Earn $1000 PER DAY from Google News (FREE!) - How to Make Money Online in 2023

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in this video I'm going to show you how to make a thousand dollars using Google news and this is an exciting opportunity because you don't have to be qualified for it you don't have to have any experience anyone can do this and make money with it so I'm going to show you all the different stats the resources that you will need to make a thousand dollars potentially even more with Google News if you are new here welcome to the channel my name is Queen magomani I share information on how to make money online and that's what you'll find in this channel do consider joining our family by subscribing also give this video a thumbs up if you find it valuable without wasting any more time let's get right into it all right guys so the first step in this process is you want to head over to google.com and I know that by now you know what google.com is on the search tab there you need to search for Google news and this is going to take you to the Google News platform this is where you will see news from your local stories you also see news from all around the world and the next step is you need to select topics in popular niches or popular topics that people are interested in so you need to look at Topics in technology in business in sports in entertainment science and health so once you're in the platform you'll see at the top here these are the different topics that you can get news in over there so we're going to focus in this video on the health Niche or on the health topics over there and I'm just going to show an example with the very first article that we find here now the good thing about Google news is you always get the latest news so it's news that has not expired and they keep on posting more and more news throughout the day so what you want to do is copy this entire article or any article that you are interested in so I would suggest that you select an article in a topic that you are genuinely interested in for this example I'm just going to copy this article so that is the first step that you need to do so once you've copied your article you want to come to this platform called spinboard.com this is an awesome tool that's going to rewrite or spin your article to make it look like it's an original idea or original content it is very useful it's going to help you avoid plagiarism issues so what you want to do is paste your article by clicking here paste article as you can see here and you Simply Basic spin your articles it's going to rewrite this article and make it into a new article it's very important that you go over this article and make sure that everything looks as it should be as you can see here I've copied an ad and it has written add over here so you want to make sure that you clean up your article this will take you only a few minutes so so go over any article that you've pasted making sure that it makes sense here's another example here this picture here you want to make sure you clean up all of that information the good thing is you don't have to write the article from scratch because it does take time you need to research come up with the article and all of that once you're done ensure to copy your article and save it in a safe space where you'll find it easier The Next Step that I'm going to show you is where you're going to use this article to make money and I'm going to show you four places where you can make money with this article so the first website that you have to look at is called Pro blogger this is where they hire people to write articles on different topics from Health to marketing technology AI there are different companies here who post jobs looking for people who can write articles on different topics in order for you to find a job you'll simply come here and click on the jobs tab over here you'll see view jobs and as you scroll down you will see that they are different and jobs posted and the good thing is in this platform they are always looking for people to work anywhere to work remote and they also post the latest jobs available as you can see this is a job posted on the 2nd of June it's available and it's a contract for anyone to write content from anywhere so as you scroll down you'll see that there's quite a lot of topics here there's quite a lot of job posts where they are looking for people to write different articles so since we are focusing on health right now you want to find a job in health and here is a good one here and they're looking for a freelancer who can work anywhere so what you want to do is Select this medical writer job here to follow through with the next step and by clicking there you'll see more details about this job you'll see the description of a job the amount of words per article that they are looking for you want to scroll down to where you can see link to Google form over here copy this link and paste it on a browser it's going to take you to the application form that you need to fill out in order for you to start making money here so this is where I've learned it from that link this is an application form where you can fill in your email your name all your personal details over here your background education and every detail over there now the good part here is you get to set your rate they'll ask you at the bottom what is your rate per 2000 word article do a bit of research to find out how people are charging in the industry especially if you are a beginner in this type of side hustle then you can write your answer here on average people will charge anywhere from a dollar to a dollar fifty cent per word so even if you charge just a bare minimum per word you're going to still make a lot of money with 2 000 with over here hit the submit button to submit your application so you're gonna wait for them to give you a response and once you get in this platform for different jobs you'll start making making a lot of money just by writing articles the next platform that you want to check out for making money is called short stack this is the platform that I'm looking at here on my screen you don't have to worry about a lot of the information that's on the home page you can check it out nonetheless but you want to scroll down to the bottom of the website over there to where you can see about over here here you'll see right for us you want to select right for us to find a form where you can apply to write for this platform they cover Topics in digital content in marketing ugc and so on you can start applying by filling in your details over here as you can see they say they have an audience of 4 000 plus readers currently so there's a potential that this platform can grow and have more and more people who are reading from them and they also give you an example or a general list of topics that they cover here so you'll see they cover interactive digital marketing content marketing and all those different topics and if you want to see an example article you can scroll down to the very bottom to where you can see here are a few examples over here the third platform that you need to check out is called writer access and guys for all the platforms that I'll be sharing with you here today you'll find links in my description box down below so you can find them easier and this is another good platform that is very reputable as well where you can make money by writing for the platform so once you get to their writers page you will need to First verify your LinkedIn profile so you get the step box you simply need to select the sign in with LinkedIn button and take it from there signing up to this platform is also very easy because they use your LinkedIn profile now the last one that we're going to take a look at is called sky word it is a freelance platform where they also have writing gigs over here so once you get to the platform ensure that you select freelance for us on the right there and select I want to freelance to start the sign up process but this is another reputable good platform that has got opportunities for writers and I'm taking lots of opportunities for writers in this platform so best of all you don't have to pay any money for any of these Platforms in order to make money thank you so much for watching this video I hope you found it valuable and if you did remember to give me a like also subscribe to our Channel I will see you in the next one until then have a great time
Channel: Queen Magomani
Views: 317,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money online, how to make money online, earn money online, make money online 2023, how to make money online 2023, earn money online 2023, how to earn money online 2023, make money with google news, earn money with google news, earn $1000 per day from google news, earn fmoney for free online
Id: pOwSjvpDoeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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