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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] what do you think Piper how far down does it go yeah right all the way all right Piper let's do this [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] this is awesome [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you huh where's pronto oh that's better Toronto [Music] man I forgot how beautiful this place could be it's a 99 Caverns slug ball games under corn fritters laying around The Hideout home the Eastern Caverns were great but I think we could all benefit from a little less stress in the 99 Caverns with no Dr Black and no cold slugs is just the place to start nonsense Heroes like truth oh thrive on stress Descent of perspiration is the scent of glory and Pronto is [Music] that's it I'm leaving and I'm never coming back don't come now it is not that bad I don't think it's you Pronto does the town seem a little empty more like totally empty except for the king of slang the same day oh am I glad to see you what's going on everyone's out of control man that is a ton of slots King what happened we left you in the Shadow Clan in charge the Shadow Clan is the problem huh what have they done what haven't they done most folks are more afraid of those creepy bug people than ever and they don't like rockabilly music man you do not want to know of course I don't like the sound of this bro if the Shadow Clan are getting confrontational what are we gonna do let's not jump to conclusions I know the Shadow Clan I don't think they do anything hurtful on purpose King explain what happened from the beginning this time okay well things went downhill as soon as you left turns out team building with them was much harder than I thought have it every team and up partner hook it up Bubba I'm talking about a frosty reception oh personal bubble understand I tried working with them but the Shadow Clan had their own ideas about keeping the caverns safe I try to warn them they were upset the folks but they're all about protecting the Slugs even over people oh floppers they keep Gathering up slugs and bringing them here no one knows why it's creepy guys this much slug energy in one place could cause imbalances in the 99. watch your step everybody yes we do not want anymore [Music] sorry oh okay I guess we should do something about this yeah [Music] come on guys let's go [Music] welcome home Eli Shay oh no way man have you ever experienced so much SOG energy no I can't say I have but I'm concerned that this many slugs is bad for the town it could cause energy imbalances making it difficult for the people who live here slugs are needed here near the great Abyss humans are not we have worked together before and you know I'm aware of how important the slugs are to Slugterra but either you stop this or I will you once told you we had the same goal as the son of Shay and now it appears we were mistaken what those who place themselves above the smokes invite disaster wait come on so how'd it go not good looks like we're gonna have to handle this ourselves that sound where is it coming from huh take them somewhere safe girl laughs [Music] that was amazing kind of slug is that who Do You Think You Are I'm Chad and uh I don't really know what kind of slug she is [Music] I'm Eli this is Trixie cord and the charmer is pronto nice to meet you are you the sheriff or something something it's the same thanks we owe you you just saved us days of work I was just trying to help uh yes yes good good now if you'll excuse us we're very busy lots to do hero stuff you you wouldn't understand so uh what Kevin do you come from ah yes um I'm from uh not from around here maybe from somewhere oh um I uh not a lot of clothes like yours around these parts you know about the surface I'm kind of from there too I've only been down here a few days best not to talk about the surface most people think you're crazy I think I am crazy I mean there's this whole other world beneath our feet well just between us I know right did you find your way it was me I didn't know myself you're here [Applause] probably isn't the best place for this conversation where are you headed Chad I have no idea which way are you going I was little I rescued Piper from a cat I nursed her back to health and then I started wondering where she came from what was it like for you on the surface Eli uh for a long time it was pretty good and then not that great when I was 10 my mother had to leave and I went to live with my uncle I haven't seen her heard from her since [Music] ever talks about the surface well for me it was mostly bad I have no need to go back up there ugly did you get down here Piper helped me map all sorts of underground tunnels for years I mapped them and eventually we found our way here how does it work well it doesn't really work anymore not way down here you can have it if you want it Piper's the only slug I've ever known you all have so many of this world that's impressive I'd love to know as much about slugs as you do then I'll have to teach you you mean it really sure we can start first thing tomorrow wow thanks [Music] surface Brothers [Music] slug energy has an effect on everything in Slugterra and is essential to the health of the 99 Caverns there is a fragile balance in Slugterra that must be maintained and too many slugs can be a bad thing well no not really more like too much of a good thing okay here's how you meet a slug is anyone down there up for some fun [Music] want to ride with the Shang gang I guess he does never forget they're not just ammo they're your friends and if you're really good they'll be your family [Music] hi there buddy want to help me show my friend what a taserling does [Music] can I try give it a shot hi is there anyone down there up for some fun don't chase it let it come to you hey I'm Tad I like popcorn scary movies and rainy days I got one wow that was really good what kind is this a hop Rock the slug version of a firecracker what was that trouble [Music] yeah please you can't do this you are never told us what to do Mister yeah we don't like knowing what to do [Applause] these two aren't the brightest but they can still be dangerous we've gotta stop them yeah we do please you can't do this now sir me and my brother was raised to believe we could do anything we put our minds to every Coachman starts with the decision to try but the gold is for the building Society to build an orphanage oh I believe you mean it was for building an orphanage besides we grew up without an orphanage yeah oh we had was parents we turned out just fine foreign [Music] [Music] yeah yeah [Music] come on [Music] this one of the easiest course we ever had we ought to Rob orford's more often hell the trick is buying the ones with the money laughs all right Dad again what do you care about orphan form foreign [Music] don't chase it let it come to you [Music] what an amateur oh boy [Music] [Music] you know what you're doing tat I hope you know what you're doing Piper [Music] for Dad all right Burpee if you say so [Applause] yeah yeah good work you definitely have a knack for slug slingy thank you thank you both I don't know what those poor children would have done it was our come on we're hanging over our fingernails here we'll do anything anything hmm shouldn't they be back by now perhaps not that hat needs a lot of schooling wait I'm getting something about a slug fighting splinterback Cavern reports are just coming in or we can just tell you about it bro you got a dazzling and a hop Rock did Lock and Load try to rob the building Society again yeah I have no idea why Lock and Load are always picking on the orphans no kidding I have something to say I know we normally discuss this sort of thing beforehand but after what I saw today I'm convinced wow hey how come no one ever gave Pronto at bandolier uh I'm Pronto Tad welcome to the shame gang I I don't know what to say say yes welcome to the team bro whatever [Music] rise and shine newbie it is time for the first step in becoming my prontogee huh what my protege I am going to teach you everything I know so someday when you write triumphantly into battle everyone will stop gaze upon you and say well he's no Pronto but he'll do [Music] oh am I flash or a rinky sticky must have been playing in my boots again good morning guys it's time to oh what crawled in here and died I know that stage brought to unleash the boot piece again Rhonda what are you doing I am teaching a tad how to become a great warrior black Pronto and you started with gas Warfare oh laughs hey Tad you up for a little target practice outside don't have to ask me twice come on guys let's get out of here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] after your performance yesterday I know you got some serious slugslinging skills thanks but all I did was aim and fire the Slugs did all the work true but following the code and bonding with your slugs is what makes a good Slinger great knock it off sorry she's not used to being around other slugs well you're both part of the shame gang now right guys foreign [Music] okay let's get started Trixie ready when you are you are all right burpee [Music] cool [Music] wow what was that that's called slug Foo something I learned in the Eastern Caverns can you teach me to do that slow down let's stick to basics for now try knocking that can off the post [Music] oh boy sling enemies hey Captain you okay Sparks hmm needs work but you've got it right giving your slugs names is the best way to bond with them around here we're just one big happy family every family's got a Pronto look Eli I know I can do better let me try again with Piper but not with that dinky slingshot tag needs a decent Blaster with an accelerator let's see what you can do with some real slinging iron my old blaster seriously and I can use it you can have it surface Brothers right uh I don't know what to say don't say anything just show us what you can do sorry [Music] [Applause] hey don't sweat at it just when I was about to write the kid off he pulls off a sweet shot like that yeah looks like we might have another slug slinging Savant from the surface just like Eli alright let's step it up a notch foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now that's what I call a good day of training not to brag but you kind of remind me of me when I first started oh that was a total brag but you're right you and the kid here are definitely surface brothers from another mother whoa cool Mecca it's yours go on give it a test ride this is all like a dream I've never felt like I belonged anywhere before now I'm finally down in Slugterra slugslinging with the shame game if he's gonna be in the shame gang he'll need a bit more experience in the field well luckily experience is something we're never short of in the 99 Caverns take a look at this [Music] silly discount slug a palooza sounds kind of fishy yeah and those slugs didn't exactly look thrilled to be part of the deal I say we go check it out good idea a low-key Mission like this is exactly what Tad needs to get warmed up Hey kid you up for a little road trip oh yeah oh loopy I can see that my training has paid off so far uh yeah sure oh yeah Pronto you've been a great teacher what's next huh my specialty tracking Discovery seat he's in unfamiliar territory therefore I Pronto will use my Superior skills to find our destination and what skills are those you might ask nobody else they are in this order an intuitive sense of direction a lizard like focus and most importantly of all Keen eyesight oh don't worry buddy I gotcha thank you ah I see and communicable once again brought to Superior tracking skills have prevailed okay let's see what this is all about slugs and money never mix [Applause] slugs [Music] poor slugs can you believe this if you ask me he looks like an accident waiting to happen this place is a mess who could be responsible for a circus like this circus this is a business not a circus circuses make me wanna poop [Music] well well if it isn't the scrap force it isn't the scrap Force the scrapyard is for amateurs we have our sights set for bigger and better things henceforth we shall be known as tough guys I heard the tough guys brilliant nice going boss wait that was my name I don't care what you call yourselves Amber but I do care about these slugs or mistreating you need to shut this down now I take orders from no man and especially no shade do I look like I need your help Sorry boss and especially no shame huh I'm a businessman pure and simple I'll get rich and nobody's going to stand in my way while I do it don't even think about it Amber there's innocent people around you're a goody goody attitude makes me wanna puke is that puke thing maybe we should like a hiccup or get Twitchy eyes or something yeah that's the dumbest thing I ever heard discount slugs of the future I mean it Ember shut it down now I'll do nothing of the site now but can we get some party crashes in the house [Applause] I don't like the looks of this boss what do we do stand firm where'd those creepy things come from this Shadow Clan has a way of popping in unexpected question is what do they want I better find out before this gets ugly so uh nice night huh son of Shane leave this place you know our progress we will do what we must protect the slots and I must do what I must protect all the inhabitants of Slugterra let me negotiate with boss Ember I can end this peacefully no Eli Shane let me say it's so All Shall comprehend what's the big one saying knows the shadow language is incomprehensible I sure understood that wait you just spoke our language we speak for the Slugs tricks four take the planks great on it [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] yes it is you know me and you know I care about the Slugs as much as you do but I also have innocent people to worry about let me handle this please for a friend you are no friend you no no no kid make sure you stick Russell yeah I got this Bronto my blaster [Applause] ah I never saw that coming of course you didn't now no more rookie mistakes thanks Piper we need to work together like we used to trust me don't worry I got this no bro Eli oh man I messed up didn't I I know you've got your head but brother duty to tell you when 100 certainty you're not helping it's okay kid we're not mad but we're afraid somebody else will be yes it makes me wanna hiccup good one what I come come on keep fighting [Music] no it's not like that step aside you know what I think I've had just about enough of this Burpee juice come on fellas you know the dress fall back Retreat what about the slots leave them we can find more this is not over Shane come on guys don't shoot We're not gonna fight you guys Stand Down see we mean no harm the harm has come your intent is clear next time you shall see the area of your misjudge mate wait I can explain when nice going you just made the enemy of our enemy our enemy we all make mistakes so no hard feelings no hard feelings except between us and the Shadow Clan now you guys head back to The Hideout I have to make things right with the Shadow Clan wish me luck cord I thought I asked you to go back to The Hideout yes sorry bro no way I was gonna let you make this trip all by you lonesome way too dangerous what about the others headed back to The Hideout hopefully Trixie impronto could keep dad out of trouble until we get back hey what's your gut feeling about Tad I mean well uh we made a mistake today but he's got that certain something I'd say that's worth taking a chance on yeah me too this place gives me the major Willies how long till we find the Shadow Clan well you know the Shadow Clan they kind of find you man I hate when they do that you have food I'm here I had to I wanted to apologize for what happened earlier my friend Tad is new around here your friend's mistake matters little when you live for the Eastern Caverns you abandoned the 99 Caverns you forsook the precious smogs I made sure the cabins were protected leaving them in your temporary care and now I'm back just as I promised the 99 we will protect yeah well yelling perish and shooting up the town isn't exactly the way to win hearts and Minds those who themselves above the Slugs invite dearest okay I'm no Diplomat but I don't think that went so well it did I gotta say coming home hasn't been what I expected especially after today's mess yeah here's hoping that today's mess isn't a sign of an even bigger mess to come [Music] yes yes no dark between the crevices uneven polish it's unacceptable Bravo must be able to see his handsome face in the shrine what's wrong Pronto dead finally had enough for you mentoring I'll get proud to be the mentor of someone who isn't even around to be a mement kid ah I haven't seen him since we got back what do you mean hey has anyone seen Tad his Mecca is missing okay that's kinda weird he probably just went out for a night ride to clear his head after a day like today I would too hmm I hope it is something that simple the caverns can be treacherous for someone as inexperienced as time but I'm sure you can take care of himself after all how much trouble could he possibly get into [Music]
Channel: Slugterra - WildBrain
Views: 1,327,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slugterra, Slugisode, Slugterra episode 1, Slug,, bajoterra, slug terra, slugterra know your slugs, slugterra eastern caverns, slugterra burpy, eli shane, slug cartoon, movie, slugterra game, slugterra app, slugterra toys, slugterra video, slugterra full episode, season 2, slug fu, burpy, new slugterra, know your slugs, slugs, dr blakk, slugterra emperors revenge, slugterra ascension, new slugterra 2022, New, season 5, ascension, 2022, slugtera, slugterra last episode
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 5sec (2585 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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