Easel Live: Inlay Cutting Boards

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hello everybody welcome to ease alive this is our very first time open this up to all Inventables easel users and we are really excited for everyone that was able to join us today previously we've just done easel I've sessions for easel users who have had their easel account for 30 days or less and this is the first time we decided to see hey maybe we'll see if this is something that other people are interested in as well so thank you for taking the time to join us my name is Moe I work in the customer success department here at Inventables and I will be walking you through a project today that we have spent some time there in the office trying to refine and get to know a little bit better and that project as I'm sure you're aware are inlaid cutting boards now even though we're using them the cutting board as the project we're mostly going to talk about how to make inlays that fit really well and have good good finish on them and that you can use for multiple projects but we thought the cutting board was kind of a cool idea with all the holiday parties coming up and with a lot of gifts that are going to be given in the next few weeks we thought it would be a great idea to show you a customized gift that you can make for friends family anyone in your life as you know everyone needs extra cutting board which is kind of fat so before we get started I wanted to show you some of the examples that we have and talk to you a little bit about the kind of project we're going to be making this one my friend Sam made and it's got the shape of Illinois the state of Illinois with a little heart over Chicago which is great this is used this is a walnut wood that we used for the cutting board itself and then the Paducah thank you to everyone who corrected me in previous easel live videos the Paducah and then I believe this one here is not exactly sure what what this is it looks like maybe it might be like a bubinga so this is one project this cutting board also shows you the template that you are going to use if you're interested in grabbing that template you can go ahead there's a link in the bottom of this video and if you click the little info button in the top top right corner of your screen not sure if I'm pointing the right way there you can access the easel template there as well the other one that Sam here made is a cutting board that as eat well in Italian and this is a cool one because it uses text and text is a little bit trickier you know the more complex your in legate's the more important it is to work with some of the tolerance settings and the different things we're going to cover to make sure you get a really good fit without being too loose or not be able to get your pieces in so we can show you how to do complex shapes like this in the tutorial today and then one other thing I want to show you was this shape uses the same template this is an unfinished walnut cutting board that you can see the difference really quick in the style so we'll go through some finishing techniques so you can get that really polished look that looks super professional as opposed to the unfinished version that we have here and as I mentioned all of these cutting boards I've just shown you are using a template but is available the template is good for Carvey you can also use it an ex-cop obviously but it is designed to work in the full carving work area if you're interested in making a big bigger cutting board like this one here that my friend John made this is a this was made on an X card you could still probably carve these smaller parts out for the the inlay itself can be done on a carving but you can do these bigger sizes as well so like I said we're just going to walk you through some of the techniques that you can use and apply them to different projects so before we get started I want to talk a little bit about terminology just so we can make sure everyone's on the same page now that I said this is a slightly more advanced project that we're working on today so if you're interested in learning more about some of the techniques that we're going to show today an easel you can feel free to check out our Thanksgiving garland and our ornament easel I've videos and those will walk you through some of the more basic easel tools that we'll be using today so for this project we're going to have two parts that we're talking about the first is the insert this is usually done on its thinner hardwood you can see this is a sixteenth inch here you can also use inlay strips if you're interested in doing that we have those available in our store and the insert is going to be the piece but fits into and actually makes that inlaid look this part here is what we call the pocket and you know again these terms might be used differently for different people we're going to call them be insert in the pocket for ease of going through this webinar and the insert will fit inside the pocket when you are all finished with your project so pocket is the hole that you will have in your final product and then the insert is the quote unquote in leg that fits inside the pocket so without further ado I'm going to start my screencast with you guys and walk you through some of the things that you should know about when you get me ready for this project so let me go ahead bear with me a second here as I pop on over to our project page so this is the template here that you can use we have it posted in the forum you can also feel free to access it by going into the project's page of our website and this particular one here we've just got the six by twelve cutting board template you can see there are some pictures of the the cutting boards that we've already made and just like any other easel project that is posted on our forum if you see this blue open an easel button that's a quick and easy way to go ahead and get the project that you need so I'm going to go ahead and open that up here alright so now I've got easel open you can see my machine is set up to be a carbine I've got the smart clamp here in the corners to make sure I don't hit that and anytime you open up a project from somebody else you'll see that it's not quite possible to edit or carve this project so what you have to do is go here file and make a copy so I can have my own version of the cutting board template awesome so now this is one that I can go ahead and edit and since it's mine I'm going to go ahead and rename it here today we're going to be working on a shape of Illinois you know since we're located here in Chicago and so we're going to start with just a basic Illinois cutting board oh that's nice alright so I've got my private renamed and now I'm all set to start working on my design so now that I've got this done let's talk a little bit about material you can see that this defaulted to Walnut which is great if you're ever interested in changing your material obviously you can come up here to the materials section choose material that you want we don't have all of the materials listed in here that you can use on your machine but it's good to find something that works equivalent to what you're looking to do in this case I'm going to stick with the walnut you're interested in purchasing it you can always click on the cart that hovers over the icon as well and you'll be able to get right to the product page to purchase that if you're interested and I'm going to go ahead and show you guys really quickly our materials store you can see here that there are a wide variety of materials that we sell when you're looking at doing a cutting board specifically I would advise you to stick with the hardwoods that we offer and those will you can use these narrow your results options on the left-hand side of the screen to go ahead and pull up all the hardwoods that we offer and we also you'll see I've also selected here the inline strip in these strips are really easy way to go ahead and just add those directly you'll see there's some really beautiful patterns so if you're looking to do something with some kind of a stripe or maybe like a chevron or something you can go ahead and use these inline strips that work really well so for the cutting board we would advise you to use a thicker piece for the physical board itself in this case like I said we're dealing with a walnut I would suggest maybe going with a half-inch or maybe even a 3/4 inch depending on how thick you want the board to be and then for the decorative part I would go ahead and stick with hardwood as well but you want to look something really thin so for all of the cutting boards that I showed you in the beginning of this video we use 1/16 inch you could also go with an eighth inch if you're feeling like that's something you want to do but sixteenth inch will work just fine so we'll go back to you sorry we'll go back to easel here and we'll start working on our design so let's go ahead and add in an image trace this is a feature that we've used previously where you can add images from your computer from Facebook from Google itself we'll go ahead and hit upload file here and I'm going to use the web image search to search for Illinois State okay pull that up as we talked about previously when you're looking for an image to import with the image import tool it's good to find something with a high contrast so even though I've got a yellow version here that probably won't do so well with the white background I've also got this one with a bunch of different colors so I'm going to stay away from that but this blue one looks really good so I'm going to go ahead and import that we've talked previously about some of the settings that are involved with image trays including threshold and smoothing smoothing helps to make sure that all these sort of sharp parts are smooth down so for this for the sake of building the tutorial I'm just going to leave this as it is but please remember when you're getting ready to make a carve that these are important features to consider I'm going to go ahead and import this into my project alright there we have it so what I'm going to do now is use an app that we have in our apps menu called inlay generator there are lots of different ways to make inlays we have built an app for you to make it really easy to get the perfect fitting inlay every time it does require a little bit of attention to your machine and making sure that the settings that work for your machine are equivalent to what you choose when you use the inlay app but you can always do a test I would suggest doing maybe something small like a circle with a circle pocket just so you can learn the settings that we want to use on your specific machine but like I said for the sake of this webinar I'm just going to walk you through the steps on how to how to get this ready for you to start carving so the number one thing to make sure of when you are using the app for the inlay generator is to make sure that your bit size is equivalent to the bit that you're actually going to use in your machine in this case I'm going to stick with an eighth inch bit I found in previous inlay attempts it is really important to try to use the same size bit for your entire project if you try to change your bit during the carve or do like a two-step carve for for inlays it just gets a little bit complicated and it's hard to make sure that those tolerances stay the same so for this project I've got my machine set to an 8 inch bit that's perfect and now I'm going to go ahead and use the inlet generator to make sure that those settings stay the same so here's my state of Illinois when you use the inlay generator make sure you have the steak selected or the object selected that you want to make the inlay of we'll go up here to apps and I'm going to scroll down to inlay generator this one with the maple leaf so a couple different settings show up when you open up the inlay generator the one I talked about was bit size right so I want to make sure the bit size that's here matches what I have for my project in this case we're all set because 0.125 is equivalent to an 8 inch so I'm going to go ahead and keep that the most important setting to use is tolerance tolerance determines how well your two pieces are going to fit together so if you have a high tolerance that's going to make your pieces fit together looser in other words there's going to be a little bit of a gap between the pocket and the insert if you decrease the tolerance that will make your parts fit more tightly and with inlays it's important to try to get a really tight fit right from the get-go but you also don't want to make it so tight that you can't fit the insert into the pocket so tolerance is something like I said you might want to play around with a little bit on your machine to find out what tolerance works best for your particular machine all machines are a little bit different so make sure you play around with this before you try to you know use a nice piece of wood to make your inlay so while I will come back and talk a little bit more about tolerance at the end of the video for now I'm just going to go ahead and leave this at the default so go ahead and import that now you can see what happened when I use the inlay generator is I have both an outside cut here and I have a fill cut here as well as my original design so for now I'm just going to set this original design over here and I'm going to set this all the way to zero now by doing that even though it's off the screen because it's white my machine will not try to carve this piece so this is safe over here and it just means that when I go to hit simulate even though it's going to look a little weird right now you can see that the simulate feature does not show this shape over here so we frequently use this blue area and setting shapes of white is a good way to kind of keep our project organized while we're working with more complex designs so that's something to keep in mind as you start designing your project as well all right so as I said the in my app gave us two pieces here the first piece is going to be the pocket it's a fill shape and the second piece here is going to be the insert now it doesn't make sense for me to try to carve all these to try to carve the insert in the same page as the cutting board itself because I want this to be a different piece of wood which means I'm going to go ahead and have to open this up in a new file now one other thing that's important to keep in mind is that most people when they do inlays they like to play around with these settings here most inlays would require you to use an outside cut if you don't use the inlay app generator because that way you can make sure that the piece that you're cutting is the exact same size as your pocket but the great thing about the inlay generator app is there's no need to use outside the way it imports is already formatted correctly so that you can cut it with its standard settings that show up as soon as you use the inlay generator app and this is going to be the best way to make sure you get the perfect fit so there's no need to mess around with any of these settings just go ahead and use them exactly as they are the other thing that's important to know is these shapes are designed to only work with that bit that I selected in the inlay generator app which means if I suddenly decide I want to try to carve this with a sixteenth inch bit my files are not going to work correctly so it's important to make sure that you stick with the bit settings that you use when you created the in light in the inlay generator app however if you decide you want to change that it's best to just delete these shapes go back to the original file and redo the inlay generator app with those new settings so those are just important things to keep in mind so now that I've got these all set here like I said I'm going to want to move this piece into a separate object so for the sake of making sure I can keep this all organized I'm going to change this file to be called pocket and outside for now I know this project is going to be reserved for just my template so just go ahead and design here take my shape I found this rotation tool to be incredibly useful what I've been doing my cutting boards so I'm just going to go ahead and set this to 90 to rotate that nicely and I'll just place it here for now if I select multiple shapes by just clicking and dragging you can see I've got my template selected and I have my shape selected my align tools come up here so I can go ahead and work on getting those centered in the right space so now I can guarantee that this shape is centered in this cutting board all right awesome so I'm going to make a copy of this project so that I can keep this shape exactly the way it is and make sure that it's intact for when I am looking to do my in my insert card so I'm just going to go up here to file I'm going to make a copy of this project alright so you can see all my same parts are still here which is good except I don't need this part anymore at all because this project is only going to be called the insert so I'll just rename it so that when I go to do my carving it's all good and making sense to me all right so now I've got my insert should be ready to go another thing to keep in mind is that because this is going to be on a thinner piece of material I should make sure that I change all my studies up here my material dimensions are going to be the same but let's use a different piece of wood I really like the bamboo that we sell in our store so I'm gonna go ahead and go with that because I think it's a really beautiful you can kind of see it even here it's just got a really beautiful texture to it if you haven't tried that out it's a really nice piece of wood and it cuts very very well on a carving machine it's nice and it's soft but it's also durable so I've got that changed but I do need to change the thickness over here so like I said I'll be using a sixteenth inch piece of bamboo for this project so I'm going to go ahead and change that material thickness alright so you can see here this is looking good so far if you've joined us in previous easel lives you'll know that one of the things that we talked about is how tabs can be a real pain when you're trying to carve something so we frequently advise you to use double stick tape well double stick tape is not always the best way to go when you're trying to carve a really really thin piece of material like this it's we found when we were making our inlays that it really helped to use the tabs because it allowed the piece to stay secure inside the cutting surface but it also was really really easy to clean when we were all done because the material was so thin so let's just make sure I was closed or legislate that so in this particular case I'm actually going to leave the tabs on this file one thing to keep in mind is that you can change these settings here to make sure that they are you know that your tabs are easier to cut so maybe I'll just drop this down a little bit it's not quite the same thickness as my material and I think I'm going to stick with for another thing when using tabs is it's good to make sure that your tabs don't fall in really awkward places like that might be a really hard part for me to finish because it's on it it's out a curve but these these tabs here look really good so I'm going to make sure that these stay on flat parts and then I'll just see if I can reposition these tabs again just click-and-drag feel free to move them around just going to try to move these to slightly more smooth parts that'll be easier for me to clean as soon as I'm done cutting them out so the tabs will ensure as you can see from this image over here the tabs will ensure that my state of Illinois stays completely secured inside the stock material around it so that it doesn't pull up when it's cutting and it doesn't shift at all that would be a real bad thing to have happen that in light probably probably a pretty tricky situation to try to fix when you are trying to get that insert to then fit into the pocket so now that I have that all set I'm going to go ahead and make sure that our our pocket is all set to go as well so you can see here I've set this to be 0.06 to 5 so that is going to be the thickness of my insert again it's always good though to make sure you measure your material with a piece of with a what the digital calipers are great to use the reason that's really important with inlays is because you know being bean makers we like to try and do the best work possible with the least amount of finishing work so by making sure that this Z your material depth is the exact same thickness as what you're looking to do that's going to make sure that that pot that insert fits in the pocket nice and smooth and hopefully you don't have to stay on the surface off too much so if I go back here I can now go ahead and delete this insert because I've got that in my other project and since I have this all ready to go one thing I want to make sure is that the depth of this pocket matches the thickness of my insert so just to be on the safe side I'm going to go ahead and use the exact measurement here and just plug that in to be 0.0625 you can hardly see it here but it is it is showing that shape a little bit of my simulate side so that should be all set to go and that I've got all my settings set correctly in terms of my material thickness my different types of materials and my bit sizes so those are all good to go and you can see now if I hit simulate so I'm going to take about 40 minutes to carve that out which is actually pretty good that's a pretty quick quick carb I think I could also probably look at maybe using a straight edge a straight cut flute you can see it's the exact same bit diameter which is very helpful that might even drop it down a little bit more yeah now we're only looking at 18 minutes so we had used straight cut bits on all of the inlets that I showed you previously we did the finishing to be really well really really well done on that I would advise you if you are looking at using a specific kind of bit I will use the same bit even if it's the same bit diameter try to use the same bit for both your pocket and your insert that's really important to make sure those stay the same so both of these projects are now ready to fill which is super great pretty quick and easy project you can see you know somebody from state of Illinois is going to be happy to bring this home and let's go ahead I wanted to show you a few more things here if you don't mind so one of the things I want to talk about are some common issues that you're going to find with doing inlays and it's a learning game right I mean we're all makers we all enjoy the learning curve so as I'm sure you've already experienced there are some things you've got to kind of figure out as you go so one of the biggest issues with inlays is making sure that your pieces fit together as I already mentioned the tolerance is going to be really important in making that happen in all the inlays that we did here we found that our machines worked really well with the tolerance point zero zero two and what that did is it allowed us to have the pieces so that when we're trying to fit them in they don't quite fit but when we were able to apply pressure to them evenly it does work really well and they fit really snugly and we've been really happy with the way that they've turned out so as a quick example here here is a little little demo that we carved out a little hard and a little little box here so you can see as I try to put this in I have some issues with trying to get all the sides and at once but it seems like it wants to go so the best thing that we've found to do is to try to lay the piece on as evenly as possible and then use a clear sheet of acrylic like we have here put that on top of it and just apply pressure I'm not going to try and do it now because I don't think you guys are really going to be able to see it but apply even pressure we found with bigger in lace you can even just like step on the acrylic push it into place or you know something this small I could probably just put it on a table and try to insert it that way and the thing about inlays is that it's almost better if you can't quite get them to fit because it's if you have them too loose then what's going to happen is you're going to have to fill in those gaps you might have to get some wood putty or some kind of thing to make sure you fill in those gaps it could also especially in cutting boards you might have some risk of bacteria getting in there or some kind of issue with that so the closer the fit the better that is now if you're really really close you can't quite get it there are some things that you can do obviously um we have a wood finishing kit that you can buy on our store that includes mineral oil sanding block and also a rag so that you can get a really nice finish sanding blocks are great sand on some of the edges that you think might be causing you a little bit of trouble trying to get that insert to fit and go ahead and try again doesn't really take a lot in a lot of cases but you should be able to see when you're trying to get that piece in where your troubled areas are so a little bit of sanding can go a long way in terms of getting a really nice finish the other thing that I really recommend doing is I kind of showed you earlier it's getting some mineral oil mineral oil especially for cutting boards you get a really nice food-safe finish would you sell this in our store as well and you just take a little rag it doesn't take a lot at all and you can go from getting your project to look from this to something like this you know really you can really see all the grains which is beautiful I just think I don't know I just love the way will looks when it's got oil on it and this so you can see the color difference and just the overall kind of completeness of this cutting board as opposed to an unfinished cutting board so that's something really important to keep in mind the other thing that we used which is most people have this available in the shop already is we just use a little bit of wood flue to get the insert to hold inside the pocket all you got to do is just put a little wood glue here little wood wheel on the back of this insert and use that when you press in we found the wood glue to hold really well even after we've sanded everything down and gotten it ready to go so that's a good thing to keep in mind just a little bit of wood glue is the best way to keep your pocket or keep your insert inside your pocket in terms of specific woods to use when you're looking at getting a cutting board finished I would suggest do a little bit of research we all had to do a little bit of research to try to figure out what would work best for our particular projects but we did find you know hardwoods tend to be better I would stay away from oak because it's very porous and that's that's like breeding ground for bacteria so do a little bit of research stick with hardwoods if possible again no oak no soft woods you want to make sure that you have a food safe product that's also going to last you a really long time or you know your your gift giving person a really long time so that's something to keep in mind I know a lot of you have been active on the chat today which is awesome feel free to leave feedback comments over there if you have anything that you would like me to address on the air please go ahead now and add that in the chat so that I can get that question while I walk through one more thing one thing we talked about when we were promoting this easel live is that we wanted to show you how to do a two-stage insert in other words we want to show you how to take your standard illinois cutting board and add a little heart or for your favorite place illinois so we're going to show you how to do this it's a little more of an advanced technique if you follow the steps it's very easy to do and you've already got the tools you already know how to do the basic insert so as I walk through this feel free to add your questions in the chat if you'd like me to address them on the air and I'd be happy to do that when I finish this up so let's go ahead let's go back and easel and let's take a look at what we can do for getting that all started so to make things easy I'm just going to go ahead I'm going to close this out window back to my basic cutting board here I'm just going to clear the board a little bit so here I am back in my designing and I want to make sure that I'm able to get my heart in place so I'm going to start I'm going to design everything over here in the blue it doesn't seem like it makes a lot of sense but it's a really good way to keep like I said keep your project organized make sure I have everything so I'm going to start off by just making all the shapes that I'm going to need in order to build this in light so first I'm going to go into the icons because there's there's a little heart in here that we've been using for pretty much all of our all of our cutting board projects and there it is so what I'd like to do is have my final project look something like this right I'd like to have this be one in leg and then this be the second inlay so make that hard a little bit bigger so it's easier to see so I'm going to put that over Chicago where we're located here and what I'm going to want to do now is I'm going to want to make sure that everything is white so what I'm going to call this is is basically like my base project so I'm going to always leave this file completely intact the way it is and instead I'm going to just make a copy of these items so on my keyboard just going to use either command C or control C and then ctrl or command V whichever if you have a Mac or Windows you can see now I've replicated this you can also always use you know cut and paste inside easel here and first I'm going to start off by making my overall pocket so to do that I'm going to go ahead and that pocket is going to be the same shape as the heart and the state combined it's going to be one solid pocket that doesn't that doesn't account for the fact that I have to use two pieces of wood so now that I have these two I'm going to go ahead and hit edit and combine so that brings these two pieces together into one object now so that's going to be the first part that I'm going to need the second part that I'm going to need is the state of Illinois with the heart part carved out of it because this is going to be in a separate piece of wood so I'm going to go ahead do the same thing copy and paste and move that over here so since I want the cart to be cut out of the state of Illinois I'm only going to add depth to one part of the shape if you've watched previous easel live videos you can remember that we often use the white color to act as a masking to show the Machine what parts we don't want to carve and this is doing the exact same thing all we want is for this gray area to be cut out of one of the colors let's say cherry so I want this to be cut out and cherry wood and then I'll do this in a different color maybe in the bamboo or the padieu core something like that so when I combine these two shapes now you can see that that's exactly what it's going to do it basically took the shape the shape of the heart out of the part of Illinois so that this is going to be my insert so for now I'm just gonna make it a slightly different color so we can keep track of all these different parts alright so now I've got my pocket I've got my one insert and now the only other element I'm going to need is my little heart so I'm going to bring that over here too and now I've got all three parts that I need now the tricky thing is that I need to try and keep these organized when I start using the inlay generator app as I said this is my original file so I'm not going to touch this at all but I am going to need to use the inlay generator app on all three of these files so we'll start with this one and go into our apps inlay generator I'm going to keep the tolerance of this like I said and the bit size is 8th inch that's perfect you can see it gave me two files now since this is the overall pocket of the project I don't need the outline cut out so I'm just going to delete that I'll go over here I'll get this rotated and put on my compliment and look at set it there for now so you can see that's going to be where my pocket goes on the cutting board the second shape I'm going to need to make is this piece which is actually going to be an outline but when you use the in light generator app all your shapes always need to be fills the inlet generator app does not work if you try to do an inlay of an outline shape so it's important to make sure even when you want to cut out an outline afterwards it's important to design with this object as a fill for now so I'll go back into my apps I'll pull up the in light generator tolerance and bit size are the same as my other one that's perfect and I can import these items now like I said I don't need the pocket in this particular shape because this is going to be the piece that I want to cut out I see my tabs are here so when I go to move this I can make sure that this is all you know move those tabs around get them in good spots and so now I've got this so for the sake of complete that file and put this one up here so that I can keep track of all my parts and last lap not least I've got my little heart one more time inlay generator make sure my settings are the same and I'll import that as well so I don't need this and I don't think this I just need my cutout heart all right great that's my that might be too many tabs for heart let's stick with stick with to one heart alright so there are the three pieces that I'm going to eat right my pocket my Illinois insert and my heart insert so I'll go ahead I'll make another copy and then I'm just going to change this to Illinois cut out cutting board and I'll come back Illinois cut out or Illinois insert that's better delete this part of the file this part of a file and I don't meet the heart tiger I'll bring this guy down make sure that's all ready to carve and just set it set there for now so this will be all set to carve I want to make sure I come back over here again change my material settings and I'll make sure to change my it's cheap a biga that sounds good I do not know oh I know what I did don't forget decimals people okay there we go that's better alright so that's all set to carve and now I'll make one more copy of this for my heart which like I said is going to be on a different piece of material so get that nice cool three colors on our honor in line so go to do this and I'll be hard insert delete these parts if I don't need and just go cut carbon at heart here and I don't need these parts either so now I've got three files I'm going to go ahead and just turn all of these to be white so that they don't interfere with my simulate button so now I've got my cutting board with the pocket my heart insert and my Illinois insert and that is going to give us a final product that will include all three of those files and one second gonna look like this well it's like the bigger part so that's gonna be how you do those three different colors like I said it's a little bit complex at first but as long as you follow the steps and you just remember to make sure you have everything that you need in order to make sure the inlays fit really snugly then you should be able to get one of these pieces without any difficulty so one of the questions that we had come up was doing text inlays so I'm going to just cover that really quickly I think that they are referencing this cutting board here that I did with the text and you can see this is this was done beautifully my friend Sam like really killed it on this because you can see one of the things it's hard about this is that your pockets and your text are going to have all these little parts which makes it a little bit tricky to fit those in so that's when it's really important again know the tolerance of your machine do a practice first and be able to take a look at at what's going to work best for your machine in terms of those settings so let's just go back and easil really quick and I can show you how to do the in leg with text so go back into easel really quickly and let's just go ahead we'll start with a new project and call this text in leg so again I would advise you to just go ahead and use this template if you want to do that but for this I'm just going to show you how to do the text itself so my friend Sam used this font here lavend area which we use quite a few things it's a really nice hot it is a little tricky to carve a time so make sure it's big enough to not have any of these kinds of issues but let's go ahead I think that for this particular project let's say if a 16th update of the trick yep perfect so I want to make sure that all my materials are going to be all my inlays are going to be set with this 1/16 inch so let's just say would be a good thing to put on my my in my text I'm just going to go ahead and do my husband and I will just do our initials I'm an ask Rowand Sam alright so that would be something cool to put on it inlay good wedding present and all I'm going to do here is go back into the app menu do the in light generator and it's going to do the exact same thing it's going to provide me with both the pocket shape and the insert shape it's going to be a little bit tricky when you try to carve these out because these are going to carve in three different pieces to just keep that in mind but I can show you some tips on how to save material when you're doing that as I said in my earlier in the video we found that a tolerance 0.002 at least for our machines has worked out really really well so just to show you how that's done I'm going to go ahead and change that for right now so now I'll go ahead know and go ahead and insert these and I'll pull them off to the side for right now and I'll put this down here for my standard original copy of the project so now I've got these this as I mentioned is going to be my pocket so even though my cutting board is set to be at point zero five I'm sure that this is going to be set to something like an eighth of an inch again so we'll go ahead and set the depth down to that then it's going to be the same thing with this is I will just be able to use this and curious about something now actually I'm wondering if I can explode these parts hmm but I think what I actually let's back up a second let's back up let's go ahead and pull this back up here I'm going to go ahead and explode this first and now I'm going to make a copy so now let's give everybody together here control Z my favorite tool and easel go ahead and undo all the mistakes that I make alright so now that I've exploded it I've got those three separate parts so let's say you know these are kind of far apart and go ahead and just move them together a little bit closer my husband and I like each other well enough we can ever our initials be a little closer together so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and combine these for the sake of making my pocket so I will go to go to edit combined and now I'm going to go ahead and do only generator and this is going to be just for my pocket okay go ahead and import that and so there's my pocket and then I'm going to delete this would have a back over here make it copy just go ahead and do my inlay generator one last and change this to be the same and now what I've done oops not that darn it didn't work though if I wanted to I want to try and explode it but you might be able to don't quote me on this because I've not actually tried this but it might be possible to go ahead and use the exploder on this and set it back to being on path and that might work correctly and the only reason you would want to do that is just to save space when you're carving um but I'm thinking that I'm not sure if that is actually going to give you a good inlay so that would be something to investigate but all that I would do then when I'm carving is try to get these pieces even closer together so that I can save some of my material that would be something worth investigating um I'm not actually sure how it would work when you use the exploder app after using the inlay generator that's something I'll have to check on but you can see that all that it's really allowed me to do is to get these pieces closer together so that when I carve I can use the least amount of material essentially though when you cut an inlay with text it's going to be exactly the same process as when you do an inlay with any other shape so in that sense you can just go ahead and keep using the same in like two little apps in order to create a text insert for the cutting board well it doesn't sound like there are any more questions so I just wanted to go ahead and thank everybody for joining us this was our first time pushing this out to all the easel users and we really hope that you learn something here or at least got some inspiration for something you might be able to do for a gift or a future project again my name is Moe I work in the customer success department here and in vegetables I'll be happy to help you if you need anything you can feel free to reach out to us at help and in Venables comm we also have an entire forum thread dedicated to this particular project you can search for it by searching for inserts or insert cutting boards with with a live feature my friend John McWhorter posted that so you should be able to find that the project section of the forum and you can feel free to share all the projects that you've made related to inlays in that section as well again if you have any questions you can leave them in the chat we'll be happy to be on for a few more minutes to address those and you can always reach out to us at help and Inventables comm who will be happy to provide any kind of assistance that we can we really appreciate your feedback both good and bad so feel free to leave that at help and Venables as well or you can leave that in the chat for us and we'll be able to take a look see if this is something that you guys like doing or if there's some other thing that you would like to see from us to help us help you learn easel and 3d carving and how to use our machines so again thank you for joining this I'm not sure if we're going to have another one before the holiday season hits or hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah happy holidays all those good things and we hope to see you again in the new year thanks again
Channel: Inventables
Views: 78,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cnc, mill, router, kit, lathe, aluminum, programming, carbon, fiber, diy, drill, dremel, dovetaildrag, knife, electronics, engraver, foam, guitar, cookbook, controller, cutting, machine, software, bits, arduino, open, source, opensource, makerslide, maker, make, making, hobby, build, design, invent, milling, gcode, carving, 3d, 3dprinting, printing, woodworking, wood, #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa
Id: k5Vn02aFe_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 2sec (2702 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2016
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