SUNDAY SUPPER with SAMMI | SOUTHERN Cooking at it’s FINEST | Episode 1 | April 27 2024

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[Music] [Music] hey hey y'all welcome to the very first episode of Sunday suppers with Sammy I'm so excited to be bringing these back I've got everything laid out that we're going to make today and I just figured y'all could hang out with me while I cook supper for my family now this might not be like traditional Sunday supper stuff could just be whatever we choose to have but the reason behind this video is that I just wanted to bring back Sunday suppers around the table with your family like I used to have when I was a little girl we used to always go over to my grandma's house before or well after church before and after church but definitely after church to have Sunday supper with my grandma and all of my family would come over we would have like the best fried chicken oh my goodness was it the best ever I cannot recreate it I've come very close but I think it was the love she put in it and her cast iron skillet I'll guarantee you that's what it was but we are going to do some oven baked chicken leg quarters we're going to do some fried okra some um scallop potatoes or or grotten potatoes whatever you want to call them and some stuffing for supper tonight I guess I better go ahead and show you what we've got so far I put these chicken leg quarters in some marinade yesterday so they have been setting for a full 24 hours they are going to be so good we'll just season those up and put them right into the oven and then I've got some frozen okra right here we'll just um put this in some buttermilk and right into some seasoned flour with a little bit of cornmeal mixed in so you get that Crunch and I'm saving some steps and we're going to use the boxed potatoes there is nothing wrong with that there's never anything wrong if you want to save yourself some time to get stuff ready for your family as long as your family's fed that's what matters we're also going to make some stuffing I love stove top you can't go wrong with it so let's get to cooking shall we but I know you probably want to see the pretty babies too huh they just finished their supper a't that right Mason you going to say hi pep yeah this is going to be a really easy supper to make I'm all about easy but love getting my belly full too and that is the purpose behind Sunday suppers with Sammy y'all can see how easy this is or if you want to so yeah that is the reason behind Sunday suppers with Sammy you're going to hear my dogs they are part of the family it is what it is but you get oh natural me I don't wear makeup on Sundays I just choose not to I know so we better go ahead and get right on in to cooking this sun suay supper so the first thing I like to do is just go ahead and get my bacon dish out bacon sheet whatever you want to call it we're going to cover it with a little bit of tin full just to keep the clean up easy y'all you are going to have a little bit um that's probably going to go over but it's fine it's [Applause] fine I just wanted to you know do this video so y'all could feel like y'all are hanging out with me you know all day in the kitchen these are pretty um big chicken leg quarters and like I said I've had them seasoned let me hold on so let's go ahead and get our Tino spray that chicken don't stick we don't want sticking chicken sprayed it pretty good now we're just going to take these chicken leg quarters and we'll put them on here I think I put five in this bag you're pretty big so we just kind of arrange them as best as we can on here and then we'll get rid of the rest of the marinade real quick let me go washing my hands so tell tell me how y'all's favorite way of cooking chicken is or do you have a favorite childhood memory on Sunday suppers or anything traditional that y'all used to do with your families so my friend Michelle um sent me this it's actually it's made by Billa but it's the Saison with complete seasoning so it's the adobo with complete seasoning in it that is what we're going to put on our chicken I'm going to flip this over as soon as I get this side coated and then we are going to set this chicken aside just for a little bit so we can get our other stuff ready I really hope y'all enjoy this new series cuz I know I am enjoying it already I just like hanging out with my friends and I'm going to keep it as real and unedited as I can just like you were in here cooking right along with me now I am going to add a little bit of pepper to this because we are a pepper loving family I need to get some pepper I'm almost out so I'll flip this back over we'll do the same thing to the other side again with just a little bit of pepper it smell smells really good I think I'm going to love that seasoning and maybe just a touch of salt cuz these are some pretty big chicken leg quarters now we're just going to set this over on the side to where we can get our potatoes and stuff started all right so next up we better go ahead and get this okra in a bowl decided to add some hot sauce in with it I think that'll be really good and give my buttermilk a shake and it won't you don't need a lot because you don't want it to like soak in there I'm going add some hot sauce to it and then I'm going to throw in just a little bit of this Adobo seasoning and we'll just use this that bag in there I know some people don't care for okra when I was little I didn't like it I'll just tell you right now I didn't like it I don't know why I grew up in Mississippi you gr up in the South you love okra but now I love it so your taste buds do change every seven years if y'all didn't know that so maybe that's the season I'm in in life where certain things start tasting really good so we're going to throw our seasoned flour and our cornmeal right in there with it that's why you don't want a lot of Buttermilk but I do put a little bit in there that way you have enough you know to make like a thick batter on it so let's go ahead and set this to the side right here and move our cornmeal over and our seasoned flour and we'll just let that sit for a minute while we start on these I'm going to show you how to make these taste more like homemade go ahead and get my little bacon dish right here and we'll spray it now I'm going to use two boxes but you don't have to so with these with me having two boxes in here it says to use two cups of Bowl water per box but I cut that in half even though I'm only even though I'm using two boxes I'm still only going to use two cups of boiling water and y'all I'm still a little shaky so if you see anything shaking um I woke up with a migraine this morning I honestly didn't know if I was going to be able to film this or not so I've got two cups of pretty hot water here it wasn't quite boiling but we're going to go ahead and dump that on in my little butter Bell and I'm going to put some butter in these if it'll come out now we are going to put the lid on these and we're going to put it in the microwave for about 5 minutes that way those potatoes can soak up all that water and then when we go to make the mix to go on top of it what we'll do is use um heavy whipping cream and a little bit of milk that way this gets really thick in there all right so those have cooked the five minutes let me sh [Music] this get me a little give it a [Music] stir then what we're going to do is put a little bit of Nature's seasoning in here stir them up again in and we're going to put that lid on them and let them sit for at least 15 minutes we'll just move those over here on the stove and we're going to bring back our okra all right so this is set for a little while we're going to go ahead and add in some of our seasoned flour and some of our white cornmeal and we'll just give this a stir together and this will make a batter over top of the okra lost my train of thought there for a second all right so let's get back to these ters they have pretty much soaked up all the water and this is also going to help on the cooking time they won't have to stay in there as long so now let's go ahead and make this sauce up shall we and didn't have my camera facing right leave that up to me leave it up to me I'm going eyeball this but I'm going to use about a cup of heavy whipping cream and about a cup of me milk that's how you get your other two cups of liquid instead of it all being water I just don't care for that we're going to take both packets put them right on in there oh my goodness I forgot my whisk y'all we're going to whisk whisk whisk whisk whisk whisk wh go day oops and make a mess too you got to make a mess throw some out of the ball makes it taste better right can't be the only one who makes a mess in the kitchen if you don't make a mess in the kitchen while cooking are you really cooking I don't think so I've never been able to keep clean kitchen and cook at the same time I do try my best to keep it off my clothes though I do have aprons I just I need to get some other aprons let me oh on y'all get a little paper towel and wipe this up so we can scooch our bowl back over we're going to dump this mixture right over the potatoes scrape the rest of that cheese mixture out you don't want to leave none of that behind and we will just give those stir make another mess see I told y'all make messes now we're going to put the lid back on these and these are going to cook in the microwave again for about 5 minutes now that we have the ters in the microwave doing the second 5 minute run we're going to go ahead and put our chicken in the oven at 350° for about 20 minutes and then we're going to flip it into another 20 minutes trust me it's going to take that long cuz these are you know chicken leg C ERS you've got bones in there and plus you want to get it crispy actually you know I think I might put some paprika on these to give it a little bit more color too we're going to use some smoked paprika and just put some right over the top gives it the Smoky taste hence the smoked paprika without having to put them in a smoker into the oven they go y'all we're going to go ahead and get the stuffing started I've just got one and 1/2 cups of water in here with some bullion and that's how I make mine so good so we're also going to add in this say four tablespoons of butter I don't use that much since I put the chicken B on in there but I do put about two tablespoons of butter we're just going to let that come to a bowl and we'll just dump our stuffing in there easy peasy lemon squeezy so we got to get that stirred up together once it bowls everything will come together well something's done it's vaping all right so we took those out and they've been sitting for a little bit oh that it's hot it's hot hot hot so we'll give them a stir together started to get thick on top we just want to make sure everything is combined again before we put them back in there we're going to cook them pretty much all the way in the microwave cuz we've got our chicken in the oven then once these are almost done that's when we'll put them in the oven and let them bro on top we'll just stir this together and then we'll put the lid on it and let that sit until it's time to eat we'll fluff it on up I'm just heating up some oil right here let me scoot y'all back and we'll get these okra frying so since that's kind of done I'm just going to drop each one of these in here and let them Fry on up so let me know if y'all like fried okra or not or if you're kind of like me didn't like them as you're growing up or if you did now you don't just kind of curious all right so we've got these out of the microwave I did the last 10 minutes in there now we're going to come in with this triple cheddar right over the top that looks enough we'll just spread this around and this is going to now go into the oven to let that cheese broil and then we're almost ready to eat I'm finishing up the last of the okra right there I've got a bowl sitting um that I've already cooked and then the stuffins in this pan it's almost time for Sunday supper y'all say hi Macy all right y'all we've got supper done I'm going to go ahead and flip you around and show you everything that we made of course y'all already know but I'm going to show you the finished product so we've got our scalloped potatoes right here we have our stuffing we've got our fried okra and our baked chicken I don't know about y'all but I'm ready to sit down and have some supper all right y'all here is the finished plate now I got to make everybody else's so we can sit down and have some supper for our food hands
Channel: Sammi May - Managing the Mays
Views: 4,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: managing the mays, sunday supper with Sammi, sammi may, southern cooking, sunday supper, cooking channel, mandy in the making, In the kitchen with momma Mel, ground beef recipes, quick and easy dinner ideas, easy dinner ideas, dinner inspiration, what to make for dinner, what to cook for dinner, whats for dinner, cook with me, country cooking, ground beef ideas, ground beef dinner ideas, how to cook, quick and easy, Oven baked chicken, Sunday, Supper, dinner, Southern
Id: V3qrAS_y7Mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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