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with the burning crusade came the release of arena and still to this day arena remains to be the most popular and competitive form of pvp in world of warcraft but if you're new to arena or even pvp in general it can be a very daunting experience well we're here to help as in this video we're going to be taking a look at the easiest to hardest classes for tbc arena at an entry level ranking them and sharing our educated opinions in the hope to make your life a little easier first though let's establish a criteria for what makes a class easy first and foremost the spec must be very easy to pick up and play so have a very low skill floor you can pick it up grasp the basics and jump straight into arena and do relatively well next the class must be naturally strong so plain and simple if it just isn't good inside of arena or pvp in general you'll find your life a lot harder than if you're playing a much stronger class and finally for our ranking system we'll be placing classes into three brackets easy moderate and hard before we jump into the video it's time for our question of the day and that is what expansion did you most enjoy pvp and why for me it's got to be cataclysm i've got fond memories of old combustion getting a big ignite spreading it with fire blast and then watching the whole enemy team die but what about you guys let us know in the comments below alright enough talk let's jump into the video kicking straight off with our easy tier in which our first edition is going to be warrior and yes before you jump in the comments going omg no warrior is so hard granted yes it does have a moderately high skill ceiling with abilities like intervene but warrior as a whole is not only one of the strongest classes in pvp but also one of the easiest to just pick up and play exactly what this tier list is all about if you play warrior even if not at the highest level you'll still be able to do very well warrior and tbc follows the exact archetype you would expect from the warrior class in any standard mmo you're naturally very durable due to armor values mattering a lot in tbc and a warrior in their full plate combined with the ability to put on a shield and go into defensive stance makes for a very simple defensive play you have basically zero defensive cooldowns to worry about you can disarm a melee or spell reflect a caster's cast but that's about it you've also probably heard about stance dancing in some form well don't worry about that stance dancing just refers to swapping between different stances something you need to do in order to use certain abilities for example you'll need to be in defensive stance to disarm but in berserker stance to intercept well this is all for the most part done with macros you macro your stances into your abilities and you're good to go then for your damage it's again very simplistic as arms is the hands down go-to spec you get mortal strike which becomes your main source of damage combined with your standard melee swings oh and mace stun you can't forget may stun the hardest thing about warrior though will be managing your rage not your rage in game but your real rage in real life when you're facing either mages or druids warrior only has intercept in order to gap close which has a 30 second cooldown so basically you're like a very tanky juggernaut you pick a target run at them and if you're able to connect to them you'll be chunking their health substantially with every single swing joining warriors inside of our easy tier is going to be rogues primarily the dominant specialization of subtlety again yes we've all seen and know how a well-played rogue can dominate games making super flashy plays like sapping vanishes or gouging mage's blanks but honestly take away all the flashy plays and rogue is a very simple class to pick up despite your more than likely predetermined opinions part of what makes rogue so easy is that rogues are the king of melee in tbc arena your rotation consists of auto attacks and hemorrhage spending combo points on either exposed armor slice and dice to buff your melee swings or finishing targets off with a viscerae you have the ability to lock down and kill a target with kidney shot or cheap shot which don't share diminishing returns in tbc instant crowd control from sap blind and gouge not to mention you have a ton of defensives cloak of shadows against casters evasion against melee damage dealers and vanish to just escape everybody oh and even cheat death allowing you a second life then you can even reset the cooldown of your evasion and vanish with preparation alongside your mobility from sprint then to further add to your mobility arsenal one of the new additions in tpc is shadowstep giving rogues a way to quickly reach their target essentially your kit has everything mobility crowd control high damage lockdown and even strong defensives so despite its undeniably very high skill ceiling rogue still is one of the best entry classes thanks to its very low skill floor meaning you'll be able to grasp the basics very fast and then aim to improve as you learn more and more about the game alright guys that's it for our easy tier two very surprising classes if you're coming from a retail background but unreliably rogue is just so strong winning games becomes easy regardless of your level of skill up next we have our moderate tier these classes all have a little bit more depth to them and need to be played to a higher level in order to be successful with our first class just barely made it out of our easy tier the warlock more specifically siphon life soul link commonly referred to as slsl warlock in the burning crusade is fairly simple you manage your damage over time effects which other than emulate are all instant you use shadow bolts from nightfall procs or casted searing panes or even drain life in order to create some single target pressure other than that you're just an incredibly durable caster especially when compared to most other casters as you don't really have to worry too much about kiting thanks to the combination of soul link and fel armor mana is also a non-issue thanks to life tap so like most other casters or even some melee you won't have to focus on mana management something which can often be the deciding factor in games so you've got high instant damage you're very durable and even brings some good crowd control with fear blanket spell lock and mortal coil especially when combined with the restoration druid in either 2v2 or 3v3 the difficulty with warlock revolves around your pet management you're going to be needing to track not only your own crowd control but also your teammates as well as important enemy buffs on top of also micromanaging your pet without doing this warlock loses a lot of why it's so strong and this whole extra dimension of added utility makes it a lot harder for newer players to pick up but then on the other hand why we had a hard time with warlock is that even without doing this or doing it poorly you're still a warlock hands down alongside mage the best caster in tvc so even despite their moderate level of difficulty they are without a doubt the best caster to pick up if you're looking to venture into arena joining warlocks next up in our moderate tier is going to be mage the most dominant mage spec is without a doubt frost although we may see some palm pyro shenanigans early on where a warlock for the most part maximizes their sustained damage mage is all about the burst a perfect symphony of control with crowd control from polymorph slows and novas combined with the huge burst damage from a frost bolt into iceland's shatter again a very strong class similar to warlock in a sense but the problem with mage is that where warlocks are so durable mages are the opposite if a warrior or a rogue or any melee is on you then you're going to have a bad time but that's where the difficulty lays you're going to have to be controlling the pace of the game kiting enemies avoiding damage landing crowd control and then picking and choosing when to unload your burst and if you're not used to arena or pvp in general this is going to add an extra layer of difficulty mindlessly doing damage and not avoiding it will cause you to lose most matchups or landing any crowd control not to mention covering it with winter's chill but even then once you've mastered kiting enemies with blink combined with your novas and slows mage is a very strong class up there with warlocks for arguably the best caster although the barrier of entry is definitely a lot bigger than that of warlock or one of our easy tier melees but the strength of mage is what prevails and despite their relatively moderate difficulty keeps them pretty low on our easy to hard tier list but will definitely take a few games to get the hang of next up joining mages and warlocks in our moderate tier we have yet another cloth wearer and our first healer priests priests have two viable specs in tpc shadow dps hybrid and disc the primary healing spec first let's talk about disc disciplined priests are your standard offensive based healer being the only healer that can both dispel and purge magic effects compared to other healers you also offer a lot of damage from your mind blast and shadow word death in terms of actual healing output for the most part it's all instant and reactive which makes priest relatively easy you've got prayer mending power word shield and renew which can buy you a lot of time to cast flash heal or greater heal if you need to but where the difficulty in priest lies is knowing when and how to play aggressive sitting back and healing isn't how the priest plays so you're going to be needing to keep your team out of crowd control assisting with damage or mana burn and even looking to crowd control a psychic scream or mind control and then when doing so you'll also have to be taking your mana into consideration why priests is so low in our difficulty despite having to learn where and when to play aggressive is the fact that they are just absurdly strong healing in tbc is very much a two horse race and priest is the easiest of the two contenders so if you want a good starting healer it's definitely going to be the priest then for shadow priests again it's basically the same thing where disc is a damage healer hybrid that focuses primarily on the healing aspect both specs share all the same abilities in terms of healing and utility shadow instead focuses on the damage portion of the class rotation wise in order to deal your damage as a shadow priest it's pretty simple the same with pretty much all specs but the difficulty again comes attached to the whole hybrid playstyle you'll have to be ready to dispel your healer or dps from crowd control purge important buffs set up good kill attempts with your silence and psychic scream keep your damage over time effects up and even knowing when to help with burst the hardest part of shadow though is your mana management keeping dots up dispelling and even bursting all cost a lot of mana and you can burn through it very fast leaving you useless for the rest of the game shadow isn't overly strong especially in early seasons but if you want the full hybrid experience shadow is about as good as it gets our final class making it into the upper end of our moderate tier is going to be shaman shaman as a whole in tbc isn't too strong although all three specs so enhancement restoration and elemental can be played they're all not really what you would consider meta one thing all three specs have in common is that they heavily revolve around supporting their teams you're going to have to be managing your totems so having grounding down for important casts putting tremor down in good places for fears and making sure to have the correct totem down for different circumstances be it offensively or defensively you're also going to have to be very good at keeping track of enemy casts and shutting them down all three shaman specs have earth shock the lowest cooldown interrupt in the game the difficulty in shaman as a whole is greatly attributed to its strength or lack thereof as we mentioned all three specs of shaman are not considered to be meta but each spec of shaman comes with its own challenges restoration for instance has very limited instant healing output in fact the only instant heal you have comes from earth shield which can just be purged so if you're not used to kiting in order to survive or faking interrupts you'll find it very hard to heal the only thing that makes restoration even playable is your ability to help offensively so purging buffs keeping enemies slowed and interrupted and buffing your team with totems and bloodlust then for elemental you've got all the same problems but even worse all of your damage is for the most part revolving around a one-shot with nature's swiftness and elemental mastery which means setting up your burst and bursting at the right times is a big part of the difficulty other than that it's super hard to not only survive as you have no major defensives and no mobility but also to get any relevant damage out as if a melee sits on you the only instant damage that you have comes from your shocks outside of your one shot however elemental for those reasons isn't really something you'll see too often in any bracket other than fives that being said though they are very effective in 5v5 and even battlegrounds so it just depends on what bracket you want to focus on but if you're looking to pick up a caster for arena elemental isn't one you'll be able to easily pick up and do well on both due to their strength and combined with how user-friendly they are and last but not least we've then got enhancement enhancement fits the role of a support melee you'll be running at targets with your team focusing on shutting them down with totems and earth shock and just generally giving your allies buffs with totems your rotation consists of shocks auto attacks and storm strike relying heavily on rng procs to score kills the level of difficulty again comes for the most part from the combination of managing totems and interrupts combined with the rest of your utility with your ability to survive so how well you can kite how well you can swap to shield before stuns and just generally like with all shaman specs you're not one of the top tier melee so naturally it will be a lot harder to pick up and do well on okay then so to recap our moderate tier we've got warlock mage priest and shaman warlock and mage are undeniably the two strongest casters but when compared to the classes in our easy tier require a little more in order to be successful with whereas priest comes in at the strongest and easiest healer to pick up at entry level shaman on the other hand while easy rotation wise brings some added difficulty managing totems and just the general weaknesses of all three specs do not help the difficulty then finally we have our hard tier these three classes are all amongst the hardest to play at an entry level for multiple reasons it could be down to their strength and how hard it is to be successful or just the depth of skill required in order to perform at a basic level first of which is primarily for the latter reason paladin paladins can play both retribution and holy but much like shaman both are extremely weak in the meta let's start with retribution ret is much like enhancement in the fact that it kind of takes a support based melee approach you've got the ability to dispel magic effects on your teammates so keeping your healer your dps or even yourself out of crowd control becomes one of your main roles on top of that you've still got all the standard blessings so sacrifice freedom and protection giving you a lot of cooldowns to manage for both yourself and your teammates on top of all this utility the damage rotation from a rat is not something you can just easily pick up and takes lots of practice this is due to most of your damage coming from what is called seal twisting to prevent going too in depth here seal twisting is the process of tracking your auto attacks with swapping seals without doing this your damage is pretty irrelevant but having all this utility and a very challenging damage rotation to master isn't the only complexity to rat you're gonna have to combine it at opportune times with your hammer of justice and repentance so there is even more setup involved plain and simple if you expect to pick up a rhett for the first time go into arena and do well you're gonna have a very big shock talking of shocks holy paladin is one of the hardest healers to do well also predominantly because they're just very weak you've got the ability to keep your team out of magic cc and roots and even judgment of justice to help with druid's kiting but what makes paladin so hard to do well on despite their weaknesses is how they heal paladin is like shaman but even worse they have one instant heal holy shock and that's only every 15 seconds outside of that you're going to have to spend all your time casting in order to get any throughput out which makes them very prime targets to be focused and tunneled down making the barrier of entry very challenging and even if you do master holy or even rhett for that matter the reward just isn't there you'll be trying twice as hard as some other classes and won't reap any reward joining paladin in our hardest tier we've got a class often considered by many very easy hunters and that's because it is well at least for the first few weeks when beast mastery is viable low resilience levels means hunter can easily burst people down with their pet while being immune to all crowd control but let's talk long term here after the first couple weeks when hunters are swapping to either mm or sometimes survival the class becomes the most challenging dps the main reason for this is something called a dead zone vanilla players will be very familiar with this but essentially what this is is that if a player is within five yards of you you're unable to use any ranged attacks what makes this worse is that hunter hasn't got an easy way to build distance outside of entrapment or scatter shot so once somebody is on you you've got very limited options then to make matters worse in order to both use your auto attacks and aimed shot you're going to have to be stationary not to mention there is no such thing as trap launcher so every trap you place is melee range so in order to land any crowd control it's going to have to be done by getting on top of the target so in order to be successful you're going to have to find the perfect balance between kiting surviving dealing damage and also securing crowd control and god forbid if players just hug pillars then your life turns into a nightmare then last but not least we've got arguably the strongest healer in the game or well at least joint with priest druids in pvp druids are for the most part forced into playing one spec restoration balance and feral sadly just do not have a place so we're not going to spend too much time on them balance's nearest rendition is a cross between restoration and balance you'll be healing for the most part but also assisting with some damage a full balanced druid caster though is very lackluster in arena and then for feral it's almost like a flex spec between a dps healer and almost a tank but just lack any real pressure while also having huge mana issues okay then so why have we ranked druid or more specifically restoration as the hardest class in pvp despite its very obvious strength all of your healing is instant and comes from life blooms rejuvenation and swift men so you can just look to spam instant heals and keep yourself or your team alive and do relatively decent at a beginner level but that's not what druids is about druid at its core has a ton of depth you're going to be required to keep your team aggressive reduce damage with crowd control set up kill kite enemies around and just in general control the pace of the game all while still keeping your team alive the kit just has everything cyclone brings a way to crowd control healers prevent heals on low targets or even as a way to keep your team alive entangling roots can also be used the same way either to help your team connect or to reduce damage and you've got all these forms so you can lock down a target with pounce or maim inside cat form jump into bear and be more durable with frenzied regeneration and use your feral charge to root targets or interrupt casts travel form to gain some increased movement speed and kite enemies having all these tools that you're expected to use in arena can just be very daunting and thus makes druid one of the hardest classes for any player looking to enter pvp alright then guys that's going to be the conclusion of our easiest to hardest classes for entry level arena pvp on screen now you'll see a quick recap of our finalized rankings remember though this is just our opinion so let us know what you think in the comments and if you'd like to see another easy to heart tier list but with more focus on experienced players but for now thanks for watching and we'll see in the next one
Channel: Skill Capped WoW PvP Guides
Views: 157,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, wow tier list, wow best class, wow pvp guide, pvp tier list, wow best pvp class, wow pvp, wow guide, wow arena, tier list, dps, solo pvp, tbc tier list, the burning crusade tier list, the burning crusade, tbc, wow tbc, tbc pvp, tbc pvp tier list, tier list tbc, tbc classic, classic tbc, wow classic tbc, tbc beta, wow tbc classic, tbc pre patch, burning crusade, pvp, burning crusade classic, easiest class
Id: wR8IQGatk00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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