Eastern Tech & Slug Day | Slugterra | Full Episodes

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foreign but you cannot Escape um okay stunts so much of you stunt hasn't been a megamorph wrong you sure had no trouble taking out Johnny's ghoul because Johnny's not firing Mega Morse and I see why dude's accelerator is busted running into Johnny with a busted accelerator gives us our best chance to shut him down for good if we can catch him before he gets a new one [Music] these have been abandoned here since I was a child forming a maze with only a handful of ways out foreign [Music] [Applause] let's block the exits ah so that is how it is fine eenie meeny miny moe foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] we'll have to Circle back another way Johnny will be long gone by then if I just take it down that stone Warrior yes yes you were the weakling but then again compared to Pronto who isn't what what it's never easy to take down a stone Warrior I'm amazed we managed to do it at all that's just it we slug Foo you and junji have an edge and I think I've come up with a way I can get one too thanks to stunts stunts yeah if I could add some tech to his goggles I think I could link it up to my blaster screen and program a flight path for him to follow this would allow for precise targeting much like slug Foo exactly only I need some pretty specialized tools and parts to build it but that's tough to find around here junji who's got that kind of tech here in the Eastern Caverns there was a famous technician I knew who would have what you need actually his Workshop should be near here that way oh sorry wait back that way looks like there's a shortcut to his workshop and it's still in operation sold I'm I mean we're there we'll keep after Johnny there's still a chance Pronto could track him down a chance thanks guys you know how important it is for me to pull my own weight and you do weigh a lot what oh with this new device I can pull my weight and then some hey uh am I in the right place I'm looking for the technician two words for you pal good luck call me useless hmm [Music] quick what's a spatial energy actuator for yeah but the actuating energy spatially hmm all right then man you gotta love this Eastern Tech I mean I've seen stuff like this but everything is just a little bit different foreign my job's hard enough without having to clean up after eating sorry this stuff's just so awesome though I was kinda hoping to find some Machine Tools maybe a factory here now that is pretty I'd beg your pardon yeah no I wasn't talking about you I mean you're pretty but uh never mind my name's cord yeah Hey so uh what's the deal with the technician the worker on the way out made it sound like he was pretty tough yeah come on I know he's your boss but where I'm from trolls always have horrible bosses only way to survive is to have some fun with it look at me I'm the technician I am the technician yeah that's good but I put a little more in it I am the technician yeah there you go that's pretty dumb sounding but you could do better I am the technician foreign I am the technician if you have nothing more enlightening to add please do me the favor of not wasting any more of my time wait to insult the boss on your first day yeah I thought you were the boss and why would you think that well because you're so uh old are you got to do better than a lady oh you're not gonna last any longer than the last one who the worker you're here to replace no I'm not here for a job I'm here cause cause I need your help I'm the one who needs help I'm the only one working for her I haven't had a coffee break in eight years if you're not here to help the door is that way wait wait maybe we can help each other just let me show you my idea I still need to find a way to shrink this transmodal down to slug size which is tough because miniaturization saturates ions that can be avoided using a magnetic shifter I hadn't thought of that that could calibrate the polarities to increase stability that's actually a really good idea yeah thank you [Music] well yes we still have lots to do but these ideas suggest you've got some gray matter in your cranium and too bad you're not here for the job well what if I help out around here then would you help me build my device that's not the usual way we hired when you finish with those I'll give you the rest to catalog now to get me some coffee okay so uh we got a deal as long as you don't let me down I only give one warning they're close I can smell them foreign [Music] put that into the generator [Music] so when do you think we could take a crack at my idea if you're in a hurry then I suggest you hurry up the generator's over there foreign could cause it to blow up in your face just one of the many parts of my job or it was very glad you're here buddy yeah how explosive did you say this stuff is highly you said you wanted to build your device to help your friends help them do what again not to brag and nothing but will you helping junjay fight to set things right yeah yeah you know him everyone knows the dark Slinger you no he's not that guy anymore he's sure he did some bad stuff but he's all good now ah could we maybe talk about this uh later how can I trust anyone who's friends with someone who's brought so much damage and pain look if there's one thing I can promise it's that I'm not here to cause any damage I told you to put that tube in the generator yeah I did that isn't a generator it's an oven [Music] well sorry about that and then yeah ponytail consider this your one warning come on lady I can't take being her only assistant anymore I need you to pull your own considerable weight anyone what is going to take to get rid of you a lot more than you've got or maybe not [Music] and there they go again yes I did it good you can finally leave us now no wait I don't have it perfect yet I still need your help to finish it but look I made a prototype of my device with it I can program a flight path for a slug to follow what are you doing don't fire a slug in here with your help it'll work a ton better but even now I can use it to tell stunts where to go it that awesome just like slug food why'd you do that the dark Slinger attacked this Factory with slug Foo that was in June Jay's fault there was a bad slug messing with his meatball JJ doesn't even remember what he did back then I do my father was the technician then the factory never returned to full strength after the attack neither did my father I never repaired the damage so I wouldn't forget and I haven't but my friends are no friends of mine now go we still need to calibrate the static lifter I'm afraid that means overtime that's right again thanks for nothing Lonnie well that went great now how am I supposed to be able to pull my weight against the stone Warriors [Music] I know we can't just sit here but I can't take on that many warriors on my own then again any sign of Johnny's Trail holla snow and the prone to the Magnificent greatest tracker in the west and the East cannot find him then there is nobody who Thor found Johnny I need accelerator smash blaze up and find me one foreign done enough damage for one day Stone Warriors yeah hi hi yeah you brought the stone Warriors here what no I oh that thought yeah we gotta run where did they go find them how do we get these things out of my factory yeah the only way I know is smashing them up hope you're better doing live and helping meh yeah well not always but I can do it if we rebuild my device with your help I know it'll work against them foreign remember last part we need is over there go get it I'll buy you some time hey yeah Rock for planes did your mother not teach your manners oh stop I did it you upgraded the couplers yes that will optimize connectivity with any slug oh that's amazing you are a genius cord why did you come back did what me and June J and the rest of my friends always do whatever we can to help I know I probably can't convince you cord I'm a scientist I believe what can be proven you are here and that's proof enough for me not the time for Shop dog he can see your butt [Applause] [Music] love the upgrade this is way better than goggles yep no offense stunts [Music] [Applause] now that I got accelerator you not so cocky [Music] bro you think that's good Tech where do you see this [Music] you think that toy make you strong you got it buddy oh man okay studs your time to shut [Applause] ah yeah hey guys how's it going looks like you've been busy yeah we have [Applause] [Music] impressive chord you have found a way to mimic slug fool nah bro I can't control slugs but I can't give him a pass to follow slug Fool's your thing this is mine thanks to you technician your father's reputation is legendary but I do not believe you and I have had the pleasure of meeting the pleasure is mine any friend of Courts is welcome here and we'd love to stay but it looks like we got more Stone Warriors to take care of let's do it wait before you go there is something I wish to give you thanks technician it's Drusilla it what is my name you lunk now get going before I change my mind about you it looks like you have been busy will you stop doing that now go get me some coffee foreign day like the rest of us to be honest we don't know what is needed of us here yeah oh what the slug day is only my favorite day of the year every year on this day people of the Eastern Caverns wake up and find the givers brought them new slugs that's quite a story uh my name's Timothy everyone calls me shiny Sim no one's ever seen the giver but I know he's real so one night a year a mysterious Giver leaves gifts for people as they sleep where I'm from we've got a day like that we call it Christmas Chris Christmas yeah well I guess here it'd be more like slugness huh don't worry I've known him forever and I still don't get half of what he says last we were here Peach Blossom spring Cavern was empty you have all traveled to celebrate slug day here why The Giver only started delivering slugs when the emperor took over Cavern except this one that's why we're here decorating and putting out trivia plates Bravo doesn't mind if he does hey I made this for The Giver lucky giver when the emperor reigned no one besides him lived here so The Giver never had anyone to deliver slugs to in Peach Blossom spring we're hoping if we make this place beautiful enough The Giver will come here tonight for the first time you know what I think I know what is needed of us here laughs [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] Hmm this Festival is missing something through a musical Glory wait which Malinois work is never done because it's earned a long break before he's been gone it's prone oh needs a little more belching on the chorus but better it is now almost more beautiful than I remember it that's him the keeper that guy oh cray out in the open just hanging out with all these and I get up people I really hate you two you know that wait am I crazy oh we met these guys before and did one of them just call Eli The Giver right now we need less questioning and more slinging foreign [Music] actually what we need is less slinging let's wrap this up stunts before someone gets hurt yeah who knew that given would be such a good slugslinger you think I'm the giver you're the giver no I'm not the giver really well that's just what the given would see Giver he's right and the slug energy detector doesn't lie and I've never seen an energy signature as big as yours this hill now we've been chasing the wrong target come on [Music] freeze freeze good one when did this become my wife [Music] oh my God [Music] thank you sorry everyone skating's not usually so dangerous they're heading to the lower ledge and I got a feeling they're not going to be spreading any holiday cheer come on not this T celebrity to get past me yeah but I trusted me with rain in the most slippery of adversaries let me tell you lots of the day come on follow me [Music] to make this easy Giver whoa that can only mean [Music] laughs hey there [Applause] stop we're on your side this one knows you from long ago and I am once more we were trying to stop those others from stealing her slugs oh we gotta go we can't take on a shadow clatter oh yes we can back in the day Shadow Clan were somewhat of a specialty of mine but I'll have to break out some of my old tools at the trade and we're going to catch this thing foreign You're The Giver huh Shadow claws this one does not understand he gets that a lot he's the one who's been giving away slugs to people it isn't exactly the shadow Clan's way the Slugs were not gifts the emperor took away too many slugs for himself balance of energy in Caverns tilts too far so this one distributed slugs once a year to maintain the balance of slug energy Emperor's dark magic devices chase this one's Clan from cameras but this one agreed to me for the sake of the Slugs and the capitalists in addition to keeping the balance you've made a lot of people happy what you did the people have come to call it slug day even so Emperor is now gone the champion has returned Swan's work is done this one no longer needs to stay here among the soft skins no wait so uh guessing that didn't go so well the camera and his friends are back who are you fighting fight everything's still okay for slugmus isn't it way to go you renamed the holiday just in time to shut it down the camera would never let anything happen to slug Miss guys like I said before I'm not the giver but I am gonna make sure slug day uh slug mess happens I promise great [Applause] [Music] one question how are we gonna do that just like Santa would have oh that still doesn't mean anything to us right [Music] [Music] you know what makes a difficult task easier [Music] who's a source of delight and constant Whimsy whose names [Music] did we get every home took half the night but I believe so everyone got a slug in this Cavern now we only have the rest of the Eastern Caverns to go had only six hours to do it and we gave away every slug we collected hmm brontos High s we'll never make it all right Shadow claws he's got the Slugs and he can teleport if we're gonna do this we have to convince him to help us last time we saw him he didn't seem very interested he's our only chance we must try but how will we find him those thugs were using a slug energy tracker well I got a mod that can do the same thing foreign inducing eyes of pronto hmm come in I'll smoke this celebration it's just getting started wait you guys caught a shadow clanner that was easy Once I had the bait tool these can get their hands on all sorts of things especially the ones who used to work for the emperor clearing the caverns of the Shadow Clan the thieves got away with the shadow clanners Slack slots he's fine for now but no one else will be if those guys get away with that much Firepower there's a lot next time did you charge the shadow Walker like I asked you too that's it I'm on my own from now on come on [Music] foreign [Music] assistance [Applause] really all right if you think so good luck I do not feel the heart yet mildly run said breath of pronto upon your neck villain [Music] foreign [Music] we gotta save those that's not gonna be easy until the exponent's effects wear off me [Music] you know it'd be just our luck at the x-meter wore off right now it's not possible [Music] we've stopped them in to attack you and reclaimed your slugs thank you I can now take my leave whoa wait what about slugness the eastern Champion has returned the balance has been restored it is no longer necessary it's not just about balance anymore it means so much to the people it's the chance to come together and celebrate the connection to the Slugs to remember why it's so important slugs locks they seem to agree with you I know what must be done [Music] thank you my friend you have brought Joy back to the Eastern caverns and my home it has been quite the adventure [Music] so this is what the holidays are like on the surface sort of there's also usually caroling you know like um dude best present ever [Music]
Channel: Slugterra - WildBrain
Views: 233,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slugterra, Slugisode, Slugterra episode 1, Slug, slugterra.com, bajoterra, slug terra, slugterra know your slugs, slugterra eastern caverns, slugterra burpy, eli shane, slug cartoon, movie, slugterra game, slugterra app, slugterra toys, slugterra video, slugterra full episode, season 2, slug fu, burpy, new slugterra, know your slugs, slugs, dr blakk, slugterra emperors revenge, slugterra ascension, new slugterra 2022, New, season 5, ascension, 2022, slugtera, slugterra last episode
Id: eSk5lrmh5_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 52sec (2392 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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