Easiest Way To Deploy A Flask App Online on Pythonanywhere Step by Step Tutorial

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[Music] so hey guys in today's video we're going to see how to deploy a flash C on python anywhere so without any further Ado let's start the video so first of all we open python anywhere click on login as you have an account loog or you can sign up here Al I will sign up create a beginner account just and we can see that our python en account is created we will move to this web apps console tab you can see that we don't have any web app right now here so we will add a new web app next we will click on flask python 3.9 and I will name it app5 and B our flas cap is created this is our website URL with copy and paste and we can see our flash app is running online now what we will do is we will move to the fil tab here is a my site folder and here is a main app. pile we will delete it now we will deploy this sketch flash gab that we have seen already in the earlier videos we will deploy this only we will download set we will extract here the project and we can see here are all our FES we need to make a minor change in the uplo by file uh the upload folder is my site SL static SL uploads and this was the only change that we needed to do and we can save the file close it select all these one right click and compress files. create as soon as this file is created we will upload this Z file here in the my site form click on upload a file and here is the file start say select now we have basically used this zip file because otherwise we need to upload all the files one by one so to avoid that we have just created a compass file and we will extract it now what we will do is we will create an open bash console here and we will unzip this file BH console is loading let's check the files LS command we can see our files doip is here let's use the unzip one start say enter uh it is saying that you need to replace the Spy cash folder yes and you can see it is MIP let's click on back and we can see all our templates Statics fers are here or app file also here read. MD is also let's delete this Z file up well let's move to the web app uh after we make any change we need to reload the app we will cck on re note and now when all the changes are done we will again move to the site and now let to Lo yes you can see our changes for here now we will now let's try this choose a file let's take this image select and make sketch and boom here are the results this was the original image and this is the sketch image let's try with one more image yes this was our original image and this is a sketch image uh this app is running online totally online you can also open this link and you will see the website running so yeah in this way you can deploy your flash caps online hope you enjoyed this video and bye till next time
Channel: Machine Learning Projects
Views: 1,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hsSs2qpLq9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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