Easy And Cheap Pineapple Chicken Teriyaki #lowincome #cooking #mobilehome

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[Music] hey you guys this is Amanda I am here to do teriyaki chicken with rice and we're just going to do it the simplest cheapest way possible um this chicken breast was $5 and some change for um two pieces of chicken breast there are four in here and then we also have a can of pineapple um this is just a regular store brand can of pineapple I used some of it for another meal so I figured I would save it put it in the fridge um for another time and we need to use it up so I did go ahead and do the hard work first I cut the uh chicken up into chunks or squares um I also cut cut up the pineapple because these are not um cut these are just the Rings um I did leave the remainder of the juice in here um in case I want to add it to um my Skillet when I go to cook um we also have diced onions I normally would put um minced garlic in this but because I don't have it and I'm trying to utilize what I have in my pantry in my fridge in my freezer um we are going to skip it we are going to add um garlic powder which is a half of a um teaspoon as well as a um half of a teaspoon of salt um I use sea salt you can use whichever kind of salt you like to utilize um and then also some ground pepper um I like quite a bit you can season it however you like this is just something that I do um so you're going to see me mix this into here and then um I also have yoshida's uh marinated cooking sauce we really like this stuff um because it's sweet but it's Savory at the same time um I like to buy that at Costco honestly it's the cheapest way to go um but this um by itself was like $3.99 at wico Foods I also have some rice here this is just regular white rice I do not have a rice cooker so um I will go over in possibly this video possibly in another video how I cook rice without a rice cookie cooker I can't even talk rice cooker and you know what it's okay we're going to do what we can with what we've got because this is all we have to work with um and you know what we are in my less than perfect um less than Ideal Kitchen um with my less than ideal counter using the things that I have on hand because we're doing real cooking in this kitchen um with real stuff um I know that a lot of people uh glamorize their kitchen and they're you know cooking in fresh beautiful new pots that they probably only take out when they make videos you guys but that's not me we're real cooking here so let's get down to [Music] it all right now that we have mixed our um seasonings into this chicken here um as you can see everything is coated we're going to put that aside let's go ahead and grab our rice and I know everyone says wash your rice wash your rice um I am going to just measure this out and I don't really need a full cup so we're just going to do that and then and I am going to go ahead and rinse my rice I like rinsing my rice until the water is clear and then I will be right back all right I went ahead and washed the rice we're going to put that there um let's go ahead and go over how I'm going to easily cook this rice without any um sort of rice cooker um this P pot has been in my family for a really long time um I actually prefer this little pot it it works out really well um I'm going to add a little bit of cooking oil to mine um this is just some vegetable oil not a whole lot just just a little dollop and then we are going to add around 2 and 1/2 cups of of water to this so there's one here's two and then we'll get the half of a cup I actually really like rice when I was a kid I used to eat butter Rice a lot so there's the water and then and then you probably don't know this but I am a big tin foil user I know I probably shouldn't but I got this from the Dollar Tree um I don't like to buy expensive like Ziploc bags or um tin foil things like that um I just want to utilize the cheaper stuff because I'm going to toss it out when I'm done anyway more than likely I do use a lot of reusable containers um specifically when I go to to work or um if I am going to be in my car for a long day of gig working whatever that may be I like to pack my lunch so I'm going to rip off the tin foil I like folding it like so so it has this little that and then I'm going to cover the top I probably could have used less tin foil but this way when it is needing to just steam it has the little steam hole but then you can cover it back up you see I've been making rice this way for a long time so we are going to let that boil um you let it boil you let it Steam for I would say about 5 to 8 minutes depending on how you really want your rice um I I know people like rice however you like it but I I just like mine to be um firm but obviously cooked so that's what we are going to do we're going to let this um do its thing I'm going to grab the pan and we are going to start cooking up this chicken yet again I am just going to add a little bit of cooking oil so the chicken does not stick I am not a big fan of using butter or cooking oil very often um but for this it is must so I am going to put this chicken in here and I'm going to cook this up and I'll be right back all right so my pan is warming up as my pan warms up and this chicken starts to cook as you can see we're starting to get some white coloring nobody wants to eat raw yucky chicken we want cooked moist chicken um I am going to add a little bit of this Yoshida not a lot because I like to leave it up to the person that I'm cooking for to add more sauce than this because everything is to flavor and maybe you want to put some sauce on the rice as well so there is that so we're going to let that cook um as we let it cook I'm going to be adding in the onions and the pineapple so we're going to add that in there and I'll be back [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right you guys so our rice did start to boil over as you can see I turned the heat down to about a 3 and 1/2 and I actually think I might crank it up to four see we'll we'll leave it at 4 and I covered it the rest of the way we're going to put a timer on for 5 minutes and then we're going to turn that down to low or even possibly take it off of the Heat [Music] sh [Music] n all right so I went ahead and I drained some of the juices because it was getting a little crazy but I wanted it to have that sweet taste from the pineapple not only from the chunks but in the meat so we are going to cook this just a little bit longer and we're going to make sure that we have a nice Brown um Char to the chicken and we are going to make sure that um we have all of these pieces of pineapple cooked fairly well um because we want them to caramelize and I will be right back when that is done all right back to my rice so I noticed that it was getting a little hot and this was getting poofy so I turned it down to one and I'm letting it sit and as I check my rice cuz I do check it quite often I watch my water level and then I do a taste test if my rice is still hard I add a little bit of water to it and then I cover it again on that low heat and I continue to wait until it's cooked taste test your rice if you do not have a rice cooker this is the best route that I have found to making rice um I'm sure that there's somebody else out there on YouTube um land making rice without a rice cooker but this is just the method I use you don't have to use this method that's okay listen to the sound of that chicken you guys that is crazy I like the sound of cooking food that SM AR stuff this is also a time where you can add some more Yoshida sauce if you wanted to um you can add spices to this however you want to flavor the chicken pineapple teriyaki I'm super excited because this turned out really well my chicken is still very moist but look at how caramelized those little pieces of pineapple turned out and the chicken look at that it looks so beautiful it makes me so happy to cook meals for other people um it is my love language I'm turning down the heat a little bit we're not cooking we're just caramelizing the chicken and the pineapple the O look at that piece of pineapple all right back to our rice so our rice has been sitting as we've been cooking our chicken and it has been caramelized it's the stove is turned off it's ready to be served with the rice let's check on this rice you guys look at how pretty that is I love that all right I'm going to do a taste test in a second and if it is done I'm going to Plate this meal up and I will be back all right you guys it's time for the finished product this rice turned out perfect the chicken is beautiful the pineapple is perfect I taste tested it myself we are going to add the chicken and the pineapple to the top of our steamy rice I'm super excited about this you guys don't mind my less than perfect kitchen because we're not here for kitchen we're here for food doesn't have to be perfect I am going to grab the sauce our yosha sauce and I'm going to drizzle that over the top because this one is for my husband and he is going to love it all right you guys so this is the finished product this is going to be going in my husband's lap we are going to go watch some Netflix and eat some dinner and enjoy our evening but that is all I have for you guys today um just remember this kitchen is not perfect I am not the most ideal content creator for YouTube If you are inspired by this to start your own channel do it just do it pick up your camera grab your phone um Jimmy rig yourself a stand for your phone and get started today but this is our chicken teriyaki pineapple with rice bye guys
Channel: Amanda’s Kitchen Of Positivity
Views: 285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: B5i-O1bUhD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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