back to where it was so if you are to own a Chuck only one Chuck your lathe make sure it's a full jaw first thing you notice on these four jaws you'll see these lines here they're not there for decoration these are basically an eyeball gauge to set these jaws at the same distance from each other to get you started so let's grab a round pot here and we're just going to use this random piece of aluminum here and we are one inch per pretty close to one inch there so what we're going to do is basically look at our jaws here take a scale put it across and see where one-inch ends up okay and we're going to move our jaws in to each other and this is just the first eyeball there nothing doesn't have to be anything special on this lathe it's actually easier if I pull the bull gear kind of put sitting in neutral here and now I'm referencing the where these jaws are that I just moved on to this ring and we're going to kind of get them all in there roughly the same spot and so you can see we're off there I'm going to roughly have the distance come into both there come over here come into AB up there so basically I'm looking at this jaw here now if you could tell this line is going to be roughly equal at the inside of this edge and that gives us pretty close to one inch okay so then we're going to take our part pop it in that and we're going to put our handle on the top and we're going to reference where that handle is pointing and we're going to give it about a quarter of a turn and see that lock down okay second put this a quarter of a turn and that would roughly lock down so now you can see what's still out but we're pretty close okay now we're going to set up our dial indicator and I'm going to get you right on top of this chalk okay so we got you on top here and we're basically going to set up our indicator here and these Nova's make it a lot easier specially on small ways so what we want is roughly on the center what the stock doesn't have to be perfect and pretty much parallel again doesn't have to be perfect and we're just going to put some pressure on that indicator and you can see we're off by a fair bit okay now this method really only works if you can actually reach around the Chuck to reach both sides and it works a lot easier if you have two Chuck keys just be sure to make the second one smaller than the first because it's really tight back there I should really cut the handles off of this but I I just haven't anyway so we're going to turn the Chuck and basically want to do is find the lowest reading which is right about there so at that point we're going to zero our indicator at our lowest spot and we're going to turn on Chuck and we're going to see what our highest comes up to so our highest is about seventy seventy two and a half 73 see ya zero 73 so we want to have that reading so half of seventy is 35 F of 3 is one and a half thirty-five thirty-six and a half so we're going to go turnout chalk until I reading hits about thirty six and a half again not 100% critical if it's dead nuts so right there with thirty-six and a half okay at that point at our halfway point we want to zero our indicator okay so our indicator is at zero you can see that there alright now we want to turn it until a neck our jaw turn it towards us until our next jaw here is parallel with the the lathe this is is parallel with the with the way so basically we want this jaw pointed straight out at us so we're going to go ahead and do that right about there now at that point what we want to do is we want to bring this in work the the jaws back and forth until this reading goes to zero so in this case we're low so we want the pot to come towards us so this is where the two chuck keys comes in handy because you can just work the jaws against each other loosen this one and tighten this back one until we get to zero alright now we want to go to our next jaw here same thing I'm going to loosen this front jaw and tighten this back jaw until we get to zero now if you're not dead nuts you should be pretty damn close so right there right away we're off by two that's it and that could be the stalk that could be anything but we can get that tighter so we're off by two so we want we look that right there is our low spot we want the pot to come towards us so we got to tighten up this jaw here just by a little bit again low squat over here now you can leave if you can still reach around the pot if your low spot ends up being right on your jaw all you have to basically do is half that reading so we're getting to this so if I tighten this up until I read one right there and within a couple tenths if you can see that I actually have a tenth reading indicator we'll put we'll put that right on this and see what we get okay so each one of these lines is a tenth and you can see we're off by maybe within two steps we got it within half a thousand okay within about four to five now there's a little bit of variation in the stock itself might not be perfectly round and you know you could be running up against a little piece but you know within within two steps that we got a well with and a half so you can see it's pretty easy to do if you can just reach across and do it that way and just work your work your jaw's off each other so at this point here let's see if we can get it let's see how true we can get it why not not stop chasing tents so right there is hi so there you go so I just took out that little bit tenth now where within you can see right there we were within there's a little variation in the bar itself probably a scratch or a dig but we're one two three we're within three we're within three tenths so here as far as a you know having to do any kinds of work you can get it super close with a with a four job depending on you know how accurate and indicated you have but you can see with just a few with a few moves here and there you can get this right right into shape and you know the more you do it the easier it is now like I said if you're only going to buy one Chuck make sure it's a full job so I hope you guys enjoyed this video and we're going to have another one coming for you next one's going to be a project that is already done I just have to edit it so umm completes will tide you over for a day
Channel: Halligan142
Views: 51,819
Rating: 4.8493505 out of 5
Keywords: Lathe, Southbend, machinist, machining, 4-jaw chuck, indicating, 4-jaw set up, 4-jaw indicating
Id: qZV9NU7ealA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2015
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