Earn US$800 A Day With Google Translate: Make Money Online Worldwide

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making money online is not a new phenomenon but finding innovative ways to make money online is always refreshing would you agree rockstars as you can see from the thumbnail this particular method is pretty unusual but extremely effective and it involves the amalgamation of the AI powered Google Translation tool and a CPA marketing platform to make up to eight hundred dollars in a day [Music] welcome back Rockstars it's so great to have you back thank you so much for your loyalty and if you are a patreon subscriber or a club member subscribed on patreon big upon yourself foreign of what I'm gonna be sharing today involves us taking a big goal and breaking it down into small pieces we're gonna generate about 25 to 30 dollars every 10 minutes so instead of waiting to get paid every hour you get your payments in 10 minute increments if you do the math the math translates into potentially a hundred and eighty dollars per hour now are you gonna make that 180 dollars per hour around the clock possibly not however most individuals leveraging this method they work about four to five hours per day and if they dedicate those five hours to doing this and doing it right they make on average anywhere from eight to nine hundred dollars per day now what do you need to do this the great thing is that it's a simple method that is accessible to the majority 30 of you across the globe all that is required is a Google translate account and this is a free tool by Google to translate content from one language to another so it's a tool that has heavy utility and it's a tool that's available across the globe most of you may already be familiar with it but if you are not I'll guide you shortly on how to create one the second thing you're gonna need is a PayPal account because that's how you're gonna get paid and I know some of you are gonna say but PayPal doesn't work in my country because as you can see here from this list the majority of countries across the world are listed on PayPal's actual site where PayPal will work effectively if you happen to live in a country and I don't know which country that is so I'd want you to tell me in the comments where PayPal doesn't work then you could consider using a VPN or registering an LLC to get access to different platforms that use PayPal as a payment method you can also get paid by a payoneer worldwide or with bank transfers if you live in the US now for those who are new to Google Translate just head over to translate.google.com and I'll put the link in the description below this video you can also just go to Google and type in translate and you'll get the link that will take you to Google Translate using Google Translate is a breeze I actually use it all the time especially when I'm in a country for example France or to watch the reggae girls play football and we needed to communicate Google translate was an awesome tool that was at our disposal to help us along the way after clicking on Google translate then you're gonna need to choose the language that you want to translate from and also the target language that you want to translate to so as an example in France or Paris I would have wanted to translate from English to French [Music] so you can decide based on what you think more people will be looking for when they come on the internet as an example if you select that you want to translate from English to Spanish whenever you or someone type up what you want on the platform in English you will get the Spanish version of it and with my phone I just played gracias porver rockstars apresido Apollo so that who I'm talking to can hear it and I don't have to give them my phone to read it now that you have a good understanding of what Google Translate is and how it works let's talk about earning through a platform called CPA grip and we'll be integrating our Google translate usage with the cpagrip.com website and its offerings and I'll also put the link in the description below for CPA grip so at this point if you if you appreciate the research and the work that I put into the fly kit as a show of appreciation and I thank you for that and remember if you are not yet a rock star just fix that by subscribing thank you again we're on a roll today I'm feeling extra grateful let's move on now CPA grip is a CPA marketing platform that I have used successfully and I also coach people who have used this successfully so I can personally vouch for it and I'm not gonna tell you that your experience is going to be easy or seamless what I'm gonna tell you is that it's gonna deliver what it promises on its website because I don't want you to come back and say boy but Odetta you vouch for it and it means that time to make a lot of money that's not what I'm saying I'm saying it will do what they say it's gonna do because I've seen it do it okay rockstars anyway let's keep going CPA grip has maintained an impressive track record of Success Through publisher satisfaction ever since they launched in 2013 and they have some very sophisticated tools that you may be familiar with like a URL Locker or content Locker or the offer wall that we'll be using while leveraging Google Translate in this video as per their website they have over 2 000 incentive offers in addition to their dedicated support team and experience development technicians and this has made CPA grip one of the best reviewed performance engines for Publishers and advertisers alike this is exactly why we're gonna leverage it to earn up to eight hundred dollars in a day now rockstars some of this is gonna sound complicated especially if you're not technical so you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna insert footage from other YouTubers who kind of explain these things in Graver details and they'll make it more understandable today I'm going to show you how you can make up to 28 dollars every 10 minutes using Google translate because if I tried to dive into it here the video would be too long so I'll share Snippets of their videos and I'll put their YouTube page below so that you can watch later on if this doesn't seem as clear or if you feel like you're missing a step or two those creators are pretty good and they'll in some cases share how much they have made by using CPA grip now for you to integrate both platforms you're gonna need the apis and you will need to set up a Google Cloud account and enable billing and create an API key and like I said there are videos that will explain how to do that you'll also need an API for CPA grip the CPA grip API is very easy to access and set up and it will be shared in these videos that you can watch and you can integrate it to get started once you're on CPA grip your main task will be pretty simple it will be to copy referral links from specific actions that are available on the platform step one click on the write files and copy this link step two paste your link in and click on to add a website step three get paid 21.90 times 12 that's 262 dollars every single day remember they have over 2 000 incentive offers so you're gonna have a lot to pick from and each time someone interacts with these links that you're copying whether by clicking them or entering their email you earn money it's that simple rock stars now you may be wondering what's the purpose of integrating Google translate with CPA grip as an example like I mentioned there are a lot of people who are going on Google translate every single day to ask for translations whether it's for a jargon or a particular terminology or even a word which means the platform by itself has a lot of traffic probability of getting your links clicked is significantly greater now what will happen is visitors may come to your site which is a niche site because it offers translation services and in the process they're gonna get exposed to your CPA Group offers depending on which ones you choose to plug there with a link now to make your eight hundred dollars let's assume for Simplicity that for every 100 visitors five of them complete a CPA offer and for each offer that they complete you earn just two dollars to earn eight hundred dollars visitors will need to complete about 400 offers and given the conversion rate of five percent which is the five offers out of the 100 that we mentioned earlier you will need approximately 8 000 visitors and this is 8 000 people across the globe who are visiting to access translation services to earn eight hundred dollars now again this is gonna seem very familiar for somebody who's familiar with CPA platforms but if it's new to you I'm gonna play some clips that you can leverage and I'm gonna link these content creators channel so you can continue watching the videos there to have a better understanding of how you can make great money with this option I'm gonna link this at the end of the video so stay tuned now CPA grip stands out to me because it has Global usability it's also very easy to sign up hassle free and you will mainly need an email and possibly a phone number but it's free otherwise another reason why CPA stands out is because of all the proof of earnings upon logging onto their platform you'll actually see live updates of people earning on CPA grip so combining the power of Google translate and CPA grip it does present a novel opportunity for you to earn money online and it's a legitimate it's scalable and most importantly when you get it right it's profitable so to stop making money with CPA grip the first thing that you want to do is Click onto offer tools and then my offers so that you're able to get an offer that you can promote and start earning some really good commissions with so if I click onto my offers what you're able to see here is a bunch of these different offers that we're able to promote and I'm currently based in Australia so it's currently showing my country as Australia you'll see your country displayed over here and all the corresponding offers for your country guys you want to Simply sort by the payout over here and sort to the highest payout and here for example we can see if we promote this offer to win an iPhone 14 we're going to get paid two dollars and six cents anytime that we share this link and somebody clicks onto this link and enters their email address for their chance to win an iPhone 14. so we're not selling anything we're literally getting people to enter their email address so that they're in the draw to win an iPhone 14 right and you may be thinking two dollars and six cents it's pretty low but if we do get you know around 100 people let's say to click onto this link and enter their email address which we can do with the method that I'll be showing you two dollars times 100 it's about 200 right it's okay it's not too bad it's pretty decent um but with the method that I'll be showing you today we're going to be able to make around 10 times that amount so rather than making around two dollars for every single person that clicks onto our link and enters their email address to win an iPhone 14 we're going to be making closer to twenty dollars and if you're gonna show you how we can use Google Translate to then post that link onto a website that guarantees traffic of over 1 000 potential people that will click onto our link and complete that action so that we'll be able to earn some really high CPA marketing commissions [Music] that said thank you for watching I hope you found value in what I shared and until next time walk good [Music] foreign
Channel: Odetta Rockhead-Kerr
Views: 629,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money online, how to make money online, CPA Marketing, Google Translate, Make Money Online, Worldwide Opportunity, Affiliate Marketing, Digital Marketing, Global Audience, Side Hustle, Traffic Sources, Performance Metrics, Target Audience, Commission Rates, Pay Per Lead, Paid Traffic, Webinar, Flexible Schedule, Marketing Funnel, User Engagement, Social Media Marketing, Lead Generation, passive income, digital economy, cost per action marketing, earn money online
Id: GBmcvCaWp3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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