11 Ideal Tasks To Give To A Virtual Assistant

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Have you come to terms with the fact that you need  to get some support to hire a virtual assistant   but you have no idea what tasks you would give  to a virtual assistant? Well, you're in the right   place because today we're going to look at 11  ideal tasks to give to a virtual assistant. And   if you're new around here, my name is Jen Lehner.  I have helped hundreds of solopreneurs, coaches,   course creators, authors, and subject matter  experts scale their businesses by outsourcing   the smart way. So let's dig into these 11 ideal tasks. First on the list, social media. Aren't   you so ready to let go of the posting on social  media and just the constant hamster wheel that   is involved with that? Well, let me show you the  tools that we use and how we take care of that   in my own business. So what you're looking at  here is our Trello board. We love Trello but   you honestly don't need anything like I mean you  don't have to use Trello. You could use Asana.   You could use a Google doc, really any kind  of software that allows you to collaborate.   And what I want you to look here is at this  column where it says content processing. And   you'll notice that each card has a date there's  July 28th, July 27th, and each of these cards has   the information of what this post is  going to be and where it goes. Okay,   so we've got a list that this is the content  that's going to go out and then these are the   graphics that we need. These are all the  places where it needs to get published   and any copy that needs to go with it like my  thoughts about it or any links that need to go   with it are going to be listed here as well.  So like right here, where it says description   this is all the copy that's going to go with  this social media post. The point is we know   every day of the week what we're going to post  on social media in advance. Then what we can do,   you have a couple of options you can use a tool  like Recurpost. This is a content scheduler that   will post your content on all the channels where  you want your content to appear so over here on   the left you can see everywhere that we've got  listed. We've got Google My Business, Linkedin   company page, Linkedin profile, Twitter, all the  places. Okay and so what we can do is my team goes   in and they just schedule all the content here  in advance and it automatically gets published on   that date. So they set it and forget it. And of  course, the other thing that is so great is you   don't need anything fancy like that because on all  social media these days you can just schedule it   from right there inside the platform. So  if you go to Creator Studio in Facebook,   you can schedule your Instagram and  your Facebook posts in advance natively   right here in this amazing dashboard. So I'm  going to click 'Create post' and of course   I'm not really going to be doing this. My  VA is going to be doing this. We just write   'test'. Add a photo or a video or whatever you  want and right here where it says 'Publish', we're   going to schedule the post and you just pick your  time and date. So that's just a brief overview of   how your VAs can handle all your social media  for you. What about inbox management? Yes,   managing your emails so that when you wake up  in the morning you only have what you need to   see sitting in that inbox for you. So maybe you  only have two emails versus the 500 that are   sitting there and I know what you're thinking  because it makes you feel a little vulnerable   to have a VA in your inbox and maybe you sort of  think like what if they delete something I really   need. yadda yadda yadda. I know exactly what  you're thinking because actually, this is the last   thing that I gave to my VA. I wish it would have  been the first thing. Let me give you a glimpse of   how we do this in my business. All right, this is  a glimpse into our yeah my business email account   and you're probably thinking, "Jen my Gmail does  not look like that like it doesn't have these cool   sections. I've got a video that will show you  how to do that I'll link to it down below. But   this is the main thing that I want to show you. So  when my VA comes in here so for example, Linkedin   marketing. So there's this email about Linkedin  marketing. So she knows that that is probably   something we're not gonna save. It's not something  I necessarily need to see. She might read it if   she thinks there's something valuable for our  business but she'll probably just delete that or   archive it. But let's suppose it's something that  she thinks I really need to see that's come into   my inbox. So we're going to pretend this email  from Tamson is something that I need to see.   She's going to put a star on that and if you look  over here in the right-hand quadrant you could   see all the emails that are starred that I need to  pay attention to. Then if I get to the inbox first   and I see something and I'm thinking oh this  is something that my VA needs to take care of.   I'll click on that star over here on  the left and I'm going to click it again   until I see the icon. You see how the icons  are changing? So I'm looking for the little   red arrow thingy, right there. And what  happens is if you look over here to the right   under delegate, it's going to  take a minute let me refresh it   and if you look here under delegated you can  see that's it's moved over here to the section   on the right. So now Neeca knows when she comes  in, "Oh this is something I need to take care of   and then there's certain blogs and newsletters  that I subscribe to that Neeca knows that I like   to read. So if you look over here in the two reads  section you can see Zapier. I love their blog   and so she knows that I want to read that later.  The Daily Stoic, there's a few others but anyway   the way that she gets it into that box is she  comes over here. She clicks the star and she   clicks it again and clicks it again and then  you'll see there's a blue eye and that moves it   over to this section. Okay and so the next icon  on here is a question mark and what that means   is you know how when you reach out to someone and  the ball is in their court and then you sort of   forget about it? Well what this does is it allows  you to follow up with that person. So as you can   see, I clicked on the purple check mark there on  the left. It came over here in the right under   awaiting reply. So I know that I need to check on  this, you know, whenever. This is about as full   as my inbox ever is because right now it's late in  the day when I wake up tomorrow morning and I come   in and check in into my email, I might have four  emails over here in the star folder and everything   over here in the main section will have been  deleted or archived. If you have a Facebook group   that is the third ideal task that you should hand  over to a VA. Ninety percent of the things that   you do in a Facebook group are tasks that you can  handle to a VA and they're very process-driven.   They're things that can be repeated, weekly  tasks monthly tasks, annual tasks. For example,   every month at the beginning of the month my  VAs find out through the analytics that Facebook   groups give you they just put it on a platter  for you and show you your top 20 most engaged,   I think it's 20 or 10 most engaged Facebook group  members. Well, that's something that your VA can   do. They could take a screenshot of that. Post it  in your Facebook group. Tag each of those members   and it goes such a long way in making people  feel great and your VA can do this as your   brand avatar. So when they post, it's posting  as your company avatar. Our members love this.   It's such a meaningful thing to do and yet so easy  and you don't have time for it right look these   are the little things that you probably don't  have time for but if it's set up as a system,   as a process, it's done every month. Then your  VA is just checking those boxes. And 90% of the   things that you're posting in there, questions  that need to be answered, those can be done   by your VAs and the beauty in that is that your  VA, all along the way, is really getting to know   your community so they're able to serve them  better 360 degrees. Graphics. You don't need a   really top-notch graphic designer in your  business. These days especially if you've spent   any time in canva.com you know this if you've  never been to canva.com, run don't walk. It's   an amazing, amazing tool that allows us to create  very professional-looking graphics and the reason   is because the templates in Canva were created by  some of the best graphic designers out there. So   we simply have to change the colors. Fill in the  words that we want and we look like we did hire,   you know, top-notch graphic designers. So your  VA can absolutely do that for almost all of the   graphics that you need in your business. Also,  they're wonderful services you can subscribe to.   We love Template Tribe because every single  month the owner of that business creates these   fantastic templates for everything for pdfs,  freebies, and workbooks and Zoom backgrounds,   and just anything that you could possibly need.  We absolutely love it and I'll put a link to that   down below in the resources. From social media to  landing pages to all your funnels and so forth.   Speaking of landing pages and funnels that brings  us to our next perfect ideal task to give to your   VA and that is landing pages and opt-in boxes  and all the pieces of the funnel - sales pages   because all these whether you use Squarespace  or Kajabi or LeadPages, whatever it is you use,   they've got templates. The templates look great.  Your VA can use the templates and as far as the   process for doing that, you know, you can set it  up one time and your VA can replicate that over   and over again. Newsletters are you sending out  a weekly newsletter to your audience and if not,   why not? Probably because you don't have  time to think of what to say every week.   You're so busy with everything else like  who's got time for that? And the beauty of   doing a compilation sort of a roundup type of  newsletter is that it can be turned into a system   and templated. So let me explain. Have you ever  seen Tim Ferriss' Five Bullet Friday email?   Perfect example of kind of a roundup email. It's  short and sweet and he just links to five things   that he's, you know, something he might be  reading a funny joke he heard, a great movie   that he just watched, a delicious wine  that he just tasted, a quote that he heard,   an exercise that he did, just some but there's  five of them. And it comes out every single Friday   like clockwork and it's great. We do something  similar in my business it's not as brief but we   do a compilation a roundup email of social media  news, things people have posted in our group,   announcements, great deals that we found. We send  one out on Monday to one group and we send one   out on Friday to another group. This is a hundred  percent done by my team and they're just rounding   up content. They're putting in the applicable  links for that content, all the graphics,   all the things we need, and that's consistent  content that's going out twice a week that I don't   really have other than I do give it a once over  before it goes out but they take care of that. I   do not spend any time on that but it's high value  and my audience loves it. Podcasts production and   promotion. Everything from the show notes at the  end to the timestamps to the transcripts, did I   already say transcripts? to the promotional images  and the little audiograms that need to be created.   Every bit of that process can be done to your  VA so by your VA. So that you really are just   stepping into your office getting in front of  that microphone and pressing record. That is   all I do for my podcast is I literally just hit  record and everything else happens by my team.   Editing. My VA are perfectly capable of editing  my podcast episode but we do outsource that to   an agency that just does podcast editing. Video  editing. Basic video editing can be done by your   virtual assistant. So whether that's just adding  an intro and an outro to your Zoom meetings that   after the fact or any kind of video that you  produce can be edited by your virtual assistant.   And they they have tools now that are just so  easy to use. You know, the pros use things like   final cut pro, right, but we don't need anything  that sophisticated something like a Camtasia or   a Screenflow works great. It's super simple and  your VA can absolutely do basic video editing.   And as they get more experienced,  they can start to do fancier stuff.   Zoom replays. So that sort of ties in with videos  but it's a little more specific if you're a coach   or anyone who does regular Zoom calls for  your community or your members, you know,   that there's so much work to do after you end that  meeting because the video has to get processed,   the transcripts have to get created if you're  like us you'll put timestamps into the highlights,   and put that in the show notes so people can  easily access the information that they need.   Then it needs to be sent out. The replay needs  to be sent out to the relevant people who may   or may not have been tagged in your email  marketing system. So all of that Zoom stuff   that goes to your VA. Task number  10, new client onboarding. So   there's a starting point for every new client  every new student every new customer there is   some sort of process that is in your business  already and every bit of that can be handed over   to your virtual assistant. So let's suppose you  get a new client the very first thing they need   to do is fill out a questionnaire that needs to  be sent to them. Sn invoice needs to be sent.   A receipt needs to be sent. A welcome email  needs to be sent. Maybe you have a welcome video   that you're going to send. Maybe they need to get  access to a particular program, product, platform,   Google Drive folder, all those things all those  parts and pieces you got it, your VA. Affiliate   Campaigns. So affiliate campaigns are you've taken  a course for example and you love the course and   the course creator says, "Hey you know what if you  tell other people about this program? Then I am   going to give you, you know, 40% of any referrals  that you send my way." or maybe you use a product   like Convertkit or Kajabi or Clickfunnels or  something like that and they tell you, "Hey you   know we're going to do this promotion and if you  get the word out you're going to get x percentage   of every person that you send our way." Well,  if you're already using these products and you   already love these things then why not, you know,  share the word and spread the word and then also   get that nice commission. The problem is they  send you these wonderful packages, right, have   you seen them? They've got graphics. They've got  swipe copy. They really have everything you need   but it still takes time because you have to make  those emails your own. You have to make sure that   the graphics are what you want to use. You have  to put it in your content calendar and think,   okay, where does this fit? What day am I going to  send? What emails on? And you really do have to   plan for it but it's really something that can be  completely handed over to your virtual assistant   and you have, no your hand is not in it at all  and really the only thing that you have to do is   sit back and watch your PayPal balance  increase. And lastly what i want to say   and maybe you've picked up on this based on all  the tasks that I've given you. There's really   nothing that you can't outsource to a VA  except the stuff that only you can do.   Right? So your VA cannot get on and do your  webinar. Your VA cannot write your book. Your VA   cannot do your podcast. Although I will say that  my VA stepped in for me on my podcast yesterday   because I missed the plane and I had to sleep  on the floor at the Atlanta airport and that's   another story. But for the most part, your VA  can't do that stuff but that's the stuff that you   do. That's the stuff that is revenue-producing,  all the rest of it goes to your virtual assistant.   So thanks for watching today on the best tasks to  outsource to your virtual assistant. If you like   today's video, make sure to like and subscribe  because there's a lot more where this came from,   and don't forget to hit the little bell so you  never miss a future episode. See you next time.
Channel: Jen Lehner
Views: 21,196
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Keywords: best tasks to outsource to a virtual assistant, what to outsource to a virtual assistant, best tasks to outsource to a va, how to outsource to a virtual assistant, what to outsource to a va, virtual assistant services, how to outsource, solopreneur sidekick, hiring virtual assistants, virtual assistant, virtual assistants, hire a virtual assistant, how to hire a virtual assistant, who to hire for online business, outsourcing for online business, outsourcing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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