EASILY Turn Your Raspberry Pi into a Home Server! | CasaOS

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so in today's video i will be showing you all how to turn your raspberry pi board into a beautiful looking home server like this that is basically a darker front and the crazy thing about this is this is going to be so easy when i mean easy i mean a couple of clicks easy and you are really going to love this if you do set it up so without further ado let's dive right into how to do it but first of all i want to say a big thank you to nova spirit tech he actually posted this video about the zimmer board or zimmer board i can't remember exactly but that board actually comes pre-installed with casa os which is the operating system we're going to be using for this video and actually caught my attention and it seems like a really interesting cool operating system i played around with it briefly now and it seemed incredible and it is basically a docker frontend that makes installing dockers really easy and it's just gonna have a really nice and pretty interface like we can see right here so without further ado let's start to do it so first of all for the operating system of choice i'm going with a raspberry pi os you probably could use something like ubuntu if if uh if you did try it but it's the website states that it does work with raspberry pi os and i want the 64-bit version and it seems to work perfectly fine but for this video i will not be using a desktop because i don't want to use my resources on a desktop but yeah so that's why we're going to be going with the light version so open up your raspberry pi imager go to choose os raspberry pi os other scroll down until you see raspberry pi os lite 64 bit if you do want a desktop you can use this version right here but i will be going with this version here i'll go to storage choose my usb sticker right here and we're going to click this icon right here because i am going to be doing ssh i want to go ahead and enable ssh and i'm going to use password for authentication this is going to allow me to change some settings of my raspberry pi before i even boot it up and then set user name and password i'm going to leave my username as the same thing and i'm going to put in a valid password that i will definitely be able to remember and if you want wi-fi go ahead and configure wi-fi to password wi-fi country all those things if you do want to set it up it's really simple so you can configure your wi-fi from here and make sure to set the username and password and enable ssh if you want to do this headlessly like i am right now so click save once you're done and click right and this will take a little bit of time but it shouldn't take too long it's just going to flash raspberry pi was light 64-bit which isn't a huge file and then we'll be ready to go and once you have your operating system flash on your usb drive or your sd card plug it into your raspberry pi 4 plug in all the necessary cables if you're going to be using ethernet plug in the ethernet cable boot up your raspberry pi and if you're gonna do this like me without a monitor meaning headlessly there are some steps that you need to do to find out the iep address of your raspberry pi 4 and i personally use this application on my mobile phone called thing thing will scan my network and find all my ip addresses on my given router or network and through there i'm able to find my raspberry pi's ip address and then to do that we can actually connect to it over a process called ssh so you find your raspberry pi's ip address in any way that you can but if you do want to go ahead and try out a thing try that out it is available in ios or google or android but first of all we're going to open up the terminal on our linux system if you're on windows you can open up the command prompt or if you're on mac os you can open up the mac terminal and from here you're going to want to type ssh pi at and your ip address so mine is so your ip address is most likely going to be different i mean there could be a chance that it's the same but usually it's going to be different so type it in there hit enter are you sure that you want to continue connecting i'm going to type in yes make sure to type in yes if you get this prompt it's just making sure that you actually want to connect yes type in your raspberry pi's password and i forgot to mention if you did change your raspberry pi's username make sure to change this right here to whatever your username is but i didn't change mine i left it by default in the raspberry pi imager so mine is still called pi but type in your raspberry pi's password so i'll type in mine right here and bam you can see right here now we are inside of our raspberry pi's terminal and we can basically access anything that we want to do right now but before anything let's go ahead and install the casa os so cast os is an operating system by itself but it's able to be installed on top of ubuntu or raspberry pi os and you can see right here on their website it says now compatible with raspberry pi west bullseye and x86 devices but it is super great that it's a one click install so copy this right here it's really that simple right click copy go into your terminal right here right click and paste hit enter and this is going to be so easy to install casa os on a raspberry pi for it's literally so crazy that it's this easy and simple to install docker with a beautiful front end on your raspberry pi board so when the installation is complete on your raspberry pi 4 you're going to get this pop-up right here will not really pop up but your terminal and your terminal it's going to say casa or casa casa os is running at http open your browser and visit the above address so it's that easy to access your cast os you were just going to go to this ip address so in my terminal basically i can go right here and i can go to open link it's going to open my default browser and here we go guys we are in casa os so we have to create an account for this operating system so i'm going to click go right here and type in username you can do whatever you like i'm going to loop f winner and password i'll type in a password that i find secure or just that i use a lot i'll type that in right there confirm the password and hit create so now it's going to create a password with your username and password so here we are guys we are in the tas os dashboard and really it is extremely beautiful but first of all right here it says that we have our storage and our storage device has 56.13 gigabytes of storage and that is true and it says it's healthy it says that i am using two percent three percent of my cpu seems pretty good i'm in my ram i have a good amount of ram and i would say for this type of process owning a larger amount of ram pi is probably better since i have an 8 gigabyte pi i have a lot of ram to spare it shows me my time right here and what date it is really awesome and right here we see our account and you can log out from there here we have settings we can change our search engine which right is right here so if you don't like duck to go you can go google or who is going to use bing i don't know but i'll leave it at duckduckgo for now you can change the language there's a couple of languages here and yeah and this is something that i think is really awesome and incredibly useful so we click right here we have a full-fledged terminal inside of casa os and this axis is our raspberry pi so here in login i can type pi as my username and type in my password and this is basically like i'm ssh into my raspberry pi i do not need this ssh process right here i don't need that anymore like it's not useful since i can essays straight from the website which i think is an incredible feature so right here let's say you want to update our raspberry pi so like you have your raspberry pi running and you don't have an ssh process open you can go ahead and do this straight from the website of casa os it is literally that easy and incredible and i mean i just love being able to have this in here like i just went ahead and i updated my system and i ran an upgrade so yeah the terminal is definitely a useful feature and we also have the logs right here that show our logs for our casa os which could be helpful in some scenarios but for me right now i don't really know what the fatal is meaning but it seems to be running all right so i guess we don't have to worry about that but first of all let's jump right into installing an application so right here in apps we'll click this plus icon right here and we have a full on app store so i do say right now there aren't a ton of applications but it is still a good start and for this video we're going to be sticking to the applications available in the app store but of course later on you could try out your own applications but i and for this video i will be showing out a couple other of applications like file browser jellyfin nextcloud and a ledge and so first of all before we go ahead and try out jellyfin i want to install the file browser because it's going to be useful for our experience and right here as you can see the it kind of looks like the ios app store or the ipad os app store when you click on an application and it gives the ratings it's they're not really ratings but it gives you information so let's click install right here to install and it says our username is admin and our password is adamant as well so this is going to be useful so we can actually kind of access our file system of our raspberry pi at least some parts of it and upload videos upload files that we're going to be able to use in our jellyfin server and our jellyfin server is actually going to be a type of media server which is going to be a really cool thing here so here we have file browser and click it right here type in my username which is going to be admin and our password is going to be admin as well hit enter to log in and bam here we go we are in kind of some bit of a raspberry pi file system so if i went to the downloads folder right here i could go ahead and i could actually upload a file if i wanted to but let's just keep this open right here and as you can see it's it is connected to the same dot four through ip address of our raspberry pi so it is hosted on our raspberry pi so next of all i want to install jellyfin jellyfin is gonna be able to allow me to watch media from other devices that will be hosted on my raspberry pi so i'm going to hit install right here and this install does take a little bit longer but through jellyfin you can be able to upload your video files jellyfin and then watch them on your phone on your different computers on your android tv it really is a cool little thing that i actually use with my family on our tv so once you have jellyfin installed on your raspberry pi newly created home server you can actually go ahead and run through the setup process and i'm going to go ahead and do that with you guys to kind of show you how to install jellyfit on your newly created raspberry pi home server so click the jellyfin icon right here and it's going to open up a new website and it's going to send you through the jellyfin setup process so my preferred display language is definitely going to be english and our username type in a username that you think you'll like i'm going to type in the same one as before as my casa os username type in a password and make sure that it is the same password for both of these blanks of course click next once you're ready and now we're going to want to add a media library so i'm going to click right here and content type i'm going to go with the movies you could go with a music shows photos books whatever you're going to be showing i'll be going to movies since i'm kind of going to be uploading movies this isn't my primary server i actually have a jellyfin server running an old laptop that we actually use but this is going to be what i'm going to leave it at for now and then we're going to have to add the folders and this is going to be where our music where our movies are going to be stored so right here in our file downloader app that we actually installed right here or file browser we're going to want to add all of our media to the media folder right here to movies so we actually already have a movies folder created under the media and movies so right here we're going to go ahead and go to media right here and we're going to go to movies so that is where we're going to be uploading our movies and when you once you want to upload tv shows or music you can upload into these folders respectively so leave that right there and click ok and there are more settings in here about movie metadata downloaders and all these other settings chapter images go through these if you're interested but for now i'm going to leave it as it is and then click ok so now that we have a media library i'm going to go next and our preferred metadata language is going to be english united states and configure remote access if your writer does support this it is a useful little feature to have enable automatic port mapping and click finish and you're gonna have to sign into your jellyfin service one more time click sign in right here and it's gonna send you right here so it looks like i didn't create my media properly so i'm going to go right here to would you like to create one now and i'm going to add a media library and my content name i'm going to go movies and display name i'll leave it as movies folders will go right here we'll go over to media again and to movies and we'll click so that's basically i messed that up again so that's where we want to be we're going to click ok and all these other settings can just stay as they are and click ok so now it's actually added in my movies folder all right we go home we can see that we have movies but we don't have anything in our movies folder well that's where our files app is going to come in handy so when you're in home you're going to go over to media you're going to go over to the movies folder and you're going to click this icon right here to upload files open you can upload a whole folder or a file so click file and find a video that you want i'm gonna actually be uploading a video that i made and released a couple of days ago and yeah so here we go it is already uploaded right here and it was it uploaded fairly fast honestly so now that we have that we're gonna go back to jellyfin and we're gonna click right here go to dashboard go to libraries i'm gonna go scan all library so it scans for that video and it updates it stuff because i think it does do automatically but it might not do as quickly so once we have that scanned we'll go back and already we have it in movies and the metadata it downloaded for this thing is really strange since i did upload our youtube video it wasn't a real movie so i thought it's some bitcoin all righty so in today's video i will be showing you how to make my video the cryptocurrency from my raspberry pi onto my web browser and i can do this right here only as you can see the quality of the videos is going to be at 1080p and it's running at 60 megabits per second and you know i mean it seems fairly watchable i could skip skim through my video let's scan through right there if it will load up to storage and change your device right here i'm going with a sandisk i mean i can't skip through this 634 right here there is a little bit of lag for what you see but i mean just gonna start piling it so and you can actually upload real movies and get a real looking metadata that looks awesome so you can upload tv shows music and stuff like that so this is a really useful service i would definitely recommend installing jellyfin on here so there are apps that you can install on here but before that let's say you want to install an application that isn't actually on here well you can go to custom install and you can search for how to install new apps manually with docker and you can't figure this out i won't be showing that in this video since i'm not the most knowledgeable about doing that but if you do want to do that there is a way to do that through a graphical instance which is a really awesome but yeah so i'm going to go through the app so we're going to install some more applications just the ones that are included on the app store and come back to you guys and show you what some of them can do so i went ahead and installed a couple of more applications on our server right here and you can see that my cpu and ram is pretty idle right now so that is a good thing but let's start out with taking a look at next cloud on our server so if you don't know what next cloud is it basically is like google services but you're hosting it yourself so it is kind of interesting so first of all we're going to want to create an admin account so i'm going to type in a username and then a password as well and yeah you just type in that hit enter and it's going to start installing it next cod you might be like i already installed it well i guess it just has some more dependencies and things like that that needs to install on our system so let's let this thing continue installing and while it's installing let's go ahead and take a look at d-lodge so d-lodge is actually a web type of hoster to download torrents but before we go there let's go back to next cloud and i'm going to go ahead and install all of the recommended applications and they're just going to give us a nice base to run our server off of but yeah let's head back to the lodge and the lodge the default password is going to be the lodge type in login once you type that in there correctly and we recommend changing the default password would you like to change it now i click yes but i don't really know where that pop-up goes honestly it's happened to me before too but right here it says connection manager we want to connect to our own raspberry pi and that's going to be the one right here so click it click connect and there we go we'll click apply for now okay so now we have a kind of torrent manager inside of the browser but it may look a little bit complex so how do we actually use this well you need to have a tor file on your computer or a link to a torrent file like i have one right now i'm gonna click add right here and you can go url or file i'm going to go file and i'm going to find my ubuntu 21.10 live server options right here and click this i'm going to click add and it says error right here we actually have a way that we can change that so go to preferences and it's automatically downloading it to root dash downloads and obviously you can't download anything to root since root needs special privileges so you're going to want to change the route right here to data and data is going to be where we're going to store our files which you can actually access it from our files so this right here downloads is going to be dash data dash download so save it right there click apply ok and click this right here and click resume and it's going to try to check it again and it should start to work well it didn't right there let's try one more time let's just go ahead and remove with data we'll go add and we'll go a file and we'll add this one again click this go to options i'm going to save in data downloads make sure that that is correct right there click add and hopefully now it should actually start downloading and man look we are downloading a torrent on our raspberry pi server and you may ask well why is this useful well if you're downloading really big torrents or something you may not want them downloading on your main computer you could throw them at your raspberry pi and then download it from there and if you want to access these files we'll go back to our files application that are right here file browser go over to downloads and you can see it's already downloading it's not completed yet since it says it's not completed but you can download it from here once it's completed or you can leave it on your raspberry pi 4 for storage purposes so that is the lodge it's a pretty cool app so you can see next cloud is still installing the recommended applications and for last of all i installed something called sync things so you can actually install this application on your pc and then you can sync files to your raspberry pi 4 using this application i haven't looked at it a little that much i did look at it some but i'm not going to go into details with it in this video but you can learn more about this by searching it in the web so yeah there are more applications near that seem kind of useful like hi what do you call it let this thing load up real fast like pie hole pile will at block ads and you could host it on this service which seems pretty useful and there are a few more applications in here that i didn't try but i tried some of the ones that i thought were interesting and yeah so let's wait for next cloud to finish installing and then we'll take a look at that so let me briefly showcase what next cloud looks like when it's hosted on a raspberry pi it is going to be just like the normal next cloud that you can have when you host on an x86 pc and it should work pretty similar so you have it you kind of have this dashboard right here here you can see files you can see photos and you can actually install applications inside of next cloud that can you can like edit documents like google documents you can make slides etc different things like that so here in documents let's go like into documents we can open up a new folder we could make a new text document we'll make it like that we'll make it a blank folder like that and here it's going to open for me and you can see we have a basic text editor inside of our web browser and you might be like well why would i want to use this well you know you know that your data isn't being shared with any company it's hosted on your own a raspberry pi in your own house so i mean if you're kind of more focused on privacy next cloud is definitely something that you could take a look at and you might be interested in testing out playing around with there are a lot of really cool things that you can do with next cloud and i would recommend trying it out if you do go with this route so yeah this is next lab alright so this has been a quit not really quick but hopefully this video has been helpful for you guys show you guys how to set up casa os on your raspberry pi and it really is so crazy how easy it is to install this cass os on your raspberry pi with just one script and then you have all of these really useful docker images right here from the app store and i do hope that in the future the amount of applications in the app store does increase and we get more applications but for now it's already quite a big select not quite a big it's a good selection of applications and you can custom install and docker images that are already available in this thing but of course if you do want to go the default route and install docker and install retainer youtube renova spirit tech who i mentioned at the beginning of this video has an amazing series called pi hosted which goes through all these things really well so check out that series if you're interested in a more it's harder to install but you might have more customization and you're not stuck to this layout of the dashboard but i honestly think it's really awesome you have a lot of useful things like this you have a terminal to access as a sage and different things like that i mean it just seems like a really nice and complete package and you can have a search bar right here like a type of five four and search it in me for duckduckgo so like you can make this your homepage in your web browser and you would have a search bar and all of your applications that you're hosting yourself but enough of that so here we are guys i hope you enjoyed the video please that like button if you did and if you really did enjoy a subscriber would be incredible and i mean thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Luke's Tech
Views: 64,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home server, raspberry pi, raspberry pi home server, casaos, raspberry pi docker server, casa os raspberry pi, easy docker, easy docker raspberry pi, home server easy, home server easy raspberry pi, jellyfin, deluge, casaos docker
Id: BbCQgyoeUmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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