Easiest Way To Start Dropshipping From Scratch (How I Do It)

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what's up y'all it's your boy h schmidt welcome back to another freaking video in this one i'm going to be showing you what i believe to be the absolute easiest way to get started drop shipping from scratch now this isn't going to be a comprehensive like four hour how to get started drop shipping course what it is going to be is a quick concise and easy to follow video showing you the five-step process that i use to start new stores from scratch it's something i call the steal and tweak strategy and by the end of this video you're going to walk away with an entirely new way to go about building stores getting ideas and bringing those ideas from ideas to actual profitable stores we're gonna have inside my computer i'm gonna show you guys exactly what this is we're gonna walk through and i'm actually gonna show you a specific example of how i would do this so that you can actually see what this looks like in the real world and yeah i think you're gonna learn a lot i think this is gonna be pretty valuable to you so without further ado let's hop inside my computer let me show you the easiest way to start drop shipping from scratch all right so we're inside my computer now i've got this document pulled up let's start with step one since there are so many moving parts to an e-commerce or drop shipping business we want to make things as easy as possible on ourselves and the way that we do that is instead of trying to come up with everything on our own we start with an existing store or brand that's already working i've gone ahead and pulled up this brand right here it's called your cat backpack or the store i'm not really sure if it's a brand whatever it is your cat backpack the way that i found this was just scrolling through facebook i got this ad on facebook and was able to find their website from there towards the end of the video i am going to give you some more ways to find existing brands and stores that are doing well but that's the first step is just to find an existing store brand that is doing well and seems to be successful the main indicator that i looked at to make sure that they were successful or actually doing something somewhat well first off this video ad has 1.8 k reactions and 511 comments that means they're running a decent amount of traffic to it and then if we go to their facebook page here we open this up it's going to show us their facebook page we go to here home and we can see this page has about 6 000 to 5 000 likes that's generally an indication that they've been running this store for a while if it's got thousands of likes they've been running a decent amount of traffic to it so this is probably a decent example to start with i got this little template up here that's basically what this is so i'm going to go ahead and put this in here your cat backpack and then i'll even put the little link here insert link boom that's the link to the website now we are ready for step two in step two we're going to be using these things down here and essentially all we're doing is nailing down the main aspects of what this brand is doing the products they're selling the market that they're selling in these specific offers they're selling the angle they're using in their ads and on their product pages and then also their ad creatives the type of ads that they're running et cetera et cetera these five things are some of the main pillars of an entire ecommerce brand or business so let's go through and let's see if we can nail down all five of these main aspects so the first one obviously is the main product or products that they are selling if we go back to the ad that we saw earlier this ad was for a cat backpack but to be honest with you i'm not entirely sure if this is their main product so let's do a little bit of research so if i google shopify bestselling url it's gonna give me this link right here which is the link that you can basically append to any store and it'll show you their best-selling products so let's go ahead and do that if we pull this up it's gonna show us all of their products in order of best-selling so it looks like right here that the backpack they were advertising i think there was this one right here is actually not their best-selling product it's actually this product right here this leash and harness set for adventure cats so we'll click on that we'll get this link here this is definitely their best-selling product it's got the most reviews it showed up best-selling that's probably their main product so we'll go ahead and we'll link that here the next thing we need to hammer down is their market so who are they actually selling to for this product and this brand it's pretty obvious that they're selling to cat owners so for their market we'll write down cat owners now since this product right here is their best-selling product i'm just going to focus on this one here obviously the next thing we need to figure out is their offer so what is the actual specific offer they're running here and to me from their product page it really just looks like they're selling one of these cat leash harness sets for 24.99 that is about it there's no compare at price i don't see any other special deal you can buy it with four payments with after pay but we're just kind of going to ignore that for now their offer is just 24.99 so i'll write this down here 24.99 for one cat harness the next thing we need to figure out is the angle that they're using in their advertising and i think it's already kind of clear what that is but let's do a little bit more research and see if we can find out more specifically so let's go to their facebook page we already pulled it up over here if we scroll down here then we can go to page transparency we can pull up their ads library and we can see all the active ads they're currently running so let's take a look at some of these ads here explore beyond the great indoors with the world's number one cat travel brand gear i feel like that warning doesn't make a whole lot of sense but i think you get the gist this ad says make every trip an adventure this is very simple the world's number one selling cat harness yes you can take your cat on walks so looking through their ads library it seems to me that the main angle they're advertising their products with is kind of an adventure angle it's not just for cat owners who own cats it's for more adventurous cat owners who own more adventurous cats their products really focus on that adventure aspect that travel aspect of getting out and exploring so for the angle we can just put something simple here like cat products for adventurous cat owners who own adventurous cats carts cats something like that pretty basic but you get the idea and then finally in terms of creative creative just means the type of ads that they're running essentially go back to their ads library we can take a closer look at the kind of ads they're running they seem to have a decent mix of both photo and video ads take a look at this one here i think this is the actual original ad that i found this brand from their ads don't really seem to be all that crazy they seem to have some really solid content i really like this one for example right here this photo content not only is it showing the product itself but it's showing the product being used in its natural environment which is obviously outside so this is what i put here for creative pretty simple combo of photo and video creatives solid user generated content shows products being used in their natural environment pretty simple stuff so far we've found a successful brand and we have nailed down the main aspects of what they're doing now if we scroll down the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to ask ourselves this fundamental question how can i make what they're doing better more compelling more specific or more unique we don't want to just copy what they're doing outright because in my experience that is just not very likely to work instead we want to essentially treat e-commerce and drop shipping as a puzzle and this brand is a way for us to already start off with a couple pieces of the puzzle in place instead of having to put all the pieces together ourselves so in step three what we're going to do is we're going to take these main aspects of what they're doing and we're going to brainstorm ideas about how we can change them or make them better so again as you can see here we're really working with four or five main things i think creative is a little bit more difficult because it's pretty difficult as a beginner to make better more unique more compelling creatives than someone who already has experience so really we're gonna focus on these four here the products the market the offer and the angle essentially we wanna take one or two of these main things change them to something completely different but then just keep everything else so let me walk you through some examples to show you what i mean here obviously if we go back here this entire brand is centered around cats the thing with a lot of cat products though is that they can also be applied to other animals like say dogs one option you would have here is taking everything that they're doing and then just completely changing up the market changing it from cats to dogs instead of selling to cat owners we sell to dog owners and then this is exactly what this section down here potential options is for right here we just put down some potential options like change market from cat owners to small dog owners wait what is this down here why is this what is this super small text can we zoom in what is this oh my god it says like the video to help the algorithm wow i i can't believe who did that who who put that there 3k likes can we get 3k likes smash the like button no okay i know i know i'll zoom out i'll zoom out let's get back to the video so changing the market from cat owners to small dog owners that's something we could do we would literally keep everything else the same except for changing the market so the market is what we just focused on let's focus next on the offer if we go back to their product page we can see again that their offer is just one for 24.99 to me that's not really the most compelling offer it's not bad it's a decent price for this product i think but if we go on aliexpress and we search cat harness and leash set well we're gonna find a lot of potential options this one looks to already have a lot of orders let's just click on this one i mean this product i'm not sure if there's an error in this pricing here but this product is insanely cheap i mean less than a dollar what the heck maybe some of that is going into the shipping price and they're kind of like distributing it between the shipping price but either way you can get this product out shipped from china for like four bucks maybe with margins like that you have a lot more room i mean 24.99 that's really like huge margins on this product we could do something a little bit better what if instead of doing 24.99 for one cat harness we did 24.99 for two cat harnesses what if we change the offer to buy one get one free for 24.99 buy one get one free for 24.99 is literally twice as good as the offer they're currently running and it does seem like if you were to sell this product from aliexpress that you would actually have the margin to do that in this case what we're doing is basically making it better we're making it better and more compelling by just actually making it a better deal so far we've looked at the market and the offer and we've made potential options to change those but what about the actual product itself if we go back to aliexpress we can see that there's actually a lot of different options for different designs for the same product this one it looks like it has some sort of floral pattern on it it's got a little flower and then i also just found that this one this one's pretty funny obviously a lot more expensive and i'm not sure how that would work with the pricing necessarily but this one's got a cool little design on it with a bow tie that's kind of cute i guess so going back up here we could keep all of this the same but we could change the product we could sell still sell a cat harness but a more unique specific or cool design now it seems to me that the fundamentals here of what they're doing they're all pretty solid like this seems like a pretty solid market adventurous cat owners but we don't necessarily have to just sell this one cat harness leash product there's also probably a lot of different products that we could sell along those same lines i did some quick google searching and i literally found this article i don't think you get any more specific than this get the gear 10 must have accessories for your adventure cat adventure cat is literally a thing apparently so this article i'm not sure how many great ideas are in here mobile bed leashes in there treats some travel food and water bowls backpack carrier that's another product that brand is selling there's a couple product ideas here the point being is we can keep all this the same not even sell a cat harness or leash but we could sell a completely different product but still in the same theme of adventure cats and then i think the only other thing that we haven't looked at here that we could potentially change is the angle as we mentioned the main angle that this brand is using is like adventurous cat owners who own adventurous cats buy these products these are for you but what if we change up the angle entirely we could still sell this same product the same kind of travel cat leash and harness set but what if we change the angle to let's think something along the lines of like improving your cat's health and fitness personally i know people who own some pretty unhealthy cats these cats are they're fat they're big they're morbidly obese some big dudes some friggin absolute units and this product that they're selling here while it definitely is good for adventure what if you angled it towards people who have overweight cats and they're trying to get their cats to go on walks make them a little bit healthier to be honest i've no idea if that's a good idea or not that was just something that kind of popped into my head but i think you get the idea with these five examples here we took what was already working these main aspects right here and then we brainstormed different ways that we could take what's already working and put a unique spin on it now i'm not going to go super in depth with this on this video because it's honestly pretty simple but the next thing that you would want to do after you came up with a bunch of potential options is to do a little bit more additional research to figure out whether or not your ideas actually might be worth testing the main ways that i do that are basically through amazon reviews the reviews on the actual brand that i started with reading through online forums like i could go and google like cat owner forum adventure cat owner form something like that get an idea of what the people in this market are actually thinking what they're actually buying what they actually want and basically use that as a way to sort of validate my ideas to see which one of these makes the most sense the next thing we're going to do is we're gonna take this original concept here with these main aspects we're gonna combine that with one of our potential options or maybe two of our potential options and from that we're gonna put together a new initial concept based off of all these ideas that i've written down here i think probably my favorite one and the one that i think probably has the highest potential to work is this one right here basically doing everything that they're doing copying almost everything they're doing but then improving the offer and making it like twice as good we can already tell based off of what they're doing how many reviews they have how many likes their facebook page has how much they're actually running ads like they're running a ton of ads all of these things indicate that this what they're doing here is working so we don't really need to reinvent the wheel we can really just take what they're already doing and improve their offer and i think that would probably be enough to get something working so if we go back to aliexpress we can pick one of these products i think this one is probably fine put that there for the main product the market is going to be the exact same it's just going to be cat owners with we'll add this on adventurous cats the offer is gonna be cat harness buy one get one free for 24.99 the angle is basically gonna be the same just sick products for adventurous cat people and their adventurous cats and for the creative i don't think we really need to reinvent the wheel i think we can take a lot of inspiration from these ads here we don't want to copy their ads and what they're doing exactly like i wouldn't go to their product page and i wouldn't freaking copy their product description and just copy and paste it onto my store that's not what this is about instead what i would do is i would just use these things for inspiration and i would basically start with this as my concept change the offer and then again for the creative we can just basically copy and paste this like just basically use the same freaking creators as they are just don't copy them word for word and from here we have our new initial concept at this point the only thing left to do would be to build up the store make some ads get them up and start testing so guys that right there is what i believe to be the absolute easiest way to start drop shipping from scratch you don't need to reinvent the wheel you don't need to do anything new or innovative or exciting you don't need to invent anything i used to think i needed to invent a completely new product in order to make money that's just not true at all if you can just start with what's already working and then do one or two really key things to improve make better make it more compelling make it more specific if you can do that that's really all it takes to get something off the ground that really has the potential to be profitable now as a quick recap this is basically the steps one you start with an existing brand you nail down the main aspects of what they're doing you do a bit of research get some ideas flowing switch up one or two of the main aspects create a new initial concept and then you test it now when it comes to finding existing brands there's a few ways to do this again the way that i found this one right here was just scrolling through facebook i get ads on facebook all the time just like you do this is one of the ads i got that's how i found the store some other ways i mean just googling something if you already have an idea in mind you can just google it and find existing brands that are already selling it another decent way is to use the website myip.ms so i'll show you how to do that real quick you go to myip.m and then you're also going to google shopify ip address that's going to bring you up this you're going to copy this and then paste it in to myip.ms scroll down here blah blah blah all websites in this ip range click on that i'm a human being i am indeed and then it's going to bring us this and then we can go down here click view all records and then probably sort it by popular ranking that's going to give us probably the most popular websites in order a lot of these are going to be like real big established brands that you might not be able to gain a bunch of inspiration from but if you keep scrolling through here all of these are stores that are hosted on shopify and you can definitely find some diamonds in the rough from there once you have an existing brand again you're just gonna go through you're gonna identify their main products their main market their offer their angle and their creative strategy do a little bit of research get some ideas flowing write down what your potential options are pick one of them switch up one to two of the main aspects of what they're doing and then build it launch it and test it and that's really about it so many people overthink the entire concept of starting a new store there definitely are some intricacies to it but again guys this is like one of the simplest and most effective strategies that i think you could ever possibly do you do have to be careful you don't want to go plagiarizing and stealing literally everything that an existing brand is doing but in my opinion it's really just stupid not to start off with some sort of example of something that already works so that's the video guys easiest way to start dropshipping from scratch this is how to do it if you enjoyed this video definitely feel free to like the video 3000 likes let's see if we can do it we also by the time you're watching this we might have already hit it we are this is the last time i'm gonna say it i swear to god last time i want to put this in a video we're so close to 50 thousand subscribers we're literally like 500 subscribers away or something as of the time i'm recording this if you are not subscribed already you should definitely hit the subscribe button so that we can get to 50 000 subscribers and we can make me feel like i'm better than i actually am give me a little bit of validation i didn't get it as a kid my mom you know she just i didn't get i need it now i need the validation i'm just kidding my mom you're great mom i love you thanks for watching y'all peace out i'm gonna be traveling this week so upload schedule might be a little bit weird but i'm still gonna try to record some bang ass content for you so be on the lookout i'll talk to you on the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Nate Schmidt
Views: 25,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify, dropshipping, shopify dropshipping, ecommerce, ecom, shopify2019, dropshipping 2019, Nate Schmidt, shopify winning products, product research, shopify store, shopify dropshipping strategy, Facebook ads, dropshipping tutorial, one product Shopify dropshipping, Shopify training, How To Create Dropshipping Facebook Ads, online business, mindset, make money online, how to make money online, best dropshipping guru, how to start dropshipping, aliexpress, oberlo
Id: KPpRTAxp9aI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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