|E28| Hiking the Volcano Acatenango in Guatemala (3.976m/13,045ft)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] all right 6 30. it's time to go [Music] that is the volcano the fuego and echitango and it's erupting why is it you only have this one smallest rally because we're going on a hike it's gonna be crazy up there the two operator we decided to go with is called ox expeditions and we read some really good uh reviews um they had a really informative website and they just seemed really professional and yesterday we were at this pre-trip info meeting lasted for about 45 minutes they went through the hike and what we can expect and what to wear what to wear and how to prepare we'll leave a description to their website in the description below so we're going to meet up at the oex office at seven to get all our gears packed we're gonna borrow some backpacks and some plugs and some cats jackets and all the stuff that we don't uh throw along here so that's that's really cute oh yeah the the ox expedition they provide breakfast this morning lunch dinner and breakfast tomorrow morning so it's included yeah and our guide alongside chico he's been at the summit of akatsuna so we feel we're in good hands yeah this group we decided to go with is a group with nine other people from india germany spain and then we have two guys so we will be a group of eleven eleven people in total we're here morning morning [Music] is that the jackets we can borrow michigan state okay so breakfast lunch ready all right guys so we done parking so let's just relax for a few more minutes because the car will come at 7 30. so our guide is prepared wine and painkillers yeah [Music] this is my small backpack [Music] all right guys [Music] they won't stay this heavy for very long [Music] twenty-five [Music] it's hot already so we just started out on the ascend and it just starts straight up so your body has to kick start but uh we rented these walking sticks for uh five cats arms and they are totally worth it but uh it's really beautiful i'm so excited to get to the summit eventually so still smiling and christina is charging ahead sort of hides harder harder than it looks that's for sure also because the gravel the ground is like this really soft so when you take one step it's like you slide back a little bit good job honey the actual hike begins in 2400 meters that's why the the trailhead begins and from here it's just going up if you uh if you don't really feel up to carrying your backpack you can actually hire a porter to carry your backpack for you and we did that for for christina also because we have all this camera gear with us so she's just carrying the small bag i'm carrying the big one and then the porter he's got the really heavy one and hiring a reporter costs 200 katanas which is super worth it hey guys [Applause] just hang it nice and easy yeah nice and slow it's going to take a little a little bit of time to to warm up so slow yeah small steps [Music] good job guys [Applause] so we're getting uh getting into a quite steep area here [Applause] look how steep that is and it's all loose soil two minutes you're doing well take your time no worries this is the hard part so yeah don't feel bad don't make it so when you feel tired don't try to push stop one minute breathe a little bit and go for another three four minutes and stop again for another minute so you don't burn your energy oh we gotta get up there [Applause] i'm walking up sideways [Applause] all right oh we are finally getting to some steps that's good we have plenty yeah you can take that big smile big smile getting into a little bit of the forest cover there's one thing i was a couple but one of the things that uh i learned from bear girls is the saying he used to uh to say which is positivity positivity and positivity three most important things to any challenge and i think we're doing all right right all right looking good yeah ready babe no no giving up now you're almost there this is the entrance you can do it we can do it we're team i'm only one third of the trip yeah but the inclination the steep part is the beginning here that's the hardest part yeah and you're almost there don't give up you can do it even if i have to carry up i'm gonna do it all right that's that's that's a smile that's a she can do smile all right we are almost at the entrance of the park guys going with oax the entrance fee to the park normally it's uh but it's included in the tour this cloud forest is really something it's getting a little steep again here just one step at a time all right so we are we're approaching the top of the cloud forest it's getting a little chillier so we just took on a windbreaker just to get the wind out because it's a bit windy yeah how high are we uh 29 approximately okay so on the next break it's gonna be by the coffee place [Music] 32 okay incredible view you're really fighting you're struggling i'm so proud of you it's so hard it takes i know i know babe you're doing so well so we made it to the to the coffee and chocolate rest it's nice well done babe i'm so proud of you cheers it's very sweet this height it's not for the faint of heart that's for sure [Music] but you already traversed the most steep parts i'm so proud of you i hope so not only are you you know you have your asthma one guy so proud and you should be proud as well could cry all the time that's okay that's okay and you're good so now we are leaving the coffee rest spot chocolate hot hot chocolate spot and we have approximately 30 minutes until we reach the lunch spot and from there it'll begin to flatten out so we're just gonna take it nice and easy slow and steady so getting up through the pine forest we get into the open again and the sun is shining and we just got a little bit of warmth but look at that view [Music] this is all crazy so after 30 minutes of hiking from the coffee spot we finally made it to the lunch site uh the lunch is in the forward compartment if you get cold put on your jacket right yeah it's a bit of a cold wind as you can hear after lunch it's time for a nap are you okay oh it's so nice just to rest a little bit [Music] i met with my wife lunch break is over and we are heading on and this time we're sort of following the group which is pretty cool getting pretty windy as you can probably hear just start out slowly around 3 500 meters it's getting uh a little bit harder to i'm still breathe yeah you're doing so well it's nice going downhill nice and steady not bad don't slip [Music] this part of the hike is just so such a relief coming up from the very steep sections and your body can sort of recuperate a little bit the muscles can relax and you can just just focus on your breathing and look how uh how it sort of flattens out here and we take far far less breaks here than we did on the incline we're gonna make it we're gonna get to the camp and it's gonna be awesome what are you seeing i see fuego there it is we're close now yeah [Music] oh i love to see you smile i could cry because i'm almost there a bit of erosion here like a small landslide yeah just follow the dog good doggy how high is so we are like at the summit so we know we are at 3 500. oh okay 3 500 meters like in five minutes now we're going to have i mean we're going to see base camp and the view at base camp you can see like the rest of the king yeah awesome so path goes up and down big boulders of rocks and then just an insane view [Music] that was awesome you can see the eruption and then a couple seconds later this last part getting to the campsite oh a little steep as well but i think we are almost there i have this incredible view to the di fuego volcano i can't wait to see it erupt tonight when it gets dark look at that [Applause] uh you can bring your yourself so you can put your sleeping bag inside roll your sleeping bag and then if you want to rest yeah yeah cool all right so ah how was it no yeah well you know yeah it was tough but it was but i mean yeah when you work very hard for something that's something that you don't forget yeah and i'm so proud of her yeah i'm proud of her she did a great job all right so this is our tent not too shabby how many stars would you rate this uh hotel considering the view well there's breakfast included there's a view maybe a foster we're now settled into the tent it just feels so good just lying down for just 10 minutes resting this is how can it snapping brightness [Music] getting ready for a fire tonight they even brought up the firewood [Music] and this is our dinner for tonight pasta [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] whoosh so the sun has set and we've been at the camp for a couple of hours some hours we're still waiting for the fuego team to come back how's it been cold yeah we are we are all jacked up and in our sleeping bags we have an amazing view to fuego yeah just been incredible just to be here yeah so i think we should just uh get in our sleeping bags and watch fuego and then wait until dinner is ready yeah yeah that's a good idea sounds like a plan yeah so we just got dinner which is a pasta bowl and he also brought me a cup of red wine yummy and maybe you're in the spotlight maybe we should have been on the campfire with the others it's just so cozy to be in the sleeping bags see it's windy yeah we are maybe not that so [Laughter] sorry yeah it's okay yeah it's what it is so we are fall from the group coming up to the summit and it's kind of kind of steep and i'm already out of breath oh man i can't wait to get to the summit and see that sunrise [Music] i made it to the top thirteen 000 feet baby ah oh that last ascend to the summit that one almost broke me so slippery so steep it's getting a little windy up here [Applause] [Music] so we just came down from the summit and already i can feel the warmth of the sun my feet aren't as cold and i don't have to wear gloves anymore and look at that amazing view above the clouds i made one mistake yesterday evening before going to bed and that was um i hadn't packed my bag so i don't have any water anything to drink or any snacks kind of thirsty also because the dusty [Music] huh when i was up there the only thing i was thinking about was how jealous i was of you just being in your sleeping [Laughter] right now i'm doing very well [Music] wow [Music] all right so we are breaking up camp now and just getting uh getting all our stuff packed and then we're heading back down [Music] alrighty ready to leave this place yes it's been just out of this world it's been an unforgettable experience yeah but i miss a soft bed i miss a warm shower and maybe a couple of hours of sleep let's go bye bye volcano fuego [Music] oh these straps carrying our clothes today was my lifesaver yesterday can cannot literally pull me up the hill all the way while i was holding these straps like this you did good that's what the teamwork is about as we get further down it gets warmer so people are dressing down it looks super easy [Laughter] even that was a struggle [Music] it should be easier going down and maybe it is a bit but i really don't have the technical thing to go downhill so we come back down into the cloud forest again yeah nice cool shade and this forest moist forest path [Music] we are almost down i can't tell you how much i look forward to getting out of these issues almost there baby okay you all right want me to go ahead the descent is just very uh technical you use your thighs and your knees it's all about balance and coordination i'm still a bit tired so you remember these new steps yeah i remember [Music] oh thank you [Music] how do you guys go up there it was totally worth it yeah but tough as hell okay [Music] every second of the battery time was used on this hike going up and going down so we couldn't show you the last few hundred meters down to the van where the rest of the group waited for us and we headed back to antigua and being an asthmatic on this hike it was awful i was through every emotion but i want to tell you that i have three or four stages on my way up at first i got so much saliva in your throat yeah mouth i have to spit all the time she didn't want us to see turn around turn around come on just spit yeah then it hurt in my throat in the thin air and when we climb further up it was my lungs it hurt so badly i was crying yeah we went up in our own pace yeah the group was super strong i mean thumbs up to the rest of the group they were really just an incredible bunch of people you know but it's also just to say that if you do have asthma um you can definitely go on this hike yeah absolutely but be i take medicine every single day in the morning in the evening so and i have this this extra with me um when i get in case you you're really strained yeah you get like an asthma attack and i used it yeah yeah you did yeah you made it and yeah i'm so proud of her and it was an incredible experience this group we decided to go with is a group with seven other people eight nine nine included with kind yeah so eight eight no no there's uh one no we are we are nine plus participate this one weighs 35 kilos and this one weighs 10. which one do you want you're getting a little bit dusty aren't you huh that's it there's so many reasons why i married you you can slowly see too you can can we go to the beach next time please [Applause] so now we're gonna sleep for the next 127 hours you
Channel: Chris and Ken
Views: 9,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guatemala, volcano, acatenango, de fuego, volcan acatenango, volcan de fuego, antigua, antigua guatemala, volcano hike, acatenango hike, hiking acatenango, hiking de fuego, oxexpeditions, guatemala 2021, antigua 2021, chrisandken, hiking with asthma, astma hike, what to do in antigua, volcano eruption, nighttime eruption, lava volcano eruption, travel experience guatemala, acatenango summit, summit volcan acatenango, overnight tour acatenango, epic hike acatenango
Id: V6YP8bucYKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 41sec (2441 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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