Another Plant Swap HAUL 🌿 Huge House Plant Swap Haul 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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and today we are road tripping venturing afar to a far away land the land of Scots I'd just like to take a moment to State the obvious this is not my typical filming conditions and for that reason the audio starts off slightly patchy it does get better as the video continues I promise we are currently in a tent but that we are did daddy describing maybe not hello everyone and welcome back to my channel if you're new here hi my name's Claire and this is Yoli and this is Ross I make videos all about house plant care sharing tips and tricks I've learned over the years to help keep your plants happy and healthy and in today's video we're going to another plant swap which is the fourth plant swap they've done now and this one's in Scotland and we are as you can probably tell not going straight there we've done a little road trip and I didn't get around to filming the plants that I was taking beforehand so we are doing this part of the video in the tent are you excited for the next dance uh assuming we make it there I don't Blow Away Journey so far but yeah gonna take you through everything that I'm bringing and then we're going to take you to the swap itself and then we will show you what we come away with so yeah I hope you enjoy it let's get into it [Music] so I'm just going to take you through what I'm bringing fairly quickly because obviously audio in here is not fantastic it is a little bit windy and stormy at the time we're filming this but I haven't brought as much as I usually bring and I've also gone with some kind of more probably on the whole more common house plants this time but this is a monstera deliciosa elbow and I've got a few cuttings of this and I've also taken a couple of wet sticks which is basically where it's a section in fact I will find it and I don't know what a wet stick is you've told me about a wet stick okay it will grow into a plant okay so when lie I haven't got wet sticks I left those at home but I've got several leaf cutting several other Leaf cuttings this one's just a top cutting and it's got a lovely movies on Sterling oh my goodness it's awful so the next one I've just got a few little florified and chromosome variedartas spider plant cuttings and mine's giving me loads of baby behind it so I'm perhaps up quite a few of those and I'm going to be bringing those and I decided to bring some philodendron jelly horn cuttings and these are some of the ones that I got in my you know I did a recipe box recently and I chopped up the big the biggest section of the plant and I also picked up some cartons of this from the last plants one so I've got quite a few so I decided to bring a couple of these just because I've got enough to be able to grow my own big phallic plant and then I bought a couple of ZZ plant cuttings again none of these are rooted I was gonna go kind of like go through my prop box and pull some stuff out but in the end I just ran out of time and then I've got some wrapper for a Tetris Burma I've got some of those cuttings also known as monstera Minima see I think I've got three of those and I'm also bringing some Fila London brancy Allen cuttings I've got one leaf cutter like this and then I've got a big Runner that I'm just gonna chop into wet sticks and I'm taking that that was a really pretty one I think it looks quite Bluey I know you would probably disagree yep to disagree what color do you guys think that is because I think that is silvery blue and Ross always think for a starter green that's green it's not green it's silvery blue hold it next to that and you can see it's green it's a different green it's green let me know what you think in the comments because I think that's blue uh but then I've got a couple of Hoya Bella cuttings again this one propagates and grows so so quickly so I feel like they're just very easy robust ones to take the spot and it's it's one of my favorite Hoyas and then the last two are kind of full plants one's a very small one and I actually got this one off the free table at the last plants walk um it's a crassula I'll put that in there um watch strap or Watch chain or something and I think it's really really lovely but I'm just kind of trying to declass my collection a little bit at the moment and it's just one that's just kind of there and I feel like it's not making me that happy and I'm just caring for it kind of out of habit and then finally the big price this is my philodendron Florida green potted with a section of Philadelphia and Florida ghost and again this is another bit that I got in my rare plant box recently and I do really like it but again it's just I it's just kind of like it's quite cool isn't it all right I like it but it's not making me that happy and like we just said about this one it's I'm just trying to clear a bit of space at the moment so yeah that's what we're taking it should be a really fun day and we are very excited about it so yeah we will bring you with us and let you know how it goes and then we'll show you what we get stay sexy part lovers [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] they see me swapping they eaten to make sure you're not grabbing plants trying to stop you grab and playing pick it up a pagonia maybe you feels under Mexico so we've just got back from the plant swap it was I mean I said we've just got back to the plants what we made it into a very long very long trip surroundings well that's what we do is um if you're on patreon you'll know on the patreon because we did a bit of vlogging before and after the Swap and it has been eventful it's been a tad event yes we've had all of the weather oh we have all of it will happen within four days but we have come back from the plant swap with some really really lovely plants three people we've got a very good haul here so yeah we will take you through some of the things that we got okay so I got this plant which I think Thomas brought this to the swap I tried to keep better logs off my swaps this time and in fact I say that I tried to keep track of who who gave me what and who I gave what to who gave what and who gave what to who thank you Ross but I I didn't actually do much physical swapping it was mainly just kind of like a you take this and I'll maybe take something from you or I'll get something from someone else it was kind of just like um yeah like the the term swap was a little bit slightly different with this one so someone might it was more of a some degree it's like a pay it forward to the system so if you had something someone would happily kind of let you have it not necessarily take something from your table but then kind of repay that favor to somebody else so stops were done but perhaps not just between two people perhaps through multiple people yeah but everyone sort of walked away with the thing that they clearly wanted which would be quite nice some people would like some people were doing the kind of like do you want the swap for this yes no kind of thing but a lot of people like us were just kind of giving things and receiving things and it just kind of worked quite well so yes as I say Thomas brought this to the swap I think and it ended up on the free table at the end and I just saw it and I thought it looked beautiful and I wrote down the name of it uh yeah it's a philodendron Mini Peach tunnel which I don't think I've ever heard of before but it looks very similar to a philodendron that I picked up at the last plant swap that was actually on the free table as well so I'm kind of thinking I'll watch it grow and mature vitamin C at free table there's there's some good stuff ready table was amazing wasn't that I mean we were trying to actually get people to take stuff at the end because there was so much stuff left on that and like really good plants the first thing that I acquired at the flags vault the first thing you required the first thing that I look like well the first thing I technically required I was I was given this which was rather sweet uh because uh Tash was there and I'd seen the video that just went up of us talking about how I have a collection of now pink pants well there were a few non-peak ones here these they're very pretty and they're very pink aren't they um and you are going to tell me what they are because I can't remember I actually only so this one here I know because I've had it before is an alternative party time um and this one it's really important yeah I thought that was just a joke that was like the genus is there a but I think part I mean correct me if I'm wrong but party time is just kind of the common name for us I think and my guess would be that this is also some type of old man Thera uh it's beautiful but I'm not entirely sure this is blazing lime Blaze blazing lime I don't know if that's the name of the plot I don't know all I know is that they were very sweet and uh very very very very nice to be given these ones yeah it's so lovely and they're totally you as well aren't they well yeah absolutely like again my typical starts was walk around and look for that the pink ones when I could find yeah and it was nice that someone sort of acknowledged that I like them too so it was really really sweet attached to uh yeah to give these to me yeah I think like yeah if you look at the structure of them I think they're both often unfair but as I say please correct and let us know if you know I haven't got names for these ones yet ah what should their names be I'm desperately trying to name my like name them like cool things but that's why I don't want to do them too soon yeah so I will think about them not yet get to know them exactly some stand out some need a minute because it's something that I got very early on and it was just adorable and I don't usually share things like non like actual plants things that maybe Come Away With It swaps but this is just peaceful she may be this key ring and it's a variegated allocation fry deck and it's a little Yoli and I just thought that was the loveliest thing and I actually one of you guys very kindly made me a key ring at the last plant soft as well and that's the one that I'm currently using so I'm gonna put this on the chain with it and have lots of lovely you've got a rather nice collection I know it just looks beautiful it is okay okay this is one that I'm really really excited about and I got two cuttings of it over in fact four cuttings two groups together and one is rooted and one is not and it is an epiphylum akamania and I got these from Angela and they're kind of I mean you can tell they're epiphylomy that kind of looks like a really chunky fishbone Cactus but I saw a plant actually when we went to uh Hugo and green the plant shop recently I saw one there that looked very similar to this and I didn't know what it was called and I did find out the name and I will put a picture of it in and I'll put the name on the screen because I was really trying to work out what that plant was but yeah I saw this one and it reminded me of that and I love jungle cacti I'm really excited about this one I'm so excited to watch it grow and yeah I'm hoping it should do really well because I've got other epiphylums that have done pretty well in my environment so yeah it's just so chunky and beefy and cool it's another one of these ones that baffles me that you it's just a leaf that you're going to grow into a plant like yeah and feel it as well it's really kind of thick and robust uh I am going to pick up because like these ones I like sort out when I got there yeah so I'm going to pick these two which are either and these are easy for me to remember these are obviously string of Hearts because they look like strings of hearts posting it yeah yeah look at those beautiful ones yeah go on then I'll remember that let's do it yeah I'm pronouncing that wrong foreign yes that's right which is rather nice for and uh and yes so no I said like on the other side of them they are a little bit pink wait you can see so that suits me a little bit and I thought they were quite sweet and they grew they can get quite bitter them I thought that some people had like larger ones um someone had one with hearts that were like that big they were huge and we do have names for these ones this is Helena and this is Perry let me say we like I had apart from this neighboring after hell in the bottom Carter and Christina Perry in case anyone was curious Jar of Hearts and queen of hearts and she played the Queen of Hearts yeah they're beautiful they're also such low maintenance plants key is to essentially leave them alone because they are actually their semi succulents they feel their legs although they look very familiar yeah they should be quite uh brittle but they're not they're quite sturdy bastard miserable robust in this modern world one requires a robust heart okay so this might not seem particularly exciting but so I I brought lots of variegated spider plant cuttings to the plant Swap and I did manage to get rid of the ones that I came with however at the end on the free table there were lots left and I didn't want them to be thrown away I didn't want that I didn't want them to just be left there so I've come back with loads more than I actually took which is a little bit frustrating since I've got like a million babies already they've got more up there yeah but they are beautiful plants I'm thinking of maybe giving some to my neighbors if you would like a spider plant Ross well I mean we've already I've already said I would and I'm naming them Parker yeah I think there are probably about seven or eight in here but they're all rooting nicely and they're just I find them really easy plants to grow I think they're very rewarding plants to grow I really like them and now I have lots and very quickly while we are on the note of spider plants I also came back with just a green non-variegated spider plant because again this was one that was on the free table I'm pretty sure towards the end and again I just wanted to save it so we have lots of uh these another though you insisted but I can't see why this was another free table job which is B and I well I think trada scantia yes uh because I already have one but I have a different kind of one don't know so the one I've got the one in my office I have uh Charlie's going to the zabrina you do right you do and uh but these ones are I don't know if they're different but they're certainly different color the ones I've got it uh the ones I already have are quite Deep Purple so even these are going to turn deep purple green yeah whereas these ones are a little bit more lilac lilac lilac I know words is that wrong I always say lilac but that's just a pronunciation thing I'll be doing this again so yes I got these ones uh which I apparently you're going to help me with because at the moment these have got nothing kind of coming out the bottom navigation propagation that's needed here yes because they are fresh cut and they are very very easy to root well I would personally probably do is just take off the lower leaves and the points the little kind of bump on the stem buy where the leaf joins the main stem that is called the node the node and that is where Roots will go from and I personally just propagate try to sculpture in water I just pop them in water and watch them root and then pop them up now I'm in the node I'm not massive on tradis Country myself because I'm not a huge one for colorful plants if anybody knows then please do let us know in the comments because they're very easy nodes and yes and this one that I got I'm pretty sure I got this from Corin it's a talancia label Diana Maura and I've never had this type of plant before to my knowledge and at the moment it's very small but I was looking at some pictures of them full and grown and they do look really beautiful so I'm gonna give it a go it feels quite so succulenty I mean they do they're kind of self like self-heading they kind of like as in there's not a you can see there's not like a main stem that you can see and I'm pretty sure they continue to grow like that unless they lose leaves around the bottom so they're quite like bushy and full I'll put a picture of one that's kind of mature on the screen but yeah it's it's one that I don't have in my collection and I'm intrigued about one more time what's it called it's called a talancia label ziana's next swap you could take a cutting and then there'd be more of them okay however I'm not sure I'm not sure how easily this one can be propagated through cuttings if we take your Travis cancer for example as you can see there's a very clearly defined main stem and clear neutral points where Roots can grow from I'm not sure how easy it would be I'm sure it's possible but I don't know how easy it would be to do with this but this is not a clear stem and the nodes aren't particularly clearly defined so there would be no more of them no Maura give it a go we could try propagating it and see what happens but yeah if you guys have got experience with propagating this plant do let me know or if you've got any growing tips then please do comment them down below because I currently don't know a lot about it but what else have you got Ross on your side of the table quite a lot you've got quite a bit Good Hope this one was a gift from Emma Queen of the plant swap Co Queen again Lisa did such a brilliant such a brilliant job at organizing another amazing Swap and obviously this one was in Scotland so it wasn't on him but they had to go in to like get it to like yeah to get it there to like come up with all the stuff to get it organized like obviously be in London it it's amazing that it was it went up it went without a hitch and it's amazing that it did yeah it just closed so well there were so many lovely people there it was so great to meet some of you guys as well yeah it was just a wonderful a wonderful day yeah I I don't know what this is I do because she told me when you first got it yeah that's because Emma said it um you pooped think of I think of friends what's the sofa called what's the sofa what did the armchair Joey's armchair his favorite armchair I don't know I would never have guessed that Hoya Rosita Rosita have I got something similar to this one because it because it looks like one of those that you first got me yeah I'm using you're thinking of the variegated lipstick plants the ace cannotis marmaratus and I'm actually not quite sure what the discoloration is on the back of that leaf um I'm not entirely sure but um the Hoya Rosita it naturally grows I mean if it's grown in kind of just like normal room lighting conditions like this room for example it's quite a dark green plant but this one has obviously been grown in like higher light and so Sun stressed it goes quite kind of ready pinky particularly on the new growth there and on the backs of some of the leaves so you can see kind of a lovely pinky tinge to it so yeah if you keep it in highlight it should continue to grow lovely and Pinky for you I'm not sure my flat has that but I will give it a go stick it right where they're working lights plant cell anyway thanks in then I got what I assume is a Thanksgiving Cactus I've never actually had one before but I just again I think this this again was on the free table so much stuff I got came from the free table but I just saw this little cutting and as I say I've I've never had one before and yeah so I'm pretty sure it's a Thanksgiving Cactus just because I know true Christmas cacti are quite hard to come by nowadays and most of the ones that you come across are actually Thanksgiving Cactus I just think it's lovely it produces the most beautiful blooms as well beautiful blooms and let's put a picture on the screen because the view [Music] so yeah I'm really excited about that at the moment it doesn't look like much and it needs some hydrating and some rooting but it's lovely yeah uh this one which I think everyone would have got one of these to some degree because this one came in the goodie bag which is why if you haven't gone to a plant swap you do get fun stuff you do they get great goodie bags and what's handy is it tells you what this one is which is a monstera sadly Anna yeah Stanley Anna which looks like that that one's actually got beautiful variegation on it [Music] so yeah it came part of the goodie bag one of many things within the goodie bag yeah for your ticket I was gonna say I'll put I'll put some clips in of other things that came in the goodie bag but they had gorgeous trellises and vouchers like soil ninja stuff yeah yeah so that came within that and then and you get your raffle tickets as well which we will come to but yeah no you get you get a lot of fun stuff in there one of which beard upon yeah and this one is such a fast grower once it gets going but in my experience is so slow to Roots like I got some cuttings of monster study on it in fact I now have the plant oh here's what I made earlier here's what I made earlier um yeah so this is my full clothes of it now but I got some cuttings at the first plant swap I think and no word of a lie they took like nine months to root they took such a long time I lost some leaves um I just didn't think it was going to do anything but once it got going and I pushed it up it's now growing very very quickly there goes it's hydration cup there goes that technical hydration you've got working for my gosh I mean we have been away for five six days it's a little bit in fact bone dry at the moment well thanks for a glimpse into my future then because it sounds like it's going to be a little bit stressful for the first just just stick with it stick with it light heat humidity all the good stuff oils just seem to be very exciting going on in my cabinet but I we'll look at that after this because it's not related to this video it's just an exciting plant update okay we'll be right back what else did I get I got this we both got one of those actually yeah and these were from Lydia who also was taking photos of the events and I haven't seen the photos yet but Emma and Lisa were saying the photos are amazing well it's bigger than yours they're a little bit droopy at the moment because they haven't well they've been in the car for the last few days but I think all things considered most of the plants have actually traveled very well but this is a begonia Maori Haze but just look at those leaves they're so beautiful and they've just got like a very nice for me like a very nice level of purple without it being like too like bam in your face and overwhelming reddish more than anything else kind of you see colors differently to everyone else than you no I I think you do um blue plants there are blue plants well I think we've already had this discussion actually at the beginning of this video still having it yeah okay well what do you think what do you guys let us know because just slipped up for a second allocation don't edit that in I was gonna say You're Gonna you can't swear on my channel but no this is a really gorgeous begonia and I think once it's got into some water it will perk up very very quickly they are very responsive usually when you put them in water they just kind of rehydrate and also my experience water watering rooting begonias in water is the best way to do it I've I've Had The Heights oh my God the highest success rate doing it that way so I would recommend that that's how you prop yours that's how I'm going to be propping mine these came from Corum one of them has well that one technically came from the free table but I assume you probably came from you're right but they do look like similar places this one is called a echeveria elegant that's that's I often when I say very I'll often get people correcting me but that's how I think yeah that one's taking a slight battering on the way back however taking a kick in what you can do is these little leaves that are coming off if you just pop them actually on top of soil or on top of some damp Kitchen on just spray them every now and then they will start to root and you'll get a whole new plant from them I don't know but I feel like these need like names that uh they're like connected like Mario and Luigi don't think that's what they're going to be but something like that this one oh this one is why you get extra raffle tickets I won a raffle prize and I got one of these know that you told me what it was I want to say philodendron I can't remember the rest of it Mexican yeah uh is what this is uh and this one has a name and I am calling it pom pom and why because it looks like a praying mantis and palm clementif which I've definitely said wrong plays mantis in Guardians [Music] this feels like my most exotic one I mean it's it's not as difficult to look after as some of the other ones that are clearly going off quirky and we were looking at pictures of what it looks like when it's big and mature as well weren't we can be massive that I didn't realize the moving of the leaves and it's just it's beautiful so yeah really excited to we will need by that point yeah because that's really yeah and this one again was from Lydia and it's a rapidophora decursiveer you said that really well I've got another reference your first time okay not my first time record the four room but the decursive I have never had before and currently this is what it's looking like but again I'll put some pictures on the screen of what it looks like when it's kind of good and growing but reference for it in my experience are really really Hardy plants they're very easy to grow they tend to be quite fast growing as well so yeah although it just looks like a leaf in the pot currently I'm really intrigued and excited about it and that is me complete again another free table a lot of our stuff comes from the free table really really great stuff on the free table and like I think because we were just giving plants if someone just said oh I like that would you consider swapping that for that would you say oh just take it we'll come and look at yours later so a lot of the stuff that we got was from the free table but a lot of the stuff on the free table was really awesome anyway the last one the last one the last one last plants a free table job yeah which again I thought was quite fun it looks exotic it probably isn't but it's this which is commonly known as the jade plant plan why is that I I don't know I can only assume that perhaps because I'm stressed trusted but it's Latin name is crassula ovata that's another potion isn't it but I just find this plant so fascinating because firstly it's a really really Hardy really low maintenance plant but the structure of it changes so much like I'll show you the one in fact I'll put a clipping off and I'll show you after this video the one that I've got through in my bedroom because I've got this type of plant but it looks totally different than how that one looks but it depends on like different lighting conditions like so you can kind of make it your own it's basically so you can kind of switch it up if you like it looking a certain way but this one is called Yoshi because it's kind of got like Mario Vibes about it and it's the green and the kind of scaly kind of vibe and yeah so when I looked at it I felt this is Yoshi and also again [Laughter] this one's lost a couple of leaves and again you can propagate these so easily you could literally stick them down to the soil there and they'd grow you could put them on damp soils and kitchen roll you could propagate them in water so basically Yoshi eggs oh prop in that next Plant swap boom I know it was just a really fantastic time like it's always a great time at the plant swaps but it's so nice now that they're kind of branching out and taking it to lots of different places and it's so wonderful to meet more people in the plant Community From Here There and Everywhere but yeah that was the last book and if you want to see a little bit more of a vlog of our weird weird time away in Scotland and around about in Scotland then had a head over then head on over to patreon but we hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please make sure to give it a thumbs up subscribe to my channel have a lovely day and I will see you in the next video [Music] hey sexy part lovers
Channel: The Jungle Haven
Views: 14,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Another plant swap haul and vlog, huge house plant swap haul, houseplant haul, rare plant haul, houseplant swap, unusual plant haul, houseplant chilled vlog, plant chores, Come plant swapping with me, house plant swap haul, plant trade haul, huge plant haul, come plant swapping with me, house plant trading, plant swap, house plant vlog, rare plant swap, rare plant haul uk, indoor plant swap, houseplant haul uk, amazing rare plants 2022, best house plants 2022
Id: 28vR8AHDt6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 9sec (1929 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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