Easiest Way to Start Amazon FBA (EXACTLY How I Do It)

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you can make money selling on Amazon and I've made over $5 million selling on Amazon and I currently have multiple Amazon FBA businesses that make over $400,000 per year and 43% of all Amazon sellers have made at least $100,000 and last year alone there was over $500 billion spent on Amazon's website and I'm going to teach you the easiest way to create a passive income business using Amazon FBA for instance I found this simple product on Amazon that's making over $100 ,000 per month and what's crazy about that is you can buy this exact same product on alibaba.com for 79 even though it's being sold on Amazon.com for $3.99 so you can buy this product in bulk from alibaba.com slap your brand your logo on it and then sell it on Amazon for the increased price and keep all the profit this is one of the three most common ways that people make money selling products on Amazon and I'll explain this process in depth in just a minute and before I show you how to do that let me show you a secret you can actually find out how much any product on Amazon is making all you have to do is scroll down to the bestselling rank number copy that and paste it into the free jungle Scout sales estimator tool you then select your Marketplace and what category this product's in hit enter and it will tell you how many units per month this product is selling you then multiply that by the cost of the product and you can see that this product is making over $100,000 per month but keep in mind most people fail on Amazon because they choose the wrong way to sell on Amazon there are three common ways to sell a product on Amazon so which one of these three are the best type of product for you to sell the first type of product that people sell is a Retail Arbitrage product this is where you find a product in retail stores or online that's at a huge discount for example this bakare set is being sold on walmart.com for $129 but you can go to Amazon and you can see that this exact same product is being sold for $249 meaning that you can buy it from Walmart sell it on amazon.com and keep all the profit and Retail Arbitrage is easy because you can find products at a discount at your local stores or online buy them and flip them on Amazon but the second common way to sell on Amazon is called wholesale this is where you buy a product in bulk like this toy organizer which you can buy for only $20 at globalsources.com and this exact same product is being sold on Amazon.com for over $40 so again you can buy this product in bulk with your wholesale discount flip it on Amazon for the increased price and keep all the profit and I will be sharing how much profit you can expect to make from this product later in the video but warning it's not as much money as you think the last common way that people sell on Amazon is selling products like this and this product is making over $100,000 in sales every single month and what's crazy about that is we can see that this exact same product is being sold on alibaba.com for just 58 cents a unit meaning that you can buy these products in bulk from China at a huge discounted price slap your own brand on these products this is why it's called private label because you're creating your own private label version of the product then you ship those products into the US Amazon warehouse sell them for the full retail price of $14.99 and you can keep all the profit and this is the most common way to sell on Amazon with over 54% of all Amazon sellers choosing private label but there is some major issues with this method of selling on Amazon that I'll talk about in just a minute so the question is which one of these three methods is the best way to sell on Amazon and the answer is none of them these are the most common ways to sell on Amazon but they're not the easiest or the best if you're looking to create a long-term passive income business but don't worry in this video I'm going to show you the method that I use to create and launch a product that within two months of starting to sell it on Amazon was making me over $300,000 in sales that's over $100,000 in passive income profit every single year I I've since taught the method that I'm going to teach you in this video to people like Jeremy who did over $100,000 in his first 6 months as well as Brent who did over a million dollars a year selling this product on Amazon but before I teach you my method for selling on Amazon we need to talk about the common ways of selling on Amazon and why I don't recommend you using these oversaturated ways to sell that everyone else is doing this has ruined Retail Arbitrage for instance this Walmart bake set last year was being sold on Amazon for $249 but because so many Retail Arbitrage sellers started selling this exact same product the amount of Supply drove the price down to just $185 making it really hard to actually make a profit on top of that with Retail Arbitrage you're constantly having to go out and hunt for New Deals and new products to sell it's not really a passive income business because you're going to have to constantly be doing work to find new products I also see a ton of Amazon gurus saying that wholesale on Amazon is the Holy Grail for making passive income but here are some of the secrets they won't tell you for example when you do wholesale there's usually not enough profit to actually make it worth your time for example that toy organizer we talked about earlier that you could buy for $20 and sell for $40 that doesn't mean that you actually get to keep a profit of $20 you have to subtract out a lot of the different costs that you're going to have so you have the cost of buying the product which is $20 then you have the 15% Amazon selling fee which is another $6 you'd also have to pay for the Fulfillment cost and because this product is so big on Amazon they would charge you over $20 for fulfillment so even though it looks like you're going to make money you'd actually be losing money the same thing's true with the last method I showed you private label you have to know that there are over 1.1 million active Amazon sellers in the United States and 4,000 new sellers are joining Amazon every single day on top of that more than 50% of Amazon sellers are doing private label what this means for you is that if you find a good product like this pet grooming glove that we found earlier it's just a matter of time till someone else comes along and creates their own private label version of that product and more and more people do that and you end up having a ton of competition and now let me teach you a method for creating your own Amazon product that actually still works and this method is so easy that I'm going to create and launch this product in just 7 days and I'm going to document the entire journey of creating this Amazon business on this YouTube channel over the next few weeks and this method that I'm going to be teaching you here in this video is the same exact method that I've used to launch multiple seven figure Brands and it's the same method that I teach to all my students like AJ who in his first year did over $500,000 and if you're new to the channel my name is Travis make sure to smash that like button because at the end of this video I'm going to be giving you a free 5-hour Amazon FBA course I would normally charge around $300 for this program but if you watch this entire video I'm going to give it to you absolutely for free there are seven steps to launching an Amazon business and I'm going to be spending just one day doing every sing single step and I'm going to be showing you live on this channel the results and this is the same method that I teach in my Amazon FBA program the passion product formula so if you are looking for some extra help in launching your own Amazon business there's a link down below to get on the wait list for my Amazon FBA program this program comes with live weekly Q&A calls a bunch of step-by-step lessons and everything you need to start your own Amazon business but the first step to selling on Amazon is to find a product that you love that you're excited about selling this is called Product research where you research which product you want to sell on Amazon and there is some very specific data that you can look for when trying to figure out what products you should sell and shouldn't sell on Amazon and my favorite tool for finding products to sell on Amazon is called helium 10 and I have the hookup with helium 10 I negotiated with them and I got you guys the best deal you can find on their product there is a discount code in the link down below and the reason that I recommend helium 10 for finding a product to sell on Amazon is because it will tell you exactly how many times per month people people are searching different phrases and if you know that thousands of people per month are searching for something on Amazon if you create that product and sell it on Amazon you're going to make thousands if not tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars because you already know that thousands of people are searching for it so if they're searching for it on Amazon there's a good chance that they're going to buy it on Amazon and when figuring out what type of product you want to sell on Amazon there are three things that you want to make sure to avoid and three things that you want to make sure that your product has the first thing you want to make sure is that your product is in a good price range you don't want to sell a product that's under $15 because once you subtract out the product price the Amazon selling fee the Amazon FBA fee and everything else it's very hard to make a profit on the other hand you want to make sure that your product is not priced over $85 because if your product's more than $85 it means that it's not an Impulse buy and it's something that people are going to probably want to do a little bit more research for so The Sweet Spot is to find a product that you're going to sell between $15 and $85 you also want to avoid competitive products if when you go to Amazon and you search for this product there are dozens of other competitors it's probably a good idea to avoid this product you're also going to want to avoid seasonal products like Halloween or Christmas decorations or anything that people would only buy for a couple months out of the year and this is because you'll only be making income during those months plus you're going to have to buy the inventory ahead of time and you don't really know how much you're going to sell it's not going to be predictable it's not going to be easy and it's not going to be a sustainable way for you to make passive income you do want to sell a premium branded product all the products I've sold on Amazon are a premium price point and the reason for this is you don't want to be the cheapest product on Amazon because then you're competing on price and if someone comes along and has a lower price than you you're going to have to lower your price it's much better to pay a little bit extra money for a highquality brand which doesn't cost you that much more in the long run but it allows you to charge a ton more money for your product which means more profit for you you also want to make sure that your product is is easy to ship I recommend avoiding anything that's really heavy or that's going to break like glass jars trust me because I've sold glass jar product before and I've lost thousands of dollars doing it you also ideally want to sell a product where you are first to Market and I'll talk about this later in the video but did you know that setting up your business properly could actually get you free flights and free hotel stays I'll share with you how at the end of this step but the first thing that you're going to want to do is set up your legal entity structure you can do this very easily by going to Legal zoom.com and you're going to have a choice you can either do an LLC or a DBA those are the two most common structures that people use to start a business and when you set up these it allows you to get a business bank account business credit cards and it allows you to start an Amazon seller account LLC stands for limited liability company and this is the more professional way to start a business but it does cost a little bit more money it gives you legal protection just in case anyone ever wants to sue your business they can't come after your personal assets however if you're selling a product where it's not likely that people are going to sue you you instead can start a DBA and DBA stands for doing business as and it allows you to start a business bank account and get checks written into the business's name but it does not provide any type of legal protection and here's a pro tip if you want to save money on taxes you can do an LLC but elect to be taxed as an escort this will give you all the benefits of an LLC but on top of that it'll give you some tax savings after that you have to get an EIN Ein stands for employer ident ification number this is like the social security number for your business it's free to do and it's really quick all you have to do is go to irs.gov submit some paperwork and they'll give you your EIN number almost instantly and we're going to get to how you can get free flights and hotels in just a minute but the third thing that you need to do when setting up your Amazon business is get a sellers permit this is how you'll pay state sales tax but if you're only selling on Amazon you won't actually have to pay any state sales tax so don't worry about that too much but I still recommend getting your seller's permit after that you'll take all your p paperwork you'll go to a bank and you'll sign up for a business bank account and this is where things start to get fun I also recommend signing up for a business credit card and it is crazy the benefits that you can get from a business credit card a lot of different credit cards will give you $500 $1,000 just for signing up with a minimum spend of around $3,000 and when you're starting a business you're easily going to be spending $3,000 in your first 3 months so take advantage of these credit cards the third step and what I plan on doing in my third day of setting up this Amazon business is to start an Amazon seller account all you have to do is go to sell. amazon.com and click sign up to become an Amazon Seller and this will normally cost you around $39.99 but here's a trick that you can use to actually get a free Amazon seller account if you scroll all the way down to the bottom you can click sign up to become an individual Amazon Seller and it's free the only catch is that you do have to pay 99 Cents additional every time you sell an item so if you do plan plan on selling more than 40 items per month it's worth upgrading to the professional Amazon Seller plan and to sign up for an Amazon seller account after you click on the sign up button you're going to have to fill out all your business details like your EIN your registered address as well as some personal information like your name country of citizenship and birth date of birth and you need to confirm that you do have a valid ID and this could be a passport they'll also ask you which bank account you want to use to start receiving the money that you make from Amazon they'll also ask you what you want your store name to be and it can be whatever you want it doesn't have to be the same as your brand name or your business name for instance I can make my store called Travis is the best and the easy thing about this is you can change it at any time it's not really that big of a deal and here's a tip if you're LGBT plus a minority or diverse in almost any way Amazon will sometimes highlight businesses that are diverse with certain certifications however if you're just a boring straight white male like me don't worry you can still do well on Amazon and I'll do a full detailed breakdown in the next few weeks showing you how we actually started our Amazon seller account for this business so make sure that you stay tuned the next step is designing your product and your brand and you don't need to be an artist or a graphic designer to design a great logo in packaging you can go to websites like Fiverr upwork or 99 designs however my favorite place to go is called fbac creatives docomo with a discount if you want to use their service I'm actually a co-founder for this business so if you want to use the same team that I use for my creatives like logos branding and package design then check out fbac creatives tocom the other part of designing your product is designing the actual product itself and for this it's very simple to do all you have to do is work with your manufacturer and I'll be showing you step- bystep how we came up with a formula for this product in the 7-Day challenge the fifth step in day five of The Challenge will be actually finding a manufacturer to produce the product and this is easy to do you can go go to websites like alibaba.com and type in the search bar exactly the type of product that you're looking to make and this is what we did for cocktail cards we just typed in flashcards and we saw a bunch of different manufacturers that could make the exact product that we wanted to create now they didn't advertised that they could make cocktail cards but they advertised that they could make flash cards and all we had to do was contact the manufacturer ask how much it would be to put our own designs on the product and at this point you might be wondering what's the difference between private labeling which I said that you should never do and creating your own passion product which is what AJ did and I teach all my students to do and here is the big difference with private labeling you're taking an existing product from Alibaba and all you're doing is slapping your brand on their product with cocktail cards for instance he completely designed every single card from scratch on top of that no product like this existed before we even created cocktail cards there was thousands of people per month searching for things like bartending flash cards card cocktail recipe cards and other things like that but yet there was no product being sold that was flash cards for making drinks so what AJ did is he created this product from scratch although in some ways it's similar to private labeling the big difference here is you're going to be the first one to Market and yes sometimes copycats will come along that's happened with AJ in cocktail cards but his product still way out sells all the competitors just like Nike was the first one to come out with the waffle grip shoe and others have since copied because they were the first first one to do it they are still the top shoe player in the game now if you don't want to make your product overseas you can go to websites like thomasnet.com to find manufacturers in the United States this is something that I go into way more depth about in my Amazon FBA program the passion product formula again there's a link down below if you're interested in getting on the wait list for that once you have your product manufactured the next step is to create a listing on Amazon's website and it's completely easy to do they have a step-by-step template where you fill out what you want your title to be what you want all the bullet points for your product listing to be what you want your main image and all the other side images to be and this part of the process is critical because when people search for things on Amazon all they can see is your main image your title your price and how many reviews you have so you want to make sure you invest a good amount of money into the main image because this is what's going to get people's attention and make them decide whether or not they want to click on your product the next thing is the title you want to make sure that your title is filled with keywords and keywords are the things that people search for in Amazon so if you know for instance that a lot of people are going to be searching for cocktail recipe cards in order to find your product make sure that that search phrase appears in the title this will also let Amazon know what your product's about and make sure that it shows up at the top of the search results and here's an interesting stat the first product that shows up in the search results gets most of the sales followed by the second place third place and fourth place product if your product is all the way down at the bottom of the search results you're going to get almost no sales and this graph is exponential meaning the closer to the top you are the more sales you're going to get so it's worth investing some time money and energy into your main image your title and everything else if you need help creating your images your title or any part of your listing you can go to FB creatives decom we've got the hookup for you as I mentioned there's a huge discount code since you are watching my YouTube video I want to thank you by giving you that discount code the last tip and what I'm going to be showing you on day seven of my challenge is launching your product on Amazon and remember that Amazon has over 300 million Prime customers 2.4 million people per month are going to Amazon to buy products and last year there was over $500 billion worth of things sold on amazon.com but there is a secret to launching your product to make sure that it gets as much sales as possible and the secret is you want to try to get as many sales as possible from day one for your product as you can and when Amazon sees that you're getting a ton of sales to your product it's more likely to move your product up higher in the search results which leads to a Snowball Effect because since you're higher up in the search results you're going to get more sales which ends up making it so Amazon sees that your product's doing really well and it's going to slowly move your product up higher and higher I'm going to show you that you can launch an Amazon business in just 7 days I'm excited and nervous because this is a short time frame but now as promised since you watch this entire video I have a free 5H hour Amazon FBA course for you all you have to do is Click right here it's completely for free on YouTube click on that video I'll see you in the next video and I'll show you how you can launch your own Amazon business step by step so click on that video see you in the next video and thanks for watching
Channel: Travis Marziani
Views: 28,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ecommerce, Online Store, Internet Marketing, Online Marketing, Shopify, online shopping, marketing, Effective Ecommerce, Amazon FBA, Private Label, entrepreneur
Id: jNebGfTsWkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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