Easiest Ways To Get All The Best Loot in MW3 Zombies SOLO

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so I want to talk about some of the absolute easiest things that you guys can do to be farming up some of the best Acquisitions here in Modern Warfare Zombies we do have a couple new things to discuss and methods and then I want to talk about just a couple things I think that people are not doing that they can be to be filling up their stash what's up everybody welcome back to the channel if you all don't know my name is Ghost I appreciate everybody for stopping on by the video today if you guys are into zombies content or honestly anything Call of Duty please you consider dropping the video a like and subscribing to the channel man we're on the road to 8,000 subscribers and we're getting there way faster than I thought one of the very first things that I want to talk about is how you guys can instakill the storm callar boss here in season 1 now this doesn't require a vr11 and a Tona or like all that other stuff all this requires you to have is a vehicle what you're going to want to do is drive into the storm drive right up next to the storm Coller get him aggravated so that he's chasing you kind of get your vehicle right on the edge of the storm and slowly drive out of it the storm caller is going to follow you and if you get him to stay out of the storm for roughly around 4 seconds he's going to instantly explode now the cool thing about this is that he actually almost instantly respawn so you guys can continuously farm this and get a bunch of really good loot this way also he always drops these gold skulls which are worth 5,000 so if you do it a few times you can go to the buy station and get yourself a bunch of essence but other than that he can be dropping you wonder weapon cases ether tools crystals all the good stuff so this is a really easy thing for you guys to do to farm yourself some really good Acquisitions next thing that I want to talk about is a lot of people just really aren't making use of the schematics that they found if you have really cool rare items that you're just kind of sitting on things that you can craft don't just wait until you want to use them in order to craft them especially this goes for the people that have the Flawless and the legendary ether tools SCH matics there should never be a time where you're not waiting for a cooldown timer like if you can craft the legendary ether tool or the Flawless Crystal do it so that way you can at least put it in your stash and trade it out for something else and use it and you can Farm these things up hell even if you don't plan on jumping on Modern Warfare Zombies for the day but you know that it's been a day and you can craft that legendary ether tool just jump on for two seconds craft CFT it throw it in your stash and jump off go do whatever else you were going to do for the day at least that way you know you got one in your stash and you're already waiting on that next cool down timer for your next one now this next one I have already talked about in a previous video but if you guys do go into the dark ether you can nine times out of 10 xfill with a Wonder Weapons case now this is extremely easy to do all you have to do is make your way to the very top of the Fortress you're going to see the floating Vehicles hop across the bulldozer and on top of this building you're going to find a key jump over to the next building and you're going to find another key from this point I usually like to jump straight down and then inside of the bottom of the Fortress you're going to find a locked door with most of the time there's going to be a Wonder Weapons case in here I have once or twice found that there wasn't one but most of the time it is usually there another incredibly easy way that you guys can get some really good loot is to make use of death perception now this perk is incredibly useful especially in the second tier zones and if you're not as scared to go into the red tier zones then this is incredibly helpful makes it so you can easily see those ether boxes through walls and especially in the red tiar Zone these things are everywhere and you can find some amazing loot just by running around especially on the rooftops and stuff now I want to talk about some of the easiest ways that you guys can kill the mega Abominations with absolutely almost no effort on your part if you're killing these things when they're in hvt it's great because they're going to give you rewards from doing Red Zone contracts but even if they're not a bounty these things still end up dropping you a bunch of essence and have chances on dropping you like Wonder Weapons or ether tools or things like that now the very first thing is going to be with these turret mods you can find these things absolutely anywhere through out the map they're going to be in boxes you can find them on shelves just deposit the mod inside of the closest turret that's closest to your mega Abomination and then try to lure him towards it now with you and the turret shooting at this thing at the same time it should almost delete him instantly now the next way that's a bit more expensive or might just depend on your luck finding one throughout your match he's going to be using the Juggernaut now the Juggernaut should have plenty of time to even deal with the hvts and you can usually kind of clear out the zombies that are in the area around it but that's another way that you guys can almost effortlessly kill the mega abomination next is going to be just some easy way to get some really good stuff for your operator like maybe you need a three playay vest and things like that the guaranteed way to get a three playay vest is you're going to need a stronghold key card once you find a stronghold key card from either one of the camps or you can buy one from The Bu stations head on over to the stronghold clear it out up top there's always a guaranteed safe and after you drill it inside there's always going to be a guaranteed three plate vest now there is a couple of locations that I know of that have a really good chance of spawning in three plate vests and backpacks first one is going to be the really tall skyscraper that the Pack-A-Punch spawns in downtown if you make your way to the top of that building there's going to be a bunch of those ether loot chests up there that are just like that you find inside of the uh ether nests and the strongholds be sure to check all of those and be sure to also check the lockers and stuff that are up there as well the next is going to be the building that's just to the north of pop off power that's also another building that's very known to have three plate vests in there backpacks and things of the sorts now another thing that I have talked about before but this is one of the absolute easiest things that you guys can do to get some of the rarest and best Acquisitions in this game and that is by defeating the red worm and honestly you guys most of the time you won't even have to do the setup to actually get this thing to spawn in now you could just type in the chat and ask people if there's anybody in the lobby that is getting ready to do the red warm or a lot of times in my lobbies there's a bunch of people asking if there's other people that want to either join up with them or just participate in a red worm fight and another thing you guys can do is just watch The Ether storm and then towards the end of the match if you see a bunch of people that are kind of hanging out towards the rim of it you know that getting ready to do the fight and you can just jump in there you don't have to be on their squad just make sure you get in a few bullets on them you'll get those rewards it's honestly really easy now I know what you're thinking isn't he supposed to be like one of the hardest bosses in the game yes he is and technically the boss is kind of hard but from my experience whenever I've done it I've always been around a big crowd of people everybody sends up a bunch of uh sentry guns and all that and usually we have this thing done in just like a minute or so one of the last things that I want to talk about is when you find a schematic or something like that that you already have don't be afraid to type in in the chat and ask if there's anybody in the lobby that also needs that schematic this is especially good to do when you find things like the ray gun plans and stuff like that cuz you'll be surprised there might be somebody who's willing to trade you something you might not have maybe they'll drop you some essence or you never know even if they don't drop you anything it's just a good thing to help out somebody else the entire zombies Community has really been helpful for me the entire time that I've been doing this here I can't tell you how many times in this game that I have been saved picked up and then somebody's dropped me ether tools or crystals or Essence or what have you so I really try to do the same and uh just kind of help people out here in Modern Warfare zombies at least as much as I can so that is going to be about it guys for now those are my easiest ways for you guys to get some of the best loot here in Modern Warfare Zombies yes there is a bunch of other things that you guys can be doing and some harder stuff but I wanted to give you guys some at least just you know the more relaxed ways that you guys can try to earn some really good stuff here if you guys have any other tips or tricks or beginners tips you guys want to leave down in the comments section please do that we do have season 1 reloaded that's just around the corner that's going to bring us some new Warlords and a couple of other new things to do like a couple new schematics and things like that but I know what we're all really waiting on is that big season 2 update hopefully we get a new map and maybe a whole new uh list of missions and stuff for us to do that's what Modern Warfare zombies really needs right now I feel like we're kind of getting to the point where we're getting towards that dry spell where everybody's kind of recycling some things but I know we did just have Christmas and all that so there is a bunch of new people that have been playing Modern Warfare zombies and it's good to catch them up to Fe as well but from all the rumors and everything that I've been hearing it looks like season 2 is going to be a pretty big bang now I'm not going to say for sure but it's kind of looking like in between season 2 and three is when we're going to get the introduction to Fortune's keep which might be the very first time we're actually going to see Modern Warfare Zombies on a different map which would be awesome but then directly after that we have zombies on the greatest map of all time rebirth Island which like I've mentioned before is we're seeing zombies yet again back on Alcatraz and all that oh I really hope they don't mess this up yeah that's it guys sorry for my ramblings I greatly appreciate all the support that everybody has been showing me on the channel lately you guys are awesome please do consider liking the video If you guys enjoyed it or if it helped you out and subscribe to the channel if anybody is new and I will see you in the next one
Channel: TheRealGhost
Views: 77,987
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Keywords: #MWZ, #MW3, #MW3Zombies, #ZombiesMW3, #MWIII, #MWIIIZombies, #ModernWarfareZombies, #EasySoloGuide, #CallofDutyZombies, #EasyLootMW3Zombies, #AetherBladeCase, #TheScorcherCase, #WonderWeaponsMW3, #WonderWeapons, #TheRealGhost, #EasyGoodLoot, #EasyZombiesGuide, #MW3ZombiesGuide, #GetGoodLoot, #EasyLoot, #Treyarch, #AetheriumCrystals, #AetherTools, #EasySchematics, #MW3Schematics, #EasyAetherTools, #EasyRareSchematics, #RareSchematics, #TheStormcaller, #Stormcaller, #StormcallerBoss, #Season1, #SeasonOneReloaded, #Zombies, #CoD
Id: ZAKn8GliQJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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