EA-18G Growler: You will be Confused and Blind

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why the ea-18g growler is more important than you think you're not engaging in aircraft carrier-based air combat without electronic warfare and jamming of enemy air defenses that's where the u.s navy's ea-18g growler comes in this airplane provides an important role in creating a safe path for follow-on attack aircraft that are trying to evade enemy radar and surface-to-air missiles you know it's tried and true in warfare because it's a variant of the fa-18f super hornet built to replace the ea-6b prowler the growler is the first newly designed electronic warfare aircraft produced in more than 35 years the aircraft also retains all of the fa-18 ef's multi-mission capabilities with its validated design and the capability to perform a wide range of enemy defense suppression missions the growlers powered by a pair of general electric f-414 ge 400 turbo fan engines that provide the aircraft with 44 000 pounds of thrust the ea-18g growler has a maximum speed of 1960 kilometers an hour roughly mach 1.6 and has a maximum range of 1570 kilometers when equipped with external fuel tanks new isn't always easy adjusting to the brand new capabilities of the aircraft is the biggest issue facing the navy for instance the main difference between the ea-18g growler and the 6b prowler is that the growler combines electronic warfare with a weapon system also the technological interface is almost all brand new overcoming both of these issues is difficult especially because there aren't many pilots with experience flying both electronic attack aircraft as well as fighter mission aircraft the prowler could not defend itself because it had no weapon system every mission the prowler executed required a fighter escort now the growler comes equipped with air-to-air defense mechanisms while the ea-18g growler's primary missions are electronic attack and suppression of enemy air defenses the electronic attack aircraft are also capable of mounting weaponry for directly engaging enemy forces when operating in a surveillance only setup the growlers typically armed with two aim-120 air-to-air missiles for self-defense against enemy aircraft when deployed for standoff jamming and escort jamming operations ea-18gs are equipped with two agm-88 high-speed anti-radiation missiles harms along with two aim-120 missiles in situations when electronic attack and suppression of enemy air defense missions are not required the ea-18g can be outfitted primarily for strike missions and will mount two agm-88 harm missiles two aim-120s and two agm-154 joint standoff weapons chase house a short history boeing and northrop grumman combined forces to create the ea-18g the wings forward fuselage and final assembly were boeing's responsibility the rear fuselage aircraft body and the entire electronic system were taken care of by northrop grumman communication from plane to aircrew is streamlined with the latest technology available going into the ea-18g the ea-18g is a carrier-based aircraft it's the premier aircraft in terms of technical jamming and electronic protection the first test flight was conducted in october of 2006 two years after it began production as of 2014 over 1 000 ea-18gs have been built with plans to continue to produce other countries have taken notice of this new machine namely australia the island continent purchased 12 of the aircraft in 2013 with the first one being delivered to the country in 2015. additionally this is the first time this level of intelligence was built and sold for another country enemy will be confused and blind the ea-16g growler's two primary missions are electronic attack and the suppression of enemy air defenses to accomplish these missions growlers are outfitted with a host of advanced electronic warfare systems block one growlers are equipped with up to three alq-99 radar jamming pods along with an alq-218 receiver and a raytheon alq 227 communication countermeasure system that's mounted in what's typically the fa 18's gun bed block 2 growlers are equipped with apg-79 active electronically scanned array radar with passive detection mode and active radar suppression an alq 218 digital radar warning receiver and an ale 47 countermeasures dispenser these systems allow the ea-18g growler to support and protect friendly forces on the ground in the air and at sea by jamming enemy radar and providing electronic protection in addition the growler's able to provide electronic intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance data to other friendly aircraft and can maintain uninterrupted radio communications in heavily jammed environments with its interference cancellation system the growlers alq 227 communications countermeasure set allow the ea-18g to not only digitally jam enemy communications over a broad frequency but also to locate record and play back those communications growler knows how to collect and crunch data an intriguing aspect of the ea-18 growler is that it's a data collecting machine not only does it penetrate air defenses quickly but it can find the location of enemy communications jam them then record what the adversary is saying the data is sent back to other aircraft like early warning birds such as the e-2 hawkeye and later exploited for intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance analytics the growler also works to make sure friendly communication is not exploited by the enemy defense contractors have improvements in mind these capabilities are only going to get better boeing has agreed to deliver a five-year growler modification program that improves the data collection even further the upgrade will strengthen the ea-18g's ability to transfer information to other airplanes processing of isr data will be better raytheon is also providing the growler with the next generation jammer this will give electronic warfare activities extended range and ensure it can engage more targets at the same time the growler's only going to improve over time since it's based on a versatile platform to further demonstrate its value the department of defense is doubling down on the growler the navy said in an announcement earlier this month that it'll modernize sensor hardware and software for the ea-18g growler through a 71.4 million dollar contract modification the air force wants its own growler and congress agrees the department of defense likes the growler so much that it's transferring the concept to the air force it's about time the air force had this capability as well the fiscal year 2022 national defense authorization act has the appropriations set aside to outfit existing air force fighters with the next generation jammer the air force currently lacks its own version of the growler and this will change over time a versatile multi-role electronic warfare airplane with the ea-18g growler a carrier battle group has many options it can send the airplane out on patrols to collect intelligence in a potential conflict it'll create a safe path for attack aircraft such as the super hornet it can communicate with the e2 hawkeye while snooping enemy communications it'll be the number one airplane for an aerial battle scenario in east asia electronic warfare and suppression of enemy air defenses is an absolute necessity in the 21st century warfare the navy should feel blessed that it has the ea-18g growlers eyes and ears out in front of a carrier battle group it can not only jam and neutralize enemy radar and weapon systems but it can also collect their communications this data exploitation is one thing that makes the growler unique and it's only going to get better with the various modifications and upgrades in store over the coming years [Music] you
Channel: US Military News
Views: 997,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ea-18g growler, growler cockpit, ea-18g weapons, ea-18g jammer, ea-18g australia, growler squadrons, electronic warfare aircraft, jamming aircraft
Id: E_N2adCleI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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