Easy And Effortless Fast Food Ideas To Make At Home | Nigella Bites | Tonic

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fast food is an obvious necessity in all our lives but it doesn't have to be all briskness and efficiency which is just as well because these are not my strong points the idea here for me is food that i love eating but that doesn't give me a nervous breakdown to cook i mean for example a stir fry will takes hardly any time to cook but the preparation can seem endless what i'm after is minimum effort for maximum pleasure in both the cooking and the eating [Music] oh i'm bringing bruno into the nursery a bit late [Music] it's hard to think of food that's faster to cook than pasta and my lemon linguini is incredibly fast there are only a handful of ingredients for the sauce and what's more you don't even have to cook them now a big pan of water an incredibly big pan of water i'm gonna salt it now i don't salt it before because the water actually comes to the boil faster if it hasn't got salt in it this is quite a lot of salt i know but italians say that the water you cook pasta and should be as salty as the mediterranean which is such a wonderful poetic idea and sort of life food culture everything all in one now i'm going to add the linguini i love linguine i mean you can use any long pasta it really wouldn't matter but the point about this is that it's it's thicker than spaghetti but not as wide as teletelly denser much meatier which is perfect for really light creamy sauce you don't feel it's being swamped you just feel it's just what you want well the water's come straight back to the boil so the sauce eggs butter cheese cream lemons perfect very simple no cooking now i don't want the whites of these but i find it much easier just to separate the eggs cradling them from one hand to the other rather than in the shell which most people do because then i just pierce the yolk and if you're squeamish i wouldn't advise it but if you're not i'm not then it's fine another wonderful feeling as it goes through your fingers the reason i'm beating it like this is because i really want it to get a bit sort of frothier and richer and all to bring out this to emulsify almost i suppose like i was making mayonnaise but it's nothing as complicated as that and to aid this some cheese i don't think you don't need to measure this just grate in as much as you want cream now i'm not adding too much just enough to make the sauce kind of swathe the pasta rather than drown it it's rich but it's delicate which is the best combination now my favorite bit the lemon i love the way when you zest lemons you can smell it as you do it i use a lot of the zest because i think that's the best part of the flavor better even in the juice now again really add as much or as little lemon juice as you like i think just half a lemon is fine i sometimes do put a whole lemon in but you know these are quite large lemons and anyway taste it you know and if you want more lemon add more lemon and if you've over lemoned just add a bit more cheese and a bit more cream mmm so fragrant so comforting i haven't added any salt because i think the parmesan is quite salty enough and no pepper for a very good reason this is harmonious calm voluptuous and creamy i think pepper would interrupt that suddenly you get this speck of sharp pepper that's not what i want so i've drained it now i'm putting butter on because the butter shouldn't stop the sauce from clinging to it in fact it should almost seem to meld more with the sauce in a minute but the really important thing is that you don't do this on the heat because what you don't want is kind of lemony scrambled eggs you want a really gooey unctuous sauce i'm leaving some sauce back because i want to put someone once it's in the bowl well i mean that's it and how fast is that i mean it's the sort of food you can really really make when you're so stressed out that's the idea of cooking makes you want to shriek and it smells so wonderful it smells like the lemongrass of amalfi or something but with the cream in it there it's just that mellowness which means you just feel like you're eating liquid velvet and the last bit which is i just want to put a teeny bit more lemony emulsion just pour it on just to coat it so it just it looks as wonderful as it will taste just going to do a final smattering of cheese just a slight a hint just to pick up the depths in the sauce and just because i find the freshness just so spring-like with the lemons some parsley this is just the quick way and i quite like having the party rather big and like it's another ingredient not just a decoration not just because i'm lazy [Music] this is the exhausted mother's tea time special jar of tomato sauce water [Music] and rice and what this makes is a really lovely thick tomato and rice soup it takes 10 minutes to use basmati and you don't do anything that's me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] when i'm really pressed for time it's the shopping i just can't cope with so i fill out my deep freeze with all the regular building blocks for my favorite fast food recipes bacon which i freeze in pears because it makes the defrosting very very quick and bacon is such a good way of giving instant flavor to food and anyway i can never be more than two minutes away from a bacon sandwich pancetta which is italian bacon incredibly useful in cooking and it's not that easy to get so it makes sense when you do get it to stash it away in lots of different pieces so you can just bring it out and not have to go shopping every time you need it meat and marinades this is so useful if you marinade meat before you freeze it it will start marinating really well when you stick it in the deep freeze and then it seems to kind of doubly tenderize it as it's thawing this is beef in chilean soy and chicken with lemon and garlic i think an olive oil so you take it out in the morning you get back in the evening and your meat is both thawed and beautifully tender peas how could i leave this out this is such a useful ingredient i don't mean just like making pizza we all know about making peas but as an ingredient in cooking you can use it in so many ways but for me most importantly it's my upmarket mushy peas and with my mushy peas it has to be salmon and it's fried with bacon i love all fish with bacon fat just think it just gives something maybe it's the um hint of the far off sea although where salmon comes from i suspect it's not the sea but then i'm a city girl i'm not expected to know these things my skill lies in eating and of course the longer it cooks this bacon the more those wonderful sort of salt sweetie juices will go into the fat and give off that which is why i've used streaky bacon not that bacon now this bacon is really crisp now which is just how i want it so that it's almost crunchy against that oily softness of the fish and in again a contrast with the sweet almost moussiness of my mushy peas what i've got in here are some garlic cloves and the benefit of putting them in the water to start off with before i even cook the peas is one it cuts the the sharpness of the garlic making it sweet and mellow and skins come off much more easily than if you were just peeling them from scratch so the idea take the skins off plant them back in throw in the peas and just cook them for a few minutes three minutes or so and then the peas are ready and then blitz them all i couldn't live without frozen peas in my deep freeze i think the snobbery against them is ridiculous because unless you've got peas in your own garden there's no advantage in using fresh because by the time you buy them or they've all gone to starch anyway so really i think it is better to use frozen ones this salmon will need about four minutes one minute on the first side and then three minutes on the other side just to get lovely and golden and seared and then i'll just put them on one side while the peas my lovely pretty pot get turned into mushy peas heaven on the plate that's the idea [Music] right now for a bit of blitzing creme fraiche don't have to use creme fraiche but i like the slight sounders because peas are very very sweet butter not much i might add more if i need it later we're off [Music] [Applause] that's it so all i have to do now is add this to the salmon you'll see how beautiful the green of the peas looks against that corally pink the salmon i mean i'm don't go in for picture book presentation as you might have noticed but i love just the beautiful colors of food that sounds terrible but i do yum yum yum all you need is a fork you keep some from the television i think of my store cupboard really as a kind of working partner to my deep freeze by which i mean i keep things in here that save me from having to go shopping if friends are coming off supper midweek now three ideas for really fast improvised puddings you keep a tub of vanilla ice cream in your deep fries sultanas in rum they're so good you can imagine how easy these are to make and i speak as someone who loathes bought rum and raisin ice cream so when i say these are delicious you've got to believe me stem ginger i i kind of love this stuff something very evocative about it you eat vanilla ice cream with this you feel like you're having something off the pudding trolley from some provincial 1950s seaside hotel and it's better and my favorite this is coffee so what you do is you make a really strong plug of coffee you have your bowl full of vanilla ice cream cold cold cold and you pour over a cup of hot espresso and this makes what the italians call afogato which means drowned so good and i mean could it be easier [Music] and then actually it's rather wonderful when it runs [Music] english porn films of the 70s i should phone [Music] you know how it is when you've invited your friends over for supper in the middle of the week think what a great idea and then as the day dawns you really begin to panic and how you're going to do the shopping cooking the lot i have an answer because we've all been there and it's this a simple two-course supper you can get on the table really within half an hour or so of getting back from work chicken with couscous and really divinely gooey chocolate puddings i find it easier to start with a pudding first like let's get it out of the way and forget about it and what i've got here is 125 grams of butter i'm being precise because with baking you do really need to be precise it's different from just a stew or something and same weight of really good dark chocolate then all i'm going to do is stroll over to the microwave and melt them and the microwave is the best and fastest way to melt chocolate two minutes at medium should do it [Music] that's it while the chocolate and butter are melting i'm going to add three quarters of a cup of sugar to three eggs i've already stuck in here and three tablespoons of flour one two three and just stir this to all the ingredients are combined and that's all [Music] great that's melted perfectly all i'm gonna do is add the egg mixture to the chocolate mixture and then just pour into four buttered ramekins just needs 10 minutes in a hot oven to cook so i'm not going to put it in the oven until we've more or less finished eating the chicken which is so easy stash these away until you knead them and then on with the main course griddle chicken with herbs fight yogurt and couscous chicken portions can be a bit tough unless you marinade them and the lemon is particularly good because the acidity breaks down some of the fibers of the meat just a bit of oil and let's get my favorite bit just squish it round in here and really kind of bash it round and this get rid of the day's stresses it's better to do that before your guests come and that's it you know five minutes will do 10 minutes is better but either well in a few minutes while the chicken's marinading i'm just going to get on with making a sauce now when i'm up against it one thing i don't want to do is start faffing about with a proper cook sauce so what i'm going to do is this lovely greek yogurt sauce with chili spring onions and herbs and when i say greek yogurt i do mean greek yogurt because if you use one of those natural low-fat yogurts it'll be so thin and mean to be frank just don't bother with the sauce at all you can use bio to pinch now into my yogurt i'm going to add a couple of spring onions some coriander it's like a drug it's so strong mint and i'm just gonna chop the herbs and i'm using my mets luna so named because it's italian word for half moon and this is this blade is broadly speaking a half moon shape and i love this it is incredibly useful but i like it because i'm actually incredibly clumsy and this makes me feel like one of those kind of super competent people and a couple of cloves of garlic now i'm going to lean on the garlic my considerable body weight now chilly trust me i'm not a doctor the reason i'm wearing these my d seeding operation is because it's the best way if i'm glamorous i can think of stopping myself burning my face or my eyes later i am now showering the whole of the kitchen with seeds like i don't have a dog actually i do have a dog dog's away though if you want to i mean if you like this really hot leave the seeds in but i think only do that if you're dining with someone you are intimate with and now i'm going to disrobe rubber and just fold every thing in so that's it more or less love me now the chickens had its 10 minutes marinading and i'm just going to whack it on this grill no oil because there's oil in the meat of course luckily i might really squeeze this one here yep so now while the chicken's cooking really five minutes aside also i am gonna get on with the couscous which is so much simpler than you might think no steaming involved i'm just gonna pour out about i don't know a half a liter of water just hot from the kettle and then some chicken stock you can use cubes but i love this liquid stuff because it melts down very quickly and it tastes fab this is so simple you shake out some couscous which may not look like a lot but couscous swells and that's really the wonder of it some chickpeas i just drained the water right over the sink and then just pour over this oh perfect i mean cover the fiskars by about two to three centimeters inch in old money i'm just gonna put this glass on top of that and frankly that's all i'm gonna do hello [Music] chicken should be ready for turning now so absolutely perfect for that golden stripiness gorgeous i think i'll need about another four minutes that's all this grill is so hot and if you don't have a griddle well just use out of a frying pan or an ordinary grill inside the oven nothing he just sat on the floor i hate neat and minty foods i'm just gonna have the plate tumbled with lemons here we are just a bit of paprika or a lot of [Music] paprika remember that place i know that's john's grandparents [Music] yeah i think it's better to refresh [Music] you
Channel: Tonic
Views: 338,583
Rating: 4.8742199 out of 5
Keywords: Tonic, nigella lawson full episodes, nigella lawson 2020, nigella lawson tonic, nigella lawson breakfast, nigella lawson desserts, nigella lawson pasta, nigella lawson interview, nigella bites season 1, nigella bites season 2, nigella bites breakfast, nigella bites comfort food, nigella bites season 1 episode 1, nigella bites fast food, effortless recipes, easy effortless recipes, healthy fast food recipes
Id: pl4kEfy4PlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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