EASIEST How To Make Yogurt In The Instant Pot

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back today I'm going to talk you through my entire process of how I make super creamy delicious amazing homemade yogurt these instant pot recipes have been requested more than anything else over on my Instagram make sure you're following over there but the recipes that I've been sharing over on insta stories have been getting so much love thank you guys so much and yeah that's what prompted this video so without further ado let's get straight into it so you saw my finished yogurt that's what the finished product looks like I love like a really thick creamy just like luscious yogurt and love topping it with a little bit of honey some like fresh berries or even just a little bit of my blackberry preserves we make them during the summer so I've got them fresh right now now when I'm making yogurt for the kids I usually like to blend it up and just have it ready on hand with honey already mixed in or maybe a fruit already mixed in but you can totally customize it up to you I'll show you how I mix everything at the end but let's get started first off with how I make a yogurt just plain the beginning and then we'll add that later so I'm using the instant pot to make yogurt and this thing has totally changed the game for making yogurt in fact for a few years I wasn't even making homemade yogurt because it's difficult to keep it for a long time at the same temperature and with four kids running around it gets it gets pretty complicated but because this thing is able to hold the temperature for so long you can even do your yogurt in here for up to 24 hours it just really makes it easier so I'm gonna add a half gallon of whole milk into my instant pot and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go over and press this saute button over here so it's going to heat up from the bottom and basically what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna wish this milk until it gets all the way up to 180 degrees usually i'll you know stir it a couple minutes later i'll come back and stir it some more after about let's say ten minutes then i'm gonna start using the thermometer and getting engaged for we're at that but once it's up to 180 then we'll know it's ready so as far as equipment goes of course we need the instant pot and this has a stainless steel bowl inside so everything is done the entire process of cooking is done inside there you'll also need a thermometer that goes all the way up to hundred and eighty degrees and I honestly will be upgrading very very soon to an instant-read thermometer I've seen some cool ones on Amazon but right now I've just got this little stick thermometer so that's what I'll be using you also need a quarter cup if you're doing a half gallon or if you're making a full gallon which a lot of times that's the recipe we use but I figure most of you guys don't have quite as been in your family we'll start with the smaller version so for this recipe with half gallon you'll use a quarter cup of plain yogurt I would recommend buying your favorite variety like your favorite from the grocery store right and the yogurt you make will taste almost exactly like that and make sure you get a plain version and make sure you save it while it's playing don't save it after you've added honey or anything else like that because really you just want the straight yogurt culture of course you also need your whisk and something to store it in after usually I'll just put our yogurt in the half gallon containers or you can also use quart jars just glass ones that you can steal and put in the fridge and it'll keep about a week that's usually how long we'll keep it in the refrigerator also a very very important tool that I've been using now to get our really really thick like amazingly creamy Greek yogurt is this euro cuisine Greek yogurt strainer I got this one also on Amazon once the yogurt is done fermenting all I have to do is string it through here and then usually I'll dump the way off some people save the way for other cooking projects but I'll usually dump off the first straining and then I let this sit in the frigerator you can let it sit in there for like a few hours all the way up to like overnight and it will just get thicker and thicker and creamier and amazing and you really have a concentrated high source of protein and you do that which is just amazing it tastes so good and you can actually with this thing you can turn your yogurt into like cream cheese or even an actual like soft cheese there's lots of routes you can go with it anyway so I will go ahead and walk through the rest of the process once we get to 180 degrees so I will see you soon all right now the milk is definitely starting to look more frothy and our temperature is reading a hundred and eighty degrees so I'm going to go ahead and put cancel on the instant pot and actually like to take the pot completely out of the pressure cooker and I like to let this cool down and again I'm just going to keep whisking it just to make sure that nothing is gonna stick to the bottom as its cooling I just pump in every few minutes when I walk through the kitchen and I'll stir it and we're gonna let this cool back down now to about 115 degrees and then that's we're going to go ahead and add in our starter culture the reason for heating it up to the hundred eighty degrees is just to kill off any bacteria that could have somehow gotten into the milk and since we're gonna be fermenting this and letting it do its thing make a culture and letting the starter culture and ovulate the entire half gallon of milk we want to make sure you don't have any funky bacteria in there too that could also be growing so at this point now that the milk has basically been sanitized we want to make sure that we're not going to be doing anything with utensils that aren't well cleaned and we're just gonna go ahead and let this sit and I'll see you back here in a few more minutes alright guys we are down to 115 degrees so I'm just gonna go ahead and set this back in our instant pot now we're going to go ahead and grab our quarter cup of yogurt and we're gonna go ahead and add this straight on into the so I'm just gonna go ahead and scoop that right in and then we'll use the whisk to make sure it gets distributed really well you know mommy's gonna do this part honey okay then we're all done that's all you need to do with the milk and the yogurt by the way you keep seeing me put probably our whisk and stuff into a container that's just because I don't like setting it down like introducing other bacteria and stuff so that's why I'm always setting them in a container also after it got to temperature I switch the whisk up like I'll rinse it and put it in a new one that's just something I kind of do maybe as a germaphobe next up we were just gonna go ahead and put on our lid on to the instant pot well notice also I took off our seal so we don't want the seal when we're making something in like yogurt we're also not going to be turning this back towards sealing because we want this fill to vent because we're making yogurt so we don't have to seal the vent and we don't have to use this also I've heard that it can put a lot of funky taste into the yogurt like if you've made luckily your chicken so we don't want that either all right so we've got our instant pot one venting we're gonna go ahead and turn this so now that it's in the right position to actually do the yogurt we're gonna click the yogurt button as I'm sure you would have sumed and then you can do this actually all the way up to 24 hours so usually I'll just set it for the 24 hours but most of the time I'm taking it out at the earliest I would do about 12 hours if not 18 the longer you do it the more of the lactose that's gonna take out so in my opinion the longer the better but it's totally up to your personal preference I've heard it can get a bit sour by the time you get to 24 hours but if you're sensitive to lactose the longer you do your yogurt the better that will be for digestion and such so all right now that we've got everything set up we're just gonna go ahead and let this sit the instant pot does everything that you need to keep it at the perfect temperature to incubate the yogurt and so all good bacteria can really get throughout the milk I'll see you guys tomorrow so our yogurt had just under 23 hours to run I'm hitting cancel and then we can go ahead and open up the top of our instant pot this yogurt is amazing it's so creamy after this amount of time it's thick the amount of probiotics in here is just insane and it's just awesome that you can make it for so cheap at home so I'm just kind of stirring it up just to show you guys the texture if you have it run for like let's say 12 hours it's gonna be a little bit more separated and it's gonna be a little bit more runny but once you strain it it will be super thick and super nice so I'm just pouring it into my strainer here I really like this one in particular that I got on Amazon because it's got a stainless steel mesh anyway so I let mine sit in the refrigerator for let's say like 12 hours I did it overnight some people saved the way I haven't really found a good use for that yet so I just go ahead and discard that and then we are left with this amazing super thick creamy Greek yogurt I'm adding some honey in here and then I'm also gonna add in some fresh raspberry preserves that I had made earlier this year you could also use fresh raspberries if you like I'm whipping it up with just a whisk and then I'm putting it in my containers you could also use an immersion blender if you want something creamy or mixing your preserves right after it's done which I kind of like the look of for my yogurts anyways guys if you like the video give it a thumbs up and subscribe and I'll see you all soon
Channel: Naturally Brittany
Views: 867,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make yogurt in the instant pot, instant pot, instant pot yogurt, how to make homemade fermented foods, instant pot yogurt recipes, instant pot yogurt indian, homemade fermented yogurt, instant pot 101, instant pot beginner recipes, instant pot recipe, homemade yogurt, instant pot greek yogurt recipe, how to make thick yogurt in the instant pot, instant pot for beginners, how to make homemade yogurt, EASIEST How To Make Yogurt In The Instant Pot, yogurt recipe instant pot
Id: 33w8ivgJO-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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