CAMPING BY AN ACTIVE VOLCANO | Acatenango, Guatemala

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the volcano is got three or four different layers but the first layer is like grassland and then it goes up into a little bit more of like a tropical jungle and then it goes into like an alpine jungle and then at the very top is a volcanic like landscape so i'm looking forward to seeing we're looking forward to well i'm just tripping we're looking forward to seeing all of the like different things along the along the path i'm so excited to be doing this it's such a unique opportunity i can already feel how tired we're gonna be by the end of it and we've barely started but let's go [Music] [Music] this is hard so far we're really really lovely because uh everybody that you walk past is just saying like bonus dears and uh thanking each other for getting out of the way it's really nice what is this hola what's this what is this [Music] we're about an hour in although i think we stopped many times so we're probably only half an hour in and i'm exhausted my neck's also hurting from where the bag's pulling down on it but we're gonna keep on going we've just stopped to register for the uh national park it's like uh normally you would have to pay entry we decided to go with a tour with a little with like a local family who live in the village right at the base of the volcano uh so included in the price of the like tour up here is the entrance to the park uh some food which they very kindly cooked us uh some vegan food that it's just like uh it's just like a family it's just like the the husband and the wife and the wife like cooked us cooked a special food which is really really lovely of them and it's good to support like the local community you know [Music] you can uh see the like forestry and the greenery changing around us we're just entering where must be the like rainforesty section can't see our breath anymore it's beautiful really gorgeous smells so fresh you can't eat these no i'm not pokey but these are these are little potatoes so we just stopped and had some food some snack bars and some apples and water because we're at the halfway point we're very tired aren't we jordan it's not easy at all um it was really strange to go from the foresty kind of jungley scene to now being in the alpine scene where we're surrounded by alpine trees um we literally walked about 10 meters and everything around us the environment just completely changed but yeah onwards and upwards it's getting a little chilly so i think it's time to put my jumper on [Music] we've just gotten up to a little ridge and there's clouds going past we're like walking through them so cool look at that [Music] it's getting steep again oh so we're four hours in we've made it to fiendo which is probably the last main checkpoint for the base camp we are actually level or roughly level with the base camp because there's no more hiking to do it's all straight from here we're very hungry and we're about to tuck into our food so we're about to unveil our lunch for the day so the tour guides family have kindly cooked for us and prepared all of this for us we asked for vegan food obviously and yeah that was good i've come away from the group a little bit because we noticed something there's like no wind and if you don't say anything and nobody's talking and nothing's going on there's no sound it's so eerie it's lovely so we just finished eating and we're heading off to the base camp next stop is base camp apparently it's like relatively flat and we've got one hour yeah about an hour maybe an hour and a half depending upon how fast we are but yeah i'm excited going well yeah i can't believe we've done so well i'm not gonna die tonight cool [Music] we're just coming up maybe 10 minutes away from base camp and we're starting to see volcano fuego which we've just been told in uh a mayan language is chikak which means fire it's absolutely stunning [Music] so all of a sudden straight after we saw volcano fuego then all of the clouds came over and it's like hidden everything is completely hidden now [Music] we've just made it to base camp it took us almost six hours to get here it's basically six hours yeah with a lot of breaks and many breaks and yeah we've done it we've been good i'm so happy i can cry just before it looks like it's about to rain which is ideal yeah we just get in our tents and have a chill evening yeah and go to bed early oh yeah oh yeah so this is the path that we're going to have to go up tomorrow to summit uh akitanga have to see but it's this yeah it's gonna be steep but good night's sleep hopefully the weather's good enough for us to do it yeah hopefully yeah i mean if it's too windy then uh you you can't go up to the top so we'll have to see go i better look properly ridiculous but it is freezing up here and having no hair does not help we've got uh they've set up tents for us which is like lovely of them obviously and they've actually got full mattresses in here so that's a really really nice surprise so i think we're gonna after the hike that we've had today we're gonna sleep like babies tonight yeah at the moment where the volcano is everybody's just trying to catch a glimpse of fuego erupting i think it's gonna be a bit of a chill evening and keeping warm and entertained and waking up early tomorrow to see see what we came here for very very excited listen so we just had dinner which was cooked uh by our lovely guides and we also managed to get a sneak peek of volcano fuego erupting which was really really cool it actually took our breath away because we weren't expecting it it got clear for 10-15 minutes and we were able to see past the clouds and yeah it was beautiful we're going to go to bed now it's about 8 p.m and it's really really dark everyone's already gone to bed but yeah really looking forward to it i'm gonna get some sleep now and we'll see you tomorrow [Music] [Music] good morning good morning so it is 3 20. uh we've just woken up and it is crystal clear outside so we're gonna try and summit we're just getting packed up and we're gonna head on up the city is sparkling yeah it's beautiful i'm excited we are nearly at the summit it's starting to get quite cold and a little bit windy but the sunrise is absolutely stunning i'm not sure whether or not we're actually gonna make it all the way to the top for sunrise but we're gonna push on we're gonna get as far as we can as quickly as we can it is amazing up here it's so lovely [Music] we have made it to the top [Music] [Music] so [Music] and it is stunning up here this is the highest that i have ever been where either of us have ever been we are three thousand nine hundred and i think it's 63 meters up above sea level we've climbed about 2 000 meters to get here it was tough it was so worth it though feeling really people are very happy feeling very very grateful to be up here looking out over this view it was really hard these are happy tears they are overwhelmed it is definitely worth doing it's absolutely stunning it looks heavenly yeah the last section it was hard to begin with not too bad in the middle and then hard again at the end so it's so so so worth it anyway that is it for us we have summited we are up the volcano we are happy we can see the entire world from up here it seems if you enjoyed this leave a like and we'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: TravelbutVegan
Views: 3,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel but vegan, vegan travel, vegan, travel, vegan vlog, travel vlog, vegan travel vlog, travel tips, travel information, vegan travel tips, vegan tips, vegan information, vegan travel food, acatenango, antigua, volcano acatenango, volcano fuego, fuego, fuego antigua, hike acatenango
Id: XCFK5ihPz2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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